Новые в категории 'Стиль жизни' в Android Market

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Иконка для RZIM 1.1

RZIM (v. 1.1)

Abiah опубликовал приложение 2011-08-30
(обновлено 2011-08-30)

The RZIM Android App allows you to have on-demand access to the latest and best RZIM (Ravi Zacharias International Ministries) content directly from your Android Device.

- Read blog posts!
- Listen to the RZIM audio.
- View videos from RZIM YouTube feed.
- Follow RZIM on Twitter and connect on FaceBook

Иконка для Miniature Pinscher info 1.0

Miniature Pinscher info (v. 1.0)

BAWidgets.com опубликовал приложение 2011-08-30
(обновлено 2011-08-30)

Miniature Pinscher information and news.
The Miniature Pinscher (Zwergpinscher, Min Pin) is a small breed of dog, originating from Germany. Their earliest ancestors are a mix of Italian Greyhounds and Dachsunds. Miniature Pinschers were the first bred to hunt small mammals, especially rats. The Miniature Pinscher is also known as the "King of the Toys". The international kennel club, the Fédération Cynologique Internationale, lists the Miniature Pinscher in Group 2, Section 1.1 Pinscher, along with the Dobermann, the German Pinscher, the Austrian Pinscher, and the other toy pinscher, the Affenpinscher. Other kennel clubs list the Miniature Pinscher in the Toy Group or Companion Group.

They are a working breed and not a toy dog, per se. Buyers should also be aware that there is no such dog as a "teacup" or "pocket" Min Pin: These are simply terms that certain breeders use to increase interest in their dogs (and sometimes the price). The miniature Pinscher also tends to have very long legs and a small body, which can sometimes make it look quite comical with cat-like grace. As a result of the flexible, agile body of a Miniature Pinscher, they are able to curl up in almost any position and almost always be comfortable. Having long legs and fragile bones means they are prone to broken bones, especially in the first few years of life. They should not be allowed to jump off high surfaces and be monitored when held by children. Additionally, miniature pinschers can have luxating patella, or dislocated kneecap, and should be checked by a vet for this when young. This can often lead to surgery so potential owners need to consider incurring these types of expensive bills.
Miniature Pinscher breed standard calls for 10 to 12.5 inches at the withers (shoulders) with any dog under 10 or over 12.5 not eligible to be shown. The original Miniature Pinscher actually had more variance as being a cross between a smooth coated Dachshund and a Miniature Greyhound (known today as the Italian Greyhound, led to some carrying the Dachshund legs while others carried the Italian Greyhound leg creating some short and some tall. After many years of German breeding an average was maintained. Though today's standard is smaller than the original. Germans bred Miniature Pinschers until they could not stand due to small size and frailty, but there was good breeding stock left in Sweden.

Иконка для Dictionnaire des rêves 1.7

Dictionnaire des rêves (v. 1.7)

Artou опубликовал приложение 2011-08-30
(обновлено 2011-08-30)

>> Que le possesseur du Galaxy Ace qui m'a envoyé un rapport de bug me contacte, merci !

Plus de 3200 mots et définitions sont maintenant disponibles pour vous aider à décrypter vos rêves !

► Ne nécessite aucune connexion Internet
► Gratuit et sans pub
► Déplacement sur SD possible
► Live search, recherche en direct
► Consulter la liste des mots inclus dans la base de données

NOTE : Le "bug" qui relance l'application au démarrage n'en est pas un, ceci est dû à l'utilisation de mon framework, merci de votre compréhension.

- changement du splahscreen et de l'icône
- partage maintenant possible sur Facebook ou par email etc..
- compatibilité avec Android 3.x

Réécriture complète de la base de données (cela prendra du temps 3200 mots !)
Ajout de définitions psychanalytiques

Avec cette application, découvrez la signification de vos rêves !

*** Veuillez noter que le chargement d'une liste peut faire freezer votre appareil, ce n'est pas un bug, la base de données se charge. ***

• Lisez attentivement l'information disponible à partir du menu.

♥ Si vous trouvez un bug, merci de me contacter.

// Des erreurs orthographiques peuvent s'être glissés, si tel est le cas, contacter moi, je ferai la correction.

→ Je ne suis pas responsable en cas de mauvaises interprétations de vos rêves. Tous les mots affichés dans cette application sont extrait de différents sites Internet.

Иконка для Mastiff Dog 1.0

Mastiff Dog (v. 1.0)

BAWidgets.com опубликовал приложение 2011-08-30
(обновлено 2011-08-30)

A mastiff is a large breed of dog. They are often used as guard dogs and there are many breeds:

Alpine Mastiff, an extinct breed originating in Switzerland
American Mastiff, a breed of dog originating in the United States
Anatolian Mastiff, an ancient breed of dog originating in Turkey (when it was part of the Persian Empire in 485 AD)—see Anatolian Shepherd Dog
Argentinian Mastiff, or Dogo Argentino a mastiff developed in Argentina for large game-hunting
Bordeaux Mastiff or French Mastiff, two alternative names for the Dogue de Bordeaux, one of the most ancient French breeds
Boxer (dog) or german bullmastiff, bred to be a lighter faster stronger bullmastiff
Brazilian Mastiff, another name for the Fila Brasileiro a breed of dog originating in Brazil
Bullmastiff, said to be a cross between the English Mastiff and the Bulldog
Bully Kutta, Pakistani Bully Kutta
Cane Corso Mastiff, or Italian Mastiff, breed which originated in Italy and best known as the Cane Corso
Cuban Mastiff, an extinct breed resembling a Bullmastiff, originating in Cuba
English Mastiff, a breed of dog in the Molosser group originating in England, usually just called "Mastiff"
German Mastiff, better known as Great Dane, a breed of dog originating in Germany
Japanese Mastiff, also known as Tosa Inu, bred as Japanese fighting dogs
Korean Mastiff, also known as Dosa Inu, a breed of Korea bred from Tosa Inu and European breeds
Neapolitan Mastiff, an ancient breed of dog originating in Italy
Gran Mastín de Borínquen, also known as the Puerto Rican Mastiff, a breed of dog originating in Puerto Rico
Pyrenean Mastiff, a guardian breed of the Spanish Pyrenees
South African Mastiff, also known as Boerboel, a breed of dog originating in South Africa
Spanish Mastiff, an ancient breed of dog originating in Spain
Tibetan Mastiff, an ancient breed of dog originating in Tibet

Иконка для Cmoneys Webcam Viewer Pro 1.0

Cmoneys Webcam Viewer Pro (v. 1.0)

Cmoney12051 опубликовал приложение 2011-08-30
(обновлено 2011-08-30)

A basic webcam viewer app. Only works with a direct url to the webcam like http://xyz.com/xyz.jpg

This is an extremely simple app.

Made with Google App Inventor.

Иконка для Cars.com

Cars.com (v.

Cars.com опубликовал приложение 2011-08-30
(обновлено 2011-08-30)

Whether you’re in the market for a vehicle or just browsing, use the Cars.com application to search for cars and dealers near you. Find the information you need to compare prices right from the dealer lot!

• Filter search results based on your preferences
• Sort search results  
• View vehicle photos and additional details
• Save favorite vehicle, dealer or search
• Call seller or dealer
• Map to dealership
• Share a listing with a friend
• Calculate loan payments

If you experience problems with this app, send a message to feedback@cars.com. Please be sure to include the name of the device and platform.

Иконка для Icon Note (Notepad/To Do List) 1.2.8

Icon Note (Notepad/To Do List) (v. 1.2.8)

Kitasoft Co., Ltd. опубликовал приложение 2011-08-30
(обновлено 2013-06-09)

This is a notepad application.
Notes can be categorized visually by an icon.
Can use as itemized notes or To-Do list.


- Set icon to notes.
- Set schedule time to notes.
- Attach content to notes. (Web/Still Image/Video/Audio etc.)
- Sort of notes. (Time order/Text order)
- Filter of notes. (Icon/Text/Time range)
- Export/Import of notes. (SD Card)
- Check/Notification of schedule. (Home Widget)
- Change theme color.

For more information and usage, Please refer to developer's web page.



Иконка для 引越し見積もりガイド 1.0

引越し見積もりガイド (v. 1.0)

creage опубликовал приложение 2011-08-30
(обновлено 2011-08-30)

見積りのポイントは 荷物の量によって引っ越し費用は変わってきますから、単身赴任や一人暮らしの学生、OLはパッケージになった格安引越しがオススメ!
ご近所の赤帽さんによるミニ引越しも 案外便利かもしれません。

二人以上のファミリー向け、カップル向けには 大手引越し会社の数社から見積もりを出してもらい、比較することで相場価格の把握が可能となります。
より正確な引越し料金を知るためには 自宅まで出向いてもらって現況を確認してもらうことが大事です。
安心できるサービスを望むなら やはり次の大手引越し業者さんがよろしいでしょう。

アーク引越センター  …など

お値打ち価格で気持ちよく引っ越して 新たな快適生活をエンジョイしてください。

Иконка для GPS Reporter 1.1

GPS Reporter (v. 1.1)

Practical tools developer опубликовал приложение 2011-08-29
(обновлено 2011-08-29)

A simple and practical GPS reporter to tell your longitude, latitude, accuracy, altitude, bearing and speed.

Иконка для Napovednik 1.1

Napovednik (v. 1.1)

Makro Plus d.o.o. опубликовал приложение 2011-08-29
(обновлено 2011-08-29)

Mobilna aplikacija z vsebinami spletne strani Napovednik.com. V aplikaciji so na voljo najpopolnejši sporedi glasbenih, gledaliških, uprizoritvenih, razstavnih in vseh drugih dogodkov, skupaj s kino sporedom. Napovednik.com je najbolj bran slovenski napovednik dogodkov.

Mobile application version of the website Napovednik.com - the most widely-read Slovenian events guide. You can find listings for all major concerts, theatre performances, exhibitions and other happenings and also cinema listings.

Ključne besede: dogodki, zabava, kino, spored, gledališče, razstave, glasba, slovenija, zabava, slo, napoved

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