Homeopathy Cures: Where Allopathy Fails
True, there’s no substitute for Allopathy. With its life-saving drugs, antibiotic and surgery, it is the only answer to a range or critical illness and dreaded diseases. But despite extensive advancement and research in the field, Allopathy is unable to provide Cure for a number of ailments. In this respect, Homeopathy has shown effective and proven result.
“Very often the disease crated by allopathic drugs is worse than the disease for which the drug had been administered,” says the author who is eminently qualified to compare the two sciences (Allopathy and Homeopathy). In this masterly first of its kind book, the author lists specific ailments to prove his case. For instance, where in chronic Sinusitis, decongestants like Coldrin, Action 500, Actifed, Cetrizine etc. simply mask the symptoms without treating the cause, Kali Bio, Belladona, Kali Sulph and Calcarea Sulph provide effective cure.
In one case of Skin Allergy where dermatologists had suggested anti-allergic treatment, Natrum Mur 1M provided the permanent cure. For Menorrhagia at menopause while a particular patient was treated with hormone replacement treatment, Gynae CVP, Dicynene and advised hysterectomy, was cured with Homeopathy.
Surgery was avoided by Homeopathy in conditions like Prolapse uterus, Piles, Warts, Corns etc. In Addition, the book lists specific Homeopathic medicines and treatment given in different cases - besides a section on frequently asked questions.