www.android-online.ru ПриложенияКниги и справочники

Последние обновлённые книги и справочники в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
3471-3480 из 13647
Иконка для Historical Fiction Books 1.0.0

Historical Fiction Books (v. 1.0.0)

Appmaker опубликовал приложение 2012-07-20
(обновлено 2012-07-20)

A complete collection of ebooks by subject available for free through this Android app. Where audio books are available they are read by a real human voice instead of a text-to-speech program.

Enjoy reading your favorite books on your Android-based device. Updates are provided automatically and without charge.

Appmaker specializes in producing specific content for free - saving you time, effort and money. Our ebook and audio book links enable the Android user to find specific authors and their work on Project Gutenberg.

Иконка для Simple Bible - Korean, English 1.3

Simple Bible - Korean, English (v. 1.3)

Boanuge опубликовал приложение 2012-07-20
(обновлено 2012-07-20)

1. 한글개역판 (Korean Revision Version)
2. KJV (English King James Version)
3. Extra Contents

※ Offline Bibles - 한글개역판, King James Version are already included.
☞ The Holy Bible, King James Version®, KJV® Copyright © 1611 by King James I of England. No rights reserved.
☞ The Holy Bible, Korean Revision Version®, 개역한글판® Copyright © 1961 by 대한성서공회. No rights reserved.

※ Extra Contents
☞ 성경일독 계획표 - Bible Reading Plan for 50 Days/Weeks
☞ 성경암송 60 구절 - 60 Bible Verses
☞ 주기도문 및 사도신경 - The Lord’s Prayer and The Apostles' Creed
☞ 로잔언약 - The Lausanne Covenant

※ Supporting Platform
☞ Android v1.5 API Level 3
☞ Android v1.6 API Level 4 - Tested
☞ Android v2.1 API Level 7 - Tested
☞ Android v2.2 API Level 8 - Tested
☞ Possibly Above Versions

ps 1. 이 글을 읽는 모든분들께서는, 주님께 기쁨되기 위하여, 언제든 무료로 이 어플리케이션을 배포하실 수 있습니다.
- You can distribute freely in any situation for His favor.)

ps 2. 주님을 믿게 된 이래로 항상 주님께서 저에게 직접 말씀 하시길 기다려 왔습니다. 주위 분들께서는 주님께서 성경을 통해 이미 우리에게 말씀하고 계시다고 말해주셨습니다. 하지만 처음에는 이것이 저에게 잘 와 닿지 않았습니다. 성경을 읽으며 저에게 말씀하시는 주님의 음성을 듣지 못했습니다. 하지만 이제 성경을 몇 번 읽은 후 서서히 내면에서 저에게 말씀하시는 희미한 목소리가 들리는 것 같기도 합니다. 어느 순간 비록 아직 명확히 주님의 음성을 분별하지는 못 하지만 이 성경 말씀을 읽는 것을 통해 나의 삶이 주님께서 원하시는 방향으로 나아가고 있다는 것을 조금이나마 깨닫게 되었습니다. 삶을 마치고 주님 앞에 섰을 때, 주님께서 네가 내 말을 붙들고 끝까지 지키며 나아갔구나 정말 잘했다 아들아, 라는 칭찬을 듣고 싶습니다. 이 목표를 위해 오늘부터라도 다시 한번 항상 말씀을 읽는 습관을 기르려고 합니다. 이 어플리케이션이 주님의 말씀을 듣고자 하는 모든 분들에게 조금이나마 도움이 되기를 기도합니다.
- I was waiting God's direct talk from heaven since I became a Christian. My friends told me God is already talking to me through Bible. At the first time, it did not touch my heart. I could not hear the word from God during I was reading. But now I think I can hear mild voice from God after I have read Bible through several times. I still cannot clarify God's voice explicitly, but I found that, pervasively, my life is in the way, that God would want me to be, through reading Bible. After my death, I really want to be praised by God: "Son, you have successfully completed your journey by holding my word". To achieve this, I will read Bible, now, to make it a habit. I pray that this application can help, even though it is very tiny, to anyone who want to hear the word from God.

Иконка для Italian <-> Turkish dictionary 2.7.4

Italian <-> Turkish dictionary (v. 2.7.4)

Paragon Software опубликовал приложение 2012-07-20
(обновлено 2012-07-20)

Talking Slovoed Compact Italian-Turkish and Turkish-Italian dictionary is one of best-selling bilingual dictionaries for Android containing the high-quality lexical database from the world's most famous publishers. Read, work, study and travel with a reliable dictionary on your phone!


Dictionary database is powered by Dario De Juducibus.

•Italian-Turkish dictionary contains over 6,000 entries.
•Turkish-Italian dictionary contains over 6,000 entries.

•Italian sound module contains over 10,000 pronunciations by native speakers.


Dictionary FEATURES:

What’s New: Easy copy-and-paste functions copy words to the clipboard for translation. With the launched dictionary you can copy an unknown word from an application you are using at the moment (e.g. web browser), then switch back to the dictionary and automatically get the translation of the copied word or phrase if it is available in the application base.


Search and translate Features

• Look up unfamiliar words in dictionary directly from the home screen! The dictionary provides translations in a Quick Search Box alongside other search results.
• NEW! Search by voice. Speak your queries instead of typing words in a dictionary. (Use Google voice recognition service. Available for OS 2.2 and higher.)
• List of similar words is displayed in case of misspelling
• Find the word even if you don’t know its exact spelling using Wildcard Search (use “?” and “*” symbols to replace the missing letters).


Learning Features

• Italian audio pronunciations recorded by native speakers.
• Integrate dictionary with the Flash Cards application and quiz yourself with words you have added from the dictionary.
• Test yourself with a Word of the day widget on your Home screen. A random entry from the dictionary is changed daily.
• NEW! Now you can install a Word of the day widget on your Home screen directly from the application.
• NEW! Manage Word of the day widget settings: select dictionary direction, font size and update period.


Interface Features

• NEW! Enhanced customization options allow you to choose background color. Black, white and sepia themes are available.
• NEW! Enlarge or reduce font size for your comfort by pinch or pressing +/- bottoms.
• NEW! Dictionary installation on SD card to save space of your device (Available for OS 2.2 and higher).
• Automatically switching translation directions using the language of the word entered.
• Hyperlinks between related articles and directions.
• Search History feature shows the last 20 words looked up.
• No Internet connection required: simply download the dictionary to your device and use it with no further expense incurred.
• Multilingual interface available in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish languages.


Dear User,
Paragon Software is committed to providing the best user experience possible.  Because there is no efficient way to track each user review for our software in the app stores and on the internet marketplace, we would appreciate your assistance in identifying any technical issues by providing a detailed description to our Customer Support Team at 911@penreader.com.
Thank you for facilitating our effort to provide high-quality assistance to all of our valued users worldwide!

tags: slovoed, talking, compact, paragon, dictionary, dictionaries, translate, language, translation, reference, Italian, Turkish, software, Merriam-Webster, Collins, Duden, PONS, Van Dale, VOX

Иконка для Italian<>Lithuanian dictionary 2.7.4

Italian<>Lithuanian dictionary (v. 2.7.4)

Paragon Software опубликовал приложение 2012-07-20
(обновлено 2012-07-20)

Talking Slovoed Compact Italian-Lithuanian and Lithuanian-Italian dictionary is one of best-selling bilingual dictionaries for Android containing the high-quality lexical database from the world's most famous publishers. Read, work, study and travel with a reliable dictionary on your phone!


Dictionary database is powered by Dario De Judicibus.

• Italian-Lithuanian dictionary contains over 1,000 entries.
• Lithuanian-Italian dictionary contains over 800 entries.

• Italian sound module contains over 10,000 pronunciations by native speakers.


Dictionary FEATURES:

What’s New: Easy copy-and-paste functions copy words to the clipboard for translation. With the launched dictionary you can copy an unknown word from an application you are using at the moment (e.g. web browser), then switch back to the dictionary and automatically get the translation of the copied word or phrase if it is available in the application base.


Search and translate Features

• Look up unfamiliar words in dictionary directly from the home screen! The dictionary provides translations in a Quick Search Box alongside other search results.
• NEW! Search by voice. Speak your queries instead of typing words in a dictionary. (Use Google voice recognition service. Available for OS 2.2 and higher.)
• List of similar words is displayed in case of misspelling
• Find the word even if you don’t know its exact spelling using Wildcard Search (use “?” and “*” symbols to replace the missing letters).


Learning Features

• Italian audio pronunciations recorded by native speakers.
• Integrate dictionary with the Flash Cards application and quiz yourself with words you have added from the dictionary.
• Test yourself with a Word of the day widget on your Home screen. A random entry from the dictionary is changed daily.
• NEW! Now you can install a Word of the day widget on your Home screen directly from the application.
• NEW! Manage Word of the day widget settings: select dictionary direction, font size and update period.


Interface Features

• NEW! Enhanced customization options allow you to choose background color. Black, white and sepia themes are available.
• NEW! Enlarge or reduce font size for your comfort by pinch or pressing +/- bottoms.
• NEW! Dictionary installation on SD card to save space of your device (Available for OS 2.2 and higher).
• Automatically switching translation directions using the language of the word entered.
• Hyperlinks between related articles and directions.
• Search History feature shows the last 20 words looked up.
• No Internet connection required: simply download the dictionary to your device and use it with no further expense incurred.
• Multilingual interface available in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish languages.


Dear User,
Paragon Software is committed to providing the best user experience possible.  Because there is no efficient way to track each user review for our software in the app stores and on the internet marketplace, we would appreciate your assistance in identifying any technical issues by providing a detailed description to our Customer Support Team at 911@penreader.com.
Thank you for facilitating our effort to provide high-quality assistance to all of our valued users worldwide!

tags: slovoed, talking, compact, paragon, dictionary, dictionaries, translate, language, translation, reference, Italian, Lithuanian, software, Merriam-Webster, Collins, Duden, PONS, Van Dale, VOX

Иконка для Vett & Etikett 1.1.3

Vett & Etikett (v. 1.1.3)

Apphaus Sweden опубликовал приложение 2012-07-20
(обновлено 2012-07-20)

"Får man börja äta om man är fler än 8 personer?"
"Hur knyter man en dubbel Windsor?"
"Hur placeras saker på bordet?"
"Vad är ett Yllebröllop?"

Recenserad i Cosmopolitan April
Veckans app i Sydsvenskan!
Dagens App på MacWorld.se!
Dagens App i Metro!

Vett & Etikett ger dig en komplett uppsättning med korta, snabba svar och tips för alla tänkbara situationer. Allt är uppdelat i kategorier för enkel navigation. Allt från Netikett och bröllop till vardagliga funderingar som hur man knyter en slips. Du har också möjlighet att se videoklipp eller ställa egna frågor. Svar publiceras dagligen i appen!

I appen finns oändligt med information sammanställt i sammarbete med "etikettdoktorn" Mats Danielsson (http://www.etikettdoktorn.se). Vett & Etikett är den enda appen inom ämnet på svenska!

Innehållet består bland annat av:

✓ "Vid Bordet"
✓ "Fest"
✓ "Vardag"
✓ "Evenemang"
✓ Frågor & Svar direkt i appen. Uppdateras dagligen!
✓ Tips inför stundande helger eller händelser!
✓ Förklarande videoklipp. (Dukning/Slips/Fluga/blomsterarrangemang etc.)
✓ Lathund med snabba regler och tips
✓ Ett lexikon på vanliga rubriker i ämnet
✓ Ingen internetanslutning krävs för artiklarna!

Skulle du ha specifika funderingar kan man direkt i appen kontakta Mats Danielsson för rådfrågning. Detta är helt kostnadsfritt! Svaren kommer i appen!

Vett & Etikett är perfekt att ha med sig i fickan, enkelt att använda och ger dig garanterat svaren du söker! Varför köpa en dyr bok när du kan få svaren billigt och allt bära med dig (och samtidigt göra miljön en tjänst)!

Har du förslag till appen? Hör av dig!: info [at] apphaus.se

Иконка для Ukrainian<->English dictionary 2.7.4

Ukrainian<->English dictionary (v. 2.7.4)

Paragon Software опубликовал приложение 2012-07-20
(обновлено 2012-07-20)

Talking Slovoed Compact Ukrainian-English and English-Ukrainian dictionary is one of best-selling bilingual dictionaries for Android containing the high-quality lexical database from the world's most famous publishers. Read, work, study and travel with a reliable dictionary on your phone!


Dictionary database is powered by Russkiy yazik Media.

• Ukrainian-English dictionary contains over 17118 entries.
• English-Ukrainian dictionary contains over 12357 entries.

• English sound module contains over 10,000 pronunciations by native speakers.


Dictionary FEATURES:

What’s New: Easy copy-and-paste functions copy words to the clipboard for translation. With the launched dictionary you can copy an unknown word from an application you are using at the moment (e.g. web browser), then switch back to the dictionary and automatically get the translation of the copied word or phrase if it is available in the application base.


Search and translate Features

• Look up unfamiliar words in dictionary directly from the home screen! The dictionary provides translations in a Quick Search Box alongside other search results.
• NEW! Search by voice. Speak your queries instead of typing words in a dictionary. (Use Google voice recognition service. Available for OS 2.2 and higher.)
• English Morphology module helps to translate words in any grammatical form.
• List of similar words is displayed in case of misspelling
• Find the word even if you don’t know its exact spelling using Wildcard Search (use “?” and “*” symbols to replace the missing letters).


Learning Features

• English audio pronunciations recorded by native speakers.
• Integrate dictionary with the Flash Cards application and quiz yourself with words you have added from the dictionary.
• Test yourself with a Word of the day widget on your Home screen. A random entry from the dictionary is changed daily.
• NEW! Now you can install a Word of the day widget on your Home screen directly from the application.
• NEW! Manage Word of the day widget settings: select dictionary direction, font size and update period.


Interface Features

• NEW! Enhanced customization options allow you to choose background color. Black, white and sepia themes are available.
• NEW! Enlarge or reduce font size for your comfort by pinch or pressing +/- bottoms.
• NEW! Dictionary installation on SD card to save space of your device (Available for OS 2.2 and higher).
• Automatically switching translation directions using the language of the word entered.
• Hyperlinks between related articles and directions.
• Search History feature shows the last 20 words looked up.
• No Internet connection required: simply download the dictionary to your device and use it with no further expense incurred.
• Multilingual interface available in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish languages.


About Paragon

Paragon Software Group is the leading developer of multi-platform software applications for smartphones and desktop computers. Our product portfolio includes over 120 Multilingual Dictionaries (for 30+ languages and all possible language pair combinations) with databases by the world’s leading publishing houses such as Merriam-Webster, Collins, Duden, PONS, Van Dale, VOX, etc.

For more information visit www.penreader.com

tags: slovoed, talking, compact, paragon, dictionary, dictionaries, translate, language, translation, reference, English, Ukrainian, software

Иконка для English<>Norwegian Dictionary 3.0.81

English<>Norwegian Dictionary (v. 3.0.81)

Mobile Systems опубликовал приложение 2012-07-19
(обновлено 2012-07-19)

Collins Mini Gem English-Norwegian & Norwegian-English Dictionary is an up-to-date, easy-reference dictionary, ideal for learners of Norwegian and English of all ages. The entries cover everyday English and Norwegian so you can be sure of having all the vocabulary you need.

The Foremost Authority on the Language of Today

    * Get it right: all essential words and phrases you need in Norwegian and English
    * Get there fast: the fast search takes you quickly to the words you want
    * Colour layout helps you find what you are looking for quickly and easily

Words are tools for life. And a Collins Dictionary makes them work for you.

The MSDict Dictionary Format

The Collins Mini Gem English-Norwegian & Norwegian-English Dictionary is here presented in MSDict electronic format. MSDict offers best experience in mobile reference and is available for any handheld platform.

    * Quick dynamic search of words while you type
    * Transcriptions facilitating pronunciation
    * Hyperlinks between different related words
    * History to see the last 50 words you have looked up
    * Support for memory cards
    * Filters to help you locate the word you are searching for:
          o Fuzzy filter- used when you are not sure of the correct spelling of a word
          o Keyword-used to locate the instances of a key word within other compound words
          o Wild card - "?" and "*" replace a letter and group of letters in words
    * Fast article scrolling
    * Ability to have dictionary Word of the day as a widget on the phone home screen
    * Ability to search words in the installed dictionaries through the standard phone search feature

Иконка для 躁动的青春期 1.0

躁动的青春期 (v. 1.0)

Byread Technology Ltd опубликовал приложение 2012-07-19
(обновлено 2012-07-19)


Иконка для 令人心碎的YY小说 1.0

令人心碎的YY小说 (v. 1.0)

Byread Technology Ltd опубликовал приложение 2012-07-19
(обновлено 2012-07-19)


Иконка для 青涩校园系列 1.0

青涩校园系列 (v. 1.0)

Byread Technology Ltd опубликовал приложение 2012-07-19
(обновлено 2012-07-19)


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