Лучшие по рейтингу финансовые приложения в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
1151-1160 из 5391
Иконка для IBA MB ЗАО «Трастбанк» 1.5

IBA MB ЗАО «Трастбанк» (v. 1.5)

IBA Минск опубликовал приложение 2013-01-27
(обновлено 2013-01-27)

Версия для клиентов ЗАО «Трастбанк».

Приложение «IBA Мобильный банкинг» является программной оболочкой для функций SMS-банкинга, предоставляя:

    - Богатый пользовательский интерфейс
    - Защиту от несанкционированного доступа к функциям приложения
    - Валидацию данных при формировании параметров банковских операций
    - Возможность сохранения операций для их последующего быстрого выполнения
    - Историю совершенных операций, сохраняя параметры операций и ответы сервера непосредственно в приложении
    - Онлайн услуги — новости, опросы, частые вопросы и ответы, проверка обновлений.

Для того, чтобы воспользоваться услугой «IBA Мобильный банкинг», необходимо являться держателем мобильного телефона стандарта GSM одного из операторов сотовой связи. На мобильном телефоне пользователя должна быть активирована услуга пакетной передачи данных (GPRS). Необходимым условием также является наличие банковской пластиковой карточки от ЗАО «Трастбанк».

Для подключения к «IBA Мобильный банкинг» необходимо:

    - Пройти процедуру регистрации для SMS-банкинга на устройствах самообслуживания банка — инфокиосках.
    - Установить на мобильный телефон специальное клиентское Android-приложение, ознакомившись с лицензионным соглашением об использовании «IBA Мобильный банкинг»

После подключения к системе в целях обеспечения безопасности Вы обязаны хранить информацию о регистрационном пароле SMS-банкинга в условиях, исключающих возможность доступа третьих лиц к данной информации.

Обязательно ознакомьтесь с инструкцией по использованию приложения — http://imb.iba-mobile.by/about/manual/.

Обязательно ознакомьтесь с лицензионным соглашением http://imb.iba-mobile.by/about/terms/.

В случае возникновения проблем - пишите на support@iba-mobile.by, а также на форум - http://www.iba-mobile.by/forum/.

Иконка для 가계부 머니윙_Money Wing

가계부 머니윙_Money Wing (v.

LG Uplus Corp.  опубликовал приложение 2013-01-27
(обновлено 2013-01-27)

★가계부/머니맵등 일부 기능 유료화★

머니윙(Money Wing)은 고객님께서 보유하신 모든 금융(CMA/신용카드/멤버십)정보를 편리하게 조회,관리하고, 가계부 기능을 통해 수입/지출을 종합 관리할 수 있는 통합 가계부 어플리케이션 입니다.
※ 가계부 기능은 유료(월900원)으로 제공되며, 그 외 기능은 무료 입니다.

[주요 기능]

-여러 개의 카드 및 계좌를 ID/PW만 등록 하면 한번에 실시간 내역 조회 (CMA/신용카드/멤버십)-조회된 내역을 자동으로 항목을 분류 하여 가계부에 연동-자신이 카드를 사용한 장소와 결제금액을 지도상에 표시 해주는 기능(머니맵)-각종 청구서 조회 (카드사, 이통사 3사)-금융 계산기 탑재 (적금, 예금, 대출 이자율 계산)
[자산조회 지원현황]

★ CMA(1개) : 동양종금
※ CMA 조회의 경우 해당 홈페이지에서 빠른 조회 등록 후 이용하시길 바랍니다. 단, 지원중인 CMA/카드사 사정에 따라 이용 가능한 지원목록이 변경될 수 있습니다.

★ 신용카드(10개) : 국민,외환,BC,롯데,삼성,씨티,신한,하나SK,현대백화점,현대
※ 일부 카드사의 경우 카드사 정책에 따라 해외 승인건에 대해 표시되지 않을 수 있습니다.

★ 멤버십(11개) : CJ ONE, 해피포인트, GS칼텍스, OK Cashbag,
Yes24, LGU+, SKT, KT,11번가, 대한한공, 아시아나항공

※ 설정 하신 비밀번호는 본인 확인 시에만 사용 되며, 설치된 어플에 암호화 되어 저장,관리 됩니다. 어플 삭제시 등록된 모든 내용은 삭제되오니, 이점 유의하시기 바랍니다.

※ 3G/4G망으로 다운로드시 데이터 요금이 발생할 수 있으니, Wifi망에서 다운로드를 권장합니다.

Иконка для F.R.U.  - TSP Price Tracker 0.92

F.R.U. - TSP Price Tracker (v. 0.92)

Kigra Software опубликовал приложение 2013-01-27
(обновлено 2013-01-27)

F.R.U. is a quick way to check on the latest performance of the funds in the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) that are a part of the retirement system for U.S. Federal employees. It provides a quick overview of the daily price changes, a quick glance at weekly and monthly performance in both table forms and a price chart (chart view coming in version 1.0).

Note: F.R.U. & Kigra Software are not affliated with nor endorsed by the Federal Retirement Thrift Board or the Thrift Savings Plan.

Please visit http://www.kigrasoft.com/ for additional information or to report any problems.

Иконка для Travel Expenses 2.5

Travel Expenses (v. 2.5)

Flatabo опубликовал приложение 2013-01-26
(обновлено 2013-01-26)

The travel expenses application helps you to organize and file the expenses you have during a business trip.

You'll also be able to configure your own expense types and their default values.

-Create business trips
-Add expense items to each trip
-Take a photo of the receipt
-Configure your own custom expense types
-Set the default value of any expense type
-Export the details of one or more trips to a CSV file
-Export the details of one or more trips to a OpenDocument text document
-Automatically send the exported files to one or more email addresses
-Backup and restore all data (including images of invoices)
-Easy export of single trips
-Recurring expense items
-Easy delete of old data

Since the first version, the following features have been added.

- Added a new field to indicate the time of trips
- Added recurring expense items: Add several identical expense items to a trip with a few simple clicks.

- Created a new status type for the trips "Ready to export"
- You may export a trip directly from the overview screen
- You may select to insert a page break between each trip when exporting to an OpenDocument file
-Bug fix : If the user tried to do a backup when the database was empty, the app would crash.

Making professional and leisure travel easier!

Иконка для Handy Tarif Status 1.11

Handy Tarif Status (v. 1.11)

Tixoman опубликовал приложение 2013-01-26
(обновлено 2013-01-26)

Diese App erleichtert ihnen den Überblick zu behalten wie viele Freieeinheiten (Freiminuten, freie SMS, freie Daten MB, ...) sie bei ihrem aktuellen Tarif noch für den aktuellen Abrechnungszeitraum zur Verfügung haben.
Es ist möglich mehrere Konten zu verwalten und abzufragen. Halten sie die freien Einheiten ihrer Kinder im Auge!

Das noch verfügbare Kontingent bzw. die Hochrechnung für das Ende der Abrechnungsperiode werden grafisch dargestellt.
Ein Ampelsystem informiert über den hochgerechneten Status am Ende der Abrechnungsperiode.

ROT: weniger als 5% der freien Einheiten werden vorraussichtlich am Ende des Abrechnungszeitraums noch verfügbar sein.

GELB: weniger als 20% der freien Einheiten werden vorraussichtlich am Ende des Abrechnungszeitraums noch verfügbar sein.

GRÜN: sonst.

Weites kann für jedes erfasste Konto ein Widget hinzugefügt werden. Dieses zeigt die prozentuelle Hochrechnung für die am Ende der Abrechnungsperiode noch verfügbaren freien Einheiten an.

Derzeit verfügbare Provider:
A1 (noch Beta) Bitte schickt mir eure Abfragen über die APP  (Menüpunkt - "Email an Entwickler") falls eure Daten noch nicht richtig angezeigt werden oder ihr Fehler bei der Abfrage bekommt.)

Sollte die Abfrage eine Fehlermeldung ausgeben überprüfen sie bitte zuerst ihren Username bzw. ihr Passwort. Mit dem Button “Provider Homepage im Browser öffnen” in den Kontoeinstellungen können sie einfach zur Homepage des gewählten Providers navigieren und dort überprüfen ob ihr eingetragener Username und ihr Passwort korrekt sind.

Sollten nicht alle Daten richtig angezeigt werden können sie sich mit "Abfrage im Browser öffnen" die empfangenen Daten der letzten Abfrage in einem Browser ansehen.  

Sollte ihr Tarif nicht korrekt abgefragt werden schicken sie dem Entwickler bitte eine Mail bevor sie eine schlechte Bewertung abgeben.
Dazu ist in der App ein Eintrag im Menü vorhanden. (“Email an Entwickler”)

Иконка для Palm Finance 1.4.5

Palm Finance (v. 1.4.5)

Denis Kostyukov опубликовал приложение 2013-01-26
(обновлено 2013-01-26)

Convenient and simple program for everyday personal finance management.

1. Maintain income and expense transactions in the context of accounts, currencies and categories.
2. Keeping the directory of accounts in different currencies, displaying the balance.
3. Doing manual rates.
4. Keeping the directory categories of income and expenses.
5. Generating a report on the balance of days from and export to HTML and send email.
6. The selection of operations to date, accounts and categories.
7. Backing up and restoring data.
8. Password protection at the entrance to the application.
9. Copy repetitive operations (long click on the selected operation).
10. Voice input
11. Transfer between accounts
12. Export transactions to a file (CSV) to SD-card, and Google docs.
13. Widget
14. The mechanism of accounts and categories of coloring (the color of the card is assigned an account or category)


Keywords: costs, revenues, transfers, cost accounting, finance manager, personal accounting, revenue accounting of money, finance manager, personal finance, budget manager, budget accounting, cost calculator, calculator income, mobile banking, accounting accounts, family budgets, financial planner, financial calculator, bills, finance, the application of accounts, business accounts, finance in the palm, the registrar of cash, cash accounting, credit cards, banking applications, mobile banking application, android bank, money, money saver, mobile manager, finance, home finance, manager costs

Иконка для mWydatki - mBank 2.2

mWydatki - mBank (v. 2.2)

Andrei Karpushonak опубликовал приложение 2013-01-26
(обновлено 2013-01-26)

Aplikacja przetwarza wyciąg wysyłany co miesiąc przez mBank w formacie HTML.

Żeby zaimportować wyciąg, znajdź email:
mBank - elektroniczne zestawienie operacji za [miesiac] [rok], i otwórz załącznik. Podczas otwierania wybierz z listy aplikację mWydatki.

Nie musisz podawać żadnego hasła do mBanku. Aplikacja jest tylko i wyłącznie analizatorem wyciągów, i służy do analizy wydatków/przychodów.

Иконка для Legacy CFCU 2.4

Legacy CFCU (v. 2.4)

TRG Mobilearth Inc. опубликовал приложение 2013-01-25
(обновлено 2013-01-25)

Life is mobile, why isn’t your credit union?

The Legacy Community FCU Android application brings your bank to your mobile phone, allowing you to access your accounts 24/7. The application is free and easy to use!

Download the application onto your device and get easy access to:

- Funds Transfer
- Pending Transactions: approve/cancel Transfers
- Account Listing: view Savings/Checking/Loan Accounts
- Account Statements
- Alert Maintenance
- Account Settings
- Built-in Multi-Factor Authentication
- Branch/ATM finder

Please note: a User ID and password is required to obtain access to Legacy’s mobile banking application. Without a User ID and password, you will be unable to sign in with this application. There is no charge from Legacy Community FCU. Your mobile carrier’s text messaging and web access charges may apply.

For more information, please visit www.legacycreditunion.com

Иконка для BitcoinSpinner Testnet 0.7.3b

BitcoinSpinner Testnet (v. 0.7.3b)

Jan Moller опубликовал приложение 2013-01-25
(обновлено 2013-01-25)

BitcoinSpinner is a light-weight, secure, and user friendly Bitcoin wallet for Android.

Feature Overview:
* Send and receive Bitcoins using QR codes.
* One-time wallet backup using a QR-code that can be restored on another Android device.
* All your Bitcoins are protected using private keys stored on your device using app private storage.
* No heavy block chain download, BitcoinSpinner is ready for use immediately.
* Address book
* Transaction history.

BitcoinSpinner is NOT an on-line Bitcoin Bank. Nobody can run away with your Bitcoins. It is implemented on top of the BCCAPI, which means that all the heavy lifting associated with managing the block chain is done by a server. The server side is in no position to spend your Bitcoins, as all private keys are stored on your device. More info on the BCCAPI here: http://goo.gl/OqvQ9

More features:
  * Open source: http://code.google.com/p/bitcoinspinner/
  * Spend 'change-sent-to-yourself' immediately, just like the Satoshi client.
  * Share your Bitcoin address using Gmail, Twitter and more.
  * Automated network fee calculation, guaranteeing that your transactions go through the Bitcoin network.
  * BitcoinSpinner does not download and manage the Bitcoin block chain. This means:
    * Ready for use immediately.
    * Low storage requirements.
    * Low bandwidth requirements.
    * Low CPU requirements.
    * Low battery consumption.

BitcoinSpinner comes in two versions. This is the one for worthless test Bitcoins. If you want to try it out with real production Bitcoins look for BitcoinSpinner without the Testnet suffix.
You can obtain worthless test Bitcoins to play with here: http://testnet.freebitcoins.appspot.com/

Иконка для BitcoinSpinner 0.7.3b

BitcoinSpinner (v. 0.7.3b)

Jan Moller опубликовал приложение 2013-01-25
(обновлено 2013-01-25)

BitcoinSpinner is a light-weight, secure, and user friendly Bitcoin wallet for Android.

Feature Overview:
* Send and receive Bitcoins using QR codes.
* One-time wallet backup using a QR-code that can be restored on another Android device.
* All your Bitcoins are protected using private keys stored on your device using app private storage.
* No heavy block chain download, BitcoinSpinner is ready for use immediately.
* Address book
* Transaction history.

BitcoinSpinner is NOT an on-line Bitcoin Bank. Nobody can run away with your Bitcoins. It is implemented on top of the BCCAPI, which means that all the heavy lifting associated with managing the block chain is done by a server. The server side is in no position to spend your Bitcoins, as all private keys are stored on your device. More info on the BCCAPI here: http://goo.gl/OqvQ9

More features:
  * Open source: http://code.google.com/p/bitcoinspinner/
  * Spend 'change-sent-to-yourself' immediately, just like the Satoshi client.
  * Share your Bitcoin address using Gmail, Twitter and more.
  * Automated network fee calculation, guaranteeing that your transactions go through the Bitcoin network.
  * BitcoinSpinner does not download and manage the Bitcoin block chain. This means:
    * Ready for use immediately.
    * Low storage requirements.
    * Low bandwidth requirements.
    * Low CPU requirements.
    * Low battery consumption.

BitcoinSpinner comes in two versions. This is the one for real production Bitcoins. If you want to try it out with worthless test Bitcoins look for BitcoinSpinner Testnet.

NOTICE: This is a beta release. Use at your own risk.

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