Leasing Calculator - Porsche (v. 1.5)
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PerfectLease - Porsche Finance Group Romania este o societate subsidiara 100% a Porsche Bank AG din Austria. Aceasta din urma este o companie a Porsche Holding cu sediul in Salzburg si subsidiara a Volkswagen avand ca domeniu de activitate furnizarea serviciilor financiare pe plan international. Odata cu fondarea in 1966 Porsche Bank a reusit sa-si extinda pozitia pe piata - datorita unei colaborari bune cu unitatile de vanzari ale marcilor companiei din cardul Grupului VW si Porsche cat si datorita cotei de piata ale acestor marci.
Incepand cu 1994 Porsche Bank AG a fondat subsidiare in tarile in care Porsche Holding Austria era prezenta ca si importator sau distribuitor: Ungaria, Slovenia, Slovacia, Croatia, Romania, Muntenegru, Macedonia, Bulgaria si Ucraina.
Clientul primeste "totul legat de autovehicul" din acelasi loc. Unul dintre obiectivele definite este a oferi clientului toate serviciile conexe unui autovehicul care sa-i faca condusul cat mai comfortabil si eficient posibil. La Porsche Bank gasiti intr-un singur loc toate serviciile de finantare conexe autovehiculelor marca VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda, Porsche, Bentley, Lamborghini, Bugatti si Weltauto: oferte de finantare, asigurari, intretinere si management de flote profesional - toate fiind personalizate in functie de fiecare nevoie a clientului.
With the Leasing Calculator "PerfectLease" for iphone from Porsche Finance Group Romania you can easily calculate your monthly leasing rate or find a suitable car from all VW Brands matching your needs and budget. Furthermore you can locate the neareast dealer via the dealer locator function for going on a test drive and getting leasing offer. In addition you can also add stunning wallpapers to your iphone and use other functions of our app.
Porsche Finance Group Romania is a full subsidiary of the Austrian Porsche Bank AG. It is an internationally based financial service car company of Porsche Holding having its headquarter in Salzburg beeing a subsidiary of Volkswagen Group.
Starting in 1966 Porsche Bank has expanded its market position since that time - based on the good cooperation with the VW Group and Porsche sales organizations of the company brands as well as the high market share of their cars.
Starting with 1994 Porsche Bank AG established subsidiaries in countries, where the Austrian Porsche Holding was present as importer and retailer: Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia, Croatia, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Ukraine.
The customer gets "all mobility services" from a single source (one-stop shop concept). It is our goal to offer to customers all car related services as comfortable and as efficient as possible. Porsche Bank provides car related financial services through one-stop shop for the following brands: VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda, Porsche, Bentley, Lamborghini, Bugatti and Weltauto; from financial offers to insurance, maintenance and professional fleet management - custome-made services in comppliance with customer needs.