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Иконка для 문상에티켓 1.0

문상에티켓 (v. 1.0)

BNTSolution опубликовал приложение 2011-08-31
(обновлено 2011-08-31)

누구나 접하게 되는 일이지만, 제대로 알지 못해 자칫 당황하기 쉬운 문상예절에 대해 궁금증을 해결할 수 있는 어플입니다.

문상 에티켓 어플은 크게 기독교식, 천주교식, 유교/불교식 절차, 조문봉투 쓰는법, Q&A 메뉴로 구성되어 있으며, 종교별 조문절차를 이해하기 쉽도록 절차별로 간단한 삽화와 설명으로 정리했습니다.

조문봉투 쓰기법에서는 일반적으로 널리 쓰이고 있는 조문용 한자와 카메라 모드를 결합했습니다. 실제로 활용하기에는 다소 어색한 점이 있습니다만, 널리 이해해 주셨으면 합니다.

Иконка для 추억 시집 1.3

추억 시집 (v. 1.3)

Seokjin Sonne опубликовал приложение 2011-08-31
(обновлено 2011-08-31)

추억의 명시들을 모았습니다!

'최고의 사랑'에서 독고진(차승원)과 구애정(공효진)이 얘기하던 진달래꽃, 정지용 향수, 김춘수 꽃, 서정주 별 헤는 밤, 박인환 목마와 숙녀, 이상화 나의 침실로, 유치환 깃발, 한용운 님의 침묵, 이상 오감도, 서정주 국화 옆에서 등등등... 주옥같은 명시들을 모아 감상할 수 있습니다.

출퇴근 시간, 무료할 때, 메마른 감정에 단비를 내려주고 싶을 때 사용해 보세요~~

배경색, 글자색, 글자크기 설정 기능을 제공합니다.
SMS 문자, 이메일, 트위터, 메모장 등등 어플로의 전송 가능합니다.
즐겨찾기, 전체목록보기, 풀텍스트 검색 등 다양한 기능을 제공합니다.

* 인터넷 연결 없이 실행 가능합니다.

* 키워드 : 필수어플, 추천어플, 무료어플, 무료, 좋은, 좋은생각, 리프레쉬, 필수, 필수어플가이드, 뉴스, 쇼핑, 이슈, 검색어, 여행, 시, 시집

* Keyword : recommended app, must have, free app, app, free, fresh, refresh, good, renew, good idea, entertain, entertainment, watch, required, popular, fun, poem

Иконка для Fashion News 1.0

Fashion News (v. 1.0)

JKDApps.com опубликовал приложение 2011-08-30
(обновлено 2011-08-30)

A regularly updated listing of current news articles concerning Fashion.

Individual articles are retrieved when the related Headline/Title is clicked. The listing is refreshed each time the App is launched, and the underlying database is systematically updated as new articles become available.

Articles generally address related subjects. Some articles may contain more general or less directly related content.  Additionally, the listing may also include articles related to available and emerging products and services.  

If you like this app, rate it highly. High rated apps get new features. Low rated apps get killed. If you have suggestions please send them to me via email and not in the comments.

Иконка для mirais時間運(無料占い) 0.8

mirais時間運(無料占い) (v. 0.8)

メディア・コンテンツ・プラン株式会社 опубликовал приложение 2011-08-30
(обновлено 2011-08-30)




1. 2時間毎に、総体運、恋愛運、仕事運、金運のいずれか時間運が20文字以内で表示されます。
2. ラッキーフード、ラッキーショッピング、ラッキーアイテム、ラッキーナンバー、ラッキーカラー、ラッキー方位を提供します。
3. 時間運の運勢を数値で提供いたします。
4. 星座ごとの恋愛相性占いの相性度数をランキング表示で提供いたします。
5. 時間運は、24時間先までの未来を知ることが出来ます。

1. 最短10分ごとに、miraisからのお知らせなどの情報をお届けいたします。

Иконка для Pembroke Welsh Corgi Info 1.0

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Info (v. 1.0)

BAWidgets.com опубликовал приложение 2011-08-30
(обновлено 2011-08-30)

Pembroke Welsh Corgi info and news.
The Pembroke Welsh corgi (pronounced /ˈkɔrɡi/) is a herding dog breed which originated in Pembrokeshire, Wales. It is one of two breeds known as Welsh corgwn: the other is the Cardigan Welsh corgi. The corgi is the smallest dog in the Herding Group. Pembroke Welsh corgwn are famed for being the preferred breed of Queen Elizabeth II, who owns several. These dogs have been a dog favoured by British royalty for more than seventy years.

The Pembroke Welsh corgi has been ranked at #11 in Stanley Coren's The Intelligence of Dogs, and is thus considered an excellent working dog.

Corgis are one of the dwarf breeds in the canine family, being proportional to larger breeds but with shorter legs. Despite short legs, Pembrokes have a strong, sturdy appearance and an athletic body that helps them herd livestock including poultry, sheep, horses, and cattle. Their bodies are long, tails are a naturally short bob or docked, and their ears stand erect. They may be short in stature, but their sturdy bodies and boldness give them the power needed to control livestock or do just about any task asked of them by their owners.

SizePembroke Welsh Corgis are 10 to 12 inches (25 to 30 cm) tall from their feet to the top of their shoulders. The length from the shoulders to the set on of the tail is 40 percent longer than their height. Pembrokes in peak athletic condition weigh 26 to 30 pounds (12 to 14 kg) for males, and 24 to 28 pounds (11 to 13 kg) for females. They reach their full height by 9 months old, but their bodies keep filling out until they reach full maturity at two years. Pembrokes have a big appetite, so they can weigh up to 40 pounds (18 kg) if allowed to over eat.[1] As in humans, Pembroke Welsh Corgis (Corgwn in Welsh) can benefit from portion control and exercise.

TemperamentPembroke Welsh Corgis are very affectionate, love to be involved in the family, and tend to follow wherever their owners go. The dogs are easy to train and are ranked as the 11th smartest dog in "The World's Smartest Breeds." Besides herding, they also function as watchdogs due to their alertness and tendency to only bark as needed. Most Pembrokes will seek the attention of everyone they meet and behave well around children and other pets. Due to their herding instinct, they love to chase anything that moves, so it is best to keep them inside fenced areas. The herding instinct will also cause some younger Pembrokes to nip at their owner's ankles to get attention, but this behavior can be stopped through training and maturity.

Иконка для Pomeranian dog Info and news 1.0

Pomeranian dog Info and news (v. 1.0)

BAWidgets.com опубликовал приложение 2011-08-30
(обновлено 2011-08-30)

Pomeranian information and news.

The Pomeranian (often known as a Pom, or more humorously, Pom Pom) is a breed of dog of the Spitz type, named for the Pomerania region in Central Europe (today part of eastern Germany and northern Poland). Classed as a toy dog breed because of its small size, the Pomeranian is descended from the larger Spitz type dogs, specifically the German Spitz. It has been determined by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale to be part of the German Spitz breed, and in many countries, they are known as the Zwergspitz (Dwarf Spitz).

The breed has been made popular by a number of royal owners since the 17th century. Queen Victoria owned a particularly small Pomeranian and consequently the smaller variety became universally popular. During Queen Victoria's lifetime alone, the size of the breed decreased by 50%. Overall, the Pomeranian is a sturdy, healthy dog. The most common health issue is Luxating patella. Tracheal collapse can also be an issue. More rarely, the breed can suffer from a skin condition colloquially known as "black skin disease", or alopecia ex. This is a genetic disease which causes the dog's skin to turn black and lose all or most of its hair.[1] The breed is currently among the top 15 most popular in the USA, and the current fashion for small dogs has increased their popularity worldwide.

Иконка для Bible Belt News 1.0

Bible Belt News (v. 1.0)

JKDApps.com опубликовал приложение 2011-08-30
(обновлено 2011-08-30)

A regularly updated listing of current news articles of likely interest in the Bible Belt.

Individual articles are retrieved when the related Headline/Title is clicked. The listing is refreshed each time the App is launched, and the underlying database is systematically updated as new articles become available.

Articles generally address related subjects such as church, sunday, bible, religion, evangelist, christian, sermon, deacon, pastor, brother, last supper, communion, etc.

Some articles may contain more general or less directly related content.  Additionally, the listing may also include articles related to available and emerging products and services.

If you like this app, rate it highly. High rated apps get new features. Low rated apps get killed. If you have suggestions please send them to me via email and not in the comments.

Иконка для 漢検2級ドロイド 1.0

漢検2級ドロイド (v. 1.0)

ロウキル опубликовал приложение 2011-08-30
(обновлено 2011-08-30)




OS Android1.5以上


Иконка для Pekingese Dog info 1.0

Pekingese Dog info (v. 1.0)

BAWidgets.com опубликовал приложение 2011-08-30
(обновлено 2011-08-30)

Pekingese information and news.
The Pekingese, Pekinese or "Peke" (also commonly referred to as a "Lion Dog", or "Pelchie Dog" due to their resemblance to Chinese guardian lions) is an ancient breed of toy dog, originating in China. They were the favored pet of the Chinese Imperial court, and the name relates to the city of Beijing where the Forbidden City resides. The breed has several characteristics and health issues related to its unique appearance. Because of its desirable characteristics, the Pekingese has been part of the development of designer crossbreeds, such as the Pekeatese.

Иконка для Eavesdropper 1.3

Eavesdropper (v. 1.3)

Ying Wen Technologies опубликовал приложение 2011-08-30
(обновлено 2011-08-30)

Eavesdropper is an app that can turn your Android phone into an eavesdropping device, and a useful tool to pick-up the phone for you when your hands are busy, i.e. when you are driving.

There is no user interface for this app other than the setting screen. To get started, just choose one of the two modes. You will see an icon at the notification status bar (can be hidden in the settings). After you adjust the settings to the way you prefer, just press back or home key. The app will run in background and will be triggered automatically when a call is coming.

Auto Answer Mode

In this mode, the phone will ring as normal but it will pick-up the phone automatically for you according to the settings. You can choose to auto-answer all calls, just calls from contracts or favorites, or just a few phone numbers. You can also choose how many seconds to wait before answering the phone. For safe driving purpose, you should also choose to auto answer the phone only when a bluetooth device (such as headset or car hand-free system) is connected, or at least enable the speakerphone.

Eavesdrop Mode

You need two phones in this mode - the eavesdrop phone and the dial-in phone. The eavesdrop phone must be an Android phone that has this app installed. You leave it at a place you want to eavesdrop then call it from another phone (any type of phones, doesn't need to be an Android phone or a cell phone). The Android phone ringer is turned off in this mode so it will not ring when it receives a call. For security consideration, you should only enable eavesdrop mode when calling from a particular phone number that also belongs to you. The app will pick-up the phone based on the calling number and enter the eavesdropping mode automatically.

There are many ways to use this app in eavesdrop mode. For example, in eavesdrop mode, if you leave your phone a few feet from a baby, baby cries will be transmitted to the phone you are dialing from. Better than any other commercial baby monitoring systems which only transmits within certain distance, this app works from anywhere as long as there is a phone available. Here is another way to use it. You leave your eavesdrop phone at home in U.S., travel to Europe, call it from a hotel phone and listen to what is happening at your home. You might be surprised to hear all the noises, which could turn out to be your son is hosting a huge party when you guys are not home.


1. It will use your cell phone plan's talk minutes when your phone is picked up automatically in either mode, so please consider taking advantage of free mobile to mobile calls and unlimited night and weekend minutes, especially using the app in the eavesdrop mode.

2. Even though we named the app a little evil, please respect local laws and use the app in legitimate and ethical ways, i.e. baby monitor, your own house audio monitor etc. I made this app mainly because I want to make sure my pre-teen son is indeed playing piano when we are not at home.


I would like to say thanks to Every soft for their Auto Answer open source project. It helps us a lot when writing this app.

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