AutomateIt в Android Market

Icon for AutomateIt 1.16.0 AutomateIt (v. 1.16.0)
Разработано Muzikant

Define a set of your desired behaviors in response to events on your Android device.
Each behavior/rule is defined as a pair of Trigger-Action listed below.

"If you need your phone to adopt some autonomy, you can’t go wrong here" -
"sometimes I’d like my phone to do stuff all on its own. It’s an Android after all"  -
"AutomateIt Is a Simple and Free Android Automation Tool" -
See more reviews links and some useful tips & tricks on developer's website.

Currently supports the following triggers:
* Any SMS Trigger - Triggers on SMS received
* SMS With Text Trigger - Triggers on receipt of SMS Message with a specific text
* Battery Level Trigger - Triggers on a defined battery level
* Bluetooth State Enabled/Disabled
* Bluetooth Device Connected - Any device or specific device
* Incoming/Hang Call - Any call or from a specific contact
* Headset Plugged/Unplugged Trigger
* Location Trigger - Arriving/Exiting a defined region
* External Power Connected/Disconnected
* Screen On/Off
* Wi-Fi Enabled/Disabled
* Connected to Wi-Fi network - Any network or a specific network
* Time Trigger - recurring time events
* Background data settings changed - enabling or disabling the background data setting
* GPS Enabled Changed - GPS Activated/Deactivated and started/stopped looking for current location
* SMS from contact
* USB Connected/Disconnected Trigger
* Airplane Mode Activated/Deactivated
* Dock State Trigger - Docked to Car/Desk
* Application Status Trigger - Triggers when selected application activated or deactivated
* Outgoing call - all calls or calling specific contact
* Sound Mode Changed to Silent/Vibrate/Normal

Currently supports the following actions:
* Notification - Shows notification on notification bar
* Play Sound - Plays selected sound
* Set Bluetooth State - Enabled/Disabled
* Set Sound Mode - Silent / Vibrate / Normal(With/Without Vibrate)
* Set Speakerphone State - Turn on/off
* Set Volume - Sets volume of all streams or a specific stream
* Set Wi-Fi Adapter State - Enabled/Disabled
* Start Application
* Enable/Disable other rules
* Vibrate action
* Enable/Disable Data Connectivity action - [NOT supported on some devices - see why on developer website]
* Kill Application [Requires Root - see why on developer website]
* Launch Home Screen
* Activate/Deactivate Airplane mode
* Enable/Disable GPS [Supported for Android version prior to 2.3 and ALL rooted devices]
* Enable/Disable Sync Data [Supported for Android version prior to 2.3 and ALL rooted devices]
* Set Mobile Data - Enable/Disable Mobile Data
* Set Screen Brightness - Automatic or specific value
* Enable/Disable screen automatic rotation
* Dial Phone Number
* Send SMS to phone number
* Set screen timeout (Including "Never" turn off)
* Shutdown device [Requires Root]

* There is no limitation on the number of rules you can define


Категория: Инструменты
Закачек: 10000-50000
Размер: 1.2 MB
Опубликовано: 2011-07-02
Обновлено: 2011-07-02

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Права доступа: 25 (показать/скрыть полный список)

Системное имя пакета: AutomateIt.mainPackage

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Комментарии и оценки пользователей для AutomateIt

[2011-06-26] Thomas :
I set my light to ask for each battery level increment in 10% levels and I don't see any changes. Nice concept though. Keep trying Dev. EVO Shift.
[2011-06-24] James:
Very functional but made my phone report 1% battery when it shouldn't. Dell streak 2.2
[2011-06-22] Tom:
Brilliant!!! So much cheaper than alternatives, I have tried them too and this is very close to the expensive ones:-)
[2011-06-21] Gord:
It'd be nice if you added a time range for times events
[2011-06-21] Shrinidhi:
Order your phone to follow your rule :) multi utility app
[2011-06-21] michael:
Pretty good app. Not near as in depth as tasker, but does do simple things. I just wish it had more options.
[2011-06-20] Shigeaki:
thank you for a nice appli!
[2011-06-20] OTA:
More fine-grained Frequency on time triggers required
[2011-06-20] Shadi:
Great. But please add 2 actions with delay options for every triger/role. Further, you can also add unlimited number of actions in Pro version
[2011-06-19] reuben:
Bit buggy
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