Новые в категории 'Стиль жизни' в Android Market

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5241-5250 из 17250
Иконка для Mission Interpretation 1.0

Mission Interpretation (v. 1.0)

IndiaNIC Infocom Limited опубликовал приложение 2011-09-23
(обновлено 2011-09-23)

Mission Interpretation (Scenes Behind 1971 War)

In the winter of 1971, an Indian Army intelligence officer heads on a mission to interpret enemy war tactics and other adventures against his country. He is equipped with sheer intelligence and nothing else, he must also find his lost family.

Does he succeed? Will he overcome the peril of being in other land and fight it out? Will he overcome the political and religious turmoil that he faces while carrying on the mission? Can he get the required information that would help his country in proving their enemy wrong?

This is the story of a patriotic soldier who took up the challenge against backdrop of a war, went through the poignant circumstances of his life and fought it out reach his family.

Иконка для For That Incredible High 1.0

For That Incredible High (v. 1.0)

IndiaNIC Infocom Limited опубликовал приложение 2011-09-23
(обновлено 2011-09-23)

For That Incredible High

In Ladakh, there is a popular saying: Only the 'truest of friends' and 'fiercest of enemies' come to Leh. Nikhil and his group of dysfunctional friends belong to the third kind: 'craziest of wannabes'. Going Leh on bike would need them to surmount the road of world's highest passes and deadliest traps.

And just when they being to reckon that life can't get messier, they get stranded in an inhospitable land. It is hear that their conflicting emotions surface, their dark secrets unfold and their fears come alive. It is here that they being to apprehend the real essence of life.

There can be no worldly justification to nurture such unrealistic option ahead of their lives. But why can't they resist its temptation? Why should they find it tempting at first place?

Is this what they had sought to achieve when they left home? Is this the decisive journey of their rebellion? Would this consummate their search for that triumphant moment, their quest 'For That Incredible Height'?

Иконка для Hindu Tenets 1.0

Hindu Tenets (v. 1.0)

IndiaNIC Infocom Limited опубликовал приложение 2011-09-23
(обновлено 2011-09-23)

Hindu Tenets - The Founding Doctrines Of Vedic Hindu Dharma

This is the story of the religiosity of the ancient Aryan race of people who lived in their homeland called the Aryavarta or Bharata or India (now) from the most prehistoric times in the history of human civilisation, and their way of life called the Vedic Dharma, which forms the heart and soul of the present day Hindu Dharma or Hinduism. The general reader from any part of the world will find this small book to be quite informative about one of the most widely practiced and living religions of all times.

Hindu Tenets is meant for those keen minds of a rejuvenating India who are professionally trained in the modern western way. It gives them a glimpse and feel of the Vedic Hindu Philosophy of life, how it evolved, developed and proliferated down south the Himalayas in the East, and also the way it stood so firm during the most testing times in the history of the world.

This book lists the eleven principles on which the Vedic Hindu Dharma rests till today. They may be called the Eleven Tenets — the founding doctrines of Hinduism — to give the entire picture in a very concise form. The most significant among them are: belief in one Supreme Being, in His revealed wisdom in the shape of the Vedas; in the great law of Karma or Action; in the theory of Reincarnation of the soul; and belief in the legacy of the great rishis of the bygone days, who are the guiding force in the lives of Indians even today.

Иконка для Homeopathy Cures 1.0

Homeopathy Cures (v. 1.0)

IndiaNIC Infocom Limited опубликовал приложение 2011-09-23
(обновлено 2011-09-23)

Homeopathy Cures: Where Allopathy Fails

True, there’s no substitute for Allopathy. With its life-saving drugs, antibiotic and surgery, it is the only answer to a range or critical illness and dreaded diseases. But despite extensive advancement and research in the field, Allopathy is unable to provide Cure for a number of ailments. In this respect, Homeopathy has shown effective and proven result.

“Very often the disease crated by allopathic drugs is worse than the disease for which the drug had been administered,” says the author who is eminently qualified to compare the two sciences (Allopathy and Homeopathy). In this masterly first of its kind book, the author lists specific ailments to prove his case. For instance, where in chronic Sinusitis, decongestants like Coldrin, Action 500, Actifed, Cetrizine etc. simply mask the symptoms without treating the cause, Kali Bio, Belladona, Kali Sulph and Calcarea Sulph provide effective cure.

In one case of Skin Allergy where dermatologists had suggested anti-allergic treatment, Natrum Mur 1M provided the permanent cure. For Menorrhagia at menopause while a particular patient was treated with hormone replacement treatment, Gynae CVP, Dicynene and advised hysterectomy, was cured with Homeopathy.

Surgery was avoided by Homeopathy in conditions like Prolapse uterus, Piles, Warts, Corns etc. In Addition, the book  lists specific Homeopathic medicines and treatment given in different cases - besides a section on frequently asked questions.

Иконка для 동강시스타골프클럽 1.01

동강시스타골프클럽 (v. 1.01)

App marketing опубликовал приложение 2011-09-23
(обновлено 2011-09-23)

아름다운 선율의 시와 함께 흐르는 동강, 그리고 밤하늘에 빛나는 수많은 별을 함께 즐길 수 있는 곳. 동강시스타!!

강이 내려다보이는 9홀 필드의 특별한 경험을 동강시스타 골프클럽에서 즐기실 수 있습니다. 동강시스타 골프장 어플은 골프장소개, 사진갤러리, 오시는 길, 현지 날씨정보 등의 기본정보와 함께 부대시설정보, 홀별 코스맵 및 그린정보 등 라운딩에 꼭 필요한 정보를 제공해 드립니다. 또한 동강시스타에서 제공하는 특별한 이벤트 소식을
안내해 드립니다.

별처럼 아름다운 추억이 기다리는 그곳.. 동강시스타
동강시스타 어플과 함께 즐겁고 상쾌한 라운딩 되시길 바랍니다.

- 코스안내
- 요금안내
- 예약안내
- 부대시설
- 이벤트소개
- 날씨
- 오시는길
- GPS지도
- 교통정보(대중교통)

* 제작 : 동강시스타(주)
* 개발 : www.appdesk.kr

Иконка для I Luv Myself 1.0

I Luv Myself (v. 1.0)

IndiaNIC Infocom Limited опубликовал приложение 2011-09-23
(обновлено 2011-09-23)

I Luv Myself The Mantra For Success...

Every child is a born genius. Out of 100 children, 90 are potential genius. Parents, teachers, school, friends & society make them average and small in just 18-20 yrs. Potential winners and greats are converted into average & small people by us.

Иконка для Love Bug : Messenger 1.0

Love Bug : Messenger (v. 1.0)

BroadScaler Labs опубликовал приложение 2011-09-23
(обновлено 2011-09-23)

Randomly send text messages to your lover. Select random daily intervals, custom messages & prepare for your loved on to respond to the new found attention! Built-in Birthday, Anniversary, Valentine's Day message delivery direct to your love from your private phone.

Take control of your love life and shower your spouse with love, even when you don't have the time :)

Love Bug: The easy way to pay attention to your love, a priceless best friend!

Иконка для PickupTrucks.com

PickupTrucks.com (v.

Cars.com опубликовал приложение 2011-09-23
(обновлено 2011-09-23)

Whether you’re in the market for a truck or just browsing, use the PickupTrucks.com application to search for trucks and dealers near you. Find the information you need to compare prices right from the dealer lot!

• Filter search results based on your preferences
• Sort search results
• View vehicle photos and additional details
• Save favorite vehicle, dealer or search
• Call seller or dealer
• Map to dealership
• Share a listing with a friend
• Calculate loan payments

*PickupTrucks.com is owned by Cars.com

We’re looking to create the best truck shopping app in the market, so please share feedback with us via the “Contact Us” form in the tools section of the app.

Иконка для iCooking Italian 1.1

iCooking Italian (v. 1.1)

Apps of All Nations опубликовал приложение 2011-09-23
(обновлено 2011-09-23)

Try a taste of Italy tonight with iCooking Italian Cuisine. The iCooking Italian Cuisine app gives you 52 of the most delicious, easy to prepare recipes for you and your family to enjoy. A mouthwatering photo accompanies all of these carefully selected and tested recipes. The easy to follow instructions ensure that cooking will be a breeze.

Never forget an ingredient while you’re at the store again! With this app you will know everything you need to complete these wonderful dishes with the easy to read list of ingredients and instructions.

Do you have your own special recipes? They can easily be added to your iCooking cookbook. Once you have tried the recipes you will want to share your discovery with your friends and family! Each recipe can easily be sent through email straight from the app!Get your iCooking app today! You’ll thank yourself for it.

Other iCooking Cookbooks are available to complete your collection of iCooking applications: Appetizers, BBQ, Bread, Chinese Cuisine, Desserts, French Cuisine, Greek Cuisine, Gifts Jam and Jelly, Indian Cuisine, Italian Cuisine, Japanese Cuisine, Little chefs, Mexican Cuisine, Moroccan Cuisine, Pies and Quiches, Salads, Slow Cooker, Soups, Spanish Cuisine, Vegetarian Cuisine.                                           iCooking - Recipes at your fingertip.                                                                                              Bon Appétit !

Иконка для Code9 Mobile - Kids' Safety 0.9.201106

Code9 Mobile - Kids' Safety (v. 0.9.201106)

Greenbriar Innovations опубликовал приложение 2011-09-23
(обновлено 2011-09-23)

*** Code9 Mobile is a subscription service. This application requires you have an account with Code9 Mobile. For more details, see http://www.code9mobile.com/ ***

Code9 Mobile allows parents and children to work together to ensure that children are using their mobile phones safely and responsibly while maintaining the child's privacy. Our application and website work to connect the parents into their kids' mobile lives.

Why Code9?

In this dangerous new digital world, parents need to take every opportunity to gain insight into their kids' mobile lives.

Parental controls are essential because kids can easily misuse the mobile technology and become inadvertent bullies, victims, or worse.

Parents need to guide the use of mobile technology through family mobility rules. Privacy must be earned by adhering to these family mobility rules.

Code9 fills the market need for a service that monitors kids' mobile usage, and alerts parents when the rules are broken or kids need help in dealing with bullies or strangers, or simply in using good judgment.

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