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Иконка для Root # All Data2SD card. 1.026

Root # All Data2SD card. (v. 1.026)

Michael Chourdakis опубликовал приложение 2012-05-11
(обновлено 2012-05-11)


The Ultimate Root tool to move the application's private data to SD.

In addition to known Froyo 2.2 App2SD features, this tool creates an embedded EXT2 partition to your SD card (no manual formatting/partitioning required) and then it mounts it.

Then it can move any applications private data to SD card, saving even more space because usually not the entire application can be moved to the SD (there are leftover libraries etc).

Use at your own risk!
Remember to backup your storage file! (/mnt/sdcard/rallsd/storage)!

Mounting will also occur automatically when your device is restarted - no need to remount manually.

IMPORTANT: After updating, be sure to re-allow it to get root (via SuperUser app) otherwise at the next restart it won't be able to mount the storage automatically.

Oh, and yes I 'll take 1 MB from your internal memory for busybox and obviously this application cannot be moved to SD card itself ... until next update :)

Иконка для LIME HD Chinese IME 3.9.1

LIME HD Chinese IME (v. 3.9.1)

Android.toload.net опубликовал приложение 2012-05-11
(обновлено 2014-03-18)

LIME 中文輸入法,是一套自由開源的輸入法程式、目前支援 自建、注音、倉頡、快倉、倉頡五、速成、大易、輕鬆、行列、行列10、筆順五碼、華象直覺、拼音。

** 簡易初始輸入法說明

1. 安裝 LIME HD 中文輸入法程式
2. 啟用 LIME HD 輸入法程式
   (設定-> 語言與鍵盤 -> 勾選 LIME-HD)
3. 進入 LIME HD 設定介面 -> "初始資料庫"
4. 選擇並下載要使用的輸入法模組

若輸入法安裝過程中發生錯誤請選擇 "初始資料庫" -> "重置資料庫" 移除先前設定再重新下載資料庫。

** 詳細使用說明請參考


** 軟體鍵盤快捷鍵

1. 滑動 SPACE BAR 選擇輸入法
2. 長按 SPACE BAR 顯示輸入法選單與簡繁互換
3. 按住 SHIFT + (英|數) 鍵 輸入大寫或符號 (Multi-Touch Input)

** 實體鍵盤快捷鍵

1. (SHIFT|FN) + 候選字右上標記 快速選字
2. CTRL + SPACE 混打/英文模式切換
3. CTRL + SHIFT 顯示輸入法選單
4. MENU + SHIFT 顯示輸入法選單
5. CTRL + (數字|符號) 鍵 輸入全型字
6. MENU + / 顯示符號選單
7. 往下鍵 擴展候選字列表
8. BACKSPACE 關閉候選字列表

** LIME-HD 的特點

1. 支援Android平板
2. 可自訂輸入法,目前支援10種輸入法:自建、注音、倉頡、快倉、倉頡五、速成、大易、輕鬆、行列、行列10,(行列及行列10使用老刀提供的對照表)
3. 注音輸入法鍵盤排列支援標準注音(大千)、倚天26鍵、倚天41鍵及許氏注音排列
4. 所有輸入法均支援連打,注音輸入法支援快拼 (需另外下載注音連打快拼對照表)
5. 中英文混打,不用切換鍵盤
6. 虛擬鍵盤長按 ".",可輸入符號。實體鍵盤按Ctrl-/可輸入符號
7. Multi-touch虛擬鍵盤 (可直接按Shift-X)
8. 虛擬鍵盤空白鍵左右滑動可快速切換輸入法
9. 支援實體鍵盤 (藍牙鍵盤要Android 3.0 Honeycomb才支援),實體鍵盤Ctrl-A/C/V/X複製貼上、實體鍵盤Ctrl-1~9,0或單鍵選候選字、Shift-1~9,0選關聯字
10. 輸入法可選擇鍵盤排列
11. 三排實體鍵盤手機鍵盤重對應 (不用按組合鍵)
12. 簡/繁字碼轉換 (打繁出簡,打簡出繁)
13. 反查輸入法字根
14. 中/英關聯字典
15. 輸入法資料庫可選擇放於系統空間或SD卡中

LIME HD 3.5.0 及 3.6.0 更新說明

1. 鍵盤文字顯示更新
2. 新增注音連打功能
3. 新增字頻資料,改善關聯字顯示順序
4. 候選字列擴展,點選候選列向下圓型箭頭
5. 三排鍵自動對應修正
6. 支援 HTC Flyer 裝置顯示
7. 支援 Galaxy Tab 裝置顯示
8. 新增自動中文標點模式設定
9. 改進初始資料庫選項
10. 更新預載資料庫內容 (需重新下載)
11. 輸入效能提昇、臭蟲修正
12. 支援 ChaCha 鍵盤輸入
13. 設定字型與鍵盤大小
14. 震動強度設定
15. 長按鍵盤鍵選單新增簡繁互換
16. 鍵盤 Swipe 功能  
- Up 跟鍵盤鍵長按一樣的選單
- Down 收鍵盤
- Right 選候選列預設選項
- Left Backspace
17. 許氏跟倚天26 臭蟲修正
18. 向下的圓圈圈箭頭,另外實體鍵盤也可展開候選列
19. 輕鬆輸入法修正
20. 倚天41鍵注音符號鍵盤更新


LIME 使用與操作說明

由於 Android 裝置種類繁多,礙於專案團隊設備上的限制無法做全面的測試並兼顧到各種不同鍵盤配置,若 LIME 無法支援您的硬體設備還請見諒。
若您對本專案感興趣,歡迎加入開發或測試,亦歡迎廠商贊助團隊設備回饋 Android 使用者社群。

** 若文字無法正確輸入,建議您重置資料庫並重新下載或匯入字根檔案, 如果選字與送出的字不同,請關閉喜好設定的中文簡/繁體字碼轉換.

Иконка для Simple Flashlight 1.0

Simple Flashlight (v. 1.0)

Nerd House опубликовал приложение 2012-05-11
(обновлено 2012-05-11)

A simple and very user friendly flashlight. It is very easy to use. It has three options.
The on screen flashlight which uses the standard white screen.
The camera light option uses the camera light as a flashlight.
The red screen option turns the screen red which can also be used as a flashlight.

Иконка для あいまっしゅ 1.2

あいまっしゅ (v. 1.2)

kanitawa опубликовал приложение 2012-05-11
(обновлено 2012-05-11)

「App Inventor for Android」で開発したアプリケーションを、Simejiのマッシュルーム機能拡張から呼び出すための中継アプリです。

起動後に【登録アプリ】リストが表示されますので、リスト最下段の【新規追加…】をクリックして、マッシュルームから呼び出したい「App Inventor」で開発したアプリを登録してください。

Simeji等のIMEからマッシュルームを起動し、その一覧リストから『あいまっしゅ』を選択してください。『あいまっしゅ』の登録アプリ】リストが表示されますので、そこから目的の「App Inventor」で開発したアプリを選択すると、そのアプリへ文字列が渡されます。


『あいまっしゅ』対応アプリを「App Inventor」で開発する場合は、「App Inventor」の【call get start text】で渡された文字列を取り出し、【call close screen with result】で変換後の文字列を返すようにブロックを作成してください。

Иконка для !Diferencia Horaria 1.0

!Diferencia Horaria (v. 1.0)

TimeDifference.co опубликовал приложение 2012-05-11
(обновлено 2012-05-11)

DiferenciaHoraria.info ahora disponible para todos los dispositivos con sistema operativo Android.

Recuerda que puedes comparar la diferencia horaria entre paises. Incluye la hora de cada país y el horario de verano.

La hora se actualiza en el momento, de acuerdo al cambio de horario de los paises y ciudades dónde se aplique el horario de verano.

Иконка для Droid Hide 0.1.1

Droid Hide (v. 0.1.1)

takaharu_m опубликовал приложение 2012-05-11
(обновлено 2012-05-11)

Android Robot画像で顔を隠すアプリケーションです。
※本アプリに使用しているAndroid Robot画像の著作権はGoogleに帰属します。

・ギャラリーボタンより、選択した写真の顔を認識し、Android Robot画像で隠します。

Иконка для Intersafe Intersafe

Intersafe (v. Intersafe )

Intersafe опубликовал приложение 2012-05-11
(обновлено 2014-03-17)

InterSafe Token is the next solution in OTP (One Time Password) algorithms generator.

Using InterSafe Token, you can safely establish remote connection to Back Office Servers & Services, like Company Servers, Bank account on the internet, mail account or any service which requires secure login.

Иконка для Summoner Lite 1.6.08

Summoner Lite (v. 1.6.08)

Luigi Papino опубликовал приложение 2012-05-10
(обновлено 2012-05-10)

***Please report to luigi.papino@gmail.com any problem ***
***Please, add smartphone model and rom in problem report***

Are you a Magician, a Druid or a Summoner (or similar) in PFRPG? STOP with handbook consultation while using "summon Monster" or "summon Nature's Ally" spells!

This application will allow you to use those spells (Based on OGL terms) WITHOUT handbooks. ALL you need is here, and it do not needs internet connection!

This Application will help you managing summoned monsters.
You will have a complete sheet for those monster, and you will be able to interact with her! Search on Youtube for more information! This Lite version will provide you all monsters of first level and first monster of all levels of summon monster/summon nature's ally.
Download full version for ALL monsters.

PFRPG stands for PF Role Playing Game, the fantasy RPG by Paizo Publishing.

* Augment Summoning
* Celestial and Fiendish
* Manage up to 5 creatures at time
* Ac, touch, flat-footed
* Spell Resistance, Damage resistance
* Fortitude, Reflex, Will
* Combat maneuver bonus (CMB), combat maneuver defense (CMD)
* Hit dice, Bonus Attack Base, Hit points
* Alignment, subtype
* Ability Scores
* Attacks and roll attack and damage, Special Attack
* Spells, Skills, Feats, Special Qualities, Defensive Abilities, Senses, Speed

*** This app collect anonymous statistic on utilization.

Changelog 1.6.5
Please, if you still have problems, contact me at luigi.papino@gmail.com.
I can't reproduce this issue.
•Database Bugfix.

Changelog 1.6.4
• Advertising removed
• Cleanup of code
• minor bugfix

Changelog 1.6.2
• Added support for report database error
• Added Google Analytics
• Minor bugfix

Changelog 1.6.1
• Various Bugfix
• Maybe, Database exception resolved :)

Changelog 1.6.0
• New Theme, more readable
• Now manage Critical Hit
• Added Round counter
• Added An option to set the number of summoned monsters
•  Added the details on Smite Evil/Good (attack bonus and damage bonus) under other details on the attack
• Various Bugfix

Changelog 1.5.3
*Various bugfix and adjustment.

Changelog 1.5.2
*Added BAB
* HP Bugfix

Changelog 1.5.0
* New Interface more comfortable for Tablet/Honeycomb
* New Interface for smartphone
* Added HD
* Move to SD Card
* Various BugFix
* Code Clean up

Changelog 1.2.0
* Now report HD and Cha bonus in Smite Evil/Good
* Size installation Reduced

Changelog 1.1.1
*Critical bugfix (proguard)

Changelog 1.1.0
* Fixed Stirge
* Add LVL to Reduce App size
* Improved Support for HoneyComb

Changelog 1.0.6
* Fixed fortitude, now change in according to Augment Summoning
* Fixed More Activity
* Fixed Bulette crash;

ChangeLog 1.0.5

* Fixed Electric Eel and Mite crash;
* Fixed template issue
* Now DC constitution-based, like poison, change in according to Augment summoning
* Now cmd bonus and cmb bonus changes in according to Augment Summoning
* Now bonus damage like "1d6 cold bonus" in ice devil is considered in Roll Attack.
* Improved UI

*Tags: d20,rpg,wizard,bard,cleric,sorcer,druid,ranger,spell,summon,monster,nature's ally,pfrpg,augment summoning, celestial, fiendish,prd,pfsrd,pathfinder, dungeons, dragons, dnd

Иконка для Memory Map 1.6.3-1

Memory Map (v. 1.6.3-1)

Joan Zapata опубликовал приложение 2012-05-10
(обновлено 2014-03-17)

THIS APP has been abandoned for a long time now, but I've started to work on it again, so you should see an update very soon, with a brand new icon / name / design and some cool new features.


Let's free some disk space !

This application allows you to manage your disk space very easily by spotting all the biggest files and folders. You can also start and/or delete these files and folders.

The size of the files/folders displayed on the screen is proportional to the files/folders in the system.

You can zoom indefinitely from the main view, which means you can explore your whole disk space.

Иконка для Random Number Generator 1.0

Random Number Generator (v. 1.0)

Drew Overgaard опубликовал приложение 2012-05-10
(обновлено 2012-05-10)

This application will generate a random number between the minimum and maximum values you enter.

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