Последние обновлённые в категории 'Бизнес' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
341-350 из 4455
Иконка для 鴻運繡莊 1.2

鴻運繡莊 (v. 1.2)

Emagine опубликовал приложение 2013-01-27
(обновлено 2013-01-27)

  到現在20世紀將 奧地利〈SWAROVSKI〉 的水晶,融入褂裙之中,閃閃生輝,令人讚嘆!

Иконка для 수내동 양지금호단지콕! 1.1.0

수내동 양지금호단지콕! (v. 1.1.0)

부동산뱅크 опубликовал приложение 2013-01-27
(обновлено 2013-01-27)

[성남시 수내동 양지금호 단지콕!]

★양지금호에 살고 계시는 분, 혹은 양지금호에 관심을 가지고 살펴보시는 분들 모두 필요한 필수 앱! 이제, 아파트/오피스텔 정보도 앱으로 해결하세요!★

★양지금호은 '살기에 어떨까?', '투자가치가 있을까?' 수내동 양지금호에 대한 모든 것! 실시간 매물정보, 최신시세정보, 아파트에 대한 특급정보 등★

※우리집 요즘 시세가 얼마나 올랐나? 요즘 거래 동향은 어떻게 되나? 궁금하지만 중개업소에 막상 전화하려니 부담스러우신가요? '궁금해요'에서 간단히 질문만 올리세요. 아파트매니저가 답변해드립니다. 물론 다른 분들도 질문, 답변 자유롭게 나눌 수 있습니다.

※여기로 이사갈까 싶은데 거주환경은 어떤지, 교육환경은 어떤지, 동네 분위기는 어떤지 그런것들 궁금하시죠? '궁금해요'에서 편하게 실시간으로 정보를 나누세요!

※우리동네 자랑, 우리아파트/오피스텔 자랑도 '궁금해요'에서 마음껏 하세요! ^^

⊙ 양지금호 아파트 실시간 매물정보(면적별, 매매/전세/월세 매물)
⊙ 단지 프로필/최근시세/과거시세 제공
⊙ 아파트 및 주변 거래동향과 엄선한 추천매물 정보를 제공하는 '거래포인트'
⊙ 부동산 실거래 사례를 드라마로 보는 '거래드라마'
⊙ 아파트 및 인근 지역에 대한 '전문가 팁'
⊙ 누구나, 언제나 간단하게 질문/답변 나누는 '궁금해요'
⊙ 아파트 전경 및 아파트 주변 환경에 관한 사진정보 '포토'
⊙ 중개업소 정보 및 원클릭 전화걸기 기능 제공
⊙ 아파트 위치를 알려주는 '지도'
⊙ 부동산 계산기 : 취득세 계산기, 중개수수료 계산기, 재산세 계산기, 면적/평 변환 계산기

경기도, 성남시, 수내동, 구미동, 금곡동, 금광동, 단대동, 도촌동, 백현동, 분당동, 삼평동, 상대원동, 서현동, 성남동, 수진동, 신흥동, 야탑동, 양지동, 운중동, 은행동, 이매동, 정자동, 태평동, 판교동, 하대원동,양지금호, 양지청구, 양지한양, 파크타운대림, 파크타운롯데, 파크타운삼익, 파크타운서안, 푸른벽산, 푸른신성, 푸른쌍용, 분당중앙공원, 분당선, 수내역, 부동산, 아파트매매, 아파트전월세, 고급빌라, 원룸, 오피스텔매매, 오피스텔전월세, 부동산뱅크, 박종근, 상가, 분당구청, 롯데백화점분당점, 로얄팰리스, 분당고등학교

[수내동 양지금호 단지콕 매니저 정보]

서비스 운영 : 부영공인중개사사무소
대표자 : 박종근 전화번호 : (031)711-2073 휴대폰 : (010)5218-1952 팩스번호 : (031)711-6613
경기도 성남시 수내동 34 양지금호APT단지내 상가 106호

[부동산/건설 분야, 공인중개사무소 전문 앱 제작문의]

부동산뱅크 앱개발본부에서는 아이폰앱, 안드로이드앱, 모바일웹 서비스 개발을 수행합니다.
앱 개발 문의 02-2185-7366

◎ life 스마트원룸,배달통 경찰청 교통안내 CGV 영화 예매 니 몸무게를 봐라 열린약국찾기 심리 테스트 심리테스트미니 T world 내 폰안에 114 손전등 TV 맛집 제사의 달인 도서관 좌석 정보 쇼고객센터 누구야 보이스 114 순간 일기 예뻐지는 법 드로우 메모
◎ Communication 스마트원룸,카카오톡 Twitter (트위터) Facebook 오브제 TiKL 튜브메이트 Yahoo Mail Skype 네이트온 MSN 톡 페이스북 미투데이 me2day 연락처 문자 추적기
◎ information 스마트원룸,전자신문 SBS 뉴스 ESPN ScoreCenter Weather Bug 고속도로 교통 정보 서울 버스 지하철 도착 정보 지하철 네비게이션 지하철 노선도 버스 부산 버스 대구 버스 대전 버스
◎ study 스마트원룸,Dictionary.com 디지털 어학기 찍찍이 급수별 한자학습 세계의 국기 후토스 손바닥 토익 수학 연습 스마트 영어사전 한 달에 영어를 내손안에 한자급수 글자편 굿모닝팝스
◎ shopping 스마트원룸,Daum 쇼핑하우 롯데닷컴 쇼핑랭킹베스트 쇼핑카트 바바라 11번가 신세계백화점 바코드 스캐너 홈플러스 할인 계산기 쿠폰 모아 나만의 냉장고 내 쇼핑 목록 딩동 오빠이거 G마켓
◎ tools 스마트원룸,아스트로 파일 다음 지도 Google maps 바코드 스캐너 필수어플가이드 Bump Compass Adobe Reader 컬러노트 메모장 Shazam 알약 Launcher Pro StreetView Backgrounds DailyHoroscope Ringdroid 컬러라이트 Tango Videos TuneIn Radio
StopWatch PicSay mVideoPlay Opera Mini 브라우저 Dolphin MP3 Music Box Talking Roby the Robot 멜론 NH 스마트 뱅킹 kb 뱅킹 단위변환기 이미지패러디
◎ Entertainment 스마트원룸,무료 배경화면 가로세로 낱말맞추기 블럭퍼즐 푸딩얼굴인식 CGV 영화예매 말하는 산타 도전! 구구단 레이디 버그 유행어 플레이어 판도라 TV 에어 혼 노래방 책 검색
◎ fun 스마트원룸, Angry bird 말하는 산타 네이버 웹툰 네이트 만화
◎ 기타 섹시 영어 화보 갤럭시 도돌 인간관계 타자연습 라이프스타일 생활백서 고민그만 카카오 기념일 관리 아임IN 잘 자는 법 콜택시 알바 구글 안드로이드 오브제 아스트로 알약 메모장 말하는 산타 CGV SKYPE SHAZAM 컬러라이트 MP3 지하철 필수어플가이드 뱅킹 멜론 advanced task killer talking tom cat google sky map adobe reader twitter kakao compass 에어 혼 코레일 t world 네이버 다음 싸이월드 병원 고민그만 국세청 플래너 114 장바구니

Иконка для 산본동 우륵주공 7단지콕! 1.1.0

산본동 우륵주공 7단지콕! (v. 1.1.0)

부동산뱅크 опубликовал приложение 2013-01-27
(обновлено 2013-01-27)

[산본동 우륵주공7단지 단지콕!]

★우륵주공7단지 단지에 살고 계시는 분, 혹은 우륵주공7단지 단지에 관심을 가지고 살펴보시는 분들 모두 필요한 필수 앱! 이제, 아파트/오피스텔 정보도 앱으로 해결하세요!★

★우륵주공7단지 단지는 '살기에 어떨까?', '투자가치가 있을까?' 산본동 우륵주공7단지에 대한 모든 것! 실시간 매물정보, 최신시세정보, 단지에 대한 특급정보 등★

※우리집 요즘 시세가 얼마나 올랐나? 요즘 거래 동향은 어떻게 되나? 궁금하지만 중개업소에 막상 전화하려니 부담스러우신가요? '궁금해요'에서 간단히 질문만 올리세요. 단지매니저가 답변해드립니다. 물론 다른 분들도 질문, 답변 자유롭게 나눌 수 있습니다.

※여기로 이사갈까 싶은데 거주환경은 어떤지, 교육환경은 어떤지, 동네 분위기는 어떤지 그런것들 궁금하시죠? '궁금해요'에서 편하게 실시간으로 정보를 나누세요!

※우리동네 자랑, 우리아파트/오피스텔 자랑도 '궁금해요'에서 마음껏 하세요! ^^

⊙ 우륵주공7단지단지 실시간 매물정보(면적별, 매매/전세/월세 매물)
⊙ 단지프로필/최근시세/과거시세 제공
⊙ 단지 및 주변 거래동향과 엄선한 추천매물 정보를 제공하는 '거래포인트'
⊙ 부동산 실거래 사례를 드라마로 보는 '거래드라마'
⊙ 단지 및 인근 지역에 대한 '전문가 팁'
⊙ 누구나, 언제나 간단하게 질문/답변 나누는 '궁금해요'
⊙ 단지 전경 및 단지 주변 환경에 관한 사진정보 '포토'
⊙ 중개업소 정보 및 원클릭 전화걸기 기능 제공
⊙ 단지 위치를 알려주는 '지도'
⊙ 부동산 계산기 : 취득세 계산기, 중개수수료 계산기, 재산세 계산기, 면적/평 변환 계산기

경기도, 군포시, 산본동, 금정동, 당동, 당정동, 대야미동, 부곡동, 가야마을, 개나리마을, 계룡마을, 금강마을, 다산마을, 덕유마을, 동백마을, 매화마을,모란마을, 목련마을, 목화마을, 무궁화마을, 백합마을, 설악마을, 세종마을, 소월마을, 솔거마을, 수리마을, 우륵마을, 율곡마을, 을지마을, 장미마을, 주몽마을, 퇴계마을, 한라마을, 가야주공5단지, 개나리주공13차, 개성하이뷰, 계룡삼환, 금강주공9단지1차, 금강주공9단지2차, 덕유주공8단지, 동백우성, 래미안하이어스, 매화주공14단지, 모란신안, 목련우방,한국공영, 목련한양, 묘향롯데, 백두극동, 백두동성, 백두한양9단지, 백합LG, 산본e-편한세상2차, 삼성 설악주공8단지, 세종주공6단지, 솔거대림, 수리한양, 우륵주공7단지, 을지삼익, 을지한진, 임광, 장미삼성, 주공11단지, 주몽마을대림, 주몽주공2차, 한라주공1차4단지, 한라주공2차4단지, 부동산, 산본동부동산, 산본역, 군포시청, 군포경찰서, 아파트매매, 아파트전월세, 오피스텔매매, 오피스텔전월세, 부동산뱅크, 부동산뱅크산본본점, 지하철, 4호선, 이수복

[산본동 우륵주공7단지 단지콕 매니저 정보]

서비스 운영 : 부동산뱅크 산본본점
대표자 : 이수복 전화번호 : (031)391-7800 휴대폰 : (010)3062-4476 팩스번호 : (031)396-2888
경기도 군포시 산본동 (우륵종합상가 105호)

[부동산/건설 분야, 공인중개사무소 전문 앱 제작문의]

부동산뱅크 앱개발본부에서는 아이폰앱, 안드로이드앱, 모바일웹 서비스 개발을 수행합니다.
앱 개발 문의 02-2185-7366

◎ life 스마트원룸,배달통 경찰청 교통안내 CGV 영화 예매 니 몸무게를 봐라 열린약국찾기 심리 테스트 심리테스트미니 T world 내 폰안에 114 손전등 TV 맛집 제사의 달인 도서관 좌석 정보 쇼고객센터 누구야 보이스 114 순간 일기 예뻐지는 법 드로우 메모
◎ Communication 스마트원룸,카카오톡 Twitter (트위터) Facebook 오브제 TiKL 튜브메이트 Yahoo Mail Skype 네이트온 MSN 톡 페이스북 미투데이 me2day 연락처 문자 추적기
◎ information 스마트원룸,전자신문 SBS 뉴스 ESPN ScoreCenter Weather Bug 고속도로 교통 정보 서울 버스 지하철 도착 정보 지하철 네비게이션 지하철 노선도 버스 부산 버스 대구 버스 대전 버스
◎ study 스마트원룸,Dictionary.com 디지털 어학기 찍찍이 급수별 한자학습 세계의 국기 후토스 손바닥 토익 수학 연습 스마트 영어사전 한 달에 영어를 내손안에 한자급수 글자편 굿모닝팝스
◎ shopping 스마트원룸,Daum 쇼핑하우 롯데닷컴 쇼핑랭킹베스트 쇼핑카트 바바라 11번가 신세계백화점 바코드 스캐너 홈플러스 할인 계산기 쿠폰 모아 나만의 냉장고 내 쇼핑 목록 딩동 오빠이거 G마켓
◎ tools 스마트원룸,아스트로 파일 다음 지도 Google maps 바코드 스캐너 필수어플가이드 Bump Compass Adobe Reader 컬러노트 메모장 Shazam 알약 Launcher Pro StreetView Backgrounds DailyHoroscope Ringdroid 컬러라이트 Tango Videos TuneIn Radio
StopWatch PicSay mVideoPlay Opera Mini 브라우저 Dolphin MP3 Music Box Talking Roby the Robot 멜론 NH 스마트 뱅킹 kb 뱅킹 단위변환기 이미지패러디
◎ Entertainment 스마트원룸,무료 배경화면 가로세로 낱말맞추기 블럭퍼즐 푸딩얼굴인식 CGV 영화예매 말하는 산타 도전! 구구단 레이디 버그 유행어 플레이어 판도라 TV 에어 혼 노래방 책 검색
◎ fun 스마트원룸, Angry bird 말하는 산타 네이버 웹툰 네이트 만화
◎ 기타 섹시 영어 화보 갤럭시 도돌 인간관계 타자연습 라이프스타일 생활백서 고민그만 카카오 기념일 관리 아임IN 잘 자는 법 콜택시 알바 구글 안드로이드 오브제 아스트로 알약 메모장 말하는 산타 CGV SKYPE SHAZAM 컬러라이트 MP3 지하철 필수어플가이드 뱅킹 멜론 advanced task killer talking tom cat google sky map adobe reader twitter kakao compass 에어 혼 코레일 t world 네이버 다음 싸이월드 병원 고민그만 국세청 플래너 114 장바구니

Иконка для ACC - Task Explorer 0.5.b

ACC - Task Explorer (v. 0.5.b)

JM.PASCAL опубликовал приложение 2013-01-27
(обновлено 2013-01-27)


Initial Beta Version of ACC Task Explorer an Activiti Mobile Explorer Application for Android devices .

WORKS ONLY with latest trunk (3090 commit SVN) version of Activiti !!
Doesn't work with 5.8 version!!

*** Important Note ***

If you are not satisfy by this application, send me an email and I will refund you. Don't worry about the 15 minutes to test an android application, you can take your time and let this application have a chance.

News of this version

* Tasks Dashboard : Inbox, My Tasks, Involved task, Queued Task
* Task action : Add Task & Subtask, Reassign, transfert
* Task action : Add link
* Task action : Complete or claim
* Process Definition : start a process
* Process Instance : listing

*** Keyword ***
Activiti, BPM, Mobile, Business, Process, Task, workflow

Иконка для moRE Info 2.2

moRE Info (v. 2.2)

SingularLogic SA опубликовал приложение 2013-01-26
(обновлено 2013-01-26)

Please use the word "demo" as user name and as password, to run the application in Demo mode

moRE Info is an innovative mobile application which provides real-time access to the core Business Information System (ERP, Commercial) of a company. The user (sales person, executive, owner) may have, at any time and at any place, through their Android mobile phone or tablet, information regarding :
- Customers
- Info
- Balance (open, total)
- Open cheques
- Orders / Invoices / Send papers
- Header and line items plus comments
- Item stock per warehouse
- Sales statistics on a per customer/item/sales person basis, presentable in a list or graph format.

moRE Info is a product developed by SingularLogic S.A. and is compatible with the following back office applications :

- SingularLogic Eurofasma Next
- SingularLogic Eurofasma DOS
- SingularLogic Control 3
- SingularLogic Control 4
- SingularLogic Enterprise (SEn)
- SingularLogic Business / Prime
- SingularLogic Ορίζοντες Win
- SingularLogic Galaxy Enterprise Suite
- SingularLogic Galaxy Commercial Advanced

Key features

- Online and offline operation modes
- User configurable alerts
- Full search on customers and items
- Full search on report results
- Locate customers on the map
- Ability to email and call customers from within the application

Reports module

- Connect to data sources other than the ERP (Oracle and MS SQL server databases)
- Unlimited number of custom reports
- Management : assign reports to specific users

Иконка для Real Estate Investing 1.0

Real Estate Investing (v. 1.0)

Appnok.com опубликовал приложение 2013-01-26
(обновлено 2013-01-26)

“Are You Ready to Discover the Astonishing Secrets of How to Make Massive Profits in Real Estate Investing?”

If So, Keep Reading to Find Out How You Can Have Your Very Own Outrageously Profitable Real Estate Investing Business in No Time at All!

Did you know that real estate has created more millionaires than any other investment vehicle?

Well, it’s true.

Of course, you can't just jump on the real estate investing bandwagon and try to make money on instinct.

It just won't work.

You need guidance from somebody who has been there and succeeded.

You need to hear from somebody who knows the ropes and can teach you how to start earning money faster and easier than you ever dreamed it was possible!

In short, you need me.

I have written a concise yet comprehensive ebook entitled, “Making Money by Investing in Real Estate: Buy Low, Sell High and Beyond,” that explains every part of the process you need to go through in order to make massive profits investing in real estate.

Here is just some of what you will learn:

5 questions you MUST ask yourself before you make your first investment – failure to do this could result in a lot of heartache and frustration later on!

How to make your first profitable real estate investment in just 5 easy steps – even if you have absolutely no investing experience whatsoever!

Strategies to maximize your real estate investing profits – you’ll be amazed at how easy it is to make money investing in real estate when you follow these simple tips!

How to manage the risk associated with investing in real estate – including the single most important thing you can do to protect yourself from loss!

How to make your property look its very best – without spending a fortune

How to market your property – and ensure you have the greatest pool of potential buyers possible!

How to “buy low and sell high” every time – what you learn here will definitely surprise you!

3 tips to save money on your real estate transactions – you’ll be surprised at how fast “saving on the little things” can really add up!

How to find properties that are ideal for “flipping” – follow these tips and you’ll be producing HUGE real estate investing profits in no time!

How to finance your real estate deals – including creative strategies that you can use to buy a home even if you have no money, are in debt and have bad credit!

And much, much more, including:

o       5 great places to search for the perfect investment home

o       The importance of a home inspection

o       How to minimize your risk with insurance

o       How to fix-up properties for maximum financial reward

o       Whether you should sell the home yourself or use an agent

o       What to do if your house is not selling quickly enough

o       How to negotiate a “win-win” deal

o       What you need to know about real estate laws

o       What you need to know about the tax implications of investing in real estate

o       Whether its better to buy properties in urban or rural areas

o       How to invest in commercial properties

o       The pros and cons of renting property

Here’s the Bottom Line on This Incredible Resource:

This ebook concisely covers everything you need to know about how to find; assess; buy below market value; renovate; and sell properties for maximum profit in any type of market condition.

Imagine being able to create a six-figure annual income …

Imagine being able to buy 2-3 or more rental properties every year …

Imagine being able to continue to make money in real estate even in a flat market

Imagine being able to accumulate a multi-million dollar portfolio …

Imagine being able to generate positive investment or rental income sooner and quit your boring day job for good …

… Now Stop Imagining & Learn How to Make It All a Wonderful Reality By Getting My ““Making Money by Investing in Real Estate” report!

Иконка для Miracle Forex Secrets 1.0

Miracle Forex Secrets (v. 1.0)

Appnok.com опубликовал приложение 2013-01-26
(обновлено 2013-01-26)

"Who Else Wants To Make Thousands In The Forex Market? Start Earning Real Paydays Starting As Soon As Today!"

WARNING: Insider Forex Secrets reveals million
dollar banking secrets that will give you enormous power in the
Forex currency exchange market - reader discretion is advised!

Are you tried of going to your regular day job everyday just knowing that your doing nothing more than just working to get by? I know how the 9 to 5 feels and we all know it sucks!

We all know we can’t depend on a corporate jobs these days because you never know when its time for lay-offs or job cuts, it can happen all of a sudden. If you were to get laid-off tomorrow do you have a plan to support you and your family?

If you have to think about then its time to get the doubt out your mind and...

Secure Your Financial Future
A lot of us spend time looking at TV and often wonder how do people get to lay on beaches, sip cocktails, and spend time with their families all day and don’t have to work a 9 to 5 like us?

I feel that you are suppose to enjoy life, not be stuck behind some desk all day or should I say over 75% of your life.

I’m about to reveal something to you that will allow you to do things you see on TV everyday, people enjoying life. No longer will you have to worry about what your future will hold because you will have total control over what comes next in your life!

Miracle Forex Secrets

Your Turn To Get The Very Same System The Banking Elites
Use To Produce Massive Amounts Of Cash On A Daily Basis!
With Miracle Forex Secrets I will show you exactly how the banks and other successful people use the forex market to achieve greatness in the currency exchange market.

When starting any business venture you should always follow a proven plan never take anyone’s word for it. I have spent tons of money perfecting this guide so that you too can enjoy doing the things you love to do without worry.

Most mistakes Forex traders make are….

Not knowing when to cut your losses! Never make things worst on yourself.

Trading on feelings not going by the rules!

Overtrading is a BIG one!

I will show you how to avoid these mistakes like the plague to maximize your profits on a daily basis. If you jump right in without a plan it's a recipe for disaster...

It may all sound complicated but don't worry --

I've Already Done All The Hard Work For You

The secret of the Forex market that almost all of traders miss...and how you can leverage the secrets to surpass other traders...

How to follow the market and know when to trade to gain the most….

I will show you how to target the gaps in the market to rise above all other market trade

This is the complete blueprint to earning a six figure income minimum from the
comfort of your own home...

Oh, guess what...there is much more….

You don't have to deal with the learning headaches. That's why I developed "Miracle Forex Secrets.” It's all there -- step-by-step and easy to understand.

I test my theories very carefully and throw out the ones that don't make you any money. I ignore the BS and none working methods and focus on the prize….the stuff that's proven to bring in the big bucks.

Major benefits of Miracle Forex Secrets......
Know what to trade and when. With guidance from Miracle Forex Secrets there will be little to, no errors made!

Be able to set your own hours and work from the comfort of your own home!

Be able to spend as much time with your family as want, and take vacations whenever you like!

You don't need a website, any special training or previous experience – start filling up your bank account with massive cash right now!

Now that you know what is set in front of you, its time to make a decision. Would you like to work hard on a daily basis?

Or, would you like to work a few hours a day and triple your current income with less hours worked?

If your serious about creating instant paydays! Take action today to change tommorrow...

Иконка для OSTech Mobile

OSTech Mobile (v.

OSTech опубликовал приложение 2013-01-26
(обновлено 2013-01-26)

OSTech Mobile Application for OSTech Clients and for Public Access to OSTech Support and Services information.

Available for iPhone AppStore (for iPhone and iPad), Android Market, Nokia OVI Store, Samsung Apps, Web-based app (for Blackberry, Windows Phone 7), Web browser app,  or through the OSTech Toolbar. Screenshots show how OSTech Mobile looks on various mobile devices.

For the general public, the OSTech mobile application will provide you with information and details to the various services offered by OSTech, including OSdesk Managed Services, OShost Hosting Services, OSguard Email Spam & Virus Protection Services, OSmon Monitoring Services.

For OSTech Clients, this is the ideal application for you to conveniently access OSTech services you've signed up for, anywhere, anytime.

All accessible services have a Web URL at the top of the page so you can access your environments. Various screen shots are also supplied of our key products.

Any problems or queries, simply raise an OShelp ticket via the application.

Иконка для Quotes and Invoices Manager 1.11.1

Quotes and Invoices Manager (v. 1.11.1)

Anis BEN ASKER опубликовал приложение 2013-01-26
(обновлено 2013-01-26)

InvoiceProManager is the most complete and easiest customers, quotes, invoices and products/articles management. This application is going to make your life easier by offering a variety of management features like generation, monitoring, and statistical export of your estimates and invoices.

You are artisan, independent, micro, small or medium business, auto entrepreneur, professional, InvoiceProManager was designed for you in a way adjustable to give you the ability to easily manage your products and to add in your invoices and estimates that the useful information such as: TVA, TAX, VAT, SIRET, ...

To save time, InvoiceProManager allows you to easily export and import your products/articles from an Excel file based on a template file.

In addition to basic functions, InvoiceProManager can easily generate your invoice  and your quotes in a PDF file and send it to your customer with a single click.

You want to export your invoices and/or quotes paid or not? With InvoiceProManager you can filter your quotes/invoices and export them to Excel or CSV file for incorporation into another external tool.

With the feature of statistics, you can track your sales monthly or yearly and compare it with previous years.

InvoiceProManager is a comprehensive tool that will simplify your financial management and accounting of your business.


- Customer Management
- Quote Management
- Invoice Management
- Management of paying bills/invoices
- Transforming quote to invoice
- Generation of invoice or quote to PDF
- Sending of quotes and invoices by email
- Export quotes and invoices to an Excel or CSV file
- Sending of exports by email
- Management Setup: logo, company stamp, currency, tax, ...
- Statistics of sales per month, year and customer
- Ability to add a client from a contact.
- Product/articles Management
- Management category of products
- Import/Export products
- Ability to add invoice/quote lines from the products
- Ability to change the number of the invoice/quote
- Import/Export customers
- Ability to add discount by invoice and by details

To improve this application, please send me your requests to add features, feedback, comments or bugs/problems.

Keywords: management, invoice, quote, estimate, quotation, billing, bill, customer, logo, payment, expenditure, statistics, product, catalog, article, reference, category, import, export, Excel, csv, generation, pdf, money.

Иконка для DSC Unplugged™ Turbo 2.5

DSC Unplugged™ Turbo (v. 2.5)

Redbumper LLC опубликовал приложение 2011-07-01
(обновлено 2013-01-26)

DSC now offers the most powerful suite of automotive tools on the market today! DSC Unplugged™ Turbo application is only available to DSC dealers.

Developed for both independent and franchised dealers by the industry's inventory management pioneer, DSC Unplugged™ Turbo gives the DSC dealer the ability to scan a VIN with the best optical VIN scanner on the market and get instant Black Book, NADA, Kelly Blue Book, CARFAX, auction results and market data from the nation's largest retail sites.
Floorplan a car with DSC in minutes using DSC Unplugged™ Turbo.

Check DSC inventory status, water reports, aging and much more.

Please visit www.dscturbo.com to sign up or call us
at 1-888-964-3111

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