Новые бесплатные социальные приложения в Android Market

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Иконка для 1472 대학가자 1.1.16

1472 대학가자 (v. 1.1.16)

git опубликовал приложение 2012-08-30
(обновлено 2012-08-30)

대학가자2를 다운 받아 주세요

대학가자1은 대학과 상담을 하는 기능 위주의 어플 입니다.

그러나 대학에서 책임 문제로 상담을 정확히 해 줄 수 없는 문제가 있어서 커뮤니티 형태로 대학가자2로 업그레이드 하였습니다.

딱딱한 입시 문제를 벗어나 대학에 합격하는 그날까지 친구로 멘토로 그리고 정보의 보고로 대학가자2가 좋은 역활을 하게 될 것입니다.


[애플 앱스토어 추천 어플 선정]
1472시리즈 제 2탄! 1472대학가자!

실시간 대학입시상담과 알찬 대학.
입시정보를 제공하는 1472대학가자!

공부만 해도 머리 아프고 시간없는 수험생들을 위한
대학입시정보 및 실시간상담 어플이 출시되었습니다.
그 이름은 바로! 1472대학가자!

수험생 여러분의 고민인 입시!
이젠 1472대학가자와 함께하세요~

내 점수로 갈 수 있는 대학은 어디일까?
복잡한 대학입시전형 생각만 해도 머리가 아퍼!
입시정보는 물론 대학정보를 한번에 확인 하고 궁금한 걸
바로 물어볼 수 없을까?

✚ 넌 누구냐? 1472대학가자!!
스마트폰으로 가고 싶은 대학 정보도 바로바로 확인하고
실시간으로 대학 입시담당자와 상담도 받을 수 있는 수험생과
그 학부형님들을 위한 최상의 앱입니다.

❖입시라는 고민에 빠진 우리들의 이야기! 커뮤니티!
고3의 저주! 수험생의 비애!
걱정마! 우리 친구아이가~
1472대학가자에 있는 커뮤니티를 통해서 사용자간
실시간 정보공유와 새로운 사람들을 만나요!

✚드디어 끝난 수능! 복잡한 입시따위에 무릎 꿇을 수는 없다!
전국의 수많은 대학의 모든 정보를 확인하기란 너무 힘들죠!
하지만 1472대학가자와 함께라면 그런 걱정은 잠시 넣어두세요.
한눈에 각 대학별 정보와 학과정보, 입시요강등 꼭 필요한 정보들
을 확인 할 수 있습니다.

❖ 드디어 나온 수능성적표! 이제 어쩌란 말이냐~~!
1472대학가자에 있는 "내 점수로 갈 수 있는 대학" 기능을 사용해
보세요. 내 점수를 기준으로 갈수 있는 대학교와 학과리스트가
한눈에 보여요!
그 결과에 놀라지 마세요!

✚ 1472대학가자의 실시간 상담을 아시나요?
입시철에 몰리는 처리를 하다보면 각 입시담당처에서의 대응이
불편할 수 있습니다. 전화기 붙잡고 기다리기도 힘들고 막상 연결
되었는데 은근 부담되잖아요!
그럴때 필요한 1472대학가자의 실시간 상담 및 문의하기 기능을
문자하듯 편하게 물어볼 수 있고, 밤 늦게라도 문의하기 기능을
이용하면 언제든지 답변을 받아볼 수 있습니다.

별도의 이용요금도 필요없으며,
단 3G 접속시 사용하시는 요금제에 따라
데이터 요금이 발생 될 수도 있습니다.

이 엄청난 기능과 수능에 지친 수험생을 위한 앱이 여러분을 위해
무료로 배포됩니다.

검색어 : 대학입시 대학 전문대학 전문대 2년제대학 캠퍼스 대학교 입시 정시모집 수시모집 입학사정관제 논술 면접 입시전형 일반전형 특별전형 수능우선선발 논술우선선발 입학전형 모집일정 전형일자 전형 주요대학 수능 수학능력평가 2011학년도 2012학년도 학생부 모집인원 경쟁률 인문계 자연계 예체능계 최저학력 상위권대학 특기자전형 추천전형 가군 나군 다군 수험생 재수생 표준점수 백분위점수 원점수 학생부등급우선선발 영역별 언어 외국어 수리 탐구 사회탐구 직업탐구 과학탐구 자기소개서 생활기록부 추천서 포트폴리오 심층면접 수상실적 봉사활동 입시학원 입학 장학금 기숙사 실업계 고교 고등학교 외국어고등학교 과학고등학교 입시지도 배치표 통학버스 과목 교과성적 문과 이과 이투스 재수학원 종로학원 메가스터티 김주영 박재영 윤동환 1472대학가자 1472

Иконка для Tradelit 2.5

Tradelit (v. 2.5)

Codespur Software Pvt. Ltd. опубликовал приложение 2012-08-29
(обновлено 2012-08-29)

Tradelit.com is solely owned by Yaolit Inc, established its corporate headquarters at Burlingame, California USA. since 2009.

Tradelit.com is a world class Buy and Sell platform; we are positioned to become one of the frontrunners in the race for market leadership in the international Buy and Sell trading marketplace. It's the first Buy and Sell site to offer buyers to list what they want and let sellers around the world to compete for their businesses. Whether you are a manufacturer with thousands of employees or a sole business owner, tradelit still can serve you in many ways.

The core management has set up various effective programs that establish a clear and defined course to make the company the leading online Buy and Sell trade portal and other related services. At the forefront of its model is the establishment of a network of company controlled and managed by Independent Country and Regional Sales Managers that would be strategically distributed geographically to optimize marketing and sales effectiveness.

Company Mission Statement - The company's mission is to make Tradelit.com the preferred Buy and Sell global trading portal for our members by delivering a continuous online and mobile innovation and exceptional member experience through the fulfillment of services that "connect businesses worldwide".
Management Experience - The Management team is highly qualified and knowledgeable in the areas of information technology, computer programming, systems design, marketing, management, and business development as well as in international commerce.
Industry Knowledge - we will leverage the knowledge of the online and offline marketplace and the information technology industry to establish a dominating online presence in the internet affording easy and effective use of its website functionalities to its subscribers.
WebSite - we maintain a fully trained staff with the desired expertise and background in the computer industry that are capable of designing and maintaining the company website that would help prospective clients to better understand company products and services.
Diverse Sources of Revenues - Our business model is based on its expertise in the disciplines of marketing, management and innovative business development providing it the ability to fully cultivate the potential of the Buy and Sell Solutions and International trade industry through efficient and effective products and services.
Aggressive Marketing - The core management is positioning Tradelit.com to grow aggressively through assertive management, aggressive marketing, strategic alliances programs, and effective market development.
Growing Market Segment - The multi-billion dollar virtual global marketplace for the trading of goods and services continues to grow and Tradelit.com intend to capitalize on this opportunity to become one of the leading providers of Buy and Sell trades.

All members will be treated with respect, customer service and satisfaction is the main focal point within our business model and overall strategy.

As a Free Member, buyer/seller can take advantage of our user-friendly interface that anyone can understand and use. It also allows you freedoms you won't find anywhere else, we allow you to promote unlimited number of products, and access to many other useful features to help on your business decision.

If you are a Premium Class Member, you will receive a free website to start which you can customize yourself with no extra charge, it also include one private domain name of your choice and you will also receive the latest SEO (search engine optimization) technology with 50 keywords to help getting your site and product stay on top page of most search engine.

Finally, we encourage all buyers and sellers to go through our strict verification process so our members will have an ease of mind when conduct businesses.

Signing up for Tradelit.com could be the best move you can make and there's no real strings attached.

Join now

Иконка для Names Dictionary, baby names 1.0.3

Names Dictionary, baby names (v. 1.0.3)

Amax Software опубликовал приложение 2012-08-29
(обновлено 2012-08-29)

Your baby name or your name is extremely important. Your baby name is his/her life. It is how you identify him or her. It is how the world identifies your boy or girl. The more insight you have into the powerful influence of their name, the greater opportunity to enjoy the success they are capable of achieving.
It is not known when humans first began using names though the practice is certainly very old, probably extending far into pre-history. Although all cultures and races use names, naming customs vary greatly from people to people Names serve several purposes. Most importantly they help distinguish us from one another. Imagine how difficult it would be to refer to people if we did not use names. Some names carry information about our roots, such as family or clan names. They are generally inherited. This Names Dictionary helps you benefit more out of your name as well as your baby name

Иконка для ImIN 2.6.5

ImIN (v. 2.6.5)

KTH опубликовал приложение 2012-08-29
(обновлено 2012-08-29)

★ Check-in and Play on ‘ImIn’!

★ A new social media app that leaves footprints wherever you go!


1. Chenk-in and leave your *footprint* where you are and wherever you go, so that your friends can find you and places you have been.

2. Create your own place and check-in. Let others follow your *footprint*

3. Record, uploade your memorable moments, pictures and post comments on your place.

4. Mark your favorite places, so your followers can find and share them with each other.

5. Through social networking, build relationships with friends and people in the places where you visit and share your experience with your followers on twitter.

[Things to Know about this App]

1. ImIN is available *ONLY* in South Korea. This app ‘ONLY’ provides POIs in and a map of South Korea.

2. ImIN uses GPS technology to pinpoint your current location and there might be accuracy issues depending on the circumstances of your wireless networks. Actual footprint locations may vary based on GPS devices and/or service availability.

3. The location will be randomly chosen if devices are not equipped with GPS-capability (e.g. iPod Touch) or if you are out of service area or out of country (South Korea).

4 ImIN is a network-base application. It requires wireless connectivity (3G). When application connects through wireless network, applicable data usage fees may be charged by your mobile carrier

[Contact Info]

1. Email: iminmaster@paran.com

2. Phone: (+82)1588-5669

Иконка для Decision maker 1.0

Decision maker (v. 1.0)

FreeBytes опубликовал приложение 2012-08-29
(обновлено 2012-08-29)

Trying to decide which course of action to take can be difficult, sometimes impossible. On such occasions the decision maker can make the decision for you.

All you need to do is think of a particular course of action, for example "do I go on this business trip?" and answer the five questions as if you have already taken the decision (so if taking that business trip would make life easier at work just tick the box that says life would be easier).

Hit the decide button and see what the decision maker recommends....

It is important to remember that this app is not responsible for the outcome of any decisions you make, it is there to help you decide in situations where you are unsure of what decision to make.

If you want a totally random answer, as you would get with say flipping a coin, just leave all the check boxes empty.

But, if you want an answer that takes your circumstances into account, tick the appropriate boxes (a ticked box means you are answering yes to the question it is asking) before hitting the decide button.

By ticking the appropriate boxes you give the app a little bit of information that will affect its decision making process and so help it recommend the decision that is better for you.

Because the process is truly random you could click the button ten times and get the same recommendation every time or get ten different recommendations but by ticking the appropriate boxes you will affect that randomness enough to give you a decision that is best for you and takes into account the effects of that decision in the real world.

The application screenshots are taken at the smallest resolution supported by the decision maker, 320x480, larger resolutions are supported of course and the application will adjust to fill your screen so if you have a larger screen do not worry.

If the screen shots appear fuzzy or blocky it is simply because the picture is heavily compressed and not scaled for your devices resolution whereas the app itself is not compressed and is scaled for your system and so will be fine and clear on any android device.

This application is supported with ads at the top of the screen.

Иконка для Custom Creations Mobile Forum 1.1.2

Custom Creations Mobile Forum (v. 1.1.2)

saladin опубликовал приложение 2012-08-29
(обновлено 2012-08-29)

With Custom Creations Community Mobile Community, you can access forum.androidcustomcreations.com forums directly from your Android device.

- Send and receive PM's
- Access and post to the most recent discussions
- Read and post to Custom Creations blogs and articles
- View Custom Creations profiles
- Customize your mobile account anywhere, anytime

Help Support Custom Creations and Donate

Иконка для Mobile01 2.0.6

Mobile01 (v. 2.0.6)

Mobile01.com опубликовал приложение 2012-08-29
(обновлено 2012-08-29)

What is the ultimate Chinese 3C social network website?
The answer is very easy - it’s Mobile01!
But it’s not only about 3C. From gaming, autos, motorcycles, cycling, to house refurbishing, makeup, caring for your sneakers, where to dine, photo sharing and more, Mobile01 brings you all the resources you need.

Now this Mobile01 app delivers that experience straight to your Android, instantly.

Key Features:
• A non-stop, daily stream of all the news and posts on Mobile01
• See features, reviews, unboxings, and hands-on coverage as it happens
• Share news, photos, forum posts via and e-mail
• Adding new topics, replying, private messaging, adding favorite posts, searching and reporting problems fully supported
• Saving feature to draft folder, auto-saving unsaved posts to recover later
• Integrated with emotion icons from Mobile01
• Intuitive and clear interface

COOL features are on the way!
We are constantly working on improving our apps, so stay tuned for updates and new features.

Meanwhile, please help us to improve our app: Send an e-mail to service@mobile01.com.

Share anywhere and have fun!

Иконка для TraktApp 0.42

TraktApp (v. 0.42)

EscAbe опубликовал приложение 2012-08-28
(обновлено 2012-08-28)

Note: this Application is still in BETA, please report issues on http://code.google.com/p/trakt-app/issues/list

Android™ Application to be used in combination with trakt.tv

Allows you to find shows and movies, see trending movies and shows, lists shows and movies in your library, managing your watchlist and marking shows and movies as watched and loved or hated.

Иконка для FrOSCon Schedule 1.0

FrOSCon Schedule (v. 1.0)

Duckattack опубликовал приложение 2012-08-28
(обновлено 2012-08-28)

This is a web app displaying always the actual schedule for the FrOSCon conference in St. Augustin from 20/21 August 2011 by addressing the mobile web version of the programm.

Иконка для SafeMode Lite 2.1

SafeMode Lite (v. 2.1)

Lunarsoft опубликовал приложение 2012-08-27
(обновлено 2012-08-27)

Have you ever sent a drunk text that you regretted the next day?  What about a phone call, email, or instant message?  Well, here's your answer.  Using SafeMode, add people you do not want to contact temporarily to your blacklist and let your phone keep you from getting into trouble!  You will still be able to contact your friends, while avoiding your boss, parents, or ex-es (or anyone else you choose)!

Blacklist limited to 1 contact (full version is unlimited)
Temporarily removes all phone, email, and IM data for blacklisted contacts
Blocks calls to blacklisted contacts while sending their calls to voicemail
Blocks texts to blacklisted contacts*
Automatically turns off at a specified time
Can be turned off early after proof of sobriety (via a math problem)

If you like SafeMode Lite, consider getting the full version.  It has an unlimited blacklist and new features!

*May only work with default messaging application

Created by Mike Depinet and Boris Treskunov

keywords: drunk text, drunk texting, sms, voicemail, blocked calls, instant message, IM, history, mass text, party, social, safety, protection

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