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Stock Market Fundamental Analysis Tool
Discounted Cash Flow Model (DCFM) is financial application designed to help you to estimate the attractiveness of an investment opportunity, analyzing the futures cash flows that a firm will generate for the investor (free cash flow) and discounts them at an appropriate rate to arrive at present value (concepts of time and risk value of money).
The DCFM takes in account the Oppotunity and Risk of the investment, and the Inflation over time using the Present Value concept.
Key Components of the DCFM
Free cash flow (FCF) – Cash flow generated for the investor
Terminal value (TV) – The value of an investment at the end of a period (when is expect that all future free cash flows stabilize at a constant growth rate in perpetuity.), discounted at an appropriate rate to arrive at present value
Discount rate – The rate appropriated used to discount the estimated FCFs and terminal value to their present values - generally has a WACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital).
This trading tool allows:
☆ Store (save, load, and delete) your calculations to the internal memory or the SD memory Card for next time (useful to compare similar companies or a compare a company over different periods)
☆ User to email a brief summary with the results of the DCFM.
"Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." - Ben Graham
This mobile application was designed to make your investment decisions easier, convenient and more profitable.
DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES: Neither ATM and Octávio Viana guarantee the accuracy, integrity, completeness, or timeliness of the DCFM application or any results generated by it. Likewise, ATM and Octávio Viana hereby disclaim all warranties or conditions, express or implied, related to the DCFM or the results provided by it, including, but not limited, to absence of viruses and damaging, any warranties or representation that the DCFM application will be error-free or that access thereto wil be uninterrupted, that any errors or defects will be correctable or corrected. The DCFM application maybe is not compatible with any particular device, be sure if feet in your device before buy it.
Limitations of Liability: Your use of the DCFM is solely at your own risk. Neither ATM | Investors' Associations and Octávio Viana shall have any liability (whether direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, exemplary or the like, including, but not limited to, investment losses or lost profits) to You or any other party arising in any way from your use of, or inability to use, the DCFM application.
No Advisory Relationship: You understand and agree that the ATM or Octávo Viana, including, but not limited to, the results and the summary that may be provided by the application, does not constitute “investment advice” of any kind or establish any sort of advisory relationship between You and ATM or Octávio Viana. You further understand and agree that ATM or Octávio Viana does not endorse or recommend any financial products that may be used in conjunction with the DCFM application.
Investment in any security involves risk that, upon redemption, the security may be worth more or less than the original investment. You are strongly encouraged to seek assistance from a financial professional to determine suitable investment options for your risk tolerance and/or obtain each financial product’s prospectus (or its equivalent) prior to investing.
Governing Law: This Agreement shall be construed under the laws of Portugal. You agree to the exclusive jurisdictions of the state or federal courts located in Porto, Portugal, for any claims or action arising in any way with respect to the DCFM application or this Agreement.
If you buy the application you are agreeing to the terms and conditions in this Agreement.
If You do not agree to the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, don't buy the DCFM application.