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Иконка для 生命的奥秘 1.0

生命的奥秘 (v. 1.0)

iximo.com Ltd опубликовал приложение 2012-07-18
(обновлено 2012-07-18)

本期推荐电子书 - 《生命的奥秘》 作者:蔡景仙>>>>>>            
作品简介:人类所生活的世界充满了各种神奇与玄妙:恒星有着瑰丽的肖像,太阳长着绚丽多彩的“羽毛”,黑色闪电恐怖玄秘,龙卷风古怪行事,地球磁场“翻跟头”,沧海桑田变换“忙”,木乃伊经年不腐,盐湖上机车飞驰,恐龙神秘消失,小小彩蝶致人死命,水杉长生不老,外星人探访军事基地……世界在我们面前露出了它的另一面,而这些令人迷惑的神秘现象,就是找到世界运行的复杂机关的秘密入口! 自人类产生思想以来,一扇通往科学殿堂的大门便打开了。用科学解释世界,将世界寓于科学,这是人类认识上的不断进步。自亚里士多德开始,科学家们就把认识世界,揭示其无穷奥秘视为自己的神圣责任。但结果常是伴随着一个奥秘的解开,另一个奥秘又随之产生了。我们知道的越多,就会明白我们不知道的也越多。我们所能做的,就是坚持不懈地探索,永远保持强烈的好奇心。所以寻求知识和探索奥秘对于我们人类来说是一件极富有意义的事。有鉴于此,我们将《奥秘世界知识文库》呈献给大家。本书体例新颖,图文精彩,内容上囊括了宇宙、生命、UFO、恐龙、古城、野人等十个部分的科学奥秘知识,涵盖面极广。对于致力于奥秘探索的朋友们来说,这是一个生机勃勃、变幻无穷、具有无限魅力的科学世界。它将以最生动的文字,最缜密的思维、最精彩的图片,与你一起畅游瑰丽多姿的奥秘世界,一起探索种种扑朔迷离的科学疑云。

作者简介:蔡景仙 ,出版作品有《中华五千年未解之谜》《生命的奥秘》《古城未解之谜》等

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添加书签 - 可以记录阅读进度,你可以在书签列表中找到所有已添加的书签
切换模式 - 可以切换日间模式和夜间模式,增加你的阅读时间
锁定屏幕 - 锁定屏幕横向阅读,点击后将关闭自动旋转屏幕功能,再次点击将开启自动旋转屏幕功能
亮度调节 - 上下滚动屏幕可调节阅读时的屏幕亮度
阅读进度 - 阅读页面下方显示着章节的阅读进度,点击屏幕中部,便可调节进度,快速定位到长篇文章的指定位置进行阅读

如果您有疑问或建议,请联系我们。欢迎登陆:http://www.iximo.com/ 了解更多。

Иконка для Greek <-> Russian dictionary 2.7.4

Greek <-> Russian dictionary (v. 2.7.4)

Paragon Software опубликовал приложение 2012-07-18
(обновлено 2012-07-18)

Talking Slovoed Compact Greek-Russian and Russian-Greek dictionary is one of best-selling bilingual dictionaries for Android containing the high-quality lexical database from the world's most famous publishers. Read, work, study and travel with a reliable dictionary on your phone!


Dictionary database is powered by AbsoluteWord.

Greek-Russian dictionary contains 8314 entries.
Russian-Greek dictionary contains 16720 entries.

Russian sound module contains 10000 pronunciations.


Dictionary FEATURES:

What’s New: Easy copy-and-paste functions copy words to the clipboard for translation. With the launched dictionary you can copy an unknown word from an application you are using at the moment (e.g. web browser), then switch back to the dictionary and automatically get the translation of the copied word or phrase if it is available in the application base.


Search and translate Features

• Look up unfamiliar words in dictionary directly from the home screen! The dictionary provides translations in a Quick Search Box alongside other search results.
• NEW! Search by voice. Speak your queries instead of typing words in a dictionary. (Use Google voice recognition service. Available for OS 2.2 and higher.)
• Russian Morphology module helps to translate words in any grammatical form.
• List of similar words is displayed in case of misspelling
• Find the word even if you don’t know its exact spelling using Wildcard Search (use “?” and “*” symbols to replace the missing letters).


Learning Features

• Russian audio pronunciations recorded by native speakers.
• Integrate dictionary with the Flash Cards application and quiz yourself with words you have added from the dictionary.
• Test yourself with a Word of the day widget on your Home screen. A random entry from the dictionary is changed daily.
• NEW! Now you can install a Word of the day widget on your Home screen directly from the application.
• NEW! Manage Word of the day widget settings: select dictionary direction, font size and update period.


Interface Features

• NEW! Enhanced customization options allow you to choose background color. Black, white and sepia themes are available.
• NEW! Enlarge or reduce font size for your comfort by pinch or pressing +/- bottoms.
• NEW! Dictionary installation on SD card to save space of your device (Available for OS 2.2 and higher).
• Automatically switching translation directions using the language of the word entered.
• Hyperlinks between related articles and directions.
• Search History feature shows the last 20 words looked up.
• No Internet connection required: simply download the dictionary to your device and use it with no further expense incurred.
• Multilingual interface available in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish languages.


Dear User,
Paragon Software is committed to providing the best user experience possible.  Because there is no efficient way to track each user review for our software in the app stores and on the internet marketplace, we would appreciate your assistance in identifying any technical issues by providing a detailed description to our Customer Support Team at 911@penreader.com.
Thank you for facilitating our effort to provide high-quality assistance to all of our valued users worldwide!

tags: slovoed, talking, compact, paragon, dictionary, dictionaries, translate, language, translation, reference, Russian, Greek, software, Merriam-Webster, Collins, Duden, PONS, Van Dale, VOX

Иконка для Polish <-> Russian dictionary 2.7.4

Polish <-> Russian dictionary (v. 2.7.4)

Paragon Software опубликовал приложение 2012-07-18
(обновлено 2012-07-18)

Talking Slovoed Compact Polish-Russian and Russian-Polish dictionary is one of best-selling bilingual dictionaries for Android containing the high-quality lexical database from the world's most famous publishers. Read, work, study and travel with a reliable dictionary on your phone!


Dictionary database is powered by AbsoluteWord.

Polish-Russian dictionary contains 9401 entries.
Russian-Polish dictionary contains 16068 entries.

Russian sound module contains 10000 pronunciations.


Dictionary FEATURES:

What’s New: Easy copy-and-paste functions copy words to the clipboard for translation. With the launched dictionary you can copy an unknown word from an application you are using at the moment (e.g. web browser), then switch back to the dictionary and automatically get the translation of the copied word or phrase if it is available in the application base.


Search and translate Features

• Look up unfamiliar words in dictionary directly from the home screen! The dictionary provides translations in a Quick Search Box alongside other search results.
• NEW! Search by voice. Speak your queries instead of typing words in a dictionary. (Use Google voice recognition service. Available for OS 2.2 and higher.)
• Russian Morphology module helps to translate words in any grammatical form.
• List of similar words is displayed in case of misspelling
• Find the word even if you don’t know its exact spelling using Wildcard Search (use “?” and “*” symbols to replace the missing letters).


Learning Features

• Russian audio pronunciations recorded by native speakers.
• Integrate dictionary with the Flash Cards application and quiz yourself with words you have added from the dictionary.
• Test yourself with a Word of the day widget on your Home screen. A random entry from the dictionary is changed daily.
• NEW! Now you can install a Word of the day widget on your Home screen directly from the application.
• NEW! Manage Word of the day widget settings: select dictionary direction, font size and update period.


Interface Features

• NEW! Enhanced customization options allow you to choose background color. Black, white and sepia themes are available.
• NEW! Enlarge or reduce font size for your comfort by pinch or pressing +/- bottoms.
• NEW! Dictionary installation on SD card to save space of your device (Available for OS 2.2 and higher).
• Automatically switching translation directions using the language of the word entered.
• Hyperlinks between related articles and directions.
• Search History feature shows the last 20 words looked up.
• No Internet connection required: simply download the dictionary to your device and use it with no further expense incurred.
• Multilingual interface available in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish languages.


Dear User,
Paragon Software is committed to providing the best user experience possible.  Because there is no efficient way to track each user review for our software in the app stores and on the internet marketplace, we would appreciate your assistance in identifying any technical issues by providing a detailed description to our Customer Support Team at 911@penreader.com.
Thank you for facilitating our effort to provide high-quality assistance to all of our valued users worldwide!

tags: slovoed, talking, compact, paragon, dictionary, dictionaries, translate, language, translation, reference, Russian, Spanish, software, diccionario, diccionarios, traducir, idioma, referencia, Ruso, Español, audio pronunciación, словарь, словари, перевод, язык, Merriam-Webster, Collins, Duden, PONS, Van Dale, VOX

Иконка для Greek<>Russian Dictionary 3.0.81

Greek<>Russian Dictionary (v. 3.0.81)

Mobile Systems опубликовал приложение 2012-07-18
(обновлено 2012-07-18)

Collins Greek-Russian & Russian-Greek Mini Gem Dictionary is an up-to-date, easy-reference dictionary, ideal for learners of Greek and Russian of all ages. The dictionary covers about 10,000 words from each language.

The Foremost Authority on the Language of Today

    * Get it right: all essential words and phrases you need in Russian and Greek
    * Get there fast: the fast search takes you quickly to the words you want
    * Colour layout helps you find what you are looking for quickly and easily

Words are tools for life. And a Collins Dictionary makes them work for you.

The MSDict Dictionary Format

The Collins Mini Gem Greek-Russian & Russian-Greek Dictionary is here presented in MSDict electronic format. MSDict offers best experience in mobile reference and is available for any handheld platform.

    * Quick dynamic search of words while you type
    * Transcriptions facilitating pronunciation
    * Hyperlinks between different related words
    * History to see the last 50 words you have looked up
    * Support for memory cards
    * Filters to help you locate the word you are searching for:
          o Fuzzy filter- used when you are not sure of the correct spelling of a word
          o Keyword-used to locate the instances of a key word within other compound words
          o Wild card - "?" and "*" replace a letter and group of letters in words
    * Fast article scrolling
    * Ability to have dictionary Word of the day as a widget on the phone home screen
    * Ability to search words in the installed dictionaries through the standard phone search feature

Иконка для Greek<>Turkish Mini Dictionary 3.0.81

Greek<>Turkish Mini Dictionary (v. 3.0.81)

Mobile Systems опубликовал приложение 2012-07-18
(обновлено 2012-07-18)

Collins Greek-Turkish & Turkish-Greek Mini Gem Dictionary is an up-to-date, easy-reference dictionary, ideal for learners of Greek and Turkish of all ages. The dictionary covers about 10,000 words from each language.

The Foremost Authority on the Language of Today

    * Get it right: all essential words and phrases you need in Turkish and Greek
    * Get there fast: the fast search takes you quickly to the words you want
    * Colour layout helps you find what you are looking for quickly and easily

Words are tools for life. And a Collins Dictionary makes them work for you.

The MSDict Dictionary Format

The Collins Mini Gem Greek-Turkish & Turkish-Greek Dictionary is here presented in MSDict electronic format. MSDict offers best experience in mobile reference and is available for any handheld platform.

    * Quick dynamic search of words while you type
    * Transcriptions facilitating pronunciation
    * Hyperlinks between different related words
    * History to see the last 50 words you have looked up
    * Support for memory cards
    * Filters to help you locate the word you are searching for:
          o Fuzzy filter- used when you are not sure of the correct spelling of a word
          o Keyword-used to locate the instances of a key word within other compound words
          o Wild card - "?" and "*" replace a letter and group of letters in words
    * Fast article scrolling
    * Ability to have dictionary Word of the day as a widget on the phone home screen
    * Ability to search words in the installed dictionaries through the standard phone search feature

Иконка для 海蒂性学报告 1.0

海蒂性学报告 (v. 1.0)

Byread Technology Ltd опубликовал приложение 2012-07-18
(обновлено 2012-07-18)


Иконка для 风流学生系列 1.0

风流学生系列 (v. 1.0)

Byread Technology Ltd опубликовал приложение 2012-07-18
(обновлено 2012-07-18)


Иконка для Greek<>Portuguese Gem Dictiona 3.0.81

Greek<>Portuguese Gem Dictiona (v. 3.0.81)

Mobile Systems опубликовал приложение 2012-07-18
(обновлено 2012-07-18)

Collins Greek-Portuguese & Portuguese-Greek Mini Gem Dictionary is an up-to-date, easy-reference dictionary, ideal for learners of Greek and Portuguese of all ages. The dictionary covers about 10,000 words from each language.

The Foremost Authority on the Language of Today

    * Get it right: all essential words and phrases you need in Portuguese and Greek
    * Get there fast: the fast search takes you quickly to the words you want
    * Colour layout helps you find what you are looking for quickly and easily

Words are tools for life. And a Collins Dictionary makes them work for you.

The MSDict Dictionary Format

The Collins Mini Gem Greek-Portuguese & Portuguese-Greek Dictionary is here presented in MSDict electronic format. MSDict offers best experience in mobile reference and is available for any handheld platform.

    * Quick dynamic search of words while you type
    * Transcriptions facilitating pronunciation
    * Hyperlinks between different related words
    * History to see the last 50 words you have looked up
    * Support for memory cards
    * Filters to help you locate the word you are searching for:
          o Fuzzy filter- used when you are not sure of the correct spelling of a word
          o Keyword-used to locate the instances of a key word within other compound words
          o Wild card - "?" and "*" replace a letter and group of letters in words
    * Fast article scrolling
    * Ability to have dictionary Word of the day as a widget on the phone home screen
    * Ability to search words in the installed dictionaries through the standard phone search feature

Иконка для Greek<>Finnish Mini Gem TR 3.0.81

Greek<>Finnish Mini Gem TR (v. 3.0.81)

Mobile Systems опубликовал приложение 2012-07-18
(обновлено 2012-07-18)

Collins Greek-Finnish & Finnish-Greek Mini Gem Dictionary is an up-to-date, easy-reference dictionary, ideal for learners of Greek and Finnish of all ages. The dictionary covers about 10,000 words from each language.

This is a fully functional TRIAL.

The Foremost Authority on the Language of Today

    * Get it right: all essential words and phrases you need in Finnish and Greek
    * Get there fast: the fast search takes you quickly to the words you want
    * Colour layout helps you find what you are looking for quickly and easily

Words are tools for life. And a Collins Dictionary makes them work for you.

The MSDict Dictionary Format

The Collins Mini Gem Greek-Finnish & Finnish-Greek Dictionary is here presented in MSDict electronic format. MSDict offers best experience in mobile reference and is available for any handheld platform.

    * Quick dynamic search of words while you type
    * Transcriptions facilitating pronunciation
    * Hyperlinks between different related words
    * History to see the last 50 words you have looked up
    * Support for memory cards
    * Filters to help you locate the word you are searching for:
          o Fuzzy filter- used when you are not sure of the correct spelling of a word
          o Keyword-used to locate the instances of a key word within other compound words
          o Wild card - "?" and "*" replace a letter and group of letters in words
    * Fast article scrolling
    * Ability to have dictionary Word of the day as a widget on the phone home screen
    * Ability to search words in the installed dictionaries through the standard phone search feature

Иконка для 硅谷禁书 1.0

硅谷禁书 (v. 1.0)

Byread Technology Ltd опубликовал приложение 2012-07-18
(обновлено 2012-07-18)


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