Лучшие по рейтингу бесплатные в категории 'Образование' в Android Market

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181-190 из 4443
Иконка для [완전정복] 제과기능사 자격증 기출문제 4.02

[완전정복] 제과기능사 자격증 기출문제 (v. 4.02)

superApps опубликовал приложение 2012-11-27
(обновлено 2012-11-27)

★영진닷컴과 완전정복이 함께하는 스페셜 어플리케이션★

잠들기 전에 이불속에서 10분씩 문제 풀기를 반복했더니 합격 했다는 제보가 있습니다. ^^

지하철에서 문제 풀면 옆 사람도 같이 풀고 있다는 제보가...
ㅡ_ㅡ; (공부는 자신을 위한 겁니다. 당당히 푸세욧!!)

앞으로도 많은 관심과 소개 부탁 드립니다.

[앱 소개]
집에서는 요점정리 책으로, 밖에서는 이기적인 앱으로 틈틈히 성적관리를 하면서 시험을 대비할 수 있습니다.
기출문제 풀이는 합격의 중요한 전략 포인트 입니다.
이기적인 앱 시리즈는 틈틈히 실전처럼 연습할 수 있으며, 자신의 성적을 관리할 수 있도록 도와드립니다.

기출문제 학습요령(기출문제도 공부하는 방법이 있다.)

1. 통째로 외우지 마세요.
   문제와 답을 외우는것도 기술이 필요합니다. 통째로 외우면 응용문제에서 혼란만 가중시킬 뿐 비효율 적입니다.
   문제의 주요 키워드와 정답을 연관지어 외울 수 있도록 연습해야 합니다.  부정형 질의는 긍정형으로 바꿔서 연관 답안만 외우세요.

2. 기출문제를 출/퇴근 시간, 화장실에서, 쉬는시간, 틈날 때 마다 한문제씩 풀어보는 습관을 가지세요.
     자주 보아온 문제는 답이 그냥 보입니다.

3. 틀린문제는 맞출 때까지 무한 반복되는 기능을 활용 하세요.
    채점결과에서 틀린문제만 간추려서 반복 시험을 할 수 있도록 틀린문제 다시풀기 기능이 포함 되어있습니다.

4. 헷갈리는 문제, 자신없는 유형 문제, 자주 보이는 유형의 문제는 즐겨찾기에 등록하세요.
    "어디서 봤더라?"  처음부터 찾을 필요 없이 즐겨찾기에 등록하여 간추려 볼 수 있습니다.

5. 실전 처럼 시간을 관리하세요.
    타이머 기능을 활용하여 답안 마킹 시간까지 꼼꼼히 연습 할 수 있습니다.

6. 최근 출제 문제에 중점을 두고 반복 학습을 하세요.
   최근 출제 경향을 알 수 있으며, 앞으로 치룰 시험 유형을 미리 연습하여 실전에 대비 할 수 있습니다. 화이팅!

※[공지] 투자자 모집


현재 등록된 자격증 목록
(검색하실 때 : 자격증)

1.정보처리 기능사
2.정보처리 산업기사
3.정보처리 기사
4.워드프로세서 2급
6.워드프로세서 1급
7.컴퓨터활용능력 1급
8.사무자동화 산업기사
11.직업상담사 2급
15.네트워크관리사 2급
18.PC정비사 1급
19.PC정비사 2급
22.굴삭기운전 기능사
23.지게차운전 기능사
24.전산세무 1급(이론)
25.전산세무 2급(이론)
26.전산회계 1급(이론)
27.전산회계 2급(이론)

Иконка для ESSCA Carrière 1.0.1

ESSCA Carrière (v. 1.0.1)

AppQuartz опубликовал приложение 2012-11-27
(обновлено 2012-11-27)

Pour gagner du temps et trouver la formation qu’il vous faut, l’ESSCA, vous offre cette appli.
Conçue pour votre smartphone, elle est un concentré d’ESSCA : directe, concrète et vivante.

Nos différentes formations, diplômantes ou professionnalisantes, sur une journée ou sur 2 ans, en France ou à l’étranger sont désormais à votre portée où que vous soyez.
Vous pourrez aussi vous géolocaliser par rapport à nos sites et visionner notre photothèque et notre vidéothèque.

Pour votre carrière, choisissez l’excellence,
Bienvenue à l’ESSCA.

Иконка для DVDictionary 3Rus-Eng F 1.0.4

DVDictionary 3Rus-Eng F (v. 1.0.4)

Oleg Svistunov опубликовал приложение 2012-11-27
(обновлено 2012-11-27)

In English and Russian

DVDictionary 3Rus-Eng F
based on A.S.Pushkin, “Winter Road”, recited by Nakajima Lena

ULLT.info DVDictionary allows users to learn any foreign languages utilizing movies, TV shows, cartoons as well as news/sports/music programs, etc. Interactive subtitles (please TOUCH the underlined word/phrase as shown in Screenshots) help penetrate into the very heart of the language of your choice (Russian, in this case, if you are a speaker of English), thus making studying the fun it should be. All DVDictionary applications are available on

DVDictionary 3Rus-Eng F
на материале А.С. Пушкин, «Зимняя дорога», читает Лена Накадзима

ULLT.info DVDictionary позволяет изучать любой иностранный язык, используя фильмы, новости, сериалы…  одним словом, любые видео материалы. Интерактивные субтитры (пожалуйста, НАЖМИТЕ на подчеркнутое слово/фразу на экране, как показано в Screenshots) помогают проникнуть в самую суть и узнать «подноготную» языкового мышления (в данном уроке – русского), перевод слов,  их транскрипцию, оттенки значений, дополнительные примеры их использования и т.д. Все приложения DVDictionary можно найти на

(для мобильных телефонов / for cell phones)

Disclaimer: The material herein is, to the best of our knowledge, in the public domain. Should any legal issues arise, please contact ULLT.info DVDictionary immediately.

Иконка для TR Quotes 1.1

TR Quotes (v. 1.1)

Frontrunner Technologies опубликовал приложение 2012-11-27
(обновлено 2012-11-27)

The TR Quote of the Day app features a different quote every day from America's 26th President, Theodore Roosevelt. Each quote features contextual information from Theodore Roosevelt Scholar Clay Jenkinson.


Share the quote of the day with family, friends, and colleagues by email, text, Facebook, Twitter or other social networking sites.

Test Your TR IQ - A quiz which allows users to test their knowledge of the life of Theodore Roosevelt and his Presidency.

Location-awareness feature provides turn-by-turn directions to visit the Theodore Roosevelt Center in person.

Contextual information from a world-class scholar, detailing the origin of the quote and its relation to TR, his life and ideology.

To learn more about Theodore Roosevelt, please visit TheodoreRooseveltCenter.org. The Theodore Roosevelt Center at Dickinson State University is digitizing all of Roosevelt’s papers to create the equivalent of a presidential library in the digital realm.

Иконка для DVDictionary 14Eng-Rus F 1.0.4

DVDictionary 14Eng-Rus F (v. 1.0.4)

Oleg Svistunov опубликовал приложение 2012-11-27
(обновлено 2012-11-27)

In English and Russian

DVDictionary 14Eng-Rus F
based on “Mental Health”

ULLT.info DVDictionary allows users to learn any foreign languages utilizing movies, TV shows, cartoons as well as news/sports/music programs, etc. Interactive subtitles (please TOUCH the underlined word/phrase as shown in Screenshots) help penetrate into the very heart of the language of your choice (English, in this case, if you are a speaker of Russian), thus making studying the fun it should be. All DVDictionary applications are available on

DVDictionary 14Eng-Rus F
на материале «Здоровая психика»

ULLT.info DVDictionary позволяет изучать любой иностранный язык, используя фильмы, новости, сериалы…  одним словом, любые видео материалы. Интерактивные субтитры (пожалуйста, НАЖМИТЕ на подчеркнутое слово/фразу на экране, как показано в Screenshots) помогают проникнуть в самую суть и узнать «подноготную» языкового мышления (в данном уроке – английского), перевод слов,  их транскрипцию, оттенки значений, дополнительные примеры их использования и т.д. Все приложения DVDictionary можно найти на

(для мобильных телефонов / for cell phones)

Disclaimer: The material herein is, to the best of our knowledge, in the public domain. Should any legal issues arise, please contact ULLT.info DVDictionary immediately.

Иконка для Math Operations 8.2

Math Operations (v. 8.2)

ROM and Noodles опубликовал приложение 2012-11-27
(обновлено 2012-11-27)

This application performs math operations such as evaluating functions with or without variables, the quadratic formula, simplifying square roots, solving derivatives, converting between bases, and graphing

Иконка для Testes de Exame Motociclos 1.0.0

Testes de Exame Motociclos (v. 1.0.0)

Jorge Ataíde опубликовал приложение 2012-11-26
(обновлено 2012-11-26)

Testes de exame da categoria A ( Motociclos ). Preparação para o exame oficial do IMTT.

Иконка для Test Wizard Mobile 1.0

Test Wizard Mobile (v. 1.0)

Eduware опубликовал приложение 2012-11-26
(обновлено 2012-11-26)

Test Wizard Mobile® is a revolutionary new mobile assessment app for students using Apple and Android smart phones and tablets. This app was developed to bring the robust content and student online assessment and reporting capabilities of TestWizard.com without having to be connected to the Internet!

Test Wizard Mobile® brings more than 180,000 questions to online testing offline! For the first time, students can complete homework, quizzes, and exams in any environment using most any mobile device or platform, This product’s innovative offline operating and storage capabilities allow students to download their activities then lose their Internet connection. Students then upload their completed assignment and it is synced seamlessly with their account on TestWizard.com.

Eduware has developed Test Wizard Mobile® to bridge the gap between modern classroom technology and the lack of persistent Internet connection in rural areas, some households and schools. It was also developed to accommodate the modern student’s active lifestyle. With the added pressures of extracurricular activities, many students are simply too busy to complete their homework at home. Test Wizard Mobile® redefines homework by taking it out of the home and bringing it anywhere on the go.

Recent studies have shown that the brain retains more knowledge when it is given frequent breaks to place newly acquired knowledge into its long-term memory banks. Being locked to a task for hours at a time reduces productivity and memory retention. Test Wizard Mobile® supports the frequent break learning style by giving the user the option to complete their academic activities intermittently and self-paced.

Current online desktop users of TestWizard.com are automatically setup for integration with Test Wizard Mobile®. All previously created content, classrooms, and student accounts are compatible with Test Wizard Mobile®. Paired with TestWizard.com, Test Wizard Mobile® is the perfect solution for any classroom, allowing teachers to deploy homework, quizzes, and exams to students seamlessly to both desktop and mobile devices.

Test Wizard Mobile® requires a teacher account at TestWizard.com. Teachers can sign up for a Free Trial at http://www.testwizard.com.

Иконка для ESL Daily English - BEP 1.8

ESL Daily English - BEP (v. 1.8)

IMAPP опубликовал приложение 2012-11-25
(обновлено 2015-01-25)

This is a an helper application for beginner to intermediate to advanced English learners. This independent application has been made by ImApp Soft, who is a fan of the very popular podcast for English learners, Business  English Podcast at businessenglishpod.com.  

- Features

Translate the description of each episode to your language

Download and listen to the mp3 of each episode

Notify : Be notified of new episodes

Note: Notice

Downloading mp3s on 3G can be costly depending on your provider; using WIFI connection would be preferable in most cases. This app is not endorsed or sponsored Business English Podcast. If you have technical questions about the app, please contact ImApp Soft.

ESL Podcast
English learning
English listening
English practice
Business English podcast

**Update history
Android 4.0 support
Google translation no longer free. Now 6 months subscription for less than a dollar.
New episode notification now sent by push message which will reduce battery consumption.
Download failure fixed
Push message related crash fixed
Social service removed because it has problem on some devices

Иконка для 가배한자 1.0

가배한자 (v. 1.0)

moresmartkorea опубликовал приложение 2012-11-25
(обновлено 2012-11-25)

가배한자의 특징

(1)1급부터 8급까지의 급수한자 3500자  및 급수 이상 상용문자 2000자를 포함하는 5,500자의 한자사전을 제공합니다.
(2)1500개 고사성어 풀이와 주역, 명심보감, 대학, 도덕경 원문과 그 풀이를 수록 하였습니다.
(3)부수로 찾기, 획수로 찾기, 음으로 찾기, 뜻으로 찾기기능을 통해 한자찾기의 편리성 제공합니다.
(4)한자 이미지와  필요한 텍스트 파일을 압축,내장하여 데이터 서버와 통신하는 번거로움 없이 빠른 검색과 조회가 가능합니다.

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