Последние обновлённые в категории 'Бизнес' в Android Market

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351-360 из 4455
Иконка для uWho uSpy Mobile Tracker 1.3.0

uWho uSpy Mobile Tracker (v. 1.3.0)

uWHo Canada Inc. опубликовал приложение 2013-01-26
(обновлено 2013-01-26)

uWho uSpy Moble Tracker will send the GPS location of your phone by email or SMS text message or both to any specified email or mobile number placed in the setup menu. Locations are sent every 5 minutes or/and any time the phone moves more than 25 meters. Both of these settings are adjustable.

Send a text to the phone with the word Findme and GPS position will be sent back to sender.  This access code (Findme) can be changed remotely.

If your phone is lost or stolen and the SIM is changed uSpy will send email and/or SMS to notify new number and location.
This app is a 90 day free trial then on sale for $4.95  When you purchase a key from our store at shop.uwho.net http://bitly.com/tQKR2R?r=bb
the key is automatically sent to the phone and auto inputs the recipient mobile number and email address.  

uSpy Mobile tracker is designed to track an Android phone GPS location as it moves reporting this information by text message or email to the designated numbers entered in settings at installation. When you purchase this key before the 14 day trial period ends you must send it by SMS to the phone with uSpy tracker installed to become authorized for life.  NOTE: The number and Email address you use for this purchase will automatically be the recipients of the Mobile Device Location if the fields have been left blank in settings.

This product is ideal for tracking employees, children and pets.  Please note that battery consumption is high if tracking is set below 5 minutes.

Contact sales@uwho.net or 1-866-593-3888 or 647-722-3801 to discuss how we can customize this APP with your LOGO or our countless mobile applications to make them yours.

Created by uWho®
A Software Development Partner To Bring Your Digital Visions To Life.

Иконка для 帝王学 宋名臣言行録、貞観政要 1.2

帝王学 宋名臣言行録、貞観政要 (v. 1.2)

World History,Inc. опубликовал приложение 2013-01-25
(обновлено 2013-01-25)


Иконка для New Life Assembly Of God

New Life Assembly Of God (v.

New Life Assembly Of God опубликовал приложение 2013-01-25
(обновлено 2013-01-25)

An app for New Life Assembly of God in Janesville!

We exist to make the Janesville and surrounding area Christ-conscious.  Now, to stay more connected on-the-go, we introduce our mobile app.

In this app, you have the ability to:
  - Meet our staff
  - Find a service time that fits you
  - Sign up for an event
  - View our weekly bulletin
  - View our monthly calendar
  - Listen to a quality worship album
  - Get the latest news through our Twitter
  - Find our contact information for more details

At New Life, you can experience difference.  Get involved.  Get connected.  Get mobile.

Иконка для Meeting Beep - Widget 2.1

Meeting Beep - Widget (v. 2.1)

Eran Tal опубликовал приложение 2013-01-24
(обновлено 2013-01-24)

Note: This widget will not appear in your application drawer since its just can be placed on the 'desktop'.
Long-press on any empty spot on your screen and wait for the options dialog to appear.  Choose 'Widget' and then choose 'Meeting Beep'. the icon will be placed on the screen.
Touch to enable. Touch again to disable.
Please rate and comment my application.

The Widget:
You always miss calls during a meeting becaue the phone is on 'Silent'?
How long did you try to find the famous 'Meeting profile' that we were used to from all those Nokia cellphones?
There is no such a profile in all the new smartphones...
That's why I have developed this little widget, to make life easier.
Whenever you are in a meeting, just push the 'Meeting Beep' widget. Now, every incoming call will only sound as a 'Beep', just like the old nokia phones.
There is a notification of the current state in the notification panel and an icon on the status bar.

important note:Don't put your phone on 'silent' before activating 'Meeting Beep' otherwise it might stay quiet.

Expect more features to come...

Иконка для PAT Electric 1.25

PAT Electric (v. 1.25)

iElectricalSoftware опубликовал приложение 2013-01-24
(обновлено 2013-01-24)

Portable Appliance Testing ( PAT ) Asset Database.
Produce and store a list of your electrical appliances ready for testing, and send reports via data export.

The purpose of this app is to make it as easy as possible for business and employers to have good compliance with work place regulations, to reduce risk and improve health and safety ( H&S ) in commercial, industrial or other work environments.

Although mainly designed for PAT risk prevention regulations in the UK ( HSE ) the regulations are similar / the same in a number of other countries, such as Test and Tag / Test and Tagging in Australia and New Zealand. Insurance companies may also require evidence of preventative maintenance, and who wouldn't want to increase their work place safety.

Rapid data entry of items,  just start typing and the app searches previous entries and gives a filtered selection of any data already entered.

The list can be exported as either a HTML (web page) or CSV (spreadsheet, wordprocessor etc.) and sent by email see screen shots.

So if you already have a system it should be easy to integrate this into it.

Who can it help to keep an up to date list of their electrical appliances?

Landlords, Shops, Restaurants, Hotels, Bed & Breakfasts, Holiday Lets, Hairdressers, Garages, Builders, Schools, the list is endless really!

Иконка для Jobtic jobs and training 1.2

Jobtic jobs and training (v. 1.2)

jobtic.ch опубликовал приложение 2013-01-24
(обновлено 2013-01-24)

Discover best job offers and training in Switzerland with the ultimate mobile application Jobtic.ch.
Create your account  in your pc,mac, upload cv,letters, video cv, attachements.
Then log in the app with your android phone.Then search and save a lot of fresh job offers, trainings, events, articles with the mobile application.

Иконка для Mac Haik Ford Victoria 1.05.01

Mac Haik Ford Victoria (v. 1.05.01)

Advanced Mobile, LLC опубликовал приложение 2013-01-23
(обновлено 2013-01-23)

Mac Haik Ford Victoria has made your life easier by allowing you to access all of our information and services from the palm of your hand, via your mobile phone!

This app allows you to:

    • Search our entire new and pre-owned car inventory
    • Sort your findings by price and model year
    • View complete car details including multiple photos of each vehicle
    • Obtain side-by-side comparisons of one car to another
    • Save or share your favorite auto search results
    • Request a service appointment
    • View your service history requests
    • View service specials
    • Cell-UR-Car - allows you to obtain an estimate on the value of your trade-in
    • Maps and directions to the dealer location
    • Easy “click-to-call” phone access
    • Store hours
    • Find My Car application
    • Meter Minder tool
    • Other cool tools to assist you with your auto buying and driving needs!

This is the official mobile application of Mac Haik Ford Victoria in Victoria, TX. For more information, visit http://www.machaikvictoria.com/

© Copyright 2011 Mac Haik Ford Victoria and Advanced Mobile, LLC. All rights reserved.

Mac Haik Ford Victoria Mobile is powered by Advanced Mobile, LLC.

Иконка для ForzeArmate 1.6.1

ForzeArmate (v. 1.6.1)

HS Group srl опубликовал приложение 2013-01-23
(обновлено 2013-01-23)

Applicazione gratuita, accessibile da tutti e studiata per le esigenze del personale Militare (Comparto Difesa), del personale delle Forze di Polizia (Comparto Sicurezza) e dal personale del Pubblico impiego in generale.
Con questa applicazione l'utente ha accesso a vari servizi forniti dalla SideWeb srl – www.forzearmate.org. All’interno: informazione professionale in tempo reale (News) e community accessibile da tutti gli utenti (database con oltre 24 mila utenti che cercano un trasferimento reciproco; forum; blog; amicizia, mercatino e pagina FAN di Facebook).
Inoltre: link per richiedere la consulenza scritta e contatti telefonici per parlare con un collaboratore SideWeb.
Nella sezione consulenze telefoniche sono disponibili i numeri telefonici, gli orari e i giorni di lavoro dei Consulenti per tutte le questioni inerenti al servizio. Nella sezione JurisMil sono disponibili: sentenze, circolari e formulario con istanze e ricorsi.
L'applicazione risulta utile quindi sia per le migliaia di utenti che giornalmente visitano il portale www.forzearmate.org che per gli utenti possessori della Carta Servizi Time e Flash.

SideWeb srl è una società di servizi e di informazione nata da professionisti che hanno operato per anni nelle organizzazioni di tutela individuale e collettiva, contribuendo con il proprio impegno anche alla crescita di importanti portali web (tra cui Forzearmate.org, Sideweb.org, Militari.info), che si occupano di personale militare, forze di polizia, giustizia e pubblico impiego.
L’Organizzazione rappresenta da anni un indiscusso punto di riferimento professionale per i tantissimi visitatori giornalieri dei portali web, nonche’ per gli utenti possessori della carta servizi Time e Flash.
L'informazione, indipendente e gratuita,  viene diffusa a tutti tramite:  il portale web www.forzearmate.org – il Forum www.militari.info – il blog http://blogs.forzearmate.eu – la pagina FAN di Facebook http://www.facebook.com/Sideweb - il Gruppo FAN di Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/difesaesicurezza  e la newsletter gratuita, oramai prossima al traguardo dei centomila iscritti.
I servizi di consulenza offerti consistono nella fornitura di assistenza e consulenza legale, da parte di avvocati e consulenti qualificati, sulle seguenti materie:
- Note caratteristiche e fogli matricolari; Congiungimento familiare; Disciplina, procedimenti disciplinari di corpo e di stato; Trasferimenti a domanda e d'autorità; Maternità, paternità e legge 104; Avanzamento di  grado, carriere e corsi di specializzazione; Trattamento economico; Congedo, riforma e pensioni; Arruolamenti e concorsi; Impiego e incarichi di lavoro; Licenze, permessi e orario di lavoro; Cause di  servizio, aspettativa; Svolgimento attività extra lavorativa; Visite mediche e idoneità al servizio; drug test, ecc.; Passaggio all'impiego civile; Iscrizione a partiti e sindacati; Benessere e assenza per cure termali; Alloggi demaniali AST e collettivi di caserma ASC; Denuncie, mobbing, stalking e abusi vari; Rappresentanza militare; Problematiche specifiche della donna militare; Volontari vfa - vfb - vfp/4 - vsp - Sergenti - Marescialli - Ufficiali; Rapporti con i superiori; Fogli di viaggio, aggregazione e legge "100"; Missioni nazionali ed estere; Assistenza e preparazione ricorsi gerarchici e giurisdizionali (TAR, PDR, ecc.); Problematiche penali e amministrative.

Иконка для Arnold Terrill Anzini 1.2.1

Arnold Terrill Anzini (v. 1.2.1)

serulia опубликовал приложение 2013-01-23
(обновлено 2013-01-23)

Official app for the law firm of Arnold Terrill Anzini, P.C., based in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Features useful information about the law and your rights.

Keywords: fort wayne, in, defense, lawyer, criminal defense attorney, dui, dwi, arnold, terrill, anzini, drunk driving, drug offenses, violent, internet, juvenile, advice, law, allen county

Иконка для Roal Power 1.0

Roal Power (v. 1.0)

ProductWorld опубликовал приложение 2013-01-23
(обновлено 2013-01-23)

ROAL Electronics is an innovations company with a solid IP and product portfolio in Solid State Lighting & Power electronics. ROAL develops and manufactures high quality switch mode power supplies (SMPS), Solid State Lighting Drivers, HB-LED Modules, motor controls and user interface panels for appliances. ROAL offers the smallest and highest efficiency Power Supplies and Solid State Lighting Ballasts on the market.

The free catalog app allows designers and engineers to quickly and effortlessly find the best ROAL products for their specific applications. The catalog app complements ROAL’s website product search and offers faster search and selection of ROAL’s products.


· Search ROAL’s comprehensive range of Solid State Lighting Ballasts & AC/DC Power Supplies.

· Guidance to the closest and most applicable product.

· Link into detailed product datasheets.

· Share product information via email.

· Add products to favorites lists.

· Create custom favorite lists.

· Email an RFQ directly to ROAL.

· Download existing ROAL brochures and guides to the app.

· Find the closest sales offices, distributors and reps.

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