www.android-online.ru ПриложенияКниги и справочники

Лучшие по рейтингу книги и справочники в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
4371-4380 из 13647
Иконка для SHA-1 Generator 1.02

SHA-1 Generator (v. 1.02)

Aristidis Zoutsos опубликовал приложение 2011-06-15
(обновлено 2011-06-15)

Simple SHA-1 Generator. Generates an SHA-1 hash from the user input box.

Иконка для c:geo ~ Manual (en) 1.8.0 (en)

c:geo ~ Manual (en) (v. 1.8.0 (en))

Geocrasher опубликовал приложение 2011-06-15
(обновлено 2012-12-30)

English manual for the ready-to-go geocaching client c:geo. This manual is ideal for offline use as it does not require any network connection after installation.

Supports app2sd and prefers to be installed to SD.

- Tested on Android Gingerbread 2.3.5 and 2.3.6
- If you experience problems, please contact us through our web site http://appmanualreader.sf.net/ -- and give us a chance to fix it. Just giving us a bad review our smearing us without any chance to fix problems is utter unfair.
- There are broken, crappy firmwares out in the field that cause spurious resource problems: albeit the resources are available, a force close happens. There is only one remedy: ask your vendor for a correct, working firmware. Or buy from another vendor.
- Similar, if open the manual doesn't come to an end, your vendor is selling you a crappy firmware. Again, we cannot do anything about this. Ask your vendor for a working firmware or return your broken device. It's not our fault, it's their's.
- Technically, both the english and german manual are identical -- we know as we developed these applications.

- Manual: CC-BY-NC-SA (CreativeCommons)
- HTML infrastructure: BSD
- Viewer: GPLv3

Иконка для Codice della Strada 1.13

Codice della Strada (v. 1.13)

Maggioli Editore опубликовал приложение 2011-06-15
(обновлено 2012-12-30)

Il Codice della Strada con Regolamento di Esecuzione, Leggi Complementari e Giurisprudenza consultabili ovunque ti trovi, in modo rapido ed efficiente grazie all'interfaccia chiara e le utilità a disposizione.

Il contenuto autorevole e sempre aggiornatissimo rende il Codice della Strada Maggioli Editore l'applicazione perfetta da portare sempre con te: pratica e completa.

Tutti i testi sono consultabili senza connessione a internet.

Nell'applicazione troverai:
- Nuovo Codice della Strada;
- Regolamento di Esecuzione;
- Leggi complementari;
- Giurisprudenza;
- I segnali Stradali.

L'applicazione offre:
- consultazione per indici
- ricerca per estremi e parole
- gestione preferiti e note
- scorrimento veloce tra gli articoli

ATTENZIONE: Per poter consultare correttamente l'applicazione, occorre una scheda di memoria SD Card installata e attiva (in lettura e scrittura) sul proprio dispositivo Android.
Alcuni documenti contengono una notevole quantità di testo e potrebbero richiedere diversi secondi per la loro fase di caricamento.

Иконка для MobRead - read, sns, im 1.2.6

MobRead - read, sns, im (v. 1.2.6)

MobCent опубликовал приложение 2011-06-15
(обновлено 2011-06-15)

MobRead is a great reader which integrates SNS, IM in.You can contact with your friends by your reading.
It supply:
1.plenty of novels
2.my book shelf and book mark
3.reading mode setting.

Key Words: Mobcent, reader, SNS, IM, book shelf, book mark

Иконка для Texas Transportation Code 2.0

Texas Transportation Code (v. 2.0)

Pocket Topics опубликовал приложение 2011-06-14
(обновлено 2012-12-29)

Texas Transportation Code by Pocket Topics is the only Texas Transportation Code reference software you need on your Android device. Designed for law enforcement personnel, lawyers, paralegals or anyone who needs quick access to the Texas Transportation Code. Use in in the patrol car or in the court room. All data is stored on your device so you never need an internet connection.

- Now with full text searching. Accurate and flexible search engine allows you to find exactly what you are looking for.
- Does not require an internet connection. All the data is stored locally.
- Automatic and free lifetime updates to the codes
- Easily bookmark code sections
- Install to SD card
- Compatible with tablets, including the Xoom
- Share codes via email, text messaging, etc.

Please do not post comments or problems in the product ratings. We have no way of responding. We respond immediately to messages sent to support@pockettopics.com. All issues are taken seriously and are resolved immediately, if possible. Please give us a chance to respond before posting in the product ratings.

Permissions required:
1. android.permission.INTERNET - Used strictly to download the initial datafile and to check for updates
2. android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - Used to determine if your device is connected to the internet prior to downloading datafile (once)
3. android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - Used to store the datafile on the SD card
4. com.android.vending.CHECK_LICENSE - No more stealing our application. Sorry software pirates!
5. We also use analytics to retrieve non-user specific information. This is used to improve the application and can be disabled in the settings.

Visit us on Google+ https://plus.google.com/u/0/114434533906607149338/posts
Visit us at pockettopics.com
Follow us on Twitter: pockettopics

Please visit out site and tell us how you use our products. We also love feature requests and requests for additional codes.

Thanks for buying our products!!

fixed a bug where the bookmark and search button did not work on the detail screen for tablets

fixed a bug where a search result with only one record caused a force close

- Compatible with tablets, Xoom included
- Search now includes full text
- User Interface completely updated
- Search results show snippets of the code sections
- Added "codes in this section" to improve navigation
- Browse through record set in section detail screen
- Improved navigation
- Added Analytics. Can be disabled in settings screen.
- Fixed several bugs (thanks Billy!! and others)

Keywords: Transportation, Penal, Law, Texas, Violations, Citations, Police Officer, Deputy Sheriff, Patrol, Law Enforcement, Traffic, Academy, Training, Cops, Cop, Tickets, Arrest, Laws, Recruit, Cadet

Иконка для 中国十大悍匪 2.01

中国十大悍匪 (v. 2.01)

Baowa опубликовал приложение 2011-06-14
(обновлено 2011-06-14)

在没有犯罪前,他和我们一样,是一个普通人。他也曾想,通过自己的勤劳过上好日子、过上幸福的生活,然而,残酷的社会、残酷的现实……   中国第一悍匪——白宝山(绰号,浪漫杀手自由人。)  很难想象,这个中国历史上最强悍的匪徒,在“升满级”之前,竟是一个智商极低、胸无大志的损贼。内裤、床单、衣服、自行车,把偷来的这些“垃圾”变卖,养家糊口。最后一次行窃,因偷农户院内的两斤玉米未遂,被事主发现,结果被判有期徒刑11年。  在这个神奇的国家,勤劳令他致穷。身为一个有责任感的好父亲,他甚至不能让他的两个孩子吃上一顿肉。所以,他被迫去偷。那么,他为什么,从小偷小摸,发展到杀人如麻呢?  96年刑满出狱,回到北京老家。头等大事,就是补办户口,因为,没有户口和身份证,他在北京就是黑人,什么事都做不成。本想,老老实实赚钱的他,在办理户口的过程中,多次被派出所的民警勒索,“不拿出一千块钱,就不给你办户口,爱哪告哪告去!”白哥说,“我刚出狱,没有收入,连饭都吃不上,哪有钱给你?!”(事实证明,不拿钱打点,还真就办不成户口。白哥在死前,也没能办上户口。)  此时,白哥终于觉醒了。连成《天蚕变》,脱茧而出,重做新人!  他的情妇,劝他把枪扔了,打消邪念,好好生活。他说,“没有枪,我就没法生活!”一种王者的霸气,一种令人心碎的悲壮。  单从技术角度上看,他的计划是天衣无缝的。他的失败,是因为两个女人,一个是他的情妇,一个是他的母亲。没杀掉情妇,这充分显示出他温情的一面,而情妇出卖了他;在母亲家中,他被4个民警堵上,以他的战斗力完全可以杀出一条血路,而身为孝子,他不忍心当着母亲的面杀人。  白宝山,死了。他的故事,成为了人们茶余饭后的话题。有人说,他曾在香港出现;有人说,他潜逃美国;还有人说,他加入了义军……   
如果有严重问题 欢迎和我们联系,有了您的支持我们将能做的更好 技术支持QQ :1151335923

Иконка для Free English Dictionary ん 1.3.9

Free English Dictionary ん (v. 1.3.9)

KJP опубликовал приложение 2011-06-13
(обновлено 2012-12-28)

- More than 30000 English-Japanese dictionary app downloads total series
 There is a free version of the British dictionary.
- Small, Medium, important word to remember high school up to college,
 I have recorded about 6,400 words or more.
- Simple operation, easy to use because it is offline
 At any time, you can use anywhere.
- Search by the search feature, of course, can also search from the initial index.
- You can also check the (listening) pronunciation.
According to the API-Microsoft Bing translation, but some automated translation, I have become more convenient.
 Translation function is only available when connected online.
- Before you buy a dictionary of pay to try it out for yourself.
-Android 1.6 version - Supports up to 2.3

Иконка для 채만식 소설집 1.0.2

채만식 소설집 (v. 1.0.2)

3rdpub опубликовал приложение 2011-06-13
(обновлено 2011-06-13)

채만식의 장,단편 소설 묶음입니다.

단편소설 <냉동어>, <논이야기>,<레디메이드인생>,<미스터방>,<민족의죄인>과 장편소설<치숙>,<탁류>,<태평천하>을 수록하고 있습니다.

두손가락 확대 축소로 글씨 크기를 조절할 수 있습니다.

Powered by 3rdpub!


채만식(蔡萬植, 1902년 7월 21일 ~ 1950년 6월 11일)
한국의 소설가, 극작가이다. 호는 백릉(白菱)이다.


작가 소개와 작품 소개는 크리에이티브 커먼즈 저작자표시-동일조건변경허락 3.0 에 따라 사용할 수 있습니다.

저작자는 위키백과 "채만식" 항목의 역사를 참고해 주십시오.

Иконка для H. P. Lovecraft Collection 0.2

H. P. Lovecraft Collection (v. 0.2)

Publish This, LLC опубликовал приложение 2011-06-13
(обновлено 2011-06-13)

This book contain collection of 58 books

1. Supernatural Horror in Literature
2. The Beast in the Cave [1904]
3. The Alchemist [1908]
4. The Tomb [1917]
5. Dagon [1917]
6. A Reminiscence of Dr. Samuel Johnson [1917]
7. Polaris [1918]
8. Beyond the Wall of Sleep [1919]
9. The Transition of Juan Romero [1919]
10. The White Ship [1919]
11. The Doom that Came to Sarnath [1919]
12. The Statement of Randolph Carter [1919]
13. The Street [1919]
14. Sweet Ermengarde [c.1919-21?]
15. The Tree [1920]
16. The Temple [1920]
17. Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family [1920]
18. Celephaïs [1920]
19. From Beyond [1920]
20. The Picture in the House [1920]
21. The Nameless City [1921]
22. The Quest of Iranon [1921]
23. The Moon-Bog [1921]
24. The Outsider [1921]
25. The Other Gods [1921]
26. Herbert West--Reanimator [1922]
27. The Music of Erich Zann [1921]
28. Hypnos [1922]
29. The Hound [1922]
30. The Lurking Fear [1922]
31. The Rats in the Walls [1923]
32. The Unnamable [1923]
33. The Festival [1923]
34. Imprisoned with the Pharaohs [1924]
35. The Shunned House [1924]
36. The Horror at Red Hook [1925]
37. He [1925]
38. In the Vault [1925]
39. Cool Air [1926]
40. The Call of Cthulhu [1926]
41. Pickman's Model [1926]
42. The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath [1927]
43. The Silver Key [1926]
44. The Strange High House in the Mist [1926]
45. The Case of Charles Dexter Ward [1927]
46. The Colour out of Space [1927]
47. The Very Old Folk [1927]
48. The Dunwich Horror [1928]
49. The Whisperer in Darkness [1930]
50. At the Mountains of Madness [1931]
51. The Shadow over Innsmouth [1931]
52. The Dreams in the Witch House [1932]
53. The Evil Clergyman [1933]
54. The Thing on the Doorstep [1933]
55. Through the Gates of the Silver Key [1934, with Edgar Hoffmann Price]
56. The Shadow Out of Time [1935]
57. The Haunter of the Dark [1935]
58. Fragments

About the Author
H. P. Lovecraft, 1890-1937

American author of horror, fantasy, and science fiction.

Lovecraft's major inspiration and invention was cosmic horror; the idea that life is incomprehensible to human minds and that the universe is fundamentally alien. Those who genuinely reason, like his protagonists, gamble with sanity. Lovecraft has developed a cult following for his Cthulhu Mythos, a series of loosely interconnected fiction featuring a pantheon of human-nullifying entities, as well as the Necronomicon, a fictional grimoire of magical rites and forbidden lore. His works were deeply pessimistic and cynical, challenging the values of the Enlightenment, Romanticism, and Christian humanism. Lovecraft's protagonists usually achieve the mirror-opposite of traditional gnosis and mysticism by momentarily glimpsing the horror of ultimate reality.

Иконка для 王牌进化 1.1.01

王牌进化 (v. 1.1.01)

zuikong.com 最空网手机小说 опубликовал приложение 2011-06-13
(обновлено 2011-06-13)

街机 梦魇 方林 加点 无限 生存     

《 王牌进化 》来自最空网(http://www.zuikong.com/xs/143)的免费手机小说更新器。



还有许多许多给力的功能,欲详细了解,请访问 最空网 小说频道  http://www.zuikong.com/xs

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