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Новые бесплатные новости и журналы в Android Market

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Иконка для International Herald Tribune 1.5.0

International Herald Tribune (v. 1.5.0)

International Herald Tribune опубликовал приложение 2012-06-21
(обновлено 2014-05-24)

From Paris, Hong Kong and New York, the International Herald Tribune app for Android provides a fresh and original take on the world’s daily news. Drawing on its global newsgathering operation with The New York Times, the IHT selects the international news, business, culture, style, sports and opinion articles that tell you what is happening around the world and what it means.

• World news articles are fully refreshed for the Europe and Asia mornings, and the app includes a Latest News section from global.nytimes.com to keep you updated on the breaking stories that matter throughout the day.

• The comprehensive Business with Reuters section provides market and company news and analysis, and helps you connect the dots in global finance and economics.

• Heavy-hitting columnists like Roger Cohen, Thomas L. Friedman and Nobel prize-winner Paul Krugman appear alongside a revolving cast of influential and provocative global thinkers in the must-read Views section.

• Culture & Style takes you to fascinating corners of the international art, film, theater, design, music and literature worlds, and Suzy Menkes offers unrivaled coverage of fashion, from the catwalks of Europe to the shopping malls of Brazil.

•Soccer, golf, tennis, Formula One racing, rugby, cricket, baseball, football and athletics are all there in the world Sports section, along with the passionate and insightful journalism of Rob Hughes and Christopher Clarey.

•The Day in Pictures slideshow beautifully captures the human angle to the day’s events with photography from around the world, and the Video section includes the best international videos from global.nytimes.com

The app is free to download and our Front Page, Videos and Day In Pictures sections are free to browse. To get full access to this app, try an IHT digital subscription. For just $15 per month you'll get unlimited access to the IHT's range of smartphone apps plus full access to NYTimes.com from any device. Order now and get your first 2 weeks for free!

Иконка для Biz Report 1.6.3

Biz Report (v. 1.6.3)

MobilesRepublic опубликовал приложение 2012-06-20
(обновлено 2012-06-20)


BIZ REPORT is the first Smartphone App that enables you to create news channels on the business information that really matter to you, for eg. a company name (Google), an industry (Real estate) or a leader (Bill Gates) or any topic of your choice to pick-up from over 120,000 covered topics.

This ads-free app enables you to follow only the topics that really matter to you, from the reliable sources : Business Wire, PR Newswire, AFP, AP etc …

EXCLUSIVE : get alerted in real-time about breaking news from the topics that you follow (alerts about companies, markets, people, topics etc …) !

BIZ REPORT is brought to you by the publishers of NEWS REPUBLIC, best-rated news app on Android and iPhone.

Who is the BIZ REPORT app for:
- Business news addicts > get it all in 1 app
- Shareholders > get information on specific companies / markets
- Business people > follow the news on your industry

BIZ REPORT features the innovative new TagNav© system, which highlights major keywords (e.g. “L’Oréal”, “Petrol” or even “Facebook”) across all news stories worldwide. Simply click on the keyword to create your very own dedicated news channel on that particular topic. You choose the subjects, and BIZ REPORT brings you the news instantly!

With all that news – you can create your own personalized news channel!

BIZ REPORT Features:

* ONE APP –  MULTIPLE SOURCES! 1'500 breaking news per day

* MAKE IT PERSONAL: follow your topics of interest : companies, markets, people etc … The app will organize relevant stories for you on a dedicated interface.

* NEVER MISS A NEWS: parameter your Business News channels as widgets. You can follow as many topics as you wish.

* DISCOVER MORE: 120'000+ topics covered. Use BIZ REPORT as your Business News Encyclopedia!

* NO RSS Feeds: Just full stories from top quality news sources: Associated Press, AFP, ITN, Business Wire, PR Newswire etc …

* SHARE stories by mail, Twitter, Facebook

Иконка для Dagens Nyheter 1.0

Dagens Nyheter (v. 1.0)

Mobiletech опубликовал приложение 2012-06-20
(обновлено 2012-06-20)

Håll dig uppdaterad med mobilen. Här är genvägen till DN.se:s mobilanpassade sajt som snabbt ger dig bäst koll på nyhetsflödet. Här hittar du artiklar och reportage, kan läsa dina favoritkrönikörer, bevaka livesport och börsen, göra frågesporter och mycket mer.

Dagens Nyheter är oberoende liberal. Vi står fria från partier, organisationer och ekonomiska maktsfärer.
Vår utgångspunkt är att människor, oavsett social bakgrund, ska ha möjlighet att följa vad som händer i världen och kunna delta i debatten om viktiga samhällsfrågor. Vi verkar i en upplysningstradition som ska bidra till att svenskarna förblir ett läsande och tänkande folk. Därför är det viktigt att använda distributionsformer såsom papperstidning, webb, mobil eller andra kanaler som enskilt eller tillsammans är de som mottagaren önskar få. Vi slår vakt om objektivitet och oberoende verksamhet på alla plan.
Dagens Nyheters papperstidning läses av 879 000 personer mellan 15 och 79 år och DN.se har cirka 1,5 miljoner unika webbläsare varje vecka.  Dagens Nyheter är landets största annonsmedium inom tryckta tidningar. Dagens Nyheter ingår i Bonnierkoncernen, ett av norra Europas ledande medieföretag.

Иконка для plerts  (Planning Alerts) 0.1

plerts (Planning Alerts) (v. 0.1)

Mobycode Pty Ltd опубликовал приложение 2012-06-20
(обновлено 2012-06-20)

Find out what developments are going on in your area.  

Who is building what and where.

Using your current location - this app will display place markers in the surrounding area indicating the site of proposed or current development applications (see screen shots).

Location fixes are obtained from both GPS and the mobile cell towers your phone is connected to.

This app is only possible because of data supplied by the website http://www.planningalerts.org.au - an OpenAustralia Foundation project - and the Google Maps service.

For council coverage please go to the Planning Alerts website.

This app is currently limited to Australian councils.

Иконка для Delfi.lt 3.4

Delfi.lt (v. 3.4)

AS Delfi опубликовал приложение 2012-06-20
(обновлено 2014-05-24)

DELFI is Lithuania's leading news portal

Get the DELFI app to be the first to know the latest and TOP news from all categories:

* Economy
* Sport
* Entertainment
* Auto
* Lifestyle
* Sience & technology
* RU.Delfi - news in Russian
* PL.Delfi - news in Polish
* Photo galleries
* Weather
* TV Program

Иконка для Kvällsposten 1.3.2

Kvällsposten (v. 1.3.2)

AB Kvällstidningen Expressen опубликовал приложение 2012-06-20
(обновлено 2012-06-20)

The Kvällsposten app for Android contains a browser that provides access to the mobile-adapted site. Kvällsposten is Expressen’s Southern Swedish edition.

It contains:
News – The latest news – 24/7.
Entertainment – Reviews and entertainment news
Sports – Live scores, results and sports news
Weather – Current weather and forecast where you are
FotbollsExpressen – All about Swedish and international soccer
HockeyExpressen – All about Swedish and international hockey
Expressen TV – The best video clips directly on your mobile
EXTRA – Your new celebrity journal

News tips – You can easily get in touch with Kvällsposten through SMS, MMS and e-mail.

Features – The app can easily share articles via e-mail, Facebook and Twitter.

Иконка для GT 1.3.2

GT (v. 1.3.2)

AB Kvällstidningen Expressen опубликовал приложение 2012-06-20
(обновлено 2012-06-20)

The GT app for Android contains a browser that provides access to the mobile-adapted site.

GT is Expressens western Swedish edition. It contains:
News – The latest news – 24/7.
Entertainment – Reviews and entertainment news
Sports – Live scores, results and sports news
Weather – Current weather and forecast where you are
FotbollsExpressen – All about Swedish and international soccer
HockeyExpressen – All about Swedish and international hockey
Expressen TV – The best video clips directly on your mobile
EXTRA – Your new celebrity journal

News tips – You can easily get in touch with GT through SMS, MMS and e-mail.

Features – The app can easily share articles via e-mail, Facebook and Twitter.

Иконка для 112-Nederland 1.9

112-Nederland (v. 1.9)

snoei.net опубликовал приложение 2012-06-20
(обновлено 2012-06-20)

Uit respect voor privacy zijn huisnummers geanonimiseerd. Inhoud van de meldingen is afkomstig van het netwerk van de hulpdiensten en zo ver mogelijk verrijkt met specifieke gegevens.

Notificatie op je mobiel bij een 112 melding? Sirene? U hoort de brandweer, politie of een ambulance voorbijrijden? Ongeval, ongeluk of brand bij u in de buurt? Installeer de app en weet wat er aan de hand is. Bekijk Streetview, maps en deel de meldingen met uw vrienden.

De 112-Nederland app meldt 112 alarmeringen in de omgeving van je mobiele telefoon en in de omgeving van zelf op te geven locaties. De app meldt alle relevante en actuele C2000 alarmmeldingen van politie, brandweer, ambulance, KNRM en andere hulpdiensten in uw omgeving. Bepaal in de instellingen zelf welke locaties voor u belangrijk zijn.

112-Nederland bevat ook zoekfunctie voor het zoeken van meldingen in de omgeving van een postcode, plaats of straat.

De interval waarmee meldingen worden gepusht is instelbaar door de gebruiker. De keuze varieert in een interval van 5 minuten tot 1 dag. De applicatie is sinds versie 1.4 nog verder geoptimaliseerd op energieverbruik.

De meeste meldingen worden door de app gekoppeld aan StreetView, Maps en kunnen gedeeld worden met vrienden.

Er kunnen op geen enkele manier rechten worden ontleend aan deze applicatie. De maker is niet verantwoordelijk voor de inhoud en betrouwbaarheid van de meldingen. De dienst kan ten allen tijden zonder opgaaf van redenen tijdelijk worden onderbroken of definitief gestaakt.

Иконка для PAT Informa 1.0

PAT Informa (v. 1.0)

G.E.T. S.r.l. опубликовал приложение 2012-06-20
(обновлено 2012-06-20)

Scarica gratuitamente l'applicativo "PAT Informa" dell'Ufficio stampa della Giunta provinciale di Trento.

Accedi alla sezione VIDEO e guarda gratuitamente in streaming tutti i video relativi alle puntate settimanali prodotte dall'ufficio stampa.

Il programma radio televisivo "La Provincia informa", è un rotocalco di approfondimento delle attività e dei servizi erogati dalla pubblica amministrazione.

"La Provincia informa" viene anche trasmesso ogni settimana dalle emittenti radiofoniche e televisive trentine.

Ottieni informazioni utili sull'Ufficio stampa della Giunta provinciale di Trento quali i contatti, la mappa interattiva, la descrizione della trasmissione ed i componenti dello staff.

Tra le funzionalità dell’applicazione:

- Visualizzazione elenco delle puntate e accesso allo streaming

- Possibilità di ricerca di singole puntate tramite comodo calendario interattivo

- Accesso al sito internet dell'Ufficio stampa della Giunta provinciale di Trento tramite scelta da voce del menù

- Richiesta di informazioni dettagliate tramite invio di email ai contatti

L’applicazione è completamente GRATUITA.

Иконка для Roider Flash 1.0.1

Roider Flash (v. 1.0.1)

TriWorks Corp. JAPAN опубликовал приложение 2012-06-20
(обновлено 2012-06-20)

Check out the latest Android app by "Androider". Japan No1 app portal site.

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