101 Ideas: Flower Arrangement (v. 1.0)
Разработано KoolAppz
Discover the Art of Flower Arrangement!
WHAT is it about Flower arrangement that gets into our blood and makes it have such a hold on us?
Why is it, that once intrigued by this new art, we are impatient to go forward and explore every avenue of thought on the subject?
The reason why Flower Arranging has such a broad appeal is because it satisfies a need in all of us to do something creative, and, because flowers are within the reach of us all, it seems natural that we should want to learn and practice a subject that we can not only easily execute, as and when we feel like it, but which can be employed to beautify our homes for friends and family alike to enjoy.
We all know that a sense of achievement brings with it pride and satisfaction and I am certain it is this feeling which is bringing so much joy into the lives of tens of thousands of men and women who are devotees of the art of Flower Arranging.
I have much evidence of this from the thousands of letters I receive from happy people who tell me with great feeling that " they had no previous idea that they could do it " and I recall a simple incident which happened at a Flower Show and which seems to enforce this theory.
I had been judging the flower arrangements and had returned to the exhibits for a final look when a little boy about seven years old came up to me and, pointing to the design I was admiring, said " Don't you think that's nice—my Mummy did that one."
His mother then appeared and after chatting she added, " Please don't take any notice of him, although I must tell you that since I have taken up Flower Arranging I have assumed a new importance in the eyes of my family and naturally I am proud."
At first the desire on the part of the enthusiast is only to place flowers in a vase better than before and they usually impatiently say " Oh just tell me how to do it quickly, that's all I want to know." But is it?
Soon afterwards comes a request to have colour explained, then design. Design is fascinating for, if you really want to delve into it, it includes such subjects as line, rhythm and balance.
Discussions on the merits of various types of flowers, the textures of plant material and their relation to the container to be used and the general decor of the room usually follow.