Sleep Sentry (v. 1.02)
Selwyn Leeke опубликовал приложение 2011-09-11
The Sleep Sentry is based on the principle of ‘sleep phases’. Research has shown that we sleep in cycles - going from a light sleep to a deep sleep and back again in approximately 1.5 hours. |
脑筋急转弯★ (v. 20110405)
CheckUpAgain опубликовал приложение 2011-09-10
本《脑筋急转弯》包含了精心挑选的2300多条脑筋急转弯题目,每一条都具有极强娱乐性,看完答案后腰也不疼了,腿也不酸了,吃嘛嘛香,能省好几管牙膏,绝对物超所值! |
Emergencies Locale Plug-in (v. 1.0.1)
Maiar Hawkin опубликовал приложение 2011-09-10
This plugin needs to have installed the Emergencies application (version 0.5.0 or greater). |
Be Relaxed in 7 days (v. 1.0)
How To: Apps опубликовал приложение 2011-09-10
This incredible app will relax you immediately. It will leave you feeling CALM, at ease, more self-assured and COMPOSED, and to be able to instantly access a state where you feel deeply RELAXED...a state that feels really good. |
Be Motivated in 7 days (v. 1.0)
How To: Apps опубликовал приложение 2011-09-10
What could you achieve in life if you were more motivated? If you were someone who was inspired and managed to achieve all your goals - more money, a better job, great relationships, and a rich and fulfilled life. |
Be Inspired in 7 days (v. 1.0)
How To: Apps опубликовал приложение 2011-09-09
What could you achieve in life if you felt more inspired? |
Be Creative in 7 days (v. 1.0)
How To: Apps опубликовал приложение 2011-09-09
How good would it be to feel more creative and be able to use that creativity in a positive and productive way? |
Great Body Language in 7 days (v. 1.0)
How To: Apps опубликовал приложение 2011-09-09
How good would it be to use great body language to get a payrise, win at sport, feel more confident, or impress on a date? What could you achieve in life if you had great body language? |
标准视力测试 (v. 2.2)
omesoft опубликовал приложение 2011-09-09
你近视吗?你戴眼镜吗?来,测测你的视力。本软件根据国际标准远视力表设计,以E字为视标,从大到小共15层,使用方便,显示小数视力和五分视力,让大家一目了然。测试过程仿完全真现场实测,专业化智能判断,上下左右划动屏幕即可轻松完成,实用又好玩,测试娱乐两不误。 |
身高预测 (v. 2.1)
omesoft опубликовал приложение 2011-09-09
少年儿童很关心”自己能长多高?”,他们的父母可能也很关注这个问题。其实,身高是可以预测的。而且由于身高受遗传的影响较大,故预测的准确性较高。 |