"""Can You Stop The Gushing Stream gives a splendid account of how one should tackle setbacks and failures in life and come out to achieve satisfying success.""
Lt Gen KPD Samanta, AVSM, VSM
Ex DG Rashtriya Rifles and Member of Armed Forces Tribunal
""Undoubtedly every successful person has had his/her share of setbacks in life. The way one handles one's downturns dictates how successful he/she would become in the future. A must read for every man and woman who seeks to tackle career blues successfully.""
Nirup Menon, PhD
Associate Professor, ISOM, School of Management
George Mason University, USA
Every breath is new, every event is new, every seed has life, an opportunity, a potential to create a successful story. You don't have to feel devastated if you fail. He who can convert his failures into everlasting success wins. The mantra for this was which the wise had left for us was lying with us all this while... Unexplored. Lets explore it together....."