9sWord=9sWriter+9sReader+web browser+File Explorer.....
You can browse/open/save/copy/del files in both internal storage (SD) or internal storage (phone) ....
...9sWriter is a text editor: you can do most of the text operations like copy and paste, Select Text,Search Text, Find Next, Replace all....
...9sReader is a DIY eBook, you can turn your txt file into an eBook...
...Web browser,,,you go to web through it.... Copy & Paste.... copy from web, paste into txt, or copy from email....
...File Explorer: File browser, you can browse SD, copy file, delete file. Save the modified text to sd file....
....go Online,copy from web...click phone's "BACK" key to return to 9sWord, click "Paste",,,then you can edit it and save it....
Can be used as a File Browser: copy, delete file
add Text operation: Find Next, Replace All
9sReader is a DIY-eBOOK (text file reader), it is read only, just in fear of that for text editor one can easily modify the text unintentionally....One of an important point is that it can select the "character encoding": GBK,GB2312,ISO-8891-1,UTF8....
all-languages TEXT-Reader. It can read all languages: English,French,German,Dutch,Chinese,Korean,Japanese...(as long as your text file is saved with entension ".txt" and in UTF-8 encoding), Default encoding is UTF8, but it can read other charset/Encoding: UTF8, ANSI,GBK. --- operation --- It browses all text-files from SD card and read them. You can change the SIZE, COLOR of the text and the COLOR of background. Page Up, Page Down. You can read page by page. Smart Page Divider: page size depends on your Text size setting. You can continuously scroll the page. It is a DIY-eBook! --- DIY : making of your own ebook --- 1. copy from web what you like, Novels, Poems, Stories, News,... 2. save as a text file ".txt" (in "UTF-8" format). 3. copy to SD card (anywhere is OK) 4. use 9sReader to read it.
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please send email to: sales.9soft@gmail.com
when there's a update version. We will inform you to update.