www.android-online.ru ПриложенияКниги и справочники

Популярные книги и справочники в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
3341-3350 из 13647
Иконка для MFATEHALJENAN 1.0


Android-Kw опубликовал приложение 2012-10-22
(обновлено 2012-10-22)

كتاب مفاتيح الجنان
للشيخ عباس القمي قدس سره

الكتاب يشمل الادعية و الزيارات و الصوتيات

Иконка для ChemInform Acronyms 1.08

ChemInform Acronyms (v. 1.08)

FIZ CHEMIE Berlin опубликовал приложение 2012-10-20
(обновлено 2012-10-20)

ChemInform Acronyms contains more than 900 acronyms of chemical substances or fragments which have been collected from about 100 chemical journals. In view of the thousands of acronyms devised by authors in the chemical literature, this list is certainly not comprehensive, but it is useful for the identification of the more common abbreviations.

Keywords: synthetic, organic, chemistry, reaction, acronym, abbreviation, substance, journal, science

Иконка для 辞典・辞書 - ナンデモランキング 1.1

辞典・辞書 - ナンデモランキング (v. 1.1)

weblogbank.net опубликовал приложение 2012-10-20
(обновлено 2012-10-20)









辞書、辞典、国語、英和、和英、漢字、英英、外国語、電子辞書、朝日出版社、あすとろ出版、郁文堂、岩波書店、オーム社、旺文社、音楽之友社、偕成社、開拓社、開文社出版、化学同人、角川グループパブリッシング、学研マーケティング、紀伊國屋書店(日外アソシエーツ)、教育出版、共立出版、くもん出版、研究社、光生館、講談社、 三修社、三省堂、集英社、小学館、新星出版社、新潮社、成美堂出版、大修館書店、大学書林、第三書房、東京化学同人、東京書籍、東京堂出版、東方書店、同学社、南雲堂、南雲堂フェニックス、南山堂、二玄社、日本加除出版、日本漢字能力検定協会、日本図書センター、白水社、白帝社、博文館新社、博友社、培風館、ピアソン桐原、冨山房、ブックマン社、文英堂、平凡社、ベネッセコーポレーション、明治書院、山川出版社、有斐閣、養徳社、吉川弘文館、理工学社

Иконка для Twas the Night Before Xmas 1.0

Twas the Night Before Xmas (v. 1.0)

Caterina Christakos опубликовал приложение 2012-10-19
(обновлено 2012-10-19)

Twas the night before Christmas - read this classic and see the original drawings.

Иконка для Forgiveness To Allah 1.0

Forgiveness To Allah (v. 1.0)

q8ambitious опубликовал приложение 2012-10-19
(обновлено 2012-10-19)

This program is a simple counter calculates the number of Alastgfarat even up to a hundred forgiveness.
هذا البرنامج البسيط عبارة عن عداد يحسب عددالإستغفارات حتى تصل إلى مئة استغفار

Иконка для Mox nox - 현대무협소설 AppNovel.com 1.0

Mox nox - 현대무협소설 AppNovel.com (v. 1.0)

VOVOV Application Studio опубликовал приложение 2012-10-18
(обновлено 2012-10-18)

Mox nox - 현대무협소설 AppNovel.com

현재 시대를 배경으로 한 현대무협소설
새로운 느낌의 소설을 만나보실 수 있습니다.

작가 : 삼우


삼성(參星)과 상성(商星)이 멀리 떨어져 만나지 못함을 한탄하니 인연을 사람의 힘으로 가른다는 것은 역천일까? 아니면 순리일까?
사람이 비록 우둔하여 그 깊은 뜻을 알지 못하나 주고 다시 거둔다는 것은 비록 하늘의 순리라 할지라도 인간에게 있어서는 하늘의 무정함이니, 무정한 하늘을 원망하는 인간의 마음을 막는 것 또한 이를 순리로 보기에는 순리라함에 어려움이 있을지라...

1. 1980년 어느 날.

일 년에 단 한 번 까마귀와 까치가 은하에 올라 다리를 짓는 밤이었다.
상제의 노여움으로 견우와 직녀가 은하를 사이에 두고 멀리 떨어져 서로를 그리워하다 1년에 단 하루 만날 수 있는 날.
그리웠기에 급히 서둘렀건만, 넓디넓은 은하 그 어디에도 이들이 만날 자리는 없었다. 그러니 서러움은 켜켜이 쌓이고,,,
짧은 밤, 은하를 마주하며 눈물로 지새운다 했다.
만나서 서로 살을 부비고, 포옹하고, 연인들만의 정을 나누지 못하였기에 칠석날 밤, 두 연인의 그리움은 천지를 온통 물바다로 만들었다.
땅을 기본으로 살아가는 생령들의 삶이 어렵게 되자, 칠석날 밤 까마귀와 까치가 밤하늘을 올랐다. 은하를 사이에 두고 만나지 못해 애태워 우는 연인들을 위해 그들의 몸으로 다리를 쌓았다. 그리하여 그들의 눈물을 그치게 한 날이라 했다. 칠석을 전후해서 까마귀와 까치의 머리가 벗겨져 있는 것은 그런 사연이라 옛 어른들이 이야기했다.
견우와 직녀가 그들의 머리를 밟고 지났기에, 그들의 몸을 자신들의 머리와 몸통으로 한 여름 밤을 지탱하였기에 그런 흔적이 남는 것이라 했다.

더위가 한 낮을 달구던 8월 열 이드레였다.
타는 듯한 태양에 지친 사물에게 가장 절실한 것은 시원함이었다. 그러나 해가 서산을 넘는다하여 금방 그것을 기대하는 것은 무리한 요구였다. 몇 십 년 만에 찾아온 폭서(暴暑)는 이른 여름부터 내내 맹위를 떨쳤고, 그것도 모자라 한 밤중까지 기승을 부려 사람들을 쉬이 잠들지 못하고 뒤척이게 하였다.
서산으로 해가 사라지면 간혹 선선한 강바람이라도 불만 하건만, 도심 안으로 그런 바람은 쉽사리 불어줄 생각이 없는 듯 하였다.

Иконка для Guide to Psychotherapy 1.0

Guide to Psychotherapy (v. 1.0)

APPCRAFT опубликовал приложение 2012-10-17
(обновлено 2012-10-17)

With the increasing stress levels in life due to workplace stress, natural disasters, higher cost of livings, economic downturns and pandemic diseases, people are continuously looking for more forms of peace and comfort through various therapeutic methods.

One of the most sought after forms of therapies is Psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is a broad term used to describe a variety of counseling methods used to improve an individual’s sense of well-being or problems in living.

Over the years, many newer and effective Psychotherapy methods have been developed and widely practice; bring a new sense of hope to the troubles faced in the world.

This guide to Psychotherapy will give you some insights as to the different types of Psychotherapies used to help people improve their lives.

Heal Yourself With Psychotherapy

Learn About The Healing Power Of Psychotherapy

<b>Table Of Contents</b>


Chapter 1: Introduction To Psychotherapy

Chapter 2: Types Of Psychotherapies

Chapter 3: Psychoanalysis

Chapter 4: Gestalt Therapy

Chapter 5: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Chapter 6: Expressive Therapy

Chapter 7: Hypnotherapy

- Wrapping Up

Download now to your android.

Иконка для Teen Mind 1.0.2

Teen Mind (v. 1.0.2)

Fake Book Library опубликовал приложение 2012-10-17
(обновлено 2012-10-17)

Inside the Teenage Mind, Years of studies and thousands of reports later, the secrets of the teenage mind revealed.

This is a total fake book! The content pages of this book are totally blank. There is nothing on them. Because ... as the punch line page shows, Sure, it goes blank at 13 and never really returns until 21 ... hopefully!

Prank anyone into thinking this is a real book and watch their reaction as they change blank page after blank page. It is totally hilarious … This blank book has 2 blank pages. If you want to have more blank pages, then check out the Fake Book Builder application where you can build your own fake books.

>> Other Fake Book Pranks:

+ Men On Women
+ Women on Men
+ College and Me
+ Back to School
+ Summer Vacation

If you have any issues, please send us an email fakebooklibrary@gmail.com. We can’t fix issues reported by comments, so please sent let us know directly. Thanks.

Иконка для Motivate Children inClassroom 1.0

Motivate Children inClassroom (v. 1.0)

Vertex Mind LLC опубликовал приложение 2012-10-16
(обновлено 2012-10-16)

— Attention All Parents and Teachers!
Keeping Learning Real
— The Truth About Your Child and Learning!

Dear Reader,

Nothing is more precious than the life of a child. It's an amazing experience watching that child grow as a  result of what he is being fed. Even more humbling is observing the mind of that child develop.

The nourishment provided in the classroom establishes the basis for how that child will learn for the rest of his life. You only have one chance to "get it right."

Just as it is impossible to "un-ring a bell," a child must be stimulated to learn in a positive way early in his classroom experience. Otherwise learning will be a difficult challenge. Just like the bell, early habits can be impossible to reverse.

It's a fact that if people know better they will do better. No one sets out to deliberately "de-motivate" a child to learn. That's preposterous! However, in our quest to be better parents and teachers we often find ourselves doing the "same old things" and getting the same old results!

Every teacher knows that handful of students that are just wired differently. These are the kids who become bored in the classroom.  The same kids that we wish we could spend more time with because we know that just beneath the surface there's a flower just bursting to bloom.

Too many kids fall through the cracks because of over-crowded classrooms and burgeoning budgets. It must cease. We must not continue to allow even one child to falter just because we wish we had a way to make a difference in his life!

So What's the Alternative?

What if there were a way to make a difference that didn't require a major overhaul of your school's budget?  
What if there were a way to "crack the code" and make a difference in the life of just one of those at risk kids?
What if there were a way that would magically open the floodgates to learning for your kids?
Well, there is. And, it can be yours.  It's just a click away. But first:

Did You Know?
1. Bonding with each student traditionally encourages even the most disruptive or combative children to recognize that they like their teacher.
2. A student must never be permitted to see a single failure or difficulty as a permanent status.
3. There is never a “one size fits all” answer to education, although a large number of systems strive to shape their programs to such a format.

The good news is that you can find one teacher's "magic formula" and start putting your kids on the road to success immediately!

You can get a great education and fill in the blanks with the "How to Motivate Children In The Classroom."
And, it’s easy to understand

It’s presented in simple, easy to read and understand language.  Because of that you don’t…
• Need any special training.
• Need a lot of money - the cost is minimal.
• Have to wait days for answers – get them immediately.

You have all the information you need to get answers about "How to Motivate Children In The Classroom."

Take a quick look inside of the "How to Motivate Children In The Classroom" and see what you will learn:  

Learn what our author has coined as "The Welcoming Factor." Discover how this behavior motivates the child with anticipation of positive reinforcement.

Uncover methods that teach you how to help a student to be both intrinsically motivated and optimistic, pinpointing that failure is temporary and not an expectation.

We truly hope you see the potential here, and realize how important this offer is!  
Please enojoy the preview and upgrade to full version with commercial free.

=============  Reader Instruction =====================  
• Double click page to toggle the screen size.
• Click page to show/hide navigator.
• Click page thumbnail image to jump to the page.
• Click page number button to jump to a specific page.
• Click |<== or ==>| button to flip page.
• Press and slide corner to flip page.
• Please wait for a while for page to focus.

Иконка для Edison hatched the Chicks 1.0

Edison hatched the Chicks (v. 1.0)

terry chan опубликовал приложение 2012-10-15
(обновлено 2012-10-15)

《Edison hatched the Chicks》 is a fun-filled story in 《VCM Baby Story》and in the collection of "Science Discovery Stories". Dear parents, are your children particularly interested in small animals such as chicken family, cats, etc.? Do they sometimes like to imitate different behavior of small animals? In this story, Thomas Edison has a little old hen which refused to get out of its house but in the end can you guess the funny things that happened? I believe that your babies and children will be so interested in seeing it! Finally, do not forget to tell your baby the fact, for they might start thinking with their small innocent brains that Edison will not hatched the chicks!
《VCM Baby Story》is the expert author of early childhood education specifically for children aged 3 to 6 years old whose mission is to build children's audio books stories ,which spreads more and more comprehensive scientific knowledge, which helps in the development and establishment of a child’s brain. The VCM designed the stories based on the children's interest and thinking, they have completed and made four different collection of story namely "Science Discovery Stories", "Human Body and Natural Stories", "Plants, Animals and Nature Stories" and "Social Encyclopedia" four types of collection, containing eight small stories . Our company will provide a steady stream of excellent and rich stories, stories that are full of wisdom. We believe that these stories will be interesting to you and your baby and also bring endless joy and inspiration.
It is child’s nature to love watching, listening and playing. In the child's eyes, the world around them is so new and amazing. The rich and vivid stories are made to guide children to feel the wider world surrounding them in a more effective way.
3 ~ 6 years old children's minds are in state of urgent need of development, they are intensely curious of the outside world, with a wide range of ideas and questions, parents need guidance and answers. Therefore, we made a set of 《VCM Baby Story》which consists of "sounds, graphics, and texts”. Children can watch or have a closer look of the pictures while listening to the stories. Each story has wisdom to give in small problem after thinking, so let the kids watch, listen, and play with the interesting scientific knowledge stories and love them.
Each baby is a genius with unlimited potential. So, from the early childhood stage we wish your baby to grow healthy, happy and smart through some little and help and guidance of the VCM baby's early scientific education.
The users of VCM baby story can use the QQ chat group 78,198,207, mainly for special offers and new product releases to share;
Service Hotline is 400 -670-3138, to answer all kinds of suggestions and inquiries of product users.
《VCM Baby Story》 features
Linguists proved through some  experiments, that the  children aged 3 to 6 years or early childhood stage, is the biggest and most important  stage for their learning ability and creativity, in this stage they can easily absorb and master the knowledge that they hear, what they see in graphic form can also help to meet the child's curiosity, allowing them to fully utilize qualified talent to accelerate learning.
★ Illustration – aside from rich and beautiful language used in the stories wonderful pictures or illustration made by our professional graphic artist can also add to the visual enjoyment thus making the stories lively and very interesting in your children’s eyes.
★ Interesting Common Sense - a large number of life scientific knowledge brought into the story's development.
★ Beautiful Voice – warm and lively voice did not only make the story more vivid and more attractive to the baby's interest and attention, but also replaces the parents from reading stories to the baby's.
★ Software model - created with Flash, you can easily click to turn or switch from one page to another.

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