9sCamera++:Auto-Multi-Shooting в Android Market

Icon for 9sCamera++:Auto-Multi-Shooting 1.3 9sCamera++:Auto-Multi-Shooting (v. 1.3)
Разработано 9 Soft Tech Co.

9sCam++ is an easy photo-taking app with PhotoViewer,SlidePlayer. Almost all mobile's camera button is too hard to press, difficult to use. 9sCam takes photos only by a touch on the screen, anywhere will do. and you can terminate it by/menu/stopShooting.  it is a Camera-shooting-controller which can set timer/delay time/interval (can set flash-light ON or OFF) between successive shooting,...

(9sCam++ = 9sCam + flashControl)

****For general devices without flash light,auto-focus, please get our another universal app: 9sCam which is stable and works for all android devices OS 1.5 and UP. The only difference is it is without Flash-Light control. )....

it is for self-shooting, self-talking-photos,auto-focusing,,,,,taking 10,30 photos successively....All photos are saved to SD card, in the directory of "9sCam"... First preview screen is on,,,after Aiming.... you ONLY need to click on the screen, anywhere will do, then the 9sCam will start to work....While in between of real shooting, Screen turns to black just for energy saving.eg taking 3 photos for timer of 20s( click on screen, start ...20s...shoot....20s....shoot....20s....photo) ----Menu: modify setting.----Application/Usage----1. lay your phone at a firm position, table...2.aim at your friend or where you will run to stand at,,,3. click on screen to start the timer,,,,4 run to the position, stand by your friends,,,5. The app takes phone of you,,,6. you change pose,,,7. The app continue to shoot with the set delay time....PLEASE lay your phone horizontally for the sake of safety.

--easy photo taking---
hold your phone, touch (screen)->photo,,,touch->photo,,,touch->photo,,,(instead of pressing hard camera button)
===to exit, click menu,exit===

This app has 2 requirements:....
1. control your camera.....to take photo
2. change System Settings....to adjust the timer
Your phone must be with flash light features.
----for device without flash light, please download our app: 9sCam basic.    ---


Категория: Развлечения
Закачек: <50
Размер: 87.6 KB
Опубликовано: 2012-01-07
Обновлено: 2012-01-07

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Системное имя пакета: com.ninesoft.camflashen

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