Japanese Militarization (v. 0.2)
Publish This, LLC опубликовал приложение 2011-09-26
"Notwithstanding the ongoing friction between pacifists and supporters of militarization, Japan has managed to build up its defence capabilities. The process of remilitarization began when Japan was still under the post World War II western occupation. The capabilities were not developed overnight. It was an incremental process. No country can match Japan's achievement of creating a perfect equilibrium between pacifism and (re)militarization. Japan has successfully managed to retain the democratic values and civilian control over its military (self-defence forces). Two diametrically opposite concepts anti-militarism and (re)militarization form the very basis of this book. Japanese pacifism and peace loving image shields the ongoing (re)militarization. Japanese commitment for international peace and security further fortifies it. At the same time, remilitarization efforts act as a fuel for anti-militarism movements. One has to really dig deep to know the nuances of Japanese security paradigm which ranges from reliance on the US to collective security to comprehensive security. |
The Mumbai Conspiracy (v. 0.2)
Publish This, LLC опубликовал приложение 2011-09-26
"On November 26, 2008, 10 heavily armed men came via ship and boats from Pakistan and held India hostage in Mumbai for over 60 hours. It was the most audacious terrorist onslaught since the 9/11 attack on the United States of America. Over 180 persons were killed and two nuclear armed nations almost came to war over the attack that shook the world. |
百年诺贝尔文学奖[下集] (v. 20110405)
CheckUpAgain опубликовал приложение 2011-09-26
包括:肖洛霍夫:静静的顿河,索尔仁尼琴:古拉格群岛,托马斯·曼∶威尼斯之死,威廉·福克纳∶喧哗与骚动,伯尔短篇小说选,怀特:人树,纪德∶背德者,纪德∶田园交响曲,纪德∶窄门,辛格:卢布林的魔术师,辛格∶冤家,一个爱情故事,大江健三郎:个人的体验,大江健三郎:广岛札记,大江健三郎:万延元年的足球队,萨拉马戈:修道院纪事,君特·格拉斯:狗年月,君特·格拉斯:猫与鼠,君特·格拉斯:铁皮鼓,高行健:一个人的圣经。 |
百年诺贝尔文学奖[上集] (v. 20110405)
CheckUpAgain опубликовал приложение 2011-09-26
包括:艾尔弗雷德·耶利内克:钢琴教师,苏利·普吕多姆诗选,显克维奇:十字军骑士,拉格洛夫:尼尔斯骑鹅历险记,梅特林克:青鸟,莱蒙特:福地,蒲宁:阿尔谢尼耶夫的一生,黑塞:席特哈尔塔,黑塞:荒原狼,黑塞:盖特露德,黑塞:玻璃球游戏,黑塞:彼得·卡门青,福克纳:我弥留之际,高尔斯华绥∶苹果树,罗素:婚姻与道德,罗素:幸福之路,海明威:老人与海,海明威:尼克·亚当斯故事集,希梅内斯:小银和我,加缪:局外人,加缪:鼠疫,加西亚·马尔克斯∶百年孤独,加西亚·马尔克斯∶霍乱时期的爱情,帕斯捷尔纳克:日瓦戈医生,夸西莫多抒情诗选,川端康成:雪国,贝克特戏剧选,索尔仁尼琴:癌症楼。 |
琼瑶言情小说[下集] (v. 20110405)
CheckUpAgain опубликовал приложение 2011-09-26
琼瑶言情小说[下集]包括: |
Disaster Management (v. 0.2)
Publish This, LLC опубликовал приложение 2011-09-26
"Disaster occur frequently in different parts of the world because of climate change. In fact, no place on this earth is free from disasters. India is highly disaster prone and suffers untold misery, irreparable damage to property and environment. Every year crores of rupees are spent by the government in mitigating the effects of these disasters. There has been some achievement but much more much has to be done. At the present juncture of development-environment conflict, it is necessary to sensitize people to cope with suddenly changing situations. The time has come to incorporate the science of natural disaster management within the framework of development and educational curricula to create a broad awareness level in this crucial field. |
琼瑶言情小说[上集] (v. 20110405)
CheckUpAgain опубликовал приложение 2011-09-26
琼瑶言情小说[上集]包括: |
Can You Stop Gushing Stream? (v. 0.2)
Publish This, LLC опубликовал приложение 2011-09-26
"""Can You Stop The Gushing Stream gives a splendid account of how one should tackle setbacks and failures in life and come out to achieve satisfying success."" |
水浒传 (v. 20110405)
CheckUpAgain опубликовал приложение 2011-09-26
《水浒传》又名《忠义水浒传》,一般简称《水浒》,作于元末明初,是中国历史上第一部用白话文写成的章回小说,是中国四大名著之一。 |
封神演义 (v. 20110405)
CheckUpAgain опубликовал приложение 2011-09-26
《封神演义》原是中国平民娱乐文学,约成书于隆庆,作者是明朝的陈仲琳(或许仲琳)(也有一说为明代道士陆西星,《封神演义》中有十余处引用道教经典《黄庭经》)。原书最早追溯可能是南宋的《武王伐纣白话文》,和《商周演义》《昆仑八仙东游记》,以古代魔幻神话故事再参考古籍和民间传说创作而成。 |