Новые в категории 'Стиль жизни' в Android Market

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1931-1940 из 17250
Иконка для Painting InstEbook 2.1

Painting InstEbook (v. 2.1)

MiShow Corp опубликовал приложение 2012-08-06
(обновлено 2012-08-06)

If painting is your passion, you'll love this App. Painting InstEbooks helps you document your creative process and compile your finished works, all as a beautiful photo eBook you can save and share.   Use your Android phone to take pictures and track your work. Narrate descriptions and InstEbooks voice to text will add  as captions to your photos. Post your ongoing painting journal to Facebook.

- Re-publish as you update with new photos & narrative
- Email your published book right from the app to as many people as you like
- Custom cover produced from your photos
- Enjoy viewing on any tablet, computer, or smartphone

Иконка для Passie voor Horeca LITE 1.1.5

Passie voor Horeca LITE (v. 1.1.5)

SVH опубликовал приложение 2012-08-06
(обновлено 2012-08-06)

Met Passie voor Horeca van SVH heb je al jouw videomateriaal over de horeca op 1 plek…..je smartphone! Je vindt hier 50 (in de volledige versie meer dan 300!) video’s over bereidings-, kook- en serveertechnieken. Verhoog je vakbekwaamheid overal en op elk gewenst moment!

Benieuwd hoe je ook alweer een ui moet snipperen, vis fileren of hoe je nou echt een biertje hoort te tappen? In de klas, tijdens je werk in de horeca of gewoon thuis kun je alles opzoeken in Passie voor Horeca.


- De 25 meest bekeken video’s van dit moment
- De 25 meest recent toegevoegde video’s
Favorieten: Jouw favoriete video’s bij elkaar in een lijst.

Via Wi-fi hebben de video’s een hogere kwaliteit dan via 3G

Waarom de volledige versie?

* Meer dan 300 video's
* Zoekfunctie om te zoeken op een specifiek onderwerp
* Favorieten toevoegen

Иконка для Passie voor Horeca 1.2

Passie voor Horeca (v. 1.2)

SVH опубликовал приложение 2012-08-06
(обновлено 2014-08-11)

With "Passie voor Horeca" from SVH you'll have all the culinary videos you need at your fingertips! You'll find over 500 videos showing you the best culinary practices. Increase your skills at any time with this Android application!

PLEASE NOTE: This interface and videos of this application are in Dutch and have not been translated to English.

> Try our free version "Passie voor Horeca LITE" first, to see if this app works! <

Whether you want to know how to cut an onion, make a fish filet, or how to tap a beer, this application got you covered! This application has the biggest Dutch video collection for people working in the food and cooking industry.

This application has the following functionalities:
- Popular: View the most popular videos
- Recent: View the most recent videops
- Search: Search for videos with text or voice recognition
- Favorites: Add your favorite videos to a personal list!
- Share your favorite video via Facebook, Twitter, Email, or other apps!

On WiFi, the videos are of better quality than on a mobile data connection, to save you bandwidth.

SVH (Stichting Vakbekwaamheid Nederland) is the biggest Dutch organisation when it comes to working and education in the food- and cooking industry.

This application has been tested on a variety of devices, including: LG Nexus 4, Asus Nexus 7,  HTC Desire, HTC Desire HD, HTC Sensation, HTC Desire Z, HTC Wildfire, HTC Wildfire S, HTC Legend, Motorola Milestone, Sony Ericsson Xperia X10.

Иконка для Love Advice 2.5.1

Love Advice (v. 2.5.1)

The Problem with Women... is Men опубликовал приложение 2012-08-06
(обновлено 2012-08-06)

Relationships. Marriage. How do they work, and why don't they last? Flip on the TV or peruse the self-help section at any local bookstore and you see the same theme over and over again: Women need to alter their behavior, and should work harder at understanding men. But nothing could be further from the truth. Women in committed relationships are not to blame for men's bad behavior, or 100% responsible for failed relationships. Get love advice directly from relationship expert Charles J. Orlando, author of the highly-acclaimed book The Problem with Women... is Men: The Evolution of a Man's Man to a Man of Higher Consciousness.

Иконка для 여름나기 1.0.7

여름나기 (v. 1.0.7)

TeamPastel опубликовал приложение 2012-08-05
(обновлено 2012-08-05)

똑똑한 여름나기!

2011년 여름을 보내기 위해 필요한 정보를 모두 모아 담았습니다.

- 여름철 피부&미용(과일팩 제조법, 피부관리법)
- 여름철 건강상식
- 물놀이 필수 상싱
- 여름철 별미&조리법
- 전국 해수욕장 정보
- 정보 공유 게시판
(기타 자유롭게 게시글을 쓰셔도 됩니다. 정보성 글은 판단하에 어플 내에 싣어 드리겠습니다)

여름철 세안법 ,수분 공급 ,자외선 차단법,자외선 사후 대책 ,숙면 ,모발관리 ,피지관리 ,물놀이후 피부관리,운동전 피부관리 ,운동후 피부관리 ,냉방 조절 ,양산 선택법 ,선글라스 선택법 ,여름철 천연 팩, 여름철 수면법, 냉방병 예방법, 땀띠 예방법, 여름감기 예방법,물에 들어갈 때 준비 사항은?,어린이 물놀이 안전수칙!,파도가 있는 곳에서의 안전수칙,수초에 감겼을 때?!!,수영 중 경련이 일어났을 때 대처법,하천이나 계곡물을 건널 때,물에 빠졌을 때 대처법,침수ㆍ고립되었을 때 대처법,보트를 탈 때 주의사항,계곡에서 야영지를 선택할 때 주의점,갯벌에서 물놀이 할 때 주의점,구명조끼 착용요령,인공호흡법,빗길 운전법1,빗길 운전법2,차량 침수시 대처법,해운대 해수욕장,대천해수욕장,망상해수욕장,을왕리해수욕장,벌천포해수욕장,꽃지해수욕장,낙산해수욕장,무창포해수욕장,속초해수욕장,고래불해수욕장,몽산포해수욕장,왕산해수욕장,만리포,신두리해수욕장,월포해수욕장,진하해수욕장,하조대해수욕장,협재해수욕장,광안리해수욕장,청포대해수욕장,춘장대해수욕장,화진포해수욕장,용머리해안,격포해수욕장,경포해변,송지호해수욕장,연포해수욕장,율포해수욕장,추암해수욕장,학암포해수욕장,봉포해수욕장,삼척해수욕장,심리포해수욕장,구조라해수욕장,바람아래해수욕장,변산해수욕장,삼포해수욕장,하나개해수욕장,난지도해수욕장,다대포해수욕장,용화해수욕장,장호해수욕장,칠포해수욕장,장경리해수욕장,맹방해수욕장,삼봉해수욕장,부산 송정해수욕장,어은돌해수욕장,장사해수욕장,제부도해수욕장,고사포해수욕장,샛별해수욕장,임랑해수욕장,포항 북부해수욕장,꾸지나무골해수욕장,마검포해수욕장,김녕해수욕장,돌머리해수욕장,동호해변,가마미해수욕장,궁평리해수욕장,독산해수욕장,방포해수욕장,용두해수욕장,일산해수욕장,화진해수욕장,부산 송도해수욕장,갈음이해수욕장,구룡포해수욕장,구시포해수욕장,일광해수욕장,대진해수욕장,파도리해수욕장,우전해수욕장,남일대해수욕장,와현해수욕장,천리포해수욕장,장삼포해수욕장,인천송도해수욕장,민머루해수욕장,비진도해수욕장,어달해수욕장,명사해수욕장,밧개해수욕장,방죽포해수욕장,백도해수욕장,설악해수욕장,아야진해수욕장,오산해수욕장,관성해수욕장,상주은모래비치,실미도해수욕장,오류해수욕장,대포주상절리,백사장해수욕장,사목해수욕장,선유도해수욕장,연곡해수욕장,인구해수욕장

똑똑한 여름나기와 2011년 여름을 똑똑하고 건강하고 재미있게 보내세요!

태그 : 여름, Summer, 해수욕장, 해운대, 대천, 속초, 만리포, 팀파스텔, 바닷가, 바다, 태풍, 소나기, 여름나기, 여 름 나 기 , 여름나 기, 여름 나기

Иконка для Love Match with Personalityabc 1.0

Love Match with Personalityabc (v. 1.0)

Frank Manson опубликовал приложение 2012-08-05
(обновлено 2012-08-05)

WARNING! - Your life may never be the same after downloading this
cool ‘know yourself’ tool… and it`s fun!
Understand your relationships with your friends & family!
Why can`t I relate to my parents?
Why do I argue with my best friend?
Find your Love-Match – in your fantasy or for real!
Is my boyfriend/girlfriend right for me?
How does my personality affect my sex-life?
Compare your personality with your favorite celebrity or sport star!
What about …
Paris Hilton? Tom Cruise? Hannah Montana? Justin Bieber?
Mick Jagger? or Justin Timberlake? … to name a few!
More than 500 Musicians/Pop Stars, Sport Stars, Celebrities, Film Stars etc. online…!
Make the right career choice!

What type of job will suit me best?

It’s all about … personality, personality, personality!

Иконка для 12track GPS Tracking Widget 2.2

12track GPS Tracking Widget (v. 2.2)

GIMIK Systeme GmbH опубликовал приложение 2012-08-05
(обновлено 2012-08-05)

“12track GPS Tracking App” localizes   „12track Widget“ – a strong team for free mobile locating
12track is a locating system for Android smart phones:
• 12track GPS mobile tracking in a closed system.
• Protection of privacy is validated by german data privacy authority.
• 12track offers free smartphone apps and
• free GPS mobile locating.
Quick and reliable – the 12track mobile tracking. Locate your family menbers with the world wide unique combination of the 12track GPS Tracking App and the 12track GPS Target Widget.
12track is a closed system, in line with data privacy. Locating takes place by 12track GPS Tracking App. Important: Install the 12track GPS Target Widget at the target smart phone.
The 12track GPS Tracking App
• Free locating of smart phones by the 12track Widget
• Satellite based GPS tracking
• Security for your family: 12track emergency feature
The 12track Widget – GPS Tracking Target for 12track smart phone localization
• Secured constraint of locating operations to the authorized 12track GPS Tracking App
• Emergency feature with direct call to the 12track GPS Tracking App
Locate your family – with 12track allways free!
12track GPS Tracking App allocates high performant GPS locating without any oncost.
• Via mobile locating by 12track gathered positions are only visible for you
• No data storage on a server
• No registration
12track handling of data privacy for mobile locating
• No locating without consent.
• GPS locating with imformational self-determination.
• You have complete control about your position data.
• 12track products only communicate inside your personal contact list.
• No data storage on a server
• No registration
The easy handling of 12track
1. Activate  the 12track GPS Tracking App at your smart phone.
2. Choose and activate the target.
3. 12track locates and presents the requested position to you.
The 12track product family emergency feature
If a 12track contact list member (12track widget user) had pressed the emergency button, direct contact to the 12track GPS Tracking App is established. You are presented with the relevant position data marked at the 12track map accurate to several yards. Also voice communitcation is up.
More 12track GPS Tracking products for you are afoot:
• 12track GPS Tracker
o For school bags, key rings, cars, pets etc.
o Small and handy
o With voice communication
• 12track GPS Tracking App and 12track GPS Target Widget for iPhone and iPad
o Including all features of our 12track products.
12track on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/12track-App-und-Widget/212931435410510

Иконка для 愛の誓い 1.3

愛の誓い (v. 1.3)

KenMac Technology Limited опубликовал приложение 2012-08-05
(обновлено 2012-08-05)



















Иконка для 写真時計 1

写真時計 (v. 1)

mafutare опубликовал приложение 2012-08-05
(обновлено 2012-08-05)


Иконка для 日本酒手帳 1.2

日本酒手帳 (v. 1.2)

Ea,inc опубликовал приложение 2012-08-05
(обновлено 2014-08-09)











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