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6341-6350 из 17365
Иконка для Group SMS 1.8

Group SMS (v. 1.8)

Success.King опубликовал приложение 2011-07-02
(обновлено 2011-07-02)

You can send personalized Group SMS.
process is easy...^^;;
1. endter the message that you want and include replacement character.
2. makesure replacement character(default is '###')
3. push 'contact' button and select persons from contact.
4. push 'add num' button and enter the phonenumber and name.
5. push the send button...

Иконка для Intelligent Keylock Unlocker 1.1

Intelligent Keylock Unlocker (v. 1.1)

Fabian Lueghausen опубликовал приложение 2011-07-02
(обновлено 2011-07-02)

If enabled, the Intelligent Keylock Unlocker unlocks your lock screen automatically if the proximity sensor does not register any object closer than a few centimeters to it.

In that way, you don't need to disable the lock screen any more and don't need to worry about that your phone could be unlocked while it's in your pocket at once!

Please notice!
a) This app may stress the battery on some (few) devices due to technical (firmware-related) reasons. As this app is free, please, don't be rigorous if that's the case!
b) If you are using your lockscreen e.g. in order to disable alarms, you should be careful when using this application ;) because the lockscreen might be disabled even in that case.


It is well programmed and does not drain the battery in any way. However, it may stress the battery on some (few) devices due to technical (firmware-related) reasons. Unfortunately, many devices behave very differently.
In principle, the application should work on almost every phone and with almost every lock screen application. Let me know if it does not.
A few last words: The App2SD-mode is intentionally deactivated, because it would not work that way (referring to the Android SDK Documents).


This application is free. Since I spend much time on developing such applications, I appreciate every financial support for my projects, particularly because I spend much time on replying your emails. More details can be found on my website (see the link below).

Иконка для Standard Clock Free 1.995

Standard Clock Free (v. 1.995)

Atech Inc. опубликовал приложение 2011-07-02
(обновлено 2013-01-28)

"Standard Clock Free" is simple and cool analog clock App for Android. I designed it to fit in the living room, lounge and so on. You will never get tired of looking at it.
add ad.

Иконка для Divvy Up 0.2

Divvy Up (v. 0.2)

Exemef опубликовал приложение 2011-07-02
(обновлено 2011-07-02)

Certain items are cheaper when bought at higher amounts, sometimes it is better to buy things in a group.This little app takes the price and weight in pounds, ounces, or grams and divides it by the number of people in the group, easily convert between weight measurements.

- this app is pretty much done unless someone suggestions i put something new in it.

To use it just fill in the amount of people buying in, the weight, and the price then hit the divvy up button to see the results.

Иконка для AutomateIt 1.16.0

AutomateIt (v. 1.16.0)

Muzikant опубликовал приложение 2011-07-02
(обновлено 2011-07-02)

Define a set of your desired behaviors in response to events on your Android device.
Each behavior/rule is defined as a pair of Trigger-Action listed below.

"If you need your phone to adopt some autonomy, you can’t go wrong here" - www.androidpolice.com
"sometimes I’d like my phone to do stuff all on its own. It’s an Android after all"  - www.androidapps.com
"AutomateIt Is a Simple and Free Android Automation Tool" - www.lifehacker.com
See more reviews links and some useful tips & tricks on developer's website.

Currently supports the following triggers:
* Any SMS Trigger - Triggers on SMS received
* SMS With Text Trigger - Triggers on receipt of SMS Message with a specific text
* Battery Level Trigger - Triggers on a defined battery level
* Bluetooth State Enabled/Disabled
* Bluetooth Device Connected - Any device or specific device
* Incoming/Hang Call - Any call or from a specific contact
* Headset Plugged/Unplugged Trigger
* Location Trigger - Arriving/Exiting a defined region
* External Power Connected/Disconnected
* Screen On/Off
* Wi-Fi Enabled/Disabled
* Connected to Wi-Fi network - Any network or a specific network
* Time Trigger - recurring time events
* Background data settings changed - enabling or disabling the background data setting
* GPS Enabled Changed - GPS Activated/Deactivated and started/stopped looking for current location
* SMS from contact
* USB Connected/Disconnected Trigger
* Airplane Mode Activated/Deactivated
* Dock State Trigger - Docked to Car/Desk
* Application Status Trigger - Triggers when selected application activated or deactivated
* Outgoing call - all calls or calling specific contact
* Sound Mode Changed to Silent/Vibrate/Normal

Currently supports the following actions:
* Notification - Shows notification on notification bar
* Play Sound - Plays selected sound
* Set Bluetooth State - Enabled/Disabled
* Set Sound Mode - Silent / Vibrate / Normal(With/Without Vibrate)
* Set Speakerphone State - Turn on/off
* Set Volume - Sets volume of all streams or a specific stream
* Set Wi-Fi Adapter State - Enabled/Disabled
* Start Application
* Enable/Disable other rules
* Vibrate action
* Enable/Disable Data Connectivity action - [NOT supported on some devices - see why on developer website]
* Kill Application [Requires Root - see why on developer website]
* Launch Home Screen
* Activate/Deactivate Airplane mode
* Enable/Disable GPS [Supported for Android version prior to 2.3 and ALL rooted devices]
* Enable/Disable Sync Data [Supported for Android version prior to 2.3 and ALL rooted devices]
* Set Mobile Data - Enable/Disable Mobile Data
* Set Screen Brightness - Automatic or specific value
* Enable/Disable screen automatic rotation
* Dial Phone Number
* Send SMS to phone number
* Set screen timeout (Including "Never" turn off)
* Shutdown device [Requires Root]

* There is no limitation on the number of rules you can define

Иконка для dMarks 1.9.1

dMarks (v. 1.9.1)

Droidil опубликовал приложение 2011-07-02
(обновлено 2011-07-02)

dMarks is a lightweight yet powerful bookmarks manager designed to help you manage your Android Browser's Bookmarks easily & efficiently!

Please contact me regarding any error/bug/missing feature before rating low.

Thank you!

Key Features:
* Free & Ad Free (Donations are welcome).
* Move to SD-card supported (Android 2.2+).
* Honeycomb 3.0.1/3.1 supported (see known issues).

* Single click action - select, open, edit, delete.
* 2 View options - Bookmarks list or Thumbnails grid (supports Apple Touch Icons).
* Backup/Restore to/from SD Card (location supported).
* Batch delete.
* Automatic Sort - Title (A-Z/Z-A), Visits (default), Creation Date.
* Manual sort - short & long click up/down supported.
* Fetch Favicons & Apple Touch Icons (not Thumbnails, yet) for all Bookmarks.
* Live Folder for fast & easy access to your Bookmarks.

Known Issues:
* Honeycomb - bugs: sort (auto/manual) not working.
* Android 2.1 - 2.3.4 - Force close when fetching touch icons on HTC Sense devices.

Permissions Explained:
* Storage - Backup/Restore.
* You personal information - only Browser's history and Bookmarks (as said).
* Network - fetch resources (favicons, Apple touch icons).
* System Tools - create Bookmarks shortcut on desktop.

keywords: Bookmarks, Backup to SD, favorites, Android Browser, Bookmarks Manager, dMarks, Stock Browser, Live Bookmarks, Export Bookmarks, Backup Bookmarks

Иконка для Everio Controller 2.10

Everio Controller (v. 2.10)

JVC (Victor Company of Japan, Limited) опубликовал приложение 2011-07-02
(обновлено 2011-07-02)

Connecting JVC’s camcorder “Everio” with built-in Bluetooth® Wireless Technology, you can enjoy a variety of wireless applications; video/still transfer, synchronize with Google Maps™ while playback, remote control Everio.

The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks and are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc.
System requirements: Android™ 2.1 or 2.2 or 2.3.3 or higher and Bluetooth® SPP Profile are required. It does not support Android™ 2.3.
The system requirements information above is not a guarantee that the application will work on all Bluetooth® compatible devices.

Compatible models:
GZ-HM990, GZ-HM970, GZ-HM960
GZ-HM890, GZ-HM880, GZ-HM870, GZ-HM860

Иконка для 天國之歌 (Songs of the Kingdom) 1.1.1

天國之歌 (Songs of the Kingdom) (v. 1.1.1)

Ruby Chou опубликовал приложение 2011-07-02
(обновлено 2011-07-02)

"當用詩章、頌詞、靈歌、彼此對說、口唱心和的讚美主.(以弗所書 5:19)”


若在sdcard裡Musicsok有放和歌名一樣的檔案mp3,就可以播放mp3來聽.如 "Musicsok【1007】天父的花園.mp3"路徑,檔名大小寫需完全正確. 但請各位支持創作的弟兄姐妹,尊重版權.


Иконка для 만화보기(만화천국) 2.2

만화보기(만화천국) (v. 2.2)

Androidschool опубликовал приложение 2011-07-01
(обновлено 2011-07-01)

저희 만화천국은 안드로이드마켓 최초 만화모음 어플입니다.

[사용법]단말기 하단 메뉴버튼을 통해 세부기능 사용가능

2011.03.01 UI변경
2011.02.04 새버젼출시/북마크기능제거(향후추가예정)/가로모드지원
2010.12.26 4G연결문제해결/북마크기능소메뉴로이동
2010.12.18 아이온만화추가/만화동영상추가/북마크기능추가/풀스크린화
2010.11.18 스포츠신문최신버젼/쇼핑조아추가
2010.10.25 가로세로최적화
2010.10.24 캐시삭제기능메뉴화
2010.10.22 안내메시지위치변경
2010.10.20 속도개선3단계
2010.10.12 아이콘변경
2010.10.11 스포츠조선만화추가
2010.10.7 스포츠동아만화추가/캐시삭제기능추가
2010.9.29 파란카툰추가
2010.9.27 네이트만화추가/소메뉴기능추가
2010.9.15 스포츠조선만화/스포츠투데이만화추가
2010.9.11 저녁늦게 탄생

* 추천 어플 *
* life *
내일기장, 배달통, 경찰청 교통안내, CGV 영화 예매, 니 몸무게를 봐라, 열린약국찾기, 심리 테스트, 심리테스트, weetkorea, 윗코리아

* Communication *
수다방, 카카오톡, Twitter (트위터), Facebook, 오브제, TiKL, 튜브메이트, Yahoo Mail, Skype, 네이트온, MSN 톡, 페이스북,

* information *
경제야놀자, 스포츠신문, SBS 뉴스, ESPN ScoreCenter, Weather Bug, 고속도로 교통 정보, 서울 버스, 지하철 도착 정보, 지하철 네비게이션, 전자신문, 지하철 노선도

* study *
Dictionary.com, 디지털 어학기, 찍찍이, 급수별 한자학습,

* shopping *
쇼핑조아, Daum 쇼핑하우, 롯데닷컴, 쇼핑랭킹베스트, 쇼핑카트 바바라, 11번가, 신세계백화점

* tools *
기록방, 아스트로 파일, 다음 지도, Google maps, 바코드 스캐너, 필수어플가이드, Bump, Compass, Adobe Reader, 컬러노트 메모장, Shazam, 알약, Launcher Pro, StreetView, Backgrounds, DailyHoroscope, Ringdroid, 컬러라이트, Tango, Videos, TuneIn Radio,
StopWatch, PicSay, mVideoPlay, Opera Mini 브라우저, Dolphin, MP3 Music Box, Talking Roby the Robot, 멜론, NH 스마트 뱅킹, kb 뱅킹, 단위변환기, 이미지패러디

* fun *
Angry bird, 말하는 산타, 네이버 웹툰, 네이트 만화,

* 기타 *
추억의우체국, 섹시, 혈액형, 영어, 화보, 갤럭시, 도돌, 인간관계, 오빠이거, 타자연습, 라이프스타일, 생활백서, 고민그만, 카카오,
잘 자는 법, 콜택시, 알바, 구글, 안드로이드, 오브제, 아스트로, 알약, 메모장, 말하는 산타, CGV, SKYPE, SHAZAM, 컬러라이트, MP3, 지하철, 필수어플가이드, 뱅킹, 멜론,
advanced task killer, talking tom cat, google sky map, adobe reader, twitter, kakao, compass,
모두의 웹툰, 에어 혼, 코레일, t world, 네이버, 다음, 싸이월드, 병원, 고민그만, 국세청, 식물잘키우기, 플래너, 웹툰모아, 모이라, 114, 장바구니
아트데이, 배달통, 명언, 교보문고, 패션, 영화예매, 엔카

Иконка для ninjaPms 1.0.0

ninjaPms (v. 1.0.0)

sileede опубликовал приложение 2011-07-01
(обновлено 2011-07-01)

NninjaPms is the timer for cupnoodle.Chinese version.
This timer is made by Adobe AIR for Android.
Android2.2 only.
Thanks for your install.

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