Популярные инструменты в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
20111-20120 из 23497
Иконка для Donation 1.0.2

Donation (v. 1.0.2)

Flogar опубликовал приложение 2012-09-21
(обновлено 2012-09-21)

Mit dieser App können Sie den Entwickler unterstützen.

So ist es Ihnen überlassen, für eine App zu zahlen, wenn diese Ihnen gefällt.

Diese App hat, abgesehen von der eigentlichen Spende, keine andere Funktion.

Wenn Sie lieber weniger oder mehr Spenden möchten, können Sie gerne Kontakt mit mir aufnehmen.

Vielen Dank!

Иконка для Remote File Browser + 1.2

Remote File Browser + (v. 1.2)

Techvision Systems опубликовал приложение 2012-09-21
(обновлено 2012-09-21)

FULL VERSION - Try free version before buying...

This application lets you access(view/download) files of your home/office WINDOWS computer/laptop (with JAVA installed) files from your Android device.

How to configure :
- Install Remote File Browser (Free version) or Remote File
Browser + (paid version) on your android device.
- Configure your correct email address and you will receive email to download the desktop utility.  
- Download desktop utility and configure your email id (same as
provided into android application) and proxy host & port, if
you’re behind proxy network.
- Keep running this utility on you system and open android application on
your device.

Features Paid version:
  - Maximum file Download : 8 MB
  - Download folder
  - Delete file/folder

What is new in 1.1?
  - Sorting defect fix
  - Minor UI enhancements
  - Email enhancements

What is new in 1.2?
  - Defect fix of 1.1
  - Data transfer over wifi
  - Set any folder as your 'Home' folder

Иконка для Bubble Level and More 1.0

Bubble Level and More (v. 1.0)

ASTPOWER LLC опубликовал приложение 2012-09-21
(обновлено 2012-09-21)

The Bubble Level application allows the user to measure surface level for installing pictures, TV, Wood Work, and construction.
It can be used to teach children Applied geometry using angles.
The application is capable of measure angels horizontally and vertically.
You can use the calibration option from the application menu to calibrate the phone device for use in game and diagnoses. The calibration is active for the application only but it can be use as diagnostic tool.
Always calibrate the device before usage by selecting calibrate from the menu, placing the phone on its horizontal side and click OK from the popup.
More Information: http://www.astpower.com/level.htm
Free technical support.

Иконка для Pool Computer Pro 1.1.0

Pool Computer Pro (v. 1.1.0)

lowcost4dslr опубликовал приложение 2012-09-21
(обновлено 2012-09-21)

Pro version specific features:
* ad free !
* csv log file can be exported to be used in excel

Pool computer is Pool/Spa Water Chemistry Android application.
Determine for you the required water treatment to adjust your pool or spa water properly.

1/ Reporting the reading from your test kit

use the sliders to report your water temperature, PH, CL, Alkalinity, Stabilizer and water temperature reading.

use the checkbox if your water has gone green or cloudy (need a superchlorination)

2/ Using the suggested adjustments

PH target: 7.4

PH ok between 7.2 and 7.6 (do not need adjustment)

if PH < 7.0 or PH 7.8 then no chlorine adjustment will be suggested since you need to adjust the pH first. The retest a few hours later.

Free chlorine target:

1.5 ppm (mg/liter) for usual pool sanitizatioon

10 ppm for a shock chlorination

The Pro version of Pool Computer is Ad free
the .csv log file compatible with Excelis (not encrypted) in the PRO version

Иконка для BabeRater Full Version 1.0

BabeRater Full Version (v. 1.0)

MTS Freestyle опубликовал приложение 2012-09-20
(обновлено 2012-09-20)

This is the Full Edition of the iPhone(tm) Award-winning Classic "BabeRater" *

BabeRater is based on the Marquardt Beauty Mask which has received critical
acclaim. The proprietary computer vision algorithm in BabeRater knows some facial features
of the Beauty Mask and compares those to the features in
the Babe's face. It then calculates the differences in percentage
to obtain a score indicating the hottness of the face.
A specific feature includes the ability to
callibrate the BabeRater to other faces, for
example Helena Bonham Carter's (mmm...), and show you
how much a chick's face deviates from that!
Android OS includes standard Face Detection. However, it
can only detects the position of the eyes! So a custom
computer vision algorithm was needed to find
the positions of the eyes, nose, mouth, temples, cheekbones & forehead in order
to have a vast facial-feature set to work with.

- Based on Scientific Beauty Principles
- Proprietary Face Detection & Recognition
- Detect & Rate up to 3 faces at once!
- Plays hillarious audio commentary according to scores!
- Set any face as reference!

String of random words to improve findability;
Dishwasher, wallpaper, wallpaper glue, surgical implants, cup of coffee, cheese, file cabinet, call of duty (tm) disc lying next to a stripper pole, plastic cup filled with ashes from a dead dog killed by Satan, Tupac Shakur's hidingplace, fabric softener, words sepparated by a comma, iPhone (tm) apps make more money cos android users r cheap, dentures from an aged hollywood actress, keyboard with mssing letters

* iPhone(tm) Award doesn't exist. Yep, I lied.

Иконка для Chiamata Rapida 1

Chiamata Rapida (v. 1)

galaxys67 опубликовал приложение 2012-09-20
(обновлено 2012-09-20)

Pratica e comoda applicazione che ti permette di visualizzare contemporaneamente i 10 numeri di telefono o di emergenza che più utilizzi, per consentirti una rapida chiamata.

Иконка для Tegro Settings Pro 1.0.13

Tegro Settings Pro (v. 1.0.13)

arkadym опубликовал приложение 2012-09-18
(обновлено 2012-09-18)

IMPORTANT: Tools is applicable for custom ROMs from Tegro devs: Tegro Hero GSM and Curvis DesireZ/G2. Tool require speical functionality in custom ROM, so it will NOT work on any other ROM.

Settings tool for custom ROMs from Tegro developers. Pro versions adds next options:
- 5 types of lockscreen (HTC, Stock, Stock Transparent, Rotary, Rotary Transparent)
- ability to configure power control widget in status window
- position of widget/recent apps panel in status window
- 270 degree screen rotate

PS. Also this app is a way to donate and support future development of custom ROMS

Иконка для 中華最重要最美麗的古文:重要文人文章,中國文學史 1.4

中華最重要最美麗的古文:重要文人文章,中國文學史 (v. 1.4)

9 Soft Tech Co. опубликовал приложение 2012-09-18
(обновлено 2014-10-21)


1 蘭亭集序 王羲之
2 陳情表 李密
3 諫逐客書 李斯
4 答蘇武書 李陵
5 悲憤詩 蔡文姬
6 說文解字敘 許慎
7 說難  韓非子
8 勸學篇第一 荀子
9 高帝求賢詔 漢高祖
10 上書諫獵 司馬相如
11 前出師表 諸葛亮
12 後出師表 諸葛亮
13 隆中對 諸葛亮
14 典論論文 曹丕
15 桃花源記 陶淵明
16 歸去來辭 陶淵明
17 五柳先生傳 陶淵明
18 為徐敬業討武曌檄 駱賓王
19 滕王閣序 王勃
20 阿房宮賦 杜牧
21 岳陽樓記 范仲淹
22 心術 蘇洵
23 詩論 蘇洵
24 辨姦論 蘇洵
25 管仲論 蘇洵
26 史論上 蘇洵
27 材論 王安石
28 知人 王安石
29 議茶法 王安石
30 上人書 王安石
31 答李資深書 王安石
32 答曾子固書 王安石
33 答司馬諫議書 王安石
34 周秦本末論 王安石
35 記樊山  蘇軾
36 留侯論  蘇軾
37 始皇論  蘇軾
38 范增論  蘇軾
39 遊白水  蘇軾
40 大臣論上 蘇軾
41 石鐘山記 蘇軾
42 前赤壁賦 蘇軾
43 後赤壁賦 蘇軾
44 喜雨亭記 蘇軾
45 超然臺記 蘇軾
46 記承天寺夜遊 蘇軾
47 黃州安國寺記 蘇軾
48 王安石贈太傅敕 蘇軾
49 刑賞忠厚之至論 蘇軾
50 乞校正陸贄奏議進御札子 蘇軾
51 六國 蘇洵
52 六國論2 蘇軾
53 六國論3 蘇轍
54 孟德傳  蘇轍
55 上樞密韓太尉書 蘇轍
56 為兄軾下獄上書 蘇轍
57 賣柑者言 劉基
58 題孔子像於芝佛院 李贄
59 徐霞客傳 錢謙益
60 答張籍書 韓愈
61 答李翊書 韓愈
62 祭鱷魚文 韓愈
63 張中丞傳後敘 韓愈
64 石澗記 柳宗元
65 捕蛇者說 柳宗元
66 與元微之書 白居易
67 鹽鐵論 本議第一
68 報孫會宗書 楊惲
69 尚德緩刑書 路溫舒
70 光武帝臨淄勞耿弇 後漢書
71 報任少卿書 司馬遷
72 武帝求茂才異等詔 漢武帝
73 諫太宗十思疏 魏徵
74 弔古戰場文 李華
75 虬髯客傳 杜光庭
76 朋黨論 歐陽修
77 秋聲賦 歐陽修
78 醉翁亭記 歐陽修
79 嚴先生祠堂記 范仲淹
80 諫院題名記 司馬光
81 訓儉示康 司馬光
82 墨池記 曾鞏
83 愛蓮說 周敦頤
84 論貴粟疏 晁錯
85 袁州學記 李覯
86 白鹿洞書院學規 朱熹
87 深慮論 方孝孺
88 尊經閣記 王守仁
89 教條示龍場諸生 王守仁
90 先妣事略 歸有光
91 項脊軒志 歸有光
92 湖上小記 張京元
93 初至西湖記 袁宏道
94 滿井遊記 袁宏道
95 硯北樓記 袁中道
96 雨後遊六橋記 袁宏道
97 遊西山十記一 袁中道
98 柳敬亭說書 張岱
99 陶庵夢憶自序 張岱
100 烏有園記 劉士龍
101 姚江學案 黃宗羲
102 桑維翰論 王夫之
103 與友人論學書 顧炎武
104 生員論 顧炎武
105 與友人荊雪濤書 于成龍
106 何氏僕錄 毛奇齡
107 左忠毅公軼事 方苞
108 焚書辨 劉大櫆
109 祭妹文 袁枚
110 李斯論 姚鼐
111 自立說 張士元
112 閒情記趣 沈復
113 病梅館記 龔自珍
114 致沅弟書 曾國藩
115 聖哲畫像記 曾國藩
116 金陵楚軍水師昭忠祠記 曾國藩
117 銅官感舊圖序 左宗棠
118 老殘遊記序 劉鶚
119 范文正公文集敘 蘇軾
120 祭歐陽文忠公文 王安石
121 復多爾袞書 史可法
122 鼂錯論 蘇軾

Иконка для Kitchen Timer 4

Kitchen Timer (v. 4)

Kidsandi опубликовал приложение 2012-09-17
(обновлено 2012-09-17)

Just turn the kitchen timer dial to get cooking!   Our Best Kitchen Timer™ is a simple, touch-controlled application that is great for reminders when cooking or doing chores around the house.

Plus, this kitchen timer was built natively for Android – AND unlike other timers on the market, it counts down and rings even with your phone locked or while running other applications!

Иконка для Pie Chart Battery Widget PRO 1.1

Pie Chart Battery Widget PRO (v. 1.1)

The Four Androids опубликовал приложение 2012-09-17
(обновлено 2012-09-17)

Simple app to visualize your battery level as a pie chart with percentage.

When battery is almost full it looks like happy Pacman.
When battery is almost empty it resembles a slice of pizza.

+ Customizable colors
+ Gradient fill
+ Battery level percent

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