Популярные медицинские приложения в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
161-170 из 1731
Иконка для Gray's Anatomy 2011

Gray's Anatomy 2011 (v.

USBMIS опубликовал приложение 2011-02-22
(обновлено 2012-06-15)

IMPORTANT: Because Gray's has thousands of anatomy figures, the first update is about 100MB.

Gray's Anatomy 2011 offers highly detailed anatomy images in the palm of your hand. Organized by a board certified surgeon and university professor, Gray's Anatomy 2011 is a true representation of how anatomy is taught in medical school. With hundreds of figures, this comprehensive and quick reference is a must have tool for any student of anatomy or any professional who needs the occasional reminder.

- Navigate by Table of Contents, Regions, Figure Index, Anatomy Man, or search the complete index
- Expandable fine detailed images
- Free periodic updates

We're finally on Facebook! Just search "USBMIS"

Иконка для Speed Bones MD 1.16

Speed Bones MD (v. 1.16)

Benoit Essiambre опубликовал приложение 2011-02-02
(обновлено 2012-05-14)

How fast can you point to your trapezium, trapezoid or triquetrum? Speed Bones MD is a fun an addictive game that tests your speed and challenges your memory.

-Contains dozens of images.
-Hundreds of labeled bones from all the main regions of the body.
-Earn points for precision.
-Bonus points for time.
-Bonus points for more than 5 right answers in a row.
-A magnifying glass appears when holding your finger on an image allowing you to achieve more precision and higher scores.
-Change language in the main menu (English, French, Japanese, German/Latin)

This is a must have game if you are tackling anatomy for high school, university or medical school. It is more captivating than flashcards and practice mode allows you to learn specific regions without doing all the previous levels.

"I wish I had this app available when I was a first year medical student."

"For just 99 cents, much less than a Medical Degree, Speed Bones is a fantastic game that contains dozens of images and helps you learn as you play."-kickbuttapplications.blogspot.com

"Speed Bones MD is a great app for anyone on the high school, university, or medical school level who is seriously, or casually interested in learning about the skeleton and its many mysteries"-appstruck.com

"Speed Bones MD is a lot of fun and a cheap way to learn a bit about the 200 bones or more that make up your very own skeleton"-www.knowyourmobile.com

Also try Speed Muscles MD and Speed Angiology MD and test your knowledge of muscles and the circulatory system.

I'm open to suggestions so don't hesitate to send me an e-mail if you find something is missing or not quite right.

Includes English, French, German/Latin, Italian, Spanish and Japanese!

Message from your humble developer: My apps, downloaded from the Android Market, are DRM free! Please consider throwing a few bucks in the tip jar by buying legitimate copies of the pay versions. Thank you!

Иконка для Speed Muscles MD 1.16

Speed Muscles MD (v. 1.16)

Benoit Essiambre опубликовал приложение 2011-02-02
(обновлено 2012-05-14)

Do you think you know the muscles of your body? How fast can you point to your latissimus, longissimus or lumbricals? Speed Muscles MD is an addictive game that tests your speed and challenges your memory.

"I wish I had this app available during gross anatomy when I was a first year medical student."-iMedicalApps.com

-Contains dozens of images.
-Contains hundreds of labeled muscles from all the main regions of the body.
-Earn points for precision.
-Bonus points for time.
-Bonus points for five right answers in a row..
-A magnifying glass appears when holding your finger on an image allowing you to achieve more precision and higher scores.
-Switch language in the main menu.

This is a must have game if you are tackling anatomy for high school, university or medical school. It is more captivating than flash cards. Practice mode allows you to learn specific regions without doing all the previous levels.

Also try Speed Angiology MD and Speed Bones MD to test your knowledge of the circulatory system and bones!

Includes. English, Spanish, French, German/Latin, Italian and Japanese!

Message from your humble developer: My apps, downloaded from the Android Market, are DRM free! Please consider throwing a few bucks in the tip jar by buying legitimate copies of the pay versions. Thank you!

Иконка для CF GeneE 1.0.4

CF GeneE (v. 1.0.4)

Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc опубликовал приложение 2013-01-22
(обновлено 2013-01-22)

CF GeneE is an educational app for healthcare professionals that works on your Android. Use CF GeneE as a resource to view information about common mutations in the CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator) gene that lead to cystic fibrosis disease.

Product Information
·View information on the most frequently occurring disease-causing mutations in the CFTR gene
·Understand the functional consequences of these common CFTR gene mutations at the CFTR protein level
·Launch narrated animations that discuss the molecular mechanisms by which CFTR mutations can lead to CF disease
·Obtain information on the worldwide prevalence of each mutation, with mutations mapped on a Google(R) map of the world
·Easy to use interface for quick navigation

Иконка для 医療求人紹介 ForDoctor 1.1

医療求人紹介 ForDoctor (v. 1.1)

LIFE PLUS опубликовал приложение 2013-01-20
(обновлено 2013-01-20)

『医療求人紹介 ForDoctor』ならあなたにぴったりの転職先がきっと見つかります。

『医療求人紹介 ForDoctor』は医師、看護師、介護師、薬剤師など医療求人情報を掲載しているAndroidアプリとなっています。

『求人サイトって一体ドコを選べばいいのかわからない…』という方は数多くいると思います。『医療求人紹介 ForDoctor』はそういった方のためのAndroidアプリです。


就職、転職、比較、求人、仕事、日勤、夜勤、当直、交代勤務、短期、単発、長期、駅近、未経験、ブランク、残業、寮、住宅手当、履歴書、職務経歴書、送付状、添え状、募集、口コミ、ランキング、無料、新卒、第二新卒、再就職、育休、産休、スキルアップ、ブランク、キャリア、ベテラン、新人、素人、ステップアップ、海外、首都圏、全国、就職活動、就活、看護、介護、医療、厚生労働省、労災病院、クリニック、日本赤十字社、医療法人、社団法人、財団法人、医師、ドクター、院長、副院長、部長、医長、医院、診療所、看護大学、ナイチンゲール、白衣の天使、ナース、看護婦、看護士、看護師、准看護師、看護学部、医学部、看護師国家試験、認定医、専門医、指導医、標榜医、指定医、薬剤師、看護師免許、国家資格、医療資格、保健師、女性医師、助産師、コ・メディカル、常勤、正職員、正社員、非常勤、派遣社員、契約社員、紹介予定派遣、研修生、パート、アルバイト、スポット病院、療養、精神、診療所、調剤薬局、ドラッグストア、漢方薬局、製薬会社医薬品卸、CRO、SMO、老人施設、訪問看護、保育施設、健診機関、学校、臨床開発、企業、内科、外科、耳鼻咽喉科、美容、心療内科、心療内科、産婦人科、産科、婦人科、免疫療法、老人内科、呼吸外科、放射線科、人工透析、神経科、神経内科、腎臓内科、呼吸器内科、気管食道科、心臓外科、心臓血管外科、皮膚科、精神科、内分泌・代謝内科、血液内科、消化器外科、理学療法科、麻酔科、老健施設、眼科、消化器内科、脳神経外科、泌尿器科、性病科、こう門科、乳腺外科、小児科、小児外科、健診、検診、人間ドック、ペインクリニック、循環器内科、整形外科、形成外科、透析科、アレルギー科、リウマチ科、リハビリテーション科、救命外来、内分泌内科、緩和ケア、訪問診療、介護サービス、病理、救命救急(ER)、ICU、NICU、CCU、ホスピス、産業医、在宅診療、治験CRC、治験CRA、製薬、クリニック、老人ホーム、特養ホーム、MR、管理薬剤師、薬剤師、薬剤師助手・販売員、研究開発、学術、マーケティング、DM、調剤、服薬指導、薬歴管理、在庫管理、OTC、レセプト業務、教育・指導、DI業務、注射薬調剤、化学療法調剤、NST、管理薬剤師、マネージャー職、在宅、漢方、 薬局製剤、QC・QA

Иконка для Potato Time 1.0

Potato Time (v. 1.0)

App Town опубликовал приложение 2013-01-13
(обновлено 2013-01-13)

Potato Time tells you the time by speech when you touch the screen. This should be a very useful tool when we want to check the time by sound.

Keywords: time, blind, touch, finger, speak, french, german, spanish, japanese, potato

Иконка для 血糖値 Pro 1.0.5

血糖値 Pro (v. 1.0.5)

Hideki Ogawa опубликовал приложение 2013-01-11
(обновлено 2013-01-11)




- 血糖値は、朝食前、朝食後、昼食前、昼食後、夕食前、夕食後、就寝前の計7回/日の入力が可能です。
- インスリン、服薬の記録は、朝食時、昼食時、夕食時、就寝前の計4回/日の入力が可能です。
- 体重の入力も可能です。
- 最大50文字までのメモを入力することができます。食事の内容や運動の実施などについて記入することができます。
- 数値の入力は、テンキーにより簡単にできます。
- 一つの画面で、最新の測定結果と評価、グラフ、データリストの全てが表示されます。
- 入力したデータは、CSVファイルにエクスポートすることができます。
- エクスポートしたデータを再度インポートして読み込むことができます。
- 血糖値(無料版)のデータをインポートすることもできます。
- グラフは最大で、1年間分を表示できます。
- グラフへ表示するデータは指定することができ、夕食後血糖値だけを表示することや、全7回分の血糖値と体重も表示するなど任意に選択できます。


- 入力ボタンを押し、メニューから入力したい項目を選択して、時間帯や値を入力します。これだけです。

- 入力したデータを一つだけ削除したい場合は、その項目に"0"を入力すると個別に削除できます。

- 表示ボタンを押して表示するデータ種別を選択すると、グラフへ表示するデータを指定できます。
- リスト表示のデータをタップすると、グラフ上の該当日付のところに白線がひかれます。
- リスト表示のデータをロングタップすると、そのデータを編集、または削除できます。
- メニューボタンを押して全データ削除を押すと、データの初期化ができます。
- メニューボタンを押してエクスポートを押すと、データがCSV形式(カンマ区切り)でSDカードに保存されます。CSVファイルは、パソコンにコピーするとExcelで編集ができます。
- メニューボタンを押してインポートを押すと、過去にエクスポートしたデータや血糖値(無料版)で作成したCSVファイルを読み込むことができます。
- メニューボタンを押して共有を押すと、メールやBluetoothなどでデータを送信することができます。


  1. 血糖値(無料版)でエクスポートをする。
  2. sdcard/KETTOUCHI/KXXXXXXXX.csvファイルを、sdcard/KETTOUCHIPROの下にコピーする。
  3. 血糖値Pro(有料版)で、メニューを押し、インポートを押す。
  4. 表示されたファイルの一覧から、インポートしたいファイル(KXXXXXXXX.csv)を選択する。


Иконка для 介護POS 10.2011120

介護POS (v. 10.2011120)

制御情報株式会社 опубликовал приложение 2013-01-02
(обновлено 2013-01-02)





★通常のお店にあるPOS(Point Of Sales)は、販売時点をとらえそれを分析することで

★介護POS(Point Of Service)は、介護現場のデジタルデータをサービス時点でとらえ
   << 均質で良質なサービスの提供 >>
   << お客様満足度の向上 >>









Иконка для ADA: Medical Access 1.0

ADA: Medical Access (v. 1.0)

kaios-korner.blogspot.com опубликовал приложение 2012-12-27
(обновлено 2012-12-27)

*Works with Tablets and Cell Phones.  This app contains the Americans with Disabilities Act Guide:  "Access To Medical Care For Individuals With Mobility Disabilities" which contains information that will be helpful to Doctors, Hospitals, Nurses, Medical Staff and Patients.  

Accessibility of doctors' offices, clinics, and other health care providers is essential in providing medical care to people with disabilities. Due to barriers, individuals with disabilities are less likely to get routine preventative medical care than people without disabilities.

Some of the topics covered in this guide include:

- General Requirements
- Commonly Asked Questions
- Accessible Examination Rooms
- Accessible Medical Equipment

This technical assistance publication provides guidance for medical care providers on the requirements of the ADA in medical settings with respect to people with mobility disabilities, which include, for example, those who use wheelchairs, scooters, walkers, crutches, or no mobility devices at all.

This app was created by a disabled patient who believes tolerance and education lead to equality.  Let's work together to make medical care Accessible to Everyone!

*Note - This app contains many images and will take 15-30 seconds to startup, depending on your phone; once loaded, the interface will be fast and responsive.

Иконка для Pills on the Go 1.5.5

Pills on the Go (v. 1.5.5)

App Singularity опубликовал приложение 2012-12-13
(обновлено 2012-12-13)

A pill reminder for people on the go. Take your pills on time, on the go.
This medication reminder focuses on reminding you to take your pills on time.
Get an alarm each time it is medication time. Alarms repeat if you miss it.

This is the paid version of the free app that won Best App Award by bestappsmarket.com!

Very easy setup, no profiles, doctors/contact information or any other unneeded information.

Just enter plans (it will prompt your for medication details) and you are ready to go.

Main benefits:

You get alarms when it's time for your medication.
Reminder history shows your last actions.

Snooze and auto repeat (max 30 minutes) in case you miss a notification.
Take your planned medication now or choose to skip.
You get a visual cue when you need to get more medication. Never run out again.
Medication amounts don't have to be whole pills, 0.5 works as well.
Adjust your dose when you take your medication.
Home screen widgets to keep you up to date.
Tap less setting automatically opens your notification when possible.
Tap less setting automatically opens your next notification.
Suspend and enable plans easily for temporary schedules.
This app also support the Dutch language. (Select Dutch as language in your phone settings.)

Your privacy:

We respect your privacy and will not ask for your personal information.
This also means that this app is ad free!

No information about you or your medicine use is recorded or distributed.

This app only stores your medication plans on *your* phone.


Read the FAQ on the site or ask me question directly (also on my site).

Task killers:

Task killers might interfere with the proper functioning of this application.
Put this app in the exclude list or don't use a task killer.

If everybody made proper apps, a task killer would not be needed.

This app asks for permission to vibrate your phone and for starting when your phone starts.

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