Последние обновлённые финансовые приложения в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
1381-1390 из 5391
Иконка для MxCalc 12c  Platinum Calc 1.4

MxCalc 12c Platinum Calc (v. 1.4)

3GR Technology опубликовал приложение 2012-08-29
(обновлено 2012-08-29)

The best Programmable RPN Financial Calculator. ~ Looks as good as the HP-12c ~ Performs as good as the HP-12c. Free Desktop PC version !

Calculate loan payments, interest rates and conversions, standard deviation,percent, TVM, NPV, IRR, cash flows, bonds and more. Ideal for real estate,finance, accounting, economics & business related work.

RPN, Algebraic, Programming, Finance, Statistic Modes
More-than 130 built-in functions
Full Screen & Quick Stack Display
Window showing all of the financial registers
Programmable. KeyStroke programming- 400 Steps.
Normal Distribution
Cash flow analysis
Bonds calculations
Date calculations
Statistical calculations
Mathematical calculations
and more ....

Иконка для Debt Free 1.0

Debt Free (v. 1.0)

PhoneForum.org опубликовал приложение 2012-08-29
(обновлено 2012-08-29)

Are you wondering which loans to pay off first? How long it will take you to become debt free? The Debt Free app (Debt Payoff Planner) for Android can answer these important financial questions and help you manage your debts simply and strategically.

Input your loans and this app will calculate the best way to pay off your loan based on your strategy .

Иконка для Merchant On The Move 2.07.0714

Merchant On The Move (v. 2.07.0714)

Primary Merchant Solutions, Inc. опубликовал приложение 2010-09-15
(обновлено 2012-08-29)

Accept credit cards anywhere with your Android PDA or Tablet and our Free Merchant On The Move Android Edition software. Swiping and Printing credit cards anywhere has never been so simple! Signature Capture is just one of the great features that stores your customers signed receipt Safely and Securely.  www.merchantonthemove.com .

Иконка для inspireinsurance.ie 1.0

inspireinsurance.ie (v. 1.0)

zombo опубликовал приложение 2012-08-28
(обновлено 2012-08-28)

inspire insurance dublin ireland

Иконка для Guest Check 1.0

Guest Check (v. 1.0)

Crysware опубликовал приложение 2012-08-28
(обновлено 2012-08-28)

Guest Check is an easy to use tip calculator. In addition to calculating the tip, Guest Check calculates how much each person will have to pay out of the total bill.

Иконка для CIC 2.0.1

CIC (v. 2.0.1)

Euro Information опубликовал приложение 2010-09-15
(обновлено 2012-08-28)

Depuis votre Android, accédez aux fonctionnalités de la Banque à Distance au creux de la main. Les fonctionnalités les plus utilisées (consultation de comptes, virements, ...) sont intégrées dans l'application dédiée en toute confidentialité et simplicité.

L'application est gratuite et l'accès à vos comptes se fait avec vos identifiant et mot de passe habituels utilisés notamment sur www.cic.fr.

Elle vous permet :

- de consulter le solde de vos comptes et vos dernières opérations,
- d'effectuer des virements de compte à compte,
- d'effectuer des virements externes vers les bénéficiaires enregistrés,
- de consulter vos portefeuilles titres, passer des ordres sur les valeurs Euronext et suivre vos ordres,
- de consulter les cours de la Bourse et autres informations financières (palmarès, indices, dépêches, vidéos)
- de consulter, copier et envoyer par mail et SMS vos RIB et IBAN,
- de contacter votre conseiller et de gérer vos messages grâce à la messagerie,
- de trouver les coordonnées de votre Agence locale,
- de géolocaliser les Agences CIC et les distributeurs de billets CIC/CM,
- d'accéder à l'annuaire des numéros de téléphone utiles,
- et via "Autres applications", d'accéder à toutes les fonctionnalités du site internet mobile http://mobi.cic.fr sans avoir besoin de vous identifier à nouveau : les extraits de compte pdf, autres virements, P@ywebCard, votre situation assurances...

Pour mémoire, en cas de problème, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter:
- Par Mail : filbanque@cic.fr en décrivant le problème et en précisant qu'il s'agit de l'application Android,
- Par Téléphone : 09 69 39 00 22 (Appel non surtaxé)

L’application utilise les autorisations suivantes :
- PRENDRE DES PHOTOS ET FILMER DES VIDEOS : utilisée pour afficher la vue en réalité augmentée dans la recherche agences et GAB
- LOCALISATION GPS : utilisée pour rechercher de manière précise les agences et distributeurs les plus proches de vous
- ACCEDER AUX DONNEES DES CONTACTS : utilisée pour partager un RIB avec l’un de vos contacts
Les données ainsi collectées ne seront ni conservées ni transmises à d’autres fins.

Иконка для Tape Calculator Pro 3.0.4

Tape Calculator Pro (v. 3.0.4)

Ashok K. Patel опубликовал приложение 2012-08-28
(обновлено 2012-08-28)

Virtual tape calculator, 16 digits calculator, 5 lines visible at all times.
Simply the best calculator with editable history tape.
Editable so that if you made a mistake, you do not have to retype all the numbers again.
Edit any previously entered number after result is shown (after pressing = sign) to recalculate instantly.  Running total is always visible.  Running result (total) after each number in the row is entered.  Select number of decimals to display in the resulting total.
Ability to add new entry (entries) even after calculation is completed (press + sign after = is pressed to continue adding).  If you accidentally cleared the (completed) calculation, you can bring it back using the Retrieve Last menu option.  Make correction to current entry using backspace or clear whole entry by pressing CE button. Clear All entries using menu option or just start new calculation (by start typing first new number after pressing = sign). Percent calculation makes it easy to add percentage to previous entered number. Email calculation result. Print email with Tape Result all lines as you have entered.  Email Address will be remembered so you do not have to type it again. Email's subject can be modified (For example: Walmart Receipt Jan 12, 12).  Unlimited number of calculation entries (For example: Enter more than 799 rows). Result shows with comma separated format (USA example: 75,125,005.01), dot separated format (Italy example: 75.125.005,01) & Indian format (7,51,25,005.01).
Review all calculation entries using View Tape History menu option.
Use Go Back key to exit application or home key to keep application in memory. Accurate calculations.
Now Supporting Samsung Galaxy Tablets.
Dot Separated for thousands and Indian Format.

Add numbers as big as 9,999,999,999,999,999 (bigger than 999 trillions!).
Resulting total as big as 99 Quadrillions +.

Tape Calculator Pro does not require physical paper tape so you never have to worry about running out of paper tape or ink.  Unlike physical Tape Calculator you could correct the mistake and it will recalculate instantly.  After you have finished a calculation, you could continue the calculation.  If you need to print the calculation result, you could send it to your e-mail and print it from your e-mail box.  Tape Calculator will be available as long as you have your cell phone with you.  Tape Calculator remembers last completed calculation so you can bring it back even if you powered off your cell phone.  You can use it when you go for shopping and enter item price as you buy an item to make sure you do not go over your budget.  You could also view full Tape History which is scrollable list with fixed line for the total at the bottom of the list.  Tape Calculator will show upto five lines and separate total line at a time.  If you would like to review more than five lines at a time, you could use View Tape History and still be able to make corrections in the main screen.  After a calculation is completed with 2 decimals, you could switch to 3 decimals using Settings (menu option) and it will show result in 3 decimals automatically on the main screen.

Иконка для Crédit Mutuel 1.3.3

Crédit Mutuel (v. 1.3.3)

Euro Information опубликовал приложение 2010-09-15
(обновлено 2012-08-28)

Depuis votre Android, accédez aux fonctionnalités de la Banque à Distance au creux de la main.

Les fonctionnalités les plus utilisées (consultation de comptes, virements, ...) sont intégrées dans l'application dédiée en toute confidentialité et simplicité.

L'application est gratuite et l'accès à vos comptes se fait avec vos identifiant et mot de passe habituels utilisés notamment sur www.creditmutuel.fr.

Elle vous permet :

- de consulter le solde de vos comptes et vos dernières opérations,
- d'effectuer des virements de compte à compte,
- d'effectuer des virements externes vers les bénéficiaires enregistrés,
- de consulter vos portefeuilles titres, passer des ordres sur les valeurs Euronext et suivre vos ordres,
- de consulter les cours de la Bourse,
- de consulter, copier et envoyer par mail vos RIB et IBAN
- de contacter votre conseiller et de gérer vos messages grâce à la messagerie,
- de trouver les coordonnées de votre Caisse locale,
- de géolocaliser les Agences Crédit Mutuel et les distributeurs de billets CM/CIC,
- d'accéder à l'annuaire des numéros de téléphone utiles,
- et via "Autres applications", d'accéder à toutes les fonctionnalités du site internet mobile http://mobi.cmut.fr sans avoir besoin de vous identifier à nouveau : les extraits de compte pdf, autres virements, P@ywebCard, votre situation assurances...

Иконка для Stock Tracker Pro 3.3.4

Stock Tracker Pro (v. 3.3.4)

Matthew Wood опубликовал приложение 2012-08-28
(обновлено 2012-08-28)

Create a stock portfolio and monitor its value.

This is the pro version without ads. If you already have the free version installed you may wish to backup your data and restore it in this version.

Supports multiple portfolios.

Add stocks and enter any transactions you have made, and monitor the total value of your portfolio and the gain/loss it has made.

Add and monitor markets from around the world.

View detailed information for all stocks and markets as well as viewing the latest news and charts.

Add alerts to your stocks, stocks that your watching or markets.

All quotes directly from Yahoo!

Display your portfolio in any currency you like and get the latest exchange rates and perform conversions.

Backup and restore data to and from the SD card.

*INTERNET - Updating, news feeds and charts
*VIBRATE - alert notifications
*WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - backup and restore
Permissions are not used for any other purpose than those stated above.

Иконка для Stock Market | Credit Default 2.0

Stock Market | Credit Default (v. 2.0)

ATM | Investors' Association опубликовал приложение 2012-08-27
(обновлено 2012-08-27)

Will your country default on debt?

A country's or company's Credit Default Swap (CDS) spread  is the cost (per year) for protection against a default on debt by a particular company or sovereign entity.

With this application, using the proper discounting and some basic probability math, we get the Credit Default Probability for a given country's or company's based on the CDS spread.

But the application does more:

In theory CDS spread should be closely related to Bond Yields Spread. Then, using the Yield on an n-year par Bond Yield on an n-year par Bond issued by the entity being analyzed, and the Bond Yield on an n-year par risk-less Bond, is possible estimate the closely CDS Spread and the Credit Default Probability.

This application was developed by Octávio Viana to Portuguese Investors' Association, based on the followings papers:

Blanco, R., Brennan, S., & Marsh, I., 2003 "An Empirical Analysis of the Dynamic Relationship between Investment Grade Bonds and Credit Default Swaps", Working Paper, Bank of England, May.

Deutsche Bank Research, "Valuation of a CDS contract in the real world case"

Duffie, D., 1996 "Credit Swap Valuation", Working Paper, November 6

Hull, J. & White, 2000 "Credit Default Swaps I: No Counterparty Default Risk", Journal of Derivatives, 8,1, Fall, 29-40.

Hull, J., Predescu, M. & White, 2004 "The Relationship between Credit Default Swaps Spreads, Bond Yields, and Credit Rating announcements", Working Paper, 2004, January

Litterman & Ilben T., 1991, "Corporate Bond Valuation and the Term Strucutre of Credit Spreads", Journal of Portfolio Management, Spring, pp. 52-64

Longstaff, F. A., Mithal, S. & Neis E., 2003 "The Credit Default Swap Market: Is Credit Protection Priced Correctly", Working Paper, Anderson School, UCLA, August.

DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES: Neither ATM and Octávio Viana guarantee the accuracy, integrity, completeness, or timeliness of the application or any results generated by it. Likewise, ATM and Octávio Viana hereby disclaim all warranties or conditions, express or implied, related to the app or the results provided by it, including, but not limited, to absence of viruses and damaging, any warranties or representation that the application will be error-free or that access thereto will be uninterrupted, that any errors or defects will be correctable or corrected. The application maybe is not compatible with any particular device, be sure if feet in your device before buy it.

Limitations of Liability: Your use of this app is solely at your own risk. Neither ATM and Octávio Viana shall have any liability (whether direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, exemplary or the like, including, but not limited to, investment losses or lost profits) to You or any other party arising in any way from your use of, or inability to use, the application.

No Advisory Relationship: You understand and agree that the ATM or Octávo Viana, including, but not limited to, the results that may be provided by the application, does not constitute “investment advice” of any kind or establish any sort of advisory relationship between You and ATM or Octávio Viana. You further understand and agree that ATM or Octávio Viana does not endorse or recommend any financial products that may be used in conjunction with the application.

Governing Law: This Agreement shall be construed under the laws of Portugal. You agree to the exclusive jurisdictions of the state or federal courts located in Porto, Portugal, for any claims or action arising in any way with respect to the application or this Agreement.

If you download the application you are agreeing to the terms and conditions in this Agreement.

If You do not agree to the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, don't download the application.

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