Последние обновлённые бесплатные в категории 'Бизнес' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
1301-1310 из 3799
Иконка для Call butler 2.7.0

Call butler (v. 2.7.0)

ADAFFIX опубликовал приложение 2011-04-03
(обновлено 2012-08-22)

★ This award winning app automatically identifies incoming callers that are not in your contacts.
It searches international directories and displays the name of the caller as the phone rings and after a missed call.

♥ 100% FREE Caller ID App, only network charges

♥ Top #1 in the "Top" Free" on Android Market for weeks

♥ Best Caller ID app for worldwide coverage



✔ Link the app with your Facebook account which allows you to see your realtime friends status and photo when they call.

✔ The app recommends other businesses in the same area if the business you call does not answer

✔ Reverse number search allows you to do a manual number-to-name search

✔ Update contacts adds additional data from directories (e.g. address) to your existing contacts

✔Call blocker diverts calls from withheld numbers and numbers you define straight to your voicemail

Please note that 3G is required for caller lookup and withheld numbers cannot be identified.



Yellowbook. Yellowpages.ca, DasTelefonbuch, Herold, auskunft.at, Lokaldelen.se, Truvo, Telefonkonyv, De Gule Sider (DGS), Zlatestranky.cz, Zlatestranky.sk, PKT.pl yellowpages.com.tr, yellowpages.com.eg



Adaffix adaffix caller Anrufer opkald callerapp ruft App App phonecals live realtime leben Echtzeit Lookup lookup name adress city Echtzeit-Lookup Name Adresse Stadt Anruferkennung adaffix shows the true caller behind a number Callerid Caller see who is calling sehen wer anruft callername gelb weiß WhitePages yellowpages Anzeige Das Telefonbuch yellow white display se hvem der ringer se vem som ringer Denmark Danmark Dansk DK Sweden  Sverige Svenska SE Germany Deutschland Bundesrepublik Deutschland Deutsch DE D Austria Österreich Republik Österreich AT Hungary Magyarorszag Magyarország HU Slovakia Slovak Republic Slovensko Slovenská republika SK Czech Republic Česká republika CZ Turkey Türkiye Republic of Turkey Türkiye Cumhuriyeti TR Poland Polish Polska Republic of Poland Rzeczpospolita Kashubian Pòlskô Repùblika Polsko Republika PL United States of America U.S USA US English Eng Canada Canadian CA

Иконка для American call watchdog 2.9.5

American call watchdog (v. 2.9.5)

ADAFFIX опубликовал приложение 2011-04-03
(обновлено 2012-08-22)

★ This award winning app makes your phone smarter and your life easier by automatically identifies incoming callers that are not in your contacts.
It searches international directories and displays the name of the caller as the phone rings and after a missed call.

♥ 100% FREE Caller ID App, only network charges

♥ Top #1 in the "Top" Free" on Android Market for weeks

♥ Best worldwide covering Caller ID App



✔ Link the app with your Facebook account which allows you to see your realtime friends status and photo when they call.

✔ The app recommends other businesses in the same area if the business you call does not answer

✔ Reverse number search allows you to do a manual number-to-name search

✔ Update contacts adds additional data from directories (e.g. address) to your existing contacts

✔Call blocker diverts calls from withheld numbers and numbers you define straight to your voicemail

Please note that 3G is required for caller lookup and withheld numbers cannot be identified.



Yellowbook. Yellowpages.ca, DasTelefonbuch, Herold, auskunft.at, Lokaldelen.se, Truvo, Telefonkonyv, De Gule Sider (DGS), Zlatestranky.cz, Zlatestranky.sk, PKT.pl yellowpages.com.tr, yellowpages.com.eg



Adaffix adaffix caller Anrufer opkald callerapp ruft App App phonecals live realtime leben Echtzeit Lookup lookup name adress city Echtzeit-Lookup Name Adresse Stadt Anruferkennung adaffix shows the true caller behind a number Callerid Caller see who is calling sehen wer anruft callername gelb weiß WhitePages yellowpages Anzeige Das Telefonbuch yellow white display se hvem der ringer se vem som ringer Denmark Danmark Dansk DK Sweden  Sverige Svenska SE Germany Deutschland Bundesrepublik Deutschland Deutsch DE D Austria Österreich Republik Österreich AT Hungary Magyarorszag Magyarország HU Slovakia Slovak Republic Slovensko Slovenská republika SK Czech Republic Česká republika CZ Turkey Türkiye Republic of Turkey Türkiye Cumhuriyeti TR Poland Polish Polska Republic of Poland Rzeczpospolita Kashubian Pòlskô Repùblika Polsko Republika PL United States of America U.S USA US English Eng Canada Canadian CA

Иконка для TIS11 2.2.0

TIS11 (v. 2.2.0)

TripBuilder, Inc. опубликовал приложение 2012-08-22
(обновлено 2012-08-22)

App Key Words:  The Independent Show 2011, TIS11, TIS 2011

TripBuilder EventMobile™ is the official mobile application for The Independent Show 2011 taking place in San Francisco and starting on July 24, 2011.
This TripBuilder EventMobile app:

· Makes it easy to view Event Info, Instant Alerts and more right on your mobile phone.

· Features TripBuilder’s award-winning city content and advanced mapping functionality.

· Includes MyShow personalization tools to help maximize your time at the Event.

TripBuilder EventMobile is provided at no charge by The Independent Show.

TripBuilder EventMobile was developed by TripBuilder, Inc.  To learn more, please visit www.tripbuilder.com,  email us at info@tripbuilder.com or call us at 800-525-9745.

Иконка для Seize the Deal - Merchant App 1.0

Seize the Deal - Merchant App (v. 1.0)

Seize the Deal опубликовал приложение 2012-08-22
(обновлено 2012-08-22)

Seize the Deal’s merchant app makes it easier than ever for your business to manage redemptions.  No more paper trails! With the merchant app, you can:

·         Scan bar codes and enter vouchers into your system
·         View latest purchaser lists
·         Sync data with Seize the Deal’s online merchant portal
·         Track redemption history and bill totals

Get up-to-the minute Seize the Deal merchant data on your mobile device today.

Иконка для TrackWhen Scheduled Tracking 1.0

TrackWhen Scheduled Tracking (v. 1.0)

TrackWhen опубликовал приложение 2012-08-22
(обновлено 2012-08-22)

Scheduled GPS tracking - great for mobile technicians or sales staff.

Setup users at www.trackwhen.com then track their locations during set times of the day. The TrackWhen app will automatically start at scheduled times and stop at scheduled times. The gps location is uploaded to a map at www.trackwhen.com so you can view their locations.

Perfect for tracking employees without invading their privacy.

The app has additional buttons:
- "Pause Tracking" allows users to pause the tracking while they take lunch or visit a doctor. This is logged so you know tracking has paused.
- 2 Customisable messages that will appear on their map. Eg: Arrived at Job, Completed Job.

Please log into www.trackwhen.com and set up the groups, then the users before starting.

Иконка для Leasing Calculator - Porsche 1.5

Leasing Calculator - Porsche (v. 1.5)

ComneX.net опубликовал приложение 2012-08-22
(обновлено 2012-08-22)

PerfectLease - Porsche Finance Group Romania este o societate subsidiara 100% a Porsche Bank AG din Austria. Aceasta din urma este o companie a Porsche Holding cu sediul in Salzburg si subsidiara a Volkswagen avand ca domeniu de activitate furnizarea serviciilor financiare pe plan international. Odata cu fondarea in 1966 Porsche Bank a reusit sa-si extinda pozitia pe piata - datorita unei colaborari bune cu unitatile de vanzari ale marcilor companiei din cardul Grupului VW si Porsche cat si datorita cotei de piata ale acestor marci.  
Incepand cu 1994 Porsche Bank AG a fondat subsidiare in tarile in care Porsche Holding Austria era prezenta ca si importator sau distribuitor: Ungaria, Slovenia, Slovacia, Croatia, Romania, Muntenegru, Macedonia, Bulgaria si Ucraina.

Clientul primeste "totul legat de autovehicul" din acelasi loc. Unul dintre obiectivele definite este a oferi clientului toate serviciile conexe unui autovehicul care sa-i faca condusul cat mai comfortabil si eficient posibil. La Porsche Bank gasiti intr-un singur loc toate serviciile de finantare conexe autovehiculelor marca VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda, Porsche, Bentley, Lamborghini, Bugatti si Weltauto: oferte de finantare, asigurari, intretinere si management de flote profesional - toate fiind personalizate in functie de fiecare nevoie a clientului.

With the Leasing Calculator "PerfectLease" for iphone from Porsche Finance Group Romania you can easily calculate your monthly leasing rate or find a suitable car from all VW Brands matching your needs and budget. Furthermore you can locate the neareast dealer via the dealer locator function for going on a test drive and getting leasing offer. In addition you can also add stunning wallpapers to your iphone and use other functions of our app.

Porsche Finance Group Romania is a full subsidiary of the Austrian Porsche Bank AG. It is an internationally based financial service car company of Porsche Holding having its headquarter in Salzburg beeing a subsidiary of Volkswagen Group.
Starting in 1966 Porsche Bank has expanded its market position since that time - based on the good cooperation with the VW Group and Porsche sales organizations of the company brands as well as the high market share of their cars.
Starting with 1994 Porsche Bank AG established subsidiaries in countries, where the Austrian Porsche Holding was present as importer and retailer: Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia, Croatia, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Ukraine.

The customer gets "all mobility services" from a single source (one-stop shop concept). It is our goal to offer to customers all car related services as comfortable and as efficient as possible. Porsche Bank provides car related financial services through one-stop shop for the following brands: VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda, Porsche, Bentley, Lamborghini, Bugatti and Weltauto; from financial offers to insurance, maintenance and professional fleet management - custome-made services in comppliance with customer needs.

Иконка для 워크넷(WorkNet)- 대한민국 대표 취업사이트 2.4.2

워크넷(WorkNet)- 대한민국 대표 취업사이트 (v. 2.4.2)

고용노동부 опубликовал приложение 2011-04-03
(обновлено 2012-08-22)

워크넷(work.go.kr)안드로이드폰 어플리케이션입니다.

워크넷은 잡코리아,사람인,커리어는 물론 서울시,경기도,인천시등 지자체의 일자리까지 한꺼번에 보여줍니다. 워크넷을 설치하면, 대한민국 모든 일자리를 확인할 수 있습니다.

워크넷을 통해 등록된 일자리정보는 전국 고용센터의 인증을 거친 정보로, 임금사항을 모두 제공하고 있습니다.

1. 채용정보
- 직종,지역별,기업형태별(대기업,공공기관,우수중소기업),상장형태별
- 협회별, 복리후생별, 매출규모별, 임금별 정보
- 입사지원 현황 분석자료 제공(성별,연령,학력,경력,희망연봉,어학점수별)
- 입사지원시 이력서 선택 전송 기능
- 채용공고별 입사지원자수 보기
- 근무지 지도보기, 대중교통 길찾기 기능
- 관심기업설정, 북마크기능
- 카카오톡, 내 트위터 및 페이스북에 공유하기

2. 맞춤채용정보
- 딱 한번의 조건설정으로 채용정보 자동검색 가능
- 채용정보 스마트폰에 보관하기 기능제공
  (WiFi환경에서 일괄로 미리 받아놓으면, 인터넷 연결이 안되는 곳에서도 채용정보를 확인할 수 있습니다.)

3. My서비스
- 내이력서 보기
- 내 이력서 열람기업 확인
- 내 입사지원 현황 및 알선요청 내역확인
- 나에게 입사지원제의한 기업목록 확인
- 관심기업 채용정보, 북마크한 채용정보 확인

4. 최신 취업관련 동향 및 뉴스

5. 직업정보
- 직업별 평균임금, 근속년수, 하는일, 자격조건등 제공

Иконка для 대전채용 1.0

대전채용 (v. 1.0)

대전시청 опубликовал приложение 2012-08-22
(обновлено 2012-08-22)

대전광역시와 취업포털 잡코리아가 만났다!
대전광역시청과 (주)잡코리아의 기술적
제휴를 통해 잡코리아의 대전지역 채용정보
를 한눈에 확인할 수 있습니다.
채용정보 검색부터 온라인지원까지!
대전광역시청이 시민여러분의
취업고민을 도와 드리겠습니다.

Иконка для AB Sushi 1.101

AB Sushi (v. 1.101)

App Builder Asia опубликовал приложение 2012-08-21
(обновлено 2012-08-21)

The official App of AB Sushi! Download to see the latest menu items, events, and special offers!

Иконка для Farrell Hair Replacement 1.100

Farrell Hair Replacement (v. 1.100)

Media Flow Apps опубликовал приложение 2012-08-21
(обновлено 2012-08-21)

Farrell Hair Replacement is the world's leading expert on non surgical hair replacement.

Inside this app you will find tips for helping your hair loss situation, photos of people with hair loss and a handy camera app that will upload a picture of you and your hair loss problem to us for a free consultation.

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