www.android-online.ru ПриложенияБиблиотеки и демо-версии

Последние обновлённые библиотеки и демо-версии в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
111-120 из 1081
Иконка для WalkSafe 7.0

WalkSafe (v. 7.0)

Barbara Wang опубликовал приложение 2012-12-26
(обновлено 2012-12-26)

WalkSafe uses the back camera of the mobile phone to detects vehicles approaching the user, alerting the user of a potentially unsafe situation.

Иконка для Claveo 1.21

Claveo (v. 1.21)

Claveo Software опубликовал приложение 2012-12-26
(обновлено 2012-12-26)

Claveo is a secure and effortless smartphone-based authentication
system. Claveo allows your smartphone to be used as a single-factor or
second-factor authentication mechanism, allowing you to securely
authorize any type of transaction: website logins, bank wire
transfers, credit card transactions, VPNs, corporate file sharing, and

This application works with the Claveo demo applications available at
demo.claveo.com. Register an account online and provide the setup code
given by Claveo Mobile to get started.

Иконка для Demo Toaster 1.1.636.16

Demo Toaster (v. 1.1.636.16)

株式会社ウェブストリーム опубликовал приложение 2012-12-25
(обновлено 2012-12-25)

このアプリは、株式会社ウェブストリームが提供するAndroid 端末向けダウンロード配信用のDRMソリューション“Android Toaster”のデモ用アプリです。
Android Toasterにより、ダウンロードされたコンテンツは、端末内に保存され、アプリからのみ再生が可能となります。


対応OS/機種:OS2.1 以上のAndroid端末すべて



PRADA phone L-02D:OS2.3
Optimus LTE L-01D:OS2.3
Optimus Pad L-06C:OS3.0
Optimus Chat L-04C:OS2.2
GALAXY Note SC-05D:OS2.3
GALAXY Tab 7.0 Plus SC-02D:OS3.2
GALAXY Tab 10.1 LTE SC-01D:OS3.2
Q-pot.Phone SH-04D:OS2.3.4
AQUOS PHONE slider SH-02D:OS2.3
LYNX 3D SH-03C:OS2.1
Xperia acro HD SO-03D:OS2.3
Xperia NX SO-02D:OS2.3
Xperia ray SO-03C:OS2.3.3
Xperia acro SO-02C:OS2.3.3
Xperia arc SO-01C:OS2.3.2
Xperia SO-01B:OS1.6
Disney Mobile on docomo P-05D:OS2.3
LUMIX Phone P-02D:OS2.3
Panasonic P-07C:OS2.3
Disney Mobile on docomo F-08D:OS2.3
ARROWS μ F-07D:OS2.3
REGZA Phone T-01D:OS2.3
REGZA Phone T-01C:OS2.1


Dosney Mobile DM010SH:OS2.3

HTC Desire HD 001HT:OS2.2
HTC Desire II X06HTII:OS2.1
LUMIX Phone 101P:OS2.3


G'zOne IS11CA:OS2.3
Xperia acro IS11S:OS2.3.3


Sony Ericsson mini S51SE:OS2.3

Иконка для Finnish<>Portuguese Dictiona 3.2.94

Finnish<>Portuguese Dictiona (v. 3.2.94)

Mobile Systems опубликовал приложение 2011-06-11
(обновлено 2012-12-23)

The Audio Collins Mini Gem Finnish-Portuguese & Portuguese-Finnish Dictionary is an up-to-date, easy-reference dictionary, ideal for learners of Finnish and Portuguese of all ages. The dictionary covers about 10,000 words from each language with Collins pre-recorded audio pronunciation for each word.
This is a fully functional trial!

From Europe's Leading Bilingual Dictionary Publisher:

    * Get it right: all essential words and phrases you need in Portuguese and Finnish
    * Get there fast: the fast search takes you quickly to the words you want
    * Colour layout helps you find what you are looking for quickly and easily
    * Easily learn the correct pronunciation with the native speaker pre-recorded audio pronunciations (requires Internet connection)

The MSDict Dictionary Format

The Collins Mini Gem Finnish-Portuguese & Portuguese-Finnish Dictionary is here presented in MSDict electronic format. MSDict offers best experience in mobile reference and is available for any handheld platform.

    * Quick dynamic search of words while you type
    * Transcriptions facilitating pronunciation
    * Hyperlinks between different related words
    * History to see the last 50 words you have looked up
    * Support for memory cards
    * Filters to help you locate the word you are searching for:
          o Fuzzy filter- used when you are not sure of the correct spelling of a word
          o Keyword-used to locate the instances of a key word within other compound words
          o Wild card - "?" and "*" replace a letter and group of letters in words
    * Fast article scrolling
    * Ability to have dictionary Word of the day as a widget on the phone home screen
    * Ability to search words in the installed dictionaries through the standard phone search feature

Иконка для Ich will dich ganz & gar Sex 1.0

Ich will dich ganz & gar Sex (v. 1.0)

blue panther books опубликовал приложение 2012-12-23
(обновлено 2012-12-23)

Ich will dich ganz und gar | Erotische Geschichten von Trinity Taylor.
Erotisches E-Book eBook mit 272 Taschenbuch Seiten.

Weitere erotische E-Books, Hörbücher, Lese- und Hörproben als App hier im Store.

Das sagt die Presse:
Laura 48/2010:
»Ideal als sexy Appetithäppchen.«

bild.de 11.02.2009:
»Erotischer Buchtipp: Für den kleinen Sex-Appetit zwischendurch der ideale Lust-Stiller! Aufregend, heiß ... «

BZ, die Zeitung in Berlin 23.5.2008:
»Scharfe Literatur! Bei Trinity Taylor geht es immer sofort zur Sache, und das in den unterschiedlichsten Situationen und Varianten. Erotische Geschichten, die große Lust machen ...«

Lassen Sie sich von der Wollust mitreißen und fühlen Sie das Verlangen der neuen
erotischen Geschichten:

Gefesselt auf dem Rücksitz,
auf der Party im Hinterzimmer,
»ferngesteuert« vom neuen Kollegen
oder in der Kunstausstellung …

»Scharfe Literatur! Bei Trinity Taylor geht es immer sofort zur Sache, und das in den unterschiedlichsten Situationen und Varianten...«
BZ, die Zeitung in Berlin

1. Machtspiele (Leseprobe)
2. Vernissage Fatale
3. Undercover No. 3: Gefesselt
4. Sex-Anweisung
5. Love Pussy
6. Karibik Abenteuer No. 3: Sexgeisel
7. Unbeherrscht (nach Registrierung als PDF Download)


„Shawn, du bist ja völlig betrunken.“
„Ach Quatsch! Ein bisschen angeheitert vielleicht. Aber wer ist das hier nicht. Sag mal, was soll dieser Moralapostel-Kram? Ich glaube, du brauchst mal wieder einen ordentlichen Fick!“
Geschockt blickte ich ihn an. Geschockt, dass er dieses Wort so laut in der Partyöffentlichkeit aussprach, geschockt, dass er diese Gedanken hatte und geschockt, dass mein Körper darauf reagierte. „Du spinnst ja wohl völlig!“
„Komm, wir schleichen uns in eins der oberen Schlafzimmer und sehen dann weiter…“ Ich wusste, dass Ryan, aus welchen Gründen auch immer, über drei Schlafräume verfügte.
„Nein, Shawn, das können wir nicht tun“, zierte ich mich. Doch je mehr ich darüber nachdachte, desto verführerischer wurde für mich die Vorstellung: Es zu tun, während andere eine Party feierten und im gleichen Haus waren. Shawn schien meine Gedanken gelesen zu haben. Sogleich stiegen wir unbemerkt die Treppe hinauf und schlossen uns im ersten Schlafzimmer ein.
Shawn schlang die Arme um mich und bedeckte meinen Mund mit Küssen. Lange hielt er sich dort nicht auf, sondern glitt sofort hinunter zu meinen Brüsten, die er mit einem Ruck am Nackenbändchen freilegte. Der Stoff floss nach unten und landete wie ein Häufchen Nichts auf dem Boden. Nur mein String bekleidete mich noch. Eine Gänsehaut legte sich über meinen Körper. Shawns Saugen und Nuckeln an den steifen Nippeln machte mich unendlich geil und ich verlangte nach mehr. Deswegen machte ich einen Schritt nach hinten und ließ mich aufs Bett fallen. Shawn lächelte über meine Eigeninitiative. Ruck zuck zog er sich seine Klamotten aus, ging noch mal kurz zur Tür und lauschte, kam dann zum Bett. Bevor er sich neben mich fallen ließ, zog er mir den String aus. Erst dann versenkte er sein Gesicht in meiner Scham. Ich seufzte, als ich den warmen Atem zwischen meinen Beinen spürte. Spontan öffnete ich die Schenkel für ihn und sofort war seine Zunge da. Sie leckte meine Spalte und stieß dann in meine Möse hinein. Ich schrie auf.
Augenblicklich sah er mich an und hielt mir den Mund zu. „Pst, Darling, nicht so laut!“

Иконка для Greek<>Russian Gem DictionaryT 3.2.94

Greek<>Russian Gem DictionaryT (v. 3.2.94)

Mobile Systems опубликовал приложение 2011-06-11
(обновлено 2012-12-23)

The Audio Collins Mini Gem Greek-Russian & Russian-Greek Dictionary is an up-to-date, easy-reference dictionary, ideal for learners of Greek and Russian of all ages. The dictionary covers about 10,000 words from each language with Collins pre-recorded audio pronunciation for each word.

From Europe's Leading Bilingual Dictionary Publisher:

    * Get it right: all essential words and phrases you need in Russian and Greek
    * Get there fast: the fast search takes you quickly to the words you want
    * Colour layout helps you find what you are looking for quickly and easily
    * Easily learn the correct pronunciation with the native speaker pre-recorded audio pronunciations (requires Internet connection)

The MSDict Dictionary Format

The Collins Mini Gem Greek-Russian & Russian-Greek Dictionary is here presented in MSDict electronic format. MSDict offers best experience in mobile reference and is available for any handheld platform.

    * Quick dynamic search of words while you type
    * Transcriptions facilitating pronunciation
    * Hyperlinks between different related words
    * History to see the last 50 words you have looked up
    * Support for memory cards
    * Filters to help you locate the word you are searching for:
          o Fuzzy filter- used when you are not sure of the correct spelling of a word
          o Keyword-used to locate the instances of a key word within other compound words
          o Wild card - "?" and "*" replace a letter and group of letters in words
    * Fast article scrolling
    * Ability to have dictionary Word of the day as a widget on the phone home screen
    * Ability to search words in the installed dictionaries through the standard phone search feature

This is a fully functional TRIAL.

Иконка для Greek<>Turkish Dictionary T 3.2.94

Greek<>Turkish Dictionary T (v. 3.2.94)

Mobile Systems опубликовал приложение 2011-06-11
(обновлено 2012-12-23)

The Audio Collins Mini Gem Greek-Turkish & Turkish-Greek Dictionary is an up-to-date, easy-reference dictionary, ideal for learners of Greek and Turkish of all ages. The dictionary covers about 10,000 words from each language with Collins pre-recorded audio pronunciation for each word.

From Europe's Leading Bilingual Dictionary Publisher:

    * Get it right: all essential words and phrases you need in Turkish and Greek
    * Get there fast: the fast search takes you quickly to the words you want
    * Colour layout helps you find what you are looking for quickly and easily
    * Easily learn the correct pronunciation with the native speaker pre-recorded audio pronunciations (requires Internet connection)

The MSDict Dictionary Format

The Collins Mini Gem Greek-Turkish & Turkish-Greek Dictionary is here presented in MSDict electronic format. MSDict offers best experience in mobile reference and is available for any handheld platform.

    * Quick dynamic search of words while you type
    * Transcriptions facilitating pronunciation
    * Hyperlinks between different related words
    * History to see the last 50 words you have looked up
    * Support for memory cards
    * Filters to help you locate the word you are searching for:
          o Fuzzy filter- used when you are not sure of the correct spelling of a word
          o Keyword-used to locate the instances of a key word within other compound words
          o Wild card - "?" and "*" replace a letter and group of letters in words
    * Fast article scrolling
    * Ability to have dictionary Word of the day as a widget on the phone home screen
    * Ability to search words in the installed dictionaries through the standard phone search feature

This is a fully functional TRIAL.

Иконка для Greek<>Dutch Gem Dictionary TR 3.2.94

Greek<>Dutch Gem Dictionary TR (v. 3.2.94)

Mobile Systems опубликовал приложение 2011-06-11
(обновлено 2012-12-23)

The Audio Collins Mini Gem Greek-Dutch & Dutch-Greek Dictionary is an up-to-date, easy-reference dictionary, ideal for learners of Greek and Dutch of all ages. The dictionary covers about 10,000 words from each language with Collins pre-recorded audio pronunciation for each word.

From Europe's Leading Bilingual Dictionary Publisher:

    * Get it right: all essential words and phrases you need in Dutch and Greek
    * Get there fast: the fast search takes you quickly to the words you want
    * Colour layout helps you find what you are looking for quickly and easily
    * Easily learn the correct pronunciation with the native speaker pre-recorded audio pronunciations (requires Internet connection)

The MSDict Dictionary Format

The Collins Mini Gem Greek-Dutch & Dutch-Greek Dictionary is here presented in MSDict electronic format. MSDict offers best experience in mobile reference and is available for any handheld platform.

    * Quick dynamic search of words while you type
    * Transcriptions facilitating pronunciation
    * Hyperlinks between different related words
    * History to see the last 50 words you have looked up
    * Support for memory cards
    * Filters to help you locate the word you are searching for:
          o Fuzzy filter- used when you are not sure of the correct spelling of a word
          o Keyword-used to locate the instances of a key word within other compound words
          o Wild card - "?" and "*" replace a letter and group of letters in words
    * Fast article scrolling
    * Ability to have dictionary Word of the day as a widget on the phone home screen
    * Ability to search words in the installed dictionaries through the standard phone search feature

This is a fully functional TRIAL.

Иконка для Greek<>Portuguese Dictionary T 3.2.94

Greek<>Portuguese Dictionary T (v. 3.2.94)

Mobile Systems опубликовал приложение 2011-06-11
(обновлено 2012-12-23)

The Audio Collins Mini Gem Greek-Portuguese & Portuguese-Greek Dictionary is an up-to-date, easy-reference dictionary, ideal for learners of Greek and Portuguese of all ages. The dictionary covers about 10,000 words from each language with Collins pre-recorded audio pronunciation for each word.

From Europe's Leading Bilingual Dictionary Publisher:

    * Get it right: all essential words and phrases you need in Portuguese and Greek
    * Get there fast: the fast search takes you quickly to the words you want
    * Colour layout helps you find what you are looking for quickly and easily
    * Easily learn the correct pronunciation with the native speaker pre-recorded audio pronunciations (requires Internet connection)

The MSDict Dictionary Format

The Collins Mini Gem Greek-Portuguese & Portuguese-Greek Dictionary is here presented in MSDict electronic format. MSDict offers best experience in mobile reference and is available for any handheld platform.

    * Quick dynamic search of words while you type
    * Transcriptions facilitating pronunciation
    * Hyperlinks between different related words
    * History to see the last 50 words you have looked up
    * Support for memory cards
    * Filters to help you locate the word you are searching for:
          o Fuzzy filter- used when you are not sure of the correct spelling of a word
          o Keyword-used to locate the instances of a key word within other compound words
          o Wild card - "?" and "*" replace a letter and group of letters in words
    * Fast article scrolling
    * Ability to have dictionary Word of the day as a widget on the phone home screen
    * Ability to search words in the installed dictionaries through the standard phone search feature

This is a fully functional TRIAL.

Иконка для Greek<>Polish  Dictionary T 3.2.94

Greek<>Polish Dictionary T (v. 3.2.94)

Mobile Systems опубликовал приложение 2011-06-11
(обновлено 2012-12-23)

The Audio Collins Mini Gem Greek-Polish & Polish-Greek Dictionary is an up-to-date, easy-reference dictionary, ideal for learners of Greek and Polish of all ages. The dictionary covers about 10,000 words from each language with Collins pre-recorded audio pronunciation for each word.

This is a fully functional TRIAL.

From Europe's Leading Bilingual Dictionary Publisher:

    * Get it right: all essential words and phrases you need in Polish and Greek
    * Get there fast: the fast search takes you quickly to the words you want
    * Colour layout helps you find what you are looking for quickly and easily
    * Easily learn the correct pronunciation with the native speaker pre-recorded audio pronunciations (requires Internet connection)

The MSDict Dictionary Format

The Collins Mini Gem Greek-Polish & Polish-Greek Dictionary is here presented in MSDict electronic format. MSDict offers best experience in mobile reference and is available for any handheld platform.

    * Quick dynamic search of words while you type
    * Transcriptions facilitating pronunciation
    * Hyperlinks between different related words
    * History to see the last 50 words you have looked up
    * Support for memory cards
    * Filters to help you locate the word you are searching for:
          o Fuzzy filter- used when you are not sure of the correct spelling of a word
          o Keyword-used to locate the instances of a key word within other compound words
          o Wild card - "?" and "*" replace a letter and group of letters in words
    * Fast article scrolling
    * Ability to have dictionary Word of the day as a widget on the phone home screen
    * Ability to search words in the installed dictionaries through the standard phone search feature

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