Популярные бесплатные в категории 'Бизнес' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
341-350 из 3799
Иконка для DefCon 1.0

DefCon (v. 1.0)

Enrique López Mañas опубликовал приложение 2012-09-07
(обновлено 2012-09-07)

¿Quiéres saber cuánto le queda a España para declararse en suspensión de pagos? Con DefCon para Android puedes visualizarlo de una manera actualizada y gráfica.

Los CDS o Credit Default Swaps son seguros de impago que garantizan el cobro del capital asegurado en caso de quiebra del emisor de la deuda, en este caso el Estado español. Por lo tanto son un reflejo fiel de como perciben los mercados este riesgo de quiebra.

El spread del bono español a 10 años respecto al alemán o riesgo-país es otra forma de medir el riesgo de impago y refleja en pb (puntos básicos o 0.01% de interés) la diferencia en intereses que tenemos que pagar al comprador de bonos respecto al bono de referencia, que es el bono alemán.

Consideramos Defcon 5 (alerta nula) si la media aritmética de los CDS y el spread del bono están por debajo de 60
Defcon 4 si está entre 60 y 119,99
Defcon 3 entre 120 y 199,99
Defcon 2 entre 200 y 299,99
Defcon 1 (riesgo inminente de quiebra) por encima de 300

Desarrollado por Enrique López Mañas, basado en una idea original y soporte de Juan Carlos Barba.

Puedes hacerte amigo del autor en Facebook (http://goo.gl/3uw8D) y compartir sus inquietudes por la economía española. También puedes acceder a su blog (http://goo.gl/3uw8D).

Los datos de la rentabilidad de los bonos se toman de Invertia.com (http://goo.gl/jHcAf) y los de los CDS de cmavision.com (http://www.cmavision.com/market-data)

Иконка для I Miei Clan 2.1

I Miei Clan (v. 2.1)

AppsBuilder опубликовал приложение 2012-09-06
(обновлено 2012-09-06)

La applicazione ufficiale del Gt5 Team Spider e Dei DeW di DarkOrbit è finalmente disponibile sul market . Con questa applicazione puoi essere aggiornato su i 2 clan con notizie aggiornate sempre e dovunque sei sul tuo Smart Phone

Иконка для 동양생명 GA 14

동양생명 GA (v. 14)

Tong Yang Life Insurance Co., Ltd. опубликовал приложение 2012-09-06
(обновлено 2012-09-06)

본 서비스는 동양생명 임직원 분들만 사용할 수 있습니다.

Иконка для ASIS 2011 0.10

ASIS 2011 (v. 0.10)

Sherpa Solutions опубликовал приложение 2012-09-05
(обновлено 2012-09-05)

Planning for ASIS 2011 is now faster and easier with this Mobile Application, sponsored by ASSA Abloy, the official mobile application for ASIS International 2011, 57th Annual Seminar and Exhibits, September 19-22, 2011, at the Orlando Convention Center in Orlando, FL.

Plan your time with show information at your fingertips:
-Exhibitor list
-Featured exhibitors
-Show Specials
-New Products
-My Show

Иконка для Aordini 2 2.7

Aordini 2 (v. 2.7)

Giuseppe Mastrangelo опубликовал приложение 2012-09-01
(обновлено 2012-09-01)

Versione Demo

Programma presa Ordini per agenti di commercio.

Il programma permette una veloce presa ordine, proponendo subito una lista di prodotti presi più di frequente dal cliente.

Permette la gestione di assortimenti per tipologia di clienti, la gestione degli incassi e lo storico di tutti gli acquisti per ogni cliente.

Il programma si può sincronizzare con qualunque gestionale.

Иконка для 新股提醒 1.41

新股提醒 (v. 1.41)

Knight Li опубликовал приложение 2012-08-30
(обновлено 2012-08-30)

好用的打新股工具, 提醒你新股申购的相关信息,可以选择提前提醒的时间,也可以立即提醒.功能覆盖从申购,自己解冻,上市的真个过程.主要有以下几种提醒形式.
  提醒你设置的时间内的新股申购信息, 你可以参考这个提醒的数据申购新股.

股票 新股 理财 申购 上市 打新股 行情 大盘 股市 提醒 助手 IPO

Иконка для Jobs in South Africa 1.0

Jobs in South Africa (v. 1.0)

JOBLife.co.za опубликовал приложение 2012-08-25
(обновлено 2012-08-25)

Get the latest jobs in South Africa straight to your mobile with the 'Jobs in South Africa' application released by joblife.co.za .

Иконка для Leasing Calculator - Porsche 1.5

Leasing Calculator - Porsche (v. 1.5)

ComneX.net опубликовал приложение 2012-08-22
(обновлено 2012-08-22)

PerfectLease - Porsche Finance Group Romania este o societate subsidiara 100% a Porsche Bank AG din Austria. Aceasta din urma este o companie a Porsche Holding cu sediul in Salzburg si subsidiara a Volkswagen avand ca domeniu de activitate furnizarea serviciilor financiare pe plan international. Odata cu fondarea in 1966 Porsche Bank a reusit sa-si extinda pozitia pe piata - datorita unei colaborari bune cu unitatile de vanzari ale marcilor companiei din cardul Grupului VW si Porsche cat si datorita cotei de piata ale acestor marci.  
Incepand cu 1994 Porsche Bank AG a fondat subsidiare in tarile in care Porsche Holding Austria era prezenta ca si importator sau distribuitor: Ungaria, Slovenia, Slovacia, Croatia, Romania, Muntenegru, Macedonia, Bulgaria si Ucraina.

Clientul primeste "totul legat de autovehicul" din acelasi loc. Unul dintre obiectivele definite este a oferi clientului toate serviciile conexe unui autovehicul care sa-i faca condusul cat mai comfortabil si eficient posibil. La Porsche Bank gasiti intr-un singur loc toate serviciile de finantare conexe autovehiculelor marca VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda, Porsche, Bentley, Lamborghini, Bugatti si Weltauto: oferte de finantare, asigurari, intretinere si management de flote profesional - toate fiind personalizate in functie de fiecare nevoie a clientului.

With the Leasing Calculator "PerfectLease" for iphone from Porsche Finance Group Romania you can easily calculate your monthly leasing rate or find a suitable car from all VW Brands matching your needs and budget. Furthermore you can locate the neareast dealer via the dealer locator function for going on a test drive and getting leasing offer. In addition you can also add stunning wallpapers to your iphone and use other functions of our app.

Porsche Finance Group Romania is a full subsidiary of the Austrian Porsche Bank AG. It is an internationally based financial service car company of Porsche Holding having its headquarter in Salzburg beeing a subsidiary of Volkswagen Group.
Starting in 1966 Porsche Bank has expanded its market position since that time - based on the good cooperation with the VW Group and Porsche sales organizations of the company brands as well as the high market share of their cars.
Starting with 1994 Porsche Bank AG established subsidiaries in countries, where the Austrian Porsche Holding was present as importer and retailer: Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia, Croatia, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Ukraine.

The customer gets "all mobility services" from a single source (one-stop shop concept). It is our goal to offer to customers all car related services as comfortable and as efficient as possible. Porsche Bank provides car related financial services through one-stop shop for the following brands: VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda, Porsche, Bentley, Lamborghini, Bugatti and Weltauto; from financial offers to insurance, maintenance and professional fleet management - custome-made services in comppliance with customer needs.

Иконка для Palo Widget 2.1

Palo Widget (v. 2.1)

Jedox AG опубликовал приложение 2012-08-21
(обновлено 2012-08-21)

Jedox is one of the world’s leading suppliers of open source-based Business Intelligence and corporate performance management solutions. Jedox core product - Palo, accommodates the entire range of BI requirements including planning, reporting and analysis under a Software as a Service model that allows all BI processes to be performed in the web browser.
With Palo Widget for Android devices end users get access to graphical analyses of Palo OLAP data. Without any changes to Palo OLAP, Palo Widget gives remote access and control to all your data. Palo Mobile requires access to a proper installed and licensed Palo Suite installation. We do, however, provide access to our Palo Suite demo system (OpenSourceOlap.com) by default on the Palo Widget.
This allows all users to download this application and instantly get access to rich demo data to explore the power and functionality of Palo.

Иконка для Tangram Recruitment App 2.1.3

Tangram Recruitment App (v. 2.1.3)

Tangram B.V. опубликовал приложение 2012-08-20
(обновлено 2012-08-20)

De Tangram Recruitment App maakt het mogelijk om Tangram te volgen en te solliciteren bij Tangram. Het geeft inzicht in het laatste nieuws, social network updates, video's, actuele vacatures en biedt meerdere opties om te reageren.

Deze app is tegelijkertijd een demonstratie van de mogelijkheden op het gebied van recruitment apps die we als Tangram te bieden hebben.

Klanten van Tangram kunnen deze app inzetten om zichzelf en hun eigen vacatures onder de aandacht te brengen van hun mobiele doelgroep. Dit is een ideale manier voor bureaus, organisaties en overheidsinstellingen om hun recruitment bereik verder te vergroten. De app wordt voor elke klant onder de eigen naam in de App Store geplaatst, waarbij styling en inhoud naar wens worden ingericht per klant.

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