The SMS Auto Reply is an awesome new SMS auto-responder that allows users to easily define reply messages to incoming SMS.
When enabled, it auto-responds to incoming SMS notifying the sender you will be available for contact in X time (update every second).
The user can manage all Auto-reply messages saves on the phone (create and save new ones or delete existing ones).
This is helpful for the trading hours, when the user is in the class or driving.
This will be the first release that allows the user to create a black and a white list to the contacts.
This is a simple app exclusively to Android, but has rich and powerful features to manage and reply text messages from anyone.
Block options:
☆ Block reply messages for a list of numbers in the Black List.
☆ Block reply messages for not in White List.
☆ Exception list (numbers that do not block = numbers in the White List )
Quick access
☆ Turn on/off auto reply
☆ Turn on/off timer
☆ Turn on/off [auto reply] message
☆ Turn on/off black and white lists
☆ Intuitive menus gives the user all the information needed only when it's needed.