Популярные бесплатные в категории 'Образование' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
321-330 из 4443
Иконка для Learn English by Video Trial Bigger Dis

Learn English by Video Trial (v. Bigger Dis)

Learn To Master опубликовал приложение 2011-08-30
(обновлено 2013-06-09)

Learn basic English through a series of videos chosen by experienced TEFL language teachers. The course is structured, being grouped in topical sections and progressing in level.

Able to pause, go back, fast forward on the video.
All videos sourced and streamed from the most effective and most popular English language schools on YouTube.

This trial contains all 95 beginners videos lasting between 2 and 10 minutes:
Basics - Alphabet; Colors; Adjectives; Numbers 0-20; Numbers to 100; Top 10 Verbs; Basics - Action verbs; Pronouns
1 Introducting Yourself - Introductions; Where are you from?; Family; Who? What? Where? How?; Occupations; Adjectives; We are family
2 Places - At, on, in with places; Next to, beside, near; Where questions; House; Lounge; Garden' In the City; Spatial location; Prepositions song; Directions
3 Food - Restaurant Vocab; Vegetable Vocab; Fruit Vocab; Kitchen vocab; Fruit and Nuts; Countable and uncountable; Countable and uncountable nouns; Chile con carne; Diet
4 Weather - Weather vocab 1 & 2; Seasons; Weather phrases; Weather conversation
5 Routines & Activities - Tell the time; Daily Activities; Activities; Adverbs; Adverb song; in, on; Daily activities; Simple present; Housework; Sports Vocab; Describe plans; Present, past, future
6 Health - Body Parts; Hospital Vocab; Dentist Vocab; Common Health problems 1; Common Health problems 2; Already and yet
7 Travel & Transport - Transport Vocab; Vehicles Vocab; At the Airport; In the street; Look, see, watch; Transport Song; Rhymes; Checking in
8 Vocabulary Builder - Animal Alpahabet; Bedroom Vocab; Clothes; Clothes Alphabet; Money Vocab; Musical Instruments; Seaside Vocab; Shapes Vocab; Weaponry
9 Grammar Builder - Infinitives; Gerunds and Infinitives; Irregular Verbs; Possessive Adjectives; What are you doing?; Comparisons; Comparisons & Superlatives; Present continous vs present tense; Future tenses; Past simple; Phrasal Verbs; Present perfect vs simple past; -ing vs -ed; Confusing Words; Here and hear; Listen and Hear; Live and Live; Other and Another; Wish and Hope; To, too and two; There, their and they're

WARNING: Whilst we have tested every video on many handsets and different Android versions successfully, some users have difficulty accessing over 3G. If you connect over WiFi, you will be fine. If you connect over 3G, a few network operators block RTSP streaming. This is not something we can handle at the App level. WE RECOMMEND THAT YOU DOWNLOAD THE FREE TRIAL VERSION FIRST TO SEE IF YOU ARE ONE OF THE FEW PEOPLE WHO CANT ACCESS RTSP AND THEREFORE VIEW VIDEOS. Please let us know the details if you can't stream so we can provide a service to 100% of users.

Possible workaround are to switch on WiFi even though you're streaming via 3G to trick device or download a youtube app.

Full course list on 'Learn English by Video' (no advertising) app is:
BEGINNERS - As before

Intermediate Tenses - Passive; Past Continuous
Modals - Introduction to Modals; Got, have got, have; Advisability; Necessity; Polite Questions; Modals Summary
Phrasal Verbs - Introduction; Keep up; Get; Common phrasals 1; Common phrasals 2; Pull; Turn
Conditionals - 1st Conditional; 2nd Conditional; 3rd Conditional
Clauses - Relative Clauses; Adverb Connectors; Reported Speech; (wh) questions;  (yes-no) questions; changing verbs1; changing verbs2; Reported Speech conditionals
Cultural - Cleaners; Blood; Christmas Origins; Christmas Santa; Christmas Symbols; Double Decker Bus; Flowers for the Girl; Weather phrases; Halloween; Influenza; Sherlock Holmes
Idioms - Colour; Eye; Heart; Seafood

All countries and regional dialects in UK and USA.

영어 학습 英語を学ぶ 学习英语

Иконка для EnjoyVoca 일본어 Lite버전 JLPT/JPT 1.1

EnjoyVoca 일본어 Lite버전 JLPT/JPT (v. 1.1)

Roeni опубликовал приложение 2011-08-29
(обновлено 2011-08-29)

EnjoyVoca 일본어 Lite버전입니다.

필수기초어휘(800) , 필수일본어 한자(300(음,훈)),
일본어 3급(650), 일본어2급(1000),
일본어1급(1000) 등의

학습주제를 제공함으로써 일본어실력 증진과
JLPT 및 JPT등의 자격증준비도 할 수 있습니다
(학습주제를 직접제작도(사용자파일) 가능합니다)

어플내 강력한기능으로 일본어를 정복해보세요

정식버전의 경우 2급단어 1700개, 1급단어 2000개
가 추가로 제공되어 2급은 2700개 1급은 3000개
단어를 학습할수 있습니다. 나머지 기능은
정식과 모두 동일합니다.

* 기능소개 * (발음은 지원되지 않습니다)

속도조절 - 5단계 속도조절이 가능합니다.

숨김기능 - 단어부분를 터치시 숨겨지며
숨김율을 확인할 수 있습니다.

사전연동 - 사전에서 바로 검색가능하여
단어들을 자세히 살펴볼 수 있습니다.

랜덤섞기 - 순서를 랜덤으로 섞어서 학습
할 수 있습니다.

표시순서 - 단어/뜻 위치를 뜻/단어로 바꿔서
학습이 가능합니다.

나만의단어 - 안외워지는 단어는 따로저장하여
외울 수 있는 기능을 제공합니다.

사용자단어 - 자신이 직접 TXT파일을 만들어
어플에서 불러와 플레이가 가능합니다.

1.1버전) 일본어2급 실행안되는것 수정함

홈페이지 : http://blog.naver.com/hunwm
Emial : hunwm1@gmail.com

Иконка для Easy driving test FREE 1.30

Easy driving test FREE (v. 1.30)

AdolfoAragon опубликовал приложение 2011-08-25
(обновлено 2013-06-01)

application in Spanish

Your driving school free to your Android phone!

The difference with other applications of the same type is that we have the last test review and update constantly, look at the updates and pictures of the test!

You'll find official test examination of DGT (DGT).

Is the free version, you test the B permit - permits A1-A2-A Motorcycles, Scooters and permission permission AM BTP priority vehicles and taxis.

There are questions of the new tests that makes traffic to computer and paper tests that are still made in many cities.

These questions are taken from reviews of the DGT as we are a real driving school where our students when they return to the consideration we copied the questions that have come out, we were spent to clean and here is the official test.


We have 5 test applications:
B Permit - Permit A1-A2-A - Permit AM - Permit BTP

and the newest autoescuelaFacil difficult questions with more questions failed and explanation of each question.


Tags: driving, DGT, Traffic, driving test android, android driving test, driving test, driving android, android driving tests, driving license, passport, permit B, passport, car license, motorcycles, free

Иконка для Kid Connects Animals 1.0.4

Kid Connects Animals (v. 1.0.4)

divmob опубликовал приложение 2011-08-21
(обновлено 2013-05-25)

Kid Connects Animals is a game for kids. It helps kids to learn numbers and letters by connecting right numbers/letters on the beautiful animal pictures.
Your kids can learn to recognize and pronounce numbers and letters of the alphabet in a kid-friendly way.

80+ pictures (will be added more)

It has two modes to connect dots:
- Touch mode: tap on numbers/letters to connect them
- Drawing mode: Connect numbers/letter by drawing lines

You also have choice to display numbers or letters.

Hint is also support by winking numbers/letters.

Tablet is supported!

High quality images, best on high resolution screen

kw: kid, child, chidrent, learn, english learning, learning

Иконка для 영어단기학교-기적의 영문법 1.0.1

영어단기학교-기적의 영문법 (v. 1.0.1)

Olivia Hong опубликовал приложение 2011-08-18
(обновлено 2011-08-18)

★앱스토어 무료어플 2주연속 1위!(어학/교육분야)★
★출시 5일만에 티스토어 무료어플 1위 등극(어학/교육분야)★
★오래 기다리셨습니다! 끊임없는 성원에 힘입어 드디어 어플 출시!★
★중고등 영문법을 20시간에 완성하는 기적★
★10년간 연 매출 60억의 신화를 무료 어플로!★
★20시간의 기적을 3시간 FREE압축버전으로 만나다!★

= 여러분! 영어공부, 많이 어려우시죠? =

항상 영어는 어렵다는 말을 달고 사시나요?
“나랑 영어는 안 맞아!!”
“제가 원래 못하는 거에요ㅠ”라며
자책하고 또다시 포기하셨나요?

= 그 어려움을 저희가 함께 하겠습니다 =

영어를 다시 시작하는 영어초보자 중
50% 이상이 1달 이내에,
80% 이상이 2달 이내에 영어공부를 포기하고 만다는 충격적인 사실!!

당신만의 문제가 아니라면,
대체 무엇이 문제일까요?

사실은, 대부분의 영어초보자들이 접한
강의가 문제입니다.

= 제대로 가르치면 쉽게 배울 수 있습니다 =

무려 10년간 업그레이드 하며 제작된 강의
매 년 5만명 이상이 수강하고, 수많은 선생님, 중앙일보, MBC등에서 검증받은 강의.

20시간의 강의와 3단 교재 시스템으로
완벽하게 구성된 영어단기학교와 함께라면
별도의 공부? 필요 없습니다.
여유롭게 원서정도 읽으며 즐기세요!

중고등 영문법을 20시간 만에 완성하는 기적!
그 기적적인 20시간의 강의에서도
많은 영어 초보자들이 어려워하는 주제를 엄선하여
강의의 하이라이트만 쏙쏙 뽑아 모은
★3시간 FREE압축버전★을 ☆무료☆로 만나보세요!


<<이렇게 쉽게 가르칩니다>>

흩어져 있던 문법지식들이 모일 수 있게 해준 강의입니다...
- 박재형 회원님

긴 문장이 짧게 느껴지는 시원함이란…!!
- 김령희 회원님

들으면서 감동!! 복습하면서 감동!! 연습하면서 또 감동!!
- 이병철 회원님

영어를 이해하고 재미를 붙여 즐기는 법을 알려주시네요^^
- JS 회원님


★영어초보자를 탈출할 수 있는 12개의 비밀열쇠★

to부정사 앞뒤 조심해라
wh 관계사는 ㄴ,~하는 이다
관계사, 쉼표를 만나도 놀라지 마라!
수동태, pp를 죽여라!
분사가 형용사의 라이벌이라고?
전명구를 빼면 문장이 짧아진다!
기억해! 누가 명사를 대신하는지
동명사의 충격고백
수백 가지 스킬은 지워버려라
완료는 “했었다”
진짜 동사 찾기! 준동사는 고르지마
커플 능동, 솔로 수동

★영단기 얼짱 선배들의 생생 후기★

서울대 엄친아의 토익비법
여대생 지혜양의 비밀파일

●FULL버전 강의를 보고싶다면??
영단기 홈페이지로 오세요!


10년간 매해 5만 명의 수강생과 함께한 [영어단기학교]와 60만 다운로드 [업다운] 시리즈의 교육전문 App개발사 워터베어소프트가 만나 또 한번의 명품 영어학습 어플리케이션을 선보입니다.

한번 다운받아 이용하고 마는 1회용 어플이 아닌,
가지고 있는 것 만으로도 자부심이 되는
그런 어플을 만들고자 노력했습니다.

영어단기학교를 만나고 전하고 싶으신
응원의 메시지, 반짝이는 아이디어, 이용 도중 궁금하신 것들, 모두 대환영입니다.

영어단기학교를 찾아주신 여러분 감사합니다.

1시간 강의에 10시간의 연구,
인생의 전환점이 되는 교육, ST&Company 일동

제작 : ST&Company
개발 : 워터베어소프트
문의 : 1600-1517
홈페이지 : http://engdangi.com. www.waterbear.co.kr

Иконка для JA Sensei - Learn Japanese 2.6.0

JA Sensei - Learn Japanese (v. 2.6.0)

RaphaelW опубликовал приложение 2011-08-16
(обновлено 2013-05-17)

Complete suite to Learn Japanese ! JA Sensei provides clear Japanese lessons and numerous interactive exercises to learn Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji, Japanese vocabulary, Japanese phrases for your trips, numbers, verbs, etc. Take audio, multichoices, self-validated or drawing quizzes (draw kanji to answer questions!) to memorize what you learn. Simply curious about Japanese, studying Japanese, or willing to take the JLPT, JA Sensei will become a priceless assistant.

23 Japanese lessons to learn the basic concepts and grammatical structures
Each lesson contains a Japanese text, a grammar page, and a culture page to learn Japanese customs and understand how the Japanese think

Learn Hiragana/Katakana progressively by levels
Learn Kanji by Jouyou Grades and JLPT levels
Manage your personal lists
Listen to the pronunciation of each Kana
Detailed statistics to track your progress and mistakes
Increase the quiz difficulty progressively: easy, medium, hard
Add a countdown to limit the time yo have to answer (for medium and hard difficulty level)
Learn how to draw Hiragana, Katakana AND Kanji properly

500 Common Japanese phrases for real life communication
Learn Japanese phrases with audio clips (download)
Keep your most useful Japanese phrases in your personal list
Take a quiz to learn actively useful sentences

1700 words with audio clip by a native speaker
Take audio quizzes!
Create your personal lists of Japanese words
Comments are added to explain the word when necessary
Search for any word from English or Romaji

500 numbers with audio clips by a native speaker
Listen and understand numbers from 0 to 10,000
Take audio quizzes
Create your personal list
Search a Japanese number from its numerical value or Romaji
Read numbers in Kanji, Romaji or numerical value

60 Japanese particles clearly explained and sorted with examples

45 Japanese counters you should know to count objects in Japanese

1800 Japanese verbs translated and conjugated in many forms

80 grammartical sheets ordered by JLPT that explain easy to advanced Japanese structures with translated examples.

TAGS: Learn Japanese, Japanese, hiragana, katakana, kanji, JLPT, Japanese numbers, kana recognition, Japanese words, Japanese phrasebook, japan-activator, quiz, Japanese vocabulary, Japanese lessons, kanji recognition, Japanese counters, Japanese particles

Иконка для Intellectual education 1.12.0

Intellectual education (v. 1.12.0)

Professionals,Inc. опубликовал приложение 2011-08-14
(обновлено 2013-05-13)

The intellectual educational application with a cute Japanese character "Pesoguin". You can play the colorful picture matching game, figure matching game, concentration game.

Иконка для Speak English Pictures Free English La

Speak English Pictures Free (v. English La)

Bill Ray опубликовал приложение 2011-08-13
(обновлено 2013-05-11)

Learn simple English words by looking at pictures.
Very easy words. Type the words into a text box and discover if you are correct.
Beginners English learning.
Good for Chinese, Russian, Korean, Japanese where the letters are different.

Иконка для Java Interview Q&A 1.0

Java Interview Q&A (v. 1.0)

whawhawhat studio опубликовал приложение 2011-08-13
(обновлено 2011-08-13)

Are you a developer? Need to update your software development knowledge or need to prepare for a job interview? Check out this collection of Java Interview Q&A.
I wish you good luck and hope you find a great job.

Иконка для Fashion Math 1.2

Fashion Math (v. 1.2)

Jon Hoffman опубликовал приложение 2011-08-06
(обновлено 2011-08-06)

The highly rated Fashion Math game designed especially for girls, previously available only on the iPhone, now available for the Android.

Fashion Math is one of the only games specifically designed to make learning math fun and exciting for girls!  Girls start off by getting Credits for solving math equations in the Stars game, once they get the credits they can then buy items to dress up their doll Once the girls dress up their Fashion Doll, they can take her picture to show their friends.  The images are stored in the "fashionmath" directory on your phone's SD card.  The Fashion Math Pro Edition has a built-in Photo Gallery to view the dolls images.
With a large variety of dresses, hairstyles, shoes and pets, girls will be constantly inspired to play the Stars math game so they can change the accessories.

Settings: There are three items that can be adjusted in the settings screen.
*  The first setting is the numbers to use in the equations.  This is a slider that allows you to select the highest number to use in the equations.  Players will receive more credits per correct answer, in the stars game, as this setting is increased.
*  The second setting is the type of Question.  This allows you to select either Addition or Subtraction.
*  The third setting allows you to turn the sound on or off.

Earn Credits (Stars Game):  The Stars game will ask five questions based on the preferences defined in the Settings and display six stars for each question.  Girls then select the star with the correct answer.
Girls earn credits for each correct answer and lose credits for each wrong answer.

Dress Up: Once players earn credits, they can then go to the Dress Up section to purchase new hair, dresses, shoes and pets for their Fashion Doll.

Fashion Math was inspired by my desire to create a game that would make learning math fun and exciting for my daughters.

Fashion Math is a free Ad supported software package.  It requires permission to access the internet to retrieve ads and permissions to your SD Card to save images of the Fashion Dolls.

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