Новые в категории 'Стиль жизни' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
2221-2230 из 17250
Иконка для Hasses Aabenraa

Hasses Aabenraa (v.

Mobile Roadie опубликовал приложение 2012-07-14
(обновлено 2012-07-14)

The city's most fun bar is now ready with an app that will keep you updated with what's happening at the bar!

Иконка для Marmiton 1.1.2

Marmiton (v. 1.1.2)

aufeminin.com опубликовал приложение 2012-07-14
(обновлено 2012-07-14)

L'application Marmiton, c'est votre assistant culinaire favori toujours en poche. Le meilleur de la gastronomie à portée de main pour cuisiner facile !

Avec elle, vous avez toujours avec vous...

- Plus de 55 000 recettes de cuisine du site et leurs commentaires qui en font LA référence incontournable de la gastronomie en ligne !
- Le moteur de recherche par titres ou par ingrédients... pour trouver des idées avec les ingrédients dont vous disposez
- La possibilité de retrouver les recettes favorites de votre carnet
- Les dernières recettes publiées
- Les dernières photos de recettes prises par les internautes
- Vous hésitez pour composer votre menu ? Laissez-vous surprendre par la recette au hasard en secouant votre téléphone !

Иконка для 3D Waterfall 008 1.0.5

3D Waterfall 008 (v. 1.0.5)

yama опубликовал приложение 2012-07-14
(обновлено 2012-07-14)

3D Live Wallpaper

Иконка для 12track GPS Tracking App 2.2.2

12track GPS Tracking App (v. 2.2.2)

GIMIK Systeme GmbH опубликовал приложение 2012-07-13
(обновлено 2012-07-13)

“12track GPS Tracking App” localizes   „12track Widget“ – a strong team for free mobile locating
12track is a locating system for Android smart phones:
• 12track GPS mobile tracking in a closed system.
• Protection of privacy is validated by german data privacy authority.
• 12track offers free smartphone apps and
• free GPS mobile locating.
Quick and reliable – the 12track mobile tracking. Locate your family menbers with the world wide unique combination of the 12track GPS Tracking App and the 12track GPS Target Widget.
12track is a closed system, in line with data privacy. Locating takes place by 12track GPS Tracking App. Important: Install the 12track GPS Target Widget at the target smart phone.
The 12track GPS Tracking App
• Free locating of smart phones by the 12track Widget
• Satellite based GPS tracking
• Security for your family: 12track emergency feature
The 12track Widget – GPS Tracking Target for 12track smart phone localization
• Secured constraint of locating operations to the authorized 12track GPS Tracking App
• Emergency feature with direct call to the 12track GPS Tracking App
Locate your family – with 12track allways free!
12track GPS Tracking App allocates high performant GPS locating without any oncost.
• Via mobile locating by 12track gathered positions are only visible for you
• No data storage on a server
• No registration
12track handling of data privacy for mobile locating
• No locating without consent.
• GPS locating with imformational self-determination.
• You have complete control about your position data.
• 12track products only communicate inside your personal contact list.
• No data storage on a server
• No registration
The easy handling of 12track
1. Activate  the 12track GPS Tracking App at your smart phone.
2. Choose and activate the target.
3. 12track locates and presents the requested position to you.
The 12track product family emergency feature
If a 12track contact list member (12track widget user) had pressed the emergency button, direct contact to the 12track GPS Tracking App is established. You are presented with the relevant position data marked at the 12track map accurate to several yards. Also voice communitcation is up.
More 12track GPS Tracking products for you are afoot:
• 12track GPS Tracker
o For school bags, key rings, cars, pets etc.
o Small and handy
o With voice communication
• 12track GPS Tracking App and 12track GPS Target Widget for iPhone and iPad
o Including all features of our 12track products.
12track on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/12track-App-und-Widget/212931435410510

Иконка для Кавказская Кухня 1.1.3

Кавказская Кухня (v. 1.1.3)

OctoberSoft опубликовал приложение 2012-07-13
(обновлено 2012-07-13)

Приложение содержит более 200 рецептов кавказской кухни с иллюстрациями включая первые блюда, вторые блюда, сладкие блюда, напитки и салаты.

Кроме рецептов в приложении предусмотрено множество функциональности, которая поможет вам не только правильно приготовить блюда, но и купить необходимые ингредиенты, а так же подобрать рецепты по имеющимся у вас продуктам.

Все вопросы и пожелания направляйте, пожалуйста, на адрес public@octobersoft.net.

Помощник — подберет рецепты по имеющимся у вас продуктам.

Корзина — поможет проследить, что все продукты куплены.

Таймеры — помогут при приготовлении следить за временем приготовления блюда.

Избранное — поможет запомнить понравившиеся рецепты.

И многое другое...

Иконка для Dog House: Deluxe Edition 1.1

Dog House: Deluxe Edition (v. 1.1)

KzD Studios опубликовал приложение 2012-07-13
(обновлено 2012-07-13)

The DogHouse: Deluxe Edition is the number #1 App when it comes to dogs. DogHouse provides activities which are enjoyable, instructional and highly entertaining for you and your canine friend. There are many interactive areas for you to explore and also many informational guides that may be extremely vital to your dog’s wellbeing. To put it simply, dogs and puppies will rejoice in their encounter with the DogHouse and most importantly so will you! From dog teasers to breed information, from newborn puppy galleries to even dog IQ tests…we have it all! Your dog will appreciate each aspects of this App that has been solely dedicated to dogs!

*Ultimate Dog Teaser
Choose from a dozen different sounds that are bound to make your dog bark madness! Anything from vacuum cleaners to toys and even cats can be found in here for you and your dog's entertainment.

*Bone Search
Hide the bone from your dog. When you have found a place to hide his favourite bone, press the timer and then let him search for it as it gives audio clues to it whereabouts. Good luck little buddy! Warning: Do not let him eat the bone...

*Doggie Tricks
Teach your dog all the best tricks from simple tricks such as sit and stay to more advanced tricks such as play dead. A well detailed instructional guide on how to successfully master each and every trick for your pet.

An encyclopaedia of all the most well-known dog breeds from around the world. The list provides detailed information on each breed along with an accompanying image of each dog and key facts on the breed's likes and dislikes.

TreatBox contains a lengthy list of treats that dog owners love to treat their pets with. Feel free to share your favourite treats to be added in future updates. Always remember to treat your dog's good deeds!

*Danger Foods
This is a comprehensive list of all the foods that may be harmful or fatal to your dog. The list provides a rating of the food's toxicity to your pet. It is important to know which foods should be avoided for your dog's wellbeing.

*Dog MindReader
A fun and entertaining mindreader app that pretends to translate your pet's current thoughts. Aim the app at your dog and listen to what he's really thinking with that blank look. Strictly for entertainment purposes only.

Find a fun and exciting activity to do with your little buddy. It includes ideas for both outdoor and indoor activities for you and your pet to enjoy. Great for bonding with your pet. Be warned though, doing so make your dog love you.

*Medical Center
The Medical Center provides all the vital information needed for anything medical or veterinary related issue with your pet. The section covers vaccinations, diseases and all types of symptoms affecting your dog.

*Puppy Gallery
Come and see all the most popular breeds as puppies inside this gallery. If you are interested in purchasing a new dog this might be the best place to being your search. Here you will find all the cutest dogs!

*Dog Age Calculator
The Dog Age Calculator is a handy tool to determine the current age of your dog. Ofcourse each dog ages differently, however this handy tool gives you a rough idea on how your dog compares your age in doggie years!

*Dog IQ
A simple questionnaire will determine how your dog compares to other dogs in a battle of the brains. Although some breeds are generally smarter than others, you never know, your little friend may be a genius in the making.

*Added Content
*Frequent Updates
*Animations (Coming Soon!)

DogHouse will give you and your doggy a chance to Play, Learn, Grow! After all, you are all they have in their life, make sure they get the attention they deserve.

DogHouse also available to try in the Lite Edition (Free), ofcourse minus the exclusive features. Purchase the DogHouse: Deluxe Edition now to save!

Иконка для FAQ Vivre écologique 1.0

FAQ Vivre écologique (v. 1.0)

Alkeo опубликовал приложение 2012-07-13
(обновлено 2012-07-13)

L’application qui répond à toutes les questions que vous vous posez sur l’économie d’énergie et l’écologie !

Vous aimeriez savoir comment réduire vos factures d’électricité et d’eau pour faire des économies et avoir moins d’impact sur l’environnement ? Vous ne savez pas comment vous y prendre pour avoir un chez-vous sain et moins énergivore ? Vous vous posez des questions sur les conséquences de votre consommation d’énergie actuelle ?

Suivez les nombreux conseils de Nicolas Voizard, notre éco-coach, et alliez économies et écologie. Vous avez raison de vous questionner car il existe des centaines de gestes simples quotidiens qui vous aideront à réduire considérablement vos dépenses. FAQ Vivre écologique est là pour vous apporter des astuces fiables et des réponses claires. Et la planète vous dira merci !

Le contenu est mis à jour continuellement et la plupart des réponses sont également complétées par des liens de sites détaillant certains points ou vous proposant un exemple concret.

Avec la recherche intégrée et le classement par catégories (Notions essentielles, A votre domicile, Dans les magasins, Dans vos déplacements et au bureau), trouvez rapidement la réponse à votre question et partagez la par mail ou par Facebook. Vous pouvez également classer en favoris les articles que vous souhaitez garder facilement sous la main.

Иконка для Days Matter 1.4.0

Days Matter (v. 1.4.0)

Tinmoo合作开发者 опубликовал приложение 2012-07-13
(обновлено 2012-07-13)

Days Matter can record important day in the life of the gadget. Also fell in love for his girlfriend suddenly asked you how long and breathtaking it? Also for the critical moment
Forget the birthday of his girlfriend to worry about it? Want to know how long the next World Cup opening it? Want to know how long the paste mask adhered to it? So this gadget
Exactly what you need. She has the following features:

1. The perfect support for Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English three languages, according to the loving freedom of choice.
2 days of support recorded periodically, such as birthdays. Support Week, month, year three kinds of cycle type
3 notification alerts will expire the day before the day to remind you, to prevent

Иконка для 圣经金句 365 2.1

圣经金句 365 (v. 2.1)

KenMac Technology Limited опубликовал приложение 2012-07-13
(обновлено 2012-07-13)

「圣经金句 365」罗列了365节经文,每天一节并配上照片,呈现在大家眼前,好让 神的话语成为彼此随时的帮助。

「圣经金句 365」加进下面功能:

1. 记录感想

2. 电邮分享

3. 搜寻串联

4. 繁简互换

5. 字号底图

6. 交流分享
大家可利用facebook, twitter, 「微博」及电邮,跟我们沟通

Иконка для Urban Cyclr 2.0.3

Urban Cyclr (v. 2.0.3)

Laszlo Megyer опубликовал приложение 2012-07-13
(обновлено 2014-07-02)

Help us create a crowdsourced bicycle map! All needed is to press TRACK button when you ride your bike. Your routes will shortly appear on the global map.

Budapest has proven. Now it's time for You to start tracking your routes and creating a beautiful bicycle map for your city!

Keep an eye on this app, your city could be the next on our list!

urban, bicycle, track, route, local, navigation, bike, sport, mapping, geo, bicycling, gps, location, locale, eastern, europe

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