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Иконка для 타로점 7.0

타로점 (v. 7.0)

igamecity опубликовал приложение 2011-09-16
(обновлено 2011-09-16)

아주 쉽게 친구들과 타로점을 보고 해석도 하고 의논도 하고 같이 웃기도 하고
친구 1명만 타로점 봐주어도 충분하다.

(추천 키워드)
타로,타로점,금융,경제,증권,주식,대박,증권방송,상담,증권사,스마트폰주식거래,주식앱,주식어플,증권방송,증권강좌,보험,펀드,재테크,부동산재테크,부동산,세금,세무,산업,광고,마케팅,무역,주식투자,환율,다우지수,해외지수,나스닥,유로존,중국 상해지수,은행,국민은행,기업은행,신한은행,외환은행,우리은행,하나은행,sc제일은행,부산은행,대구은행,NH농협,키움증권,우리투자증권,이트레이드증권,IBK투자증권,동양증권,삼성증권,신한증권,한화증권,미래에셋증권,유진투자증권SK증권,증권통,증권뉴스,증권가찌라시,증권찌라시,루머,증권사 앱,증권사 어플,스마트폰 게임,앱게임,어플 게임,모바일 게임,게임 순위,*게임,*스포츠 게임,자동차 게임,폴플레이 게임,시뮬레이션 게임,액션,앵그리버드,홈런 배틀3D,앱스토어,토이샷,버블버블2,맞고,테트리스,고스톱,포커,앵그리 할머니,버블볼,마시마로 디펜스,크레이지 콥터,퍼즐 맞추기,푸딩 퍼즐,팔라독,틀린 그림찾기,퀴즈 맞추기,만화,애니메이션,코믹,액션,무협,공포,추리,판타지,웹툰,sf,테트리스,안젤리 버즐,방송,언론사,TV,tv방송,라디오 방송,증권 방송,주식 방송,드라마,방송 통신,경제 신문,인터넷 신문사,잡지,케이블tv,sky,방송국,방송사,신문사,연구소,DMB방송,조선일보,중앙일보,동아일보,KBS,MBC,SBS,한국경제,서울경제,이토마토방송,이데일리,머니투데이,증권 뉴스,문화,미술,예술,교육,학원,영유아교육,어학연수,학원,입시학원,과외,시험,시험정보,자격증시험,정책,정당,시험일정,공연,콘서트,쇼핑,할인쿠폰,무료문자,무료통화,국제통화무료,쇼핑,루시,쿠팡,소셜 커머스,소셜 쇼핑,무료 쿠폰앱,스마트폰 무료,공짜폰,공짜 쿠폰,할인 쿠폰,무료쿠폰,홈쇼핑,이마트,백화점,시장,경매,G마켓,ok캐쉬백터치,해피포인트,영화표예매,극장좌석,음악,팝,힙합,댄스음악,음반,OST,오디션,작곡,작사,콘서트,가요제,악기,뮤직비디오,팬카페,국내가수,국내배우,가수,해외가수,국내모델,모델,음악가,텔렌트,영화배우,아나운서,개그맨,코메디,텔렌트,배우,아이돌,김연아,박지성,박주영,지네드지단,류현진,김현수,연예인,화보,유재석,강호동,이승기,김태희,장동건,이영애,카라,샤이니,슈퍼주니어,2NE1,지드레곤,동방신기,빅뱅,ss501,원더걸스,소녀시대,비스트,보아,애프터스쿨,아이유,미쓰에이,이효리,비,2pm,2am,여행,국내여행,해외여행,공항,배낭여행,호텔,항공,일본,중국,가이드,여행사,항공사,여행사,스포츠,축구,야구,프로축구,프로야구,농구,프로농구,kbo프로농구,탁구,당구,복싱,이중 격투기,ufc,체조,요가,올림픽,월드컵,유럽 축구,k리그,레져,등산,낚시,조깅,산악회,애완동물,취미,취미생활,수집,코스프레,바둑,장기,강아지,고양이,새,애완 용품,애완 동물,자동차,현대차,날씨,일기예보,원기날씨,생활,건강,맛집,주변음식점,노래방,요리,음식,인테리어,생활가전,중고용품,중고,풍수지리,생활정보,운세,오늘의운세,점,사주팔자,행운,기회,타로,운세 상담,결혼 운,로또,로또 당첨번호,무료 사주,오늘의 운세,궁합,애정,꿈해몽,별자리,토정비결,교통,지하철,시내버스,시외버스,고속버스,택시,ktx,열차,네비게이션,교통정보,음주단속,콜택시,대리운전,지하철 노선도,지하철 도착정보,터미널,시내버스 노선도,버스 도착정보,서울택시,전국버스,서울시내버스,경기 버스,열차 시간표,서울시,경기도,인천시,부산시,패션,미용,여성,남성,의류,캐주얼,유명메이커,잡화,패션상식,명품,명품 브랜드,피부 관리,헤어,액세서리,성형,네일아트,목욕,화장품,화장,향수,성형,성형외과,미인,쥬얼리,보석,금,은,다이아몬드,정장,건강,다이어트,식생활,식습관,운동,건강관리,건강식품,보조식품,심리상담,한방,대체의학,살빼기,다이어트식품,다이어트음식,살안찌는음식,건강식단,암,119,아이큐,감성,지성,결혼,가족,육아,부부,임신,출산,산부인과,이성,,혼인,결혼식,중매,친구사귀기,아기,제사,연인,동호회,엽기,종교,봉사,불교,기독교,예수,교회,가톨릭,천주교,성당,기도,예배,성경,찬송가,불경,컴퓨터,태그,하드웨어,보안,패치,모바일,외국어,영어,일어,중국어,회화,영어회화,영단어,일본어회화,일본단어,번역,외국어학원,토플,토익,인문,철학,심리학,건축,취업,아르바이트,알바,잡코리아,해피켐퍼스,레포트,취업정보,구인구직,정치,법,행정,민원,선거,통일,국방,복지,인권,사회,문화,정치인,한나라당대표,박근혜,손학규,나경원,김문수,오세훈,유시민,이명박,문학,전자책,소설,시,독서,작가,서점,인터넷서점,스마트폰서점,교보문교,전자책,도서관,동창,친구찾기,사람찾기,공공기관,정부,청와대,대통령,경찰청,법원,소셜앱,네이트온,트위터,싸이월드,미스리,메신저,포탈싸이트,마이피플,다음,다음앱,다음지도,스카이뷰,로드뷰,쇼핑하우,다음메일,네이버,네이버지도,웹툰,블로그,네이버카페,다음카페,네이버 앱,네이버 어플,네이트,옥션,네이트,팍스넷,u팍스,파란닷컴,야후,구글,넥슨,스마트폰 앱,,앱순위,앱인기순위,흔들기,하이브리드앱,티켓 몬스터,나는 가수다,포폴리즘,TV맛집,무료 통화조회,나침판,파일탐색기,보안카드,연봉계산기,배터리정보,도서검색,세계의수도,배달통,알람,멜론,생활 백서요리,백과 사전,영한 사전,사전,T스토아,올레,KT,SK텔레콤,심리테스트,카카오톡,오브제,한자학습,전자신문,갤럭시s2,도돌,타자연습,구글,아스트로,알약,메모장,cgv,필수앱 가이드,뱅킹,플래너,스마트폰 뱅킹,맛클,부두패치,도난경보기,에어펭귄,버즐,일정관리,아이지킴이,전화번호부,모두의웹툰,구글 스카이맵,실시간 검색어,핫이슈,바로찾기,보이스114,앤돌핀,직장,미렌,촉앤톡,디앤샵,피망플러스,플랜폼,오늘만특가,쇼핑랭킹,딩동,전화번호부,보이스,예뻐지는 법,드로우메모,미투데이,m2day,문자추적기,공항,키즈,컬러링,보카로이드,사자성어,고사성어,세계 국기,후토스,손바닥,텝스,영어사전,굿모닝팝스,파일,무료배경화면,가로세로,낱말 맞추기,블럭 퍼즐,푸딩 얼굴인식기,퍼츨맞추기,구구단,유행어,가로세로,유행어,플레이어,판도라TV,해수욕장,얼굴인식,알라딘,앱순이의 앱순위,우체통,물병편지,프로,두근두근,영어번역기,닌텍도,정신연령,테스트,날씨위젯,모자이크,시계,랜션,맥스무비,티켓,중고나라,달인,캠핑장 정보,사진,퍼즐게임,티스토리,자켓,칼로리코디,음성검색,사다리 게임,알약 안드로이드,초보 필수 앱,스마트폰느리다면,초보 탈출,폰 꾸미기,리듬,아스팔트,ok캐쉬백,하철이,고객센터,메모리,폰꾸미기,바코드 스캐너,택배조회,웹툰모아,올리브폰,연예인닮은꼴,사랑,성인,만남,임신,결혼,애인,섹시,혈액형,오빠이거,애인,노래방,나이트,클럽,도우미,야간업소,유흥업소,애인대행,채팅,성인,야동,섹스,포르노,미팅,이상형,사랑찾기,대화,사랑,유틸리티,벅스무제한음악,초보 필수앱,필수 어플 가이드,레이싱,팔라독,디펜스,성인만화,리듬,어플,어플순위,어플추천,이럴땐 이런앱,폰꾸미기,무료벨소리,아스팔트,무료배경화면,말하는개,추천앱

Иконка для Crayons C-RING 1.0.1

Crayons C-RING (v. 1.0.1)

Sun Lee опубликовал приложение 2011-09-15
(обновлено 2011-09-15)

View photos when you finish a call! These pictures are selected using the keyword "Crayons", so they change whenever you make a call. From the selection all over the world, keep calling to find the photo best for you!

Иконка для 101 Ideas: Flower Arrangement 1.0

101 Ideas: Flower Arrangement (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2011-09-15
(обновлено 2011-09-15)

Discover the Art of Flower Arrangement!

WHAT is it about Flower arrangement that gets into our blood and makes it have such a hold on us?    

Why is it, that once intrigued by this new art, we are impatient to go forward and explore every avenue of thought on the subject?

The reason why Flower Arranging has such a broad appeal is because it satisfies a need in all of us to do something creative, and, because flowers are within the reach of us all, it seems natural that we should want to learn and practice a subject that we can not only easily execute, as and when we feel like it, but which can be employed to beautify our homes for friends and family alike to enjoy.

We all know that a sense of achievement brings with it pride and satisfaction and I am certain it is this feeling which is bringing so much joy into the lives of tens of thousands of men and women who are devotees of the art of Flower Arranging.

I have much evidence of this from the thousands of letters I receive from happy people who tell me with great feeling that " they had no previous idea that they could do it " and I recall a simple incident which happened at a Flower Show and which seems to enforce this theory.

I had been judging the flower arrangements and had returned to the exhibits for a final look when a little boy about seven years old came up to me and, pointing to the design I was admiring, said " Don't you think that's nice—my Mummy did that one."

His mother then appeared and after chatting she added, " Please don't take any notice of him, although I must tell you that since I have taken up Flower Arranging I have assumed a new importance in the eyes of my family and naturally I am proud."

At first the desire on the part of the enthusiast is only to place flowers in a vase better than before and they usually impatiently say " Oh just tell me how to do it quickly, that's all I want to know."    But is it?

Soon afterwards comes a request to have colour explained, then design. Design is fascinating for, if you really want to delve into it, it includes such subjects as line, rhythm and balance.

Discussions on the merits of various types of flowers, the textures of plant material and their relation to the container to be used and the general decor of the room usually follow.

Иконка для Breast Guesser 1.0

Breast Guesser (v. 1.0)

BarryDroid опубликовал приложение 2011-09-15
(обновлено 2011-09-15)

Ever wondered what a girls bra size is but too afraid to ask?
Just simply take a picture of them and this comedy app will scan her features and estimate for you!

Results from the app gives you a preview of the boobs, the bra size (US UK measurements), the nipple colour and advice on whether the tits are fake or real.

Great fun. The app works on pets and men too.

This app is strictly a fictional toy and should not be used maliciously.

Иконка для Marty's Magic Coin 1.0

Marty's Magic Coin (v. 1.0)

YitYat Studios опубликовал приложение 2011-09-14
(обновлено 2011-09-14)

The original coin-in-phone magic trick is now available on Android! Over 25k sold worldwide on the iPhone!

Illusion: Appear to rub a coin into your phone's screen and then get it back again.

* Gobs of coins from around the world
* Step-by-step video showing how to do 3 amazing tricks with this app
* 3 bonus videos show how to do some non-Android related magic tricks

Marty's Magic Coin is fun and simple to perform.  Anyone can do it with just a few minutes practice.  Detailed step-by-step videos are included to guide you from beginner to master.  Best
of all, this trick is always with you and ready to go at a moments notice!

Basic Performance:
The performer asks for a quarter from the audience, and then **rubs it into the phone's screen**, and shows that the coin is now inside the phone by letting the coin roll around the inside edges and letting it fall from one edge to the other.  Finally, the performer shakes the phone and the coin falls out onto the table.

Carrot Performance:
The performer cuts a carrot slice and rubs it into the phone.  It's then shaken out of the phone and eaten.  Of course, after being in the phone it now tastes a little metallic ;-)

What's included:
- The Marty's Magic Coin program
- Complete video showing you step-by-step how to perform 3 separate tricks
- 3 bonus videos showing how to do other fun magic tricks
- Additional text instructions
- Choice of 32 coin types from around the world and a carrot slice

Иконка для Shinhwa CoinSMSNonki 1.0.5r

Shinhwa CoinSMSNonki (v. 1.0.5r)

MOMA опубликовал приложение 2011-09-14
(обновлено 2011-09-14)

View photos when you receive a message! These pictures are selected using the keyword "Shinhwa", so they change whenever you receive a message. You will find the photo best for you!

Иконка для Roxy Music CoinSMS 1.0.5r

Roxy Music CoinSMS (v. 1.0.5r)

MOMA опубликовал приложение 2011-09-14
(обновлено 2011-09-14)

View photos when you receive a message! These pictures are selected using the keyword "Roxy Music", so they change whenever you receive a message. You will find the photo best for you!

Иконка для Beyond 2011 0.5

Beyond 2011 (v. 0.5)

Jim Ji опубликовал приложение 2011-09-14
(обновлено 2011-09-14)

interactive map and festival guide to the Beyond Wonderland Music Festival in San Bernandino, CA

Beyond wonderland is a trademark of Insomniac, the awesome team behind the music festival. This is the unofficial Beyond wonderland app for Android

App features
DJ Lineups
Interactive map guide
Street map
Festival info and tickets
Shout feeds
News updates
and an Event counter!

Иконка для Wacky Sound Effects 1

Wacky Sound Effects (v. 1)

SK8 Wireless Technologies опубликовал приложение 2011-09-14
(обновлено 2011-09-14)

*Wacky Sound Effects*

Over 50 sound effects to annoy your friends! Ultra simple design and fast loading. Not bogged down with slow loading graphics and boring sounds.

Try it today!

Иконка для The Jokes (Ad Free) 1.4.5

The Jokes (Ad Free) (v. 1.4.5)

Megabyte Bomb опубликовал приложение 2011-09-13
(обновлено 2011-09-13)

Best jokes here! No internet connection required! Read them anywhere you want.

Jokes are sorted by 25 categories. : Bar Jokes, Blonde Jokes, Chuck Norris Jokes, Clean Jokes, Dirty Jokes, Doctor Jokes, Female Jokes, Funny SMS, Gay Jokes, Golf Jokes, In Soviet Russia, Knock Knock Jokes, Lawyer Jokes, Little Johnny Jokes, Male Jokes, One Liner Jokes, Other Jokes, Police Jokes, Political Jokes, Racial Jokes, Redneck Jokes, Religious Jokes, Stupid Jokes & Yo Mama Jokes.

- Add to favorites
- Share with friends
- Random joke
- Animations
- Works offline!

Tags: Jokes, funny app, animations, lol, laugh, rotfl, funny, hilarious, smile, party.

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