Лучшие по рейтингу в категории 'Стиль жизни' в Android Market

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4261-4270 из 17250
Иконка для Find motels around(Ad Version) 14.0

Find motels around(Ad Version) (v. 14.0)

SonJoy опубликовал приложение 2012-01-01
(обновлено 2012-01-01)

Around easily and quickly with one touch of a nearby motel finds. = Usage = 1. Run the application. (On the desktop, release the easiest to register.) 2. Their current position (standing up to the display orientation) and motels around the retrieved easily go visit their locations on the map marked. Around the world, is available nationwide wherever. When these situations, we recommend using = = 1. Not traveling away (regardless of haeoedeun guknaedeun) to find accommodation when the two. Do not go to the motel all day before the day be regretted that the recommendations be here when the same situation or uncomfortable if you tell us a point. I'll have a quick update. Thank you. = Warning = Google Maps (Google Map) application must be installed. Map (Google Maps) are supported. Daum Naver maps and the map does not support. In a lot of applications installed on the map to select a menu application that the people who come out of the map (Google Maps) Please select the defaults. Daum Naver maps and maps you accidentally set by default If you have one. Preferences 2. An application 3. Daum is set as the default in the application management while in the map, erasing the default action if you press the re-application is running ^ ^

Иконка для 아이쿠폰-맛집,모텔,뷰티,프랜차이즈 쿠폰 1만개 모음! 4.2

아이쿠폰-맛집,모텔,뷰티,프랜차이즈 쿠폰 1만개 모음! (v. 4.2)

메뉴판닷컴 опубликовал приложение 2012-01-01
(обновлено 2014-01-09)

아이쿠폰은 메뉴판닷컴/호텔365/iCoupon에서 제공하는 국내 최초, 최대의 스마트폰&테블릿 전용 할인 쿠폰 서비스앱 입니다.

13년 7월 아이쿠폰 사용자들만을 위한 초대박 이벤트!

1. 뮤직쇼 '웨딩' 초대 이벤트!
2. 롯데카드 제휴 스타벅스 음료 증정 이벤트!
3. 전국 미니스톱 7월 할인쿠폰 이벤트!
4. 전국 세븐일레븐&바이더웨이 7-11Day 최대 50% 할인 이벤트!
5. 전국 GS25 각종 커피 할인쿠폰 제공 이벤트!
6. 대한통운 무조건 4000원 이벤트!
7. 리엔케이 10만원 상당 무료 스킨케어 체험 앵콜 이벤트!
8. 오픈캐스트 구독자 대상 상품 증정 이벤트!


6월 신규추가 브랜드 쿠폰

1. 타코벨 10% 할인, 나초무료쿠폰 (전지점)
2. 김영모과자점 10% 할인쿠폰
3. 더바디샵 화이트머스크 무료증정 쿠폰 (전지점)
4. 미니스톱 편의점 쿠폰 (전지점)
5. 골든네일 네일아트 무료서비스 쿠폰 (전지점)
6. Re:NK 고현정 스킨케어 무료체험 쿠폰 (청담점)
7. 스시로 회전초밥 할인 쿠폰 (전지점)
8. WT메소드 60% 할인 쿠폰 (전지점)
9. 웰킨두피 할인 쿠폰

◆ 240만 이상의 다운로더가 추천한 진짜 맛집/뷰티/호텔 어플! ◆
-★★★★★ 윙스푼 이런데는 쿠폰이 없는게 쫌 아쉬운데 이게 역시 짱좋음 id:ppri-
-★★★★☆ 베니건스 피자헛 쿠폰 짱! 이런 쿠폰들 다 모여있기 쉽지 않은데 ㅋㅋㅋ id:dmm-
-★★★★★ 취준생커플이라 점점 데이트비용부담되는데 아이쿠폰덕분에 돈많이아끼고있어요 감사~^^ id:guga-
-★★★★★ 배달의민족 원래 많이 썼었는데 거긴할인되는것도없고 아이쿠폰은 다돼서 좋음 id:zizi-
-★★★☆☆ 야놀자같은 모텔어플 맛집어플 다 따로안받아도 레알 원스톱임ㅋㅋㅋ id:junh-
-★★★★☆ 네일샵 일주일에 한번씩 가는데 할인받고 서비스받는거 완전 쏠쏠해요!!! id:yem-
-★★★★★ 티몬이나 쿠팡, 그루폰, 위메프 같은 소셜커머스와 달리 미리 돈내지 않아도 되서 너무 좋아요 id:seuk-


No.1 무료 쿠폰어플 아이쿠폰 (iCoupon)

2010년 6월 출시 당시 어플등록 12시간만에 TOP FREE에서 1위 등극! 200만 회원이 사용중인 슈퍼어플!

피자헛, 커핀그루나루, 원할머니보쌈, 이철헤어커커 등 유명 프랜차이즈 브랜드부터 우리동네 소호매장까지 전국 각지의 맛집 7,000여곳 및 호텔 1,000여곳, 뷰티 1,500여곳, 라이프+쇼핑 500여곳까지 할인쿠폰 총 20,000여장을 제공합니다!

소셜커머스 사이트 티켓몬스터(ticketmonster), 쿠팡, 위메이크프라이스, 그루폰처럼 미리 쿠폰을 돈주고 구매하실 필요 없습니다! 집, 회사, 거리에서 조회하고 매장을 방문해서 대박 쿠폰을 바로 사용하세요!!


※ 본 어플은 사용자의 위치정보를 저장하지 않습니다.


[어플 사용 Tip]
1. 인기쿠폰 : 인기 브랜드, 금주의 베스트, 오늘의 신규쿠폰을 한눈에 확인!
2. 쿠폰찾기 : 주변쿠폰, 내가 자주가는 지역, 선호하는 업체를 손쉽게 검색!
3. 모바일홈페이지 : 사진, 메뉴, 찾아가는길, 영업시간, 대표메뉴, 주차/좌석정보, 리뷰(네이버,다음,구글), 쿠폰정보 그리고 전화연결까지!
4. 내쿠폰 : 내가 다운받은 쿠폰들! 모아모아~!

▶ 아이쿠폰 주요 브랜드 가맹점 ◀

- 커핀그루나루(무료 사이즈업)
- 원할머니보쌈(5,000원 할인 외 11건)
- 놀부보쌈&부대찌개(만두제공 외 8건)
- 피자헛(5,000원 할인 외 5건)
- 베니건스(퀘사디아/치즈피자/샐러드바 무료)
- 마르쉐(20% 할인)
- 오므토토마토(15% 할인)
- 한스델리 (음료 무제한 제공)
- 더후라이팬(샐러드 무료제공 외 6건)
- 박가부대찌개(2,000원할인 외 1건)
- 카페 네스카페(아메리카노 1+1 외 3건)
- 우노(바베큐치킨피자 무료제공 외 10건)
- 노리타(고르곤졸라피자 제공 외 10건)
- 치킨매니아(10% 할인 외 18건)
- 홍가(10% 할인 외 15건)

- 골든네일(그라데이션, 프렌치 무료서비스)
- WT메소드(60% 할인)
- 박준뷰티랩(30% 할인쿠폰 외 3건)
- 이철헤어커커(20% 할인쿠폰 외 2건)
- ABC마트(최대 30%, 추가 5% 할인쿠폰)
- 금단비가(10% 할인쿠폰 외 1건)
- 더풋샵(30% 할인쿠폰 외 5건)
- 토니앤가이(전품목 30% 할인쿠폰 외 1건)

- 택배대한통운(무게, 지역 구분 없이 4,000원)
- 페덱스 익스프레스(30% 할인 외 5건)
- 뮤지컬 젊음의행진(50% 할인 외 1건)
- 연극 밀당의탄생(50% 할인 외 1건)
- 존슨앤존슨(리스테린 무료제공 외 7건)
- CMP실용음악학원(10% 할인쿠폰)

▶ 아이쿠폰 7월 편의점 할인 쿠폰 UPDATE 현황◀

1. 세븐일레븐(Seven Eleven) & 바이더웨이(by the way)
창립기념일 '7-11 Day맞이 최대 50% 대박 할인 이벤트 진행중!

▶ 글라소 비타민 워터 50% 할인
▶ 매일 우유 3종 50% 할인
▶ 덴마크 인포켓 치즈 50% 할인
▶ 델몬트 오렌지/포도 50% 할인
▶ CJ 워터젤리 20% 할인
▶ 스프라이트 50% 할인
▶ 칸타타 3종/조지아 카페라떼 45% 할인
▶ 코카콜라 42%/코카콜라 제로 45% 할인
▶ CJ 헛개수 1L 44%/340ml 40% 할인
▶ 베지밀A/베지밀 검은콩과 16곡 42% 할인
▶ 다이제/버터링/폴라포/프링글스/칙촉/듀페 등 과자류 약 40% 할인
▶ 강원 평창수 47% 할인
 ▶ 아이스 망고에이드/블루레몬에이드/초코모카 50% 할인
                      - 등 총 114종 쿠폰 제공

2. 미니스톱

 ▶ 즉석원두아이스커피 53% 할인
 ▶ 온더바디 썬스프레이 53% 할인
 ▶ 아이스티복숭아/아이스헤이즐넛 50% 할인
 ▶ J깨끗한나라 물티슈 50% 할인
 ▶ 카페라떼마일드/마끼아또 39% 할인
 ▶ 소프트아이스커피 밀크/헤이즐넛 33% 할인
 ▶ 빅 아이스아메리카노 33% 할인
 ▶ 티오 아이스티 피치 33% 할인
 ▶ 우유속에딸기과즙 33% 할인
 ▶ 콜라 250ml(캔) 33% 할인
 ▶ 소프트아이스크림 바닐라/초코(콘) 30% 할인
 ▶ 더위사냥/빠삐코 30% 할인
 ▶ 포카리스웨트 약 30% 할인
 ▶ 숯불매콤닭꼬치 23% 할인
 ▶ 바나나는 원래 하얗다 20% 할인
                      - 등 총 30종 쿠폰 제공


트위터 : @icoupon_
미투데이 : icoupon
요즘 : menupan_meg
페이스북 : 검색창에 "아이쿠폰"

제휴문의 및 쿠폰등록문의
담당자 / 강상완
mail : icoupon_biz@menupan.com
tel : 02-2017-7720

Иконка для iProperty.com Malaysia 1.1

iProperty.com Malaysia (v. 1.1)

iProperty.com Malaysia опубликовал приложение 2012-01-01
(обновлено 2012-01-01)

iProperty.com Malaysia Property/Real Estate Search

Download the FREE iProperty.com Malaysia App to give yourself access to Malaysia’s largest database of over 200,000 property listings.
Whether you’re in the market for properties for sale, rent or new projects, this app will give you real-time access to the very same listings and resources that are now available on our websites!
Key features:
Instantly access over 200,000 properties for sale and rent in Malaysia, with multiple photos, property details, maps and more
Powerful and flexible search -  filter by property type,  location, budget, bedrooms, or keywords
View your Search results on a list or map
Contact Agent/Developer – get in touch with the seller by phone, email or sms with just a click
See properties nearby your current location with Google Maps
Agent and Developer Directories – Search our comprehensive database of real estate agents and property developers
Condominium Directory – Access a comprehensive database of condominiums and private apartments with information, pictures, maps and user reviews!
Property News – Access the latest real estate news as published on our website.

About iProperty.com (www.iproperty.com)
The iProperty.com Group is Asia's No. 1 online property group, with leading property websites in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, India and the Philippines. In 2009, the Group made history by winning the highly prestigious CNBC Arabiya Asia Pacific Property Awards in the "Best Property Portal" category for 6 of its websites across 5 countries, including Malaysia (www.iproperty.com.my), Singapore (www.iproperty.com.sg), Hong Kong (www.gohome.com.hk), India (www.india.iproperty.com), the Philippines (www.iproperty.com.ph) and regional luxury property portal iLuxuryasia.com (www.iLuxuryasia.com). iProperty.com is owned by Australian Stock Exchange-listed IPGA Limited (www.ipgalimited.com), (ASX: IPP).

Иконка для Allrecipes Dinner Spinner Pro 1.0.4

Allrecipes Dinner Spinner Pro (v. 1.0.4)

Allrecipes.com, Inc. опубликовал приложение 2012-01-01
(обновлено 2012-01-01)

Recipe app fans asked for more help in the kitchen, and Allrecipes.com answered. With Dinner Spinner Pro, every cook can have full access to the world’s #1 recipe site from their Android device.

Recipe app fans: We want to be able to access our recipe box from the site!
Allrecipes.com: No problem! The Pro version lets you browse, save, and organize recipes from your online recipe box.

Recipe app fans: It would be great if we could change the number of servings a recipe makes.
Allrecipes.com: Done. Now, scale recipes to the perfect number of servings for your specific needs.

Recipe app fans: We’d like to be able to search using specific ingredients.
Allrecipes.com: You got it! Include or exclude up to eight ingredients to narrow your recipe search.

Recipe app fans: We would love an easy way to share recipes.
Allrecipes.com: We’ve made it easier than ever. Email recipes to friends and family, or even share to your friends on Facebook and Twitter!

Recipe app fans: We want to be able to create shopping lists.
Allrecipes.com: Now, you can! Access your existing shopping lists, create new ones, and even share them. Dinner Spinner Pro is also smart enough to combine the same ingredients from different recipes.

Recipe app fans: Our time is valuable—we’d rather not spend it looking at ads.
Dinner Spinner Pro: We heard you!. No ads in the PRO version!

More Dinner Spinner Pro perks: 

A “kitchen view” makes it easier to see recipes while cooking.
Your shopping list automatically updates when you change the number of servings in a recipe on your list, check off grocery items or add to your list as you shop.

Get everything you’ve been wanting in a recipe app—plus, a few extras you’ll love too. Upgrade now!

Иконка для iColor by GORI 0.9.12-r79

iColor by GORI (v. 0.9.12-r79)

Dyrup опубликовал приложение 2012-01-01
(обновлено 2012-01-01)

Mit dieser kostenfreien App des größten europäischen Lasurenherstellers Dyrup mit der Profi-Marke GORI können Planer, Maler, Holzbauer, Architekten oder Bauherren per Augmented Reality ganz einfach Wände, Fassaden, Holzflächen, Terrassendecks oder andere Objekte virtuell anstreichen. Mit iColor GORI lässt sich die (Farb)-Wirkung im Voraus planen, die passenden Farbtöne abstimmen, der voraussichtliche Materialbedarf ermitteln und der nächst gelegene Fachhändler mit einem GORI Farbmischsystem finden. Wahlweise kann dieser Händler direkt angerufen werden (normale Telefonverbindung* aus der App heraus) - oder der Nutzer lässt sich mit Hilfe von Google Maps die Strecke und Route dorthin planen und die Adresse auf der Straßenkarte anzeigen (für Deutschland und Österreich).
*Telefonkosten gemäß Ihrem Vertrag

Wählen Sie Ihre Favoriten-Farbtöne - entweder aus den vorhandenen GORI Farbton-Paletten oder anhand eines Fotos, welches Sie gespeichert haben - oder einem neuen Foto, welches Sie spontan aufnehmen. Nach der Farbtonauswahl können Sie jeden Raum/jede Fläche auf dem Bildschirm virtuell "anstreichen", oder ein vorher aufgenommenens Foto von einem hierfür vorgesehenen Objekt. Sie können Farb-Harmonien oder -Kontraste erzeugen und mit deren Wirkungen spielen und frei gestalten. Nutzen Sie iColor auch, um das Bild Ihres fertig gestellten Farbtonentwurfs zu versenden, zu drucken, um den Materialbedarf für diese Fläche/dieses Projekt zu ermitteln, oder sich den nächstgelegenen GORI-Händler (Mit GORI Farbmischsystem) anzeigen zu lassen.

iColor GORI ist ein idealer Akquise-Helfer für den Maler, der seinen Kunden zeigen möchte, wie ein bestimmtes Objekt aussehen könnte. Denn es ermöglicht die Abstimmung von (namentlich definierten, mischbaren) Farbtönen der passenden GORI Profi-Maler Produkte,  wie Wandfarben, deckende Holzfarben oder halbtransparente Lasuren. Auch Gartenhölzer und Holzterrassen lassen sich mit diesem Tool virtuell gestalten. Ihnen sind damit alle Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten offen, ohne dass Sie das Risiko eines Fehlanstrichs auf sich nehmen müssen.

GORI ist die Profi-Marke des skandinavischen Lasuren- und Holzfarbenherstellers Dyrup AS (Kopenhagen).   www.gori.de      www.gori.at

Иконка для GreendaysTheme 1.0.0

GreendaysTheme (v. 1.0.0)

Gini опубликовал приложение 2011-12-31
(обновлено 2011-12-31)

This is a theme for OI Notepad and OI Shopping List. It is a silence day with the sommer rain.

Иконка для My Restaurant Agenda 1.3.3

My Restaurant Agenda (v. 1.3.3)

appslab опубликовал приложение 2011-12-31
(обновлено 2011-12-31)

All your restaurants, your favourite places, your comments to the menus, service, calendar, pictures... always close to you!

Add new restaurants.
Look for restaurants.
Your restaurants indexed by kind of food.
Your own agenda of visits to your favourite restaurants.
Take pictures of the cards.
Comment whatever you want.

From the main screen you will be able to access and create your own restaurant cards. You can organize them by type of food, by your own rating or by price!

You can look for your favourite restaurants and see them in a map, so you can find out the best way to get to them.
If you don't remember the exact place, you will be able to find it from our calendar, where you can save your visits and assign them to a specific day.

The calendar will display different icons depending on the kind of restaurant you visited that day! So, you will never forget that place you liked so much!

Of course, comments and impressions are important. Every time you go to a restaurant, you can write comments about it, so you will never forget your experience there!

Comments about special dishes, about other customers,tidiness, or kindness are important to remember for new possible visits.

Take pictures about your favourite dishes or the restaurant card! So you can always remember how it looked like!

Иконка для AIDS/Lifecycle 1.01

AIDS/Lifecycle (v. 1.01)

Charity Dynamics, Inc. опубликовал приложение 2011-12-31
(обновлено 2011-12-31)

The AIDS/LifeCycle Android application allows registered AIDS/LifeCycle participants to access their Participant Center on the go. Update your personal page, send emails to friends, follow our Twitter feed and watch yourself get closer and closer to your fundraising goal!

Иконка для Christian Radio 1.2

Christian Radio (v. 1.2)

FlyingFlicks опубликовал приложение 2011-12-31
(обновлено 2011-12-31)


A Great radio application for those of you who love streaming radio .The simplicity of this app will appeal to those who are satisfied with great content and reliability.
Christian Radio offers streaming audio from optimized radio stations. The Player currently offers many station streams. Now get in touch with your radio station any where any time, with your Android smart phone and feel the passion of listening to your favourite radio station in one touch.  

Supports MP3 live streaming radios with best sound quality

Supports full-multitasking with background play with Android

Иконка для Little Chef 1.0.0

Little Chef (v. 1.0.0)

12snap Germany GmbH опубликовал приложение 2011-12-31
(обновлено 2011-12-31)

Leckere Gerichte zaubern – mit dem, was gerade im Haus ist!

„Was kochen wir denn heute mal schnell? Wir haben nur etwas Hackfleisch, Sahne und Paprika im Haus...“

Sicher kennen Sie das auch: Keine Zeit oder keine Lust, noch was einzukaufen – aber ein leckeres Mittag- oder Abendessen und vielleicht noch ein Nachtisch sollte schon auf dem Tisch stehen. Dafür gibt´s jetzt die „Little Chef“ App.

Mit "Little Chef" finden Sie mit wenigen Klicks kleine und einfache Gerichte für Zutaten, die Sie bestimmt im Haus haben.

Die App bietet:
– Intuitive Bedienung und handgezeichnete Grafiken
– Einfach bis zu 5 Zutaten auswählen, schon wird ein Rezept vorgeschlagen
– Drei Kategorien mit Vorspeisen, Hauptspeisen und Desserts
– Schritt für Schritt Anweisung für jedes Gericht
– Kann bequem als Einkaufliste genutzt werden
– Versand der Einkaufsliste per E-Mail

Jetzt ausprobieren und schon in wenigen Minuten lecker loskochen!

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