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3241-3250 из 13647
Иконка для 上下五千年 2.09

上下五千年 (v. 2.09)

AppBooks опубликовал приложение 2012-12-31
(обновлено 2012-12-31)



注:我们精心制作的合集,只为用户方便收藏而已。如果您只需要云端书库的功能,您可以下载我们同一款软件:“书香云集”,更多精彩等着你体验 。

Иконка для 李敖大学时期最爱书籍 2.09

李敖大学时期最爱书籍 (v. 2.09)

AppBooks опубликовал приложение 2012-12-31
(обновлено 2012-12-31)




李敖在1957年5月27日的日记中写道:“读The Conquest of Happiness(《幸福之路》),极广胸襟,今天得到的另外一个具体的念头是,‘对世界的胸襟开旷的态度’,建设这种态度的方法很多。 ”

在《幸福之路》里,罗素分别分析了人类之所以不幸福的原因和之所以能幸福的原因。罗素反对清教徒式压抑正常需求的做法,认为这就是不幸福的根源之一,在他看来,“幸福的秘诀是:让你的兴趣尽量地扩大,让你对人对物的反应,尽量地倾向于友善。 ”真正的幸福之路,在于自身主动地去追求幸福,而不是被动地屈从于这个世界的节奏。从后来李敖的人生态度分析,这本书对李敖的一生都有重大的影响,即便是经历了坐牢出狱的重大人生波折,李敖仍以笑脸示人,他曾说遭遇再大的打击也不会轻易沮丧。他留给世人的印象永远是一副“快乐战士”的印象。


1958年6月3日,李敖在日记中写道:“卢梭应征作文,灵感如泉,写出时汗流浃背,自言能捉到的灵感不过四分之一耳。……其《民约论》(今译《社会契约论》)乃有感情之书,故能动人。 ”《社会契约论》是卢梭的经典作品,该书的中心思想是论证了一个理想的社会应该是建立在人与人之间的契约之上的这一理论。而从后来李敖的文章来看,他也一直以“笔尖常带感情”著称,虽然写的多是史学著作,但也是个性鲜明,让读者动容,他的崇尚理性而激情澎湃、强烈的诗人气质,似乎都能从卢梭等启蒙思想家那里得到印证。

《冰岛渔夫》 作者:[法]皮埃尔·洛蒂

李敖在1958年8月3日的日记中写道:“始采零读小说惜时法,今日起读《冰岛渔夫》。夜即读完。 ”



《新语林》 作者:陈灨一

在1958年10月3日的日记中,李敖写道:“夜在省立台北图书馆访到《新语林》,甚喜,在馆中小读,颇舒适。 ”《新语林》是民国年间陈灨一仿效《世说新语》写成的小册子,记录了清末民初政、经、文、军各界名流的言行举止。这本书“几无一字无来历”,有很大的史料价值,使其成为了解“民国风骨”的首选之作。秋日凉夜,在图书馆中找到这样一本笔记体的小书,读读有趣的人物小史,肯定是格外愉悦的。当然,想必李敖在书中也颇能找到与自己“臭味相投”的人。后来李敖写史,颇注意人物的奇闻轶事,也很会挖掘史海中的细节,或许也受了这本书的影响。



李敖1959年3月14日的日记中写到:“在中文系访到《宋刑统》。极快乐。 ”这一时期,李敖正在写他的毕业论文,因文中研究宋代“婚姻法”,故能找到《宋刑统》一书,当然很高兴。而《宋刑统》对他的帮助,从他的论文中亦可见一斑,引用处不可胜数。他的论文最后拿到94分的高分。几十年后,他和影星胡因梦离婚,自喜办起手续来干净利落。他在“回忆录”中说:“有人说我是‘离婚大王’,其实我岂止大王,早就是专家呢!我的大学毕业论文写的就是古代的离婚,就被同学戏呼为‘离婚专家’呢! ”


《呻吟语》是明代思想家吕坤对生命、伦理、问学、为人、养生等等各方面的心得总结。1957年6月4日,李敖在日记中摘录《呻吟语》中的写道:“吕坤说:‘胸中只摆脱一恋字,便十分爽净、十分自在。人生最苦处只是此心沾泥带水,明是知得不能割断耳。 ’”写这段话时候的李敖,正处在“为情所困”期。初恋女友罗君若的离去给他的心灵造成了重创,他甚至为此服安眠药自杀,幸得同学相救才捡回一条性命。在他这段时期的日记里,常常能看到罗君若的影子,也能看出李敖对这段恋情的依依不舍。


吕坤是晚明的进步思想家,他继承程朱学派而又有所发展和批判,是不拘泥道学之人。他的《呻吟语》,自刊行以来,一直受人追捧。清代纪晓岚在《四库全书总目提要》中评价此书:“大抵不侈语精微,而笃实以为本,不虚谈高远,而践履以为程。 ”

1959年8月30日,李敖在日记中写道:“一部《猎人日记》对农奴改革有多大影响!岂是政治改革所可及的!此为正路! ”




Иконка для English Catalan Dict. FREE 2.0.0

English Catalan Dict. FREE (v. 2.0.0)

movin'App опубликовал приложение 2012-12-31
(обновлено 2012-12-31)

English-Catalan and Catalan-English Dictionary
Diccionari Anglès-Català i Català-Anglès

* More than 33.000 words!
* Bookmark your favorite translations for fast reference
* Works offline --> No internet connection needed, perfect for your trips or when no data connection is available
* Listen to the correct pronunciation in British or American English and Catalan (if installed) using Android's built-in Text-to-speech synthesizer.
* Share translations by SMS, email, etc.
* Optimized for Android ICS

This version is supported by ads. If you like the application, please consider upgrading to the ad-free version to support the development. Thanks :)


Q: How can I share a translation?
A: Just press 2-3 seconds over the translation and you will be presented with a menu with all available sharing options based on the apps installed in your device (Email, SMS, Facebook, etc)

Q: How can I change the speed of the voice?
A: The speed of the speech is controlled by the TTS engine installed with Android. It can be set up by going to:
Settings --> Voice input & output settings --> Text to speech settings --> speech rate

Q: I don't like the voice. How can I improve it?
A: The default text-to-speech engine installed with Android is Pico TTS, it’s pretty simple and sometimes may sound a bit electronic. You can always install alternatives like eSpeak, SVox or IVONA from Google Play. Please check our blog post about this subject: http://www.movinapp.com/talking-android

Q: How can I change the speech language?
A: Just go to Menu --> Settings and select the language. Currently, 3 languages are available:
  * English (US)
  * English (GB)
  * Catalan (if installed)

The text-to-speech (TTS) technology may not be available in some devices. To check if your phone is able of speech synthesis: Menu -> Settings -> Voice input & output -> Text-to-speech settings.
If not installed, your device may ask you to install the TTS engine. An internet connection may be required. We recommend installing it before traveling as roaming data tariffs may be very expensive.

Tags: dictionary, Catalan, English, US, UK, GB, speech, offline, travel, search, diccionari, catala, català, anglès

Иконка для LDS Gospel Art Book 1.1

LDS Gospel Art Book (v. 1.1)

StandardWorks.com опубликовал приложение 2012-12-30
(обновлено 2012-12-30)

LDS Gospel Art Book contains all of the images from the LDS Gospel Art Book in an easy to use app.  It's a must have app for all LDS members as it can be used at home and at church. You can quickly find any image by image name or number.

★ Easily order the images by name or image number.  The image number is the same number the Church uses in their newer manuals so you can quickly locate the image you need.
★ Sort for images by name or number
★ View images in portrait or landscape modes
★ Swipe the screen while viewing an image to go to the next/previous image
★ Suports all device types from phones to tablets

When the app is first started, it will need to download the images and install them.  Verify you have 80MB of free space for the install procedure.

Be sure to look for other exciting apps from StandardWorks.com!

LDS, LDS Scriptures, LDS Gospel Library, Deseret Bookshelf, LDS Tools, LDS Apps, LDS Hymns, Mormon

Иконка для Resumes with Impact Preview 1.0

Resumes with Impact Preview (v. 1.0)

Vertex Mind LLC опубликовал приложение 2012-12-30
(обновлено 2012-12-30)

***  Prepare a Powerful Presentation  ***

Dear Reader,

It’s an extremely competitive job market out there today.  Unlike your parents or grandparents, it’s very rare that someone has a single job in their lifetime.  It’s a foregone conclusion that you will never earn that proverbial “gold watch.”

Today, it’s all about survival of the fittest and it begins with your résumé.  Of course you can pay someone a hefty fee to prepare a résumé for you.  Or, you can choose to do it yourself.  

Preparing your own résumé can be a daunting task without a mentor. We have just the ticket for you.  Résumés with Impact is like having a mentor sitting by your side while you prepare for your career.

Writing your résumé requires skill and purpose.  Slapping together a list of experience and hobbies doesn’t even put you in the running, let alone winning that prize position.  

The odds for employment being with they are today dictate that you will have to apply for new positions several times throughout your life.  The sooner you get it together the better off your professional landscape will look.

· Do you know what type of résumé you wish to prepare?
· Do you fully understand the position you are seeking?
· Do you know how to find out what the employer wants?
· Do you know exactly what you must always include?
· Do you know how long your résumé should be?

Writing an effective cover letter can be crucial.  Do you know how to do it?  Answers to all these questions and more can be found in Résumés with Impact.

You will also learn the fine art of the successful interview.  Plus, find out what you need to know about following up properly so you can snag that job you are hoping to land.

Do yourself, and your career, a huge favor and grab your copy now.  We know you will be on your way to a powerful presentation.

We truly hope you see the potential here, and realize how important this offer is!  
Please enojoy the preview and upgrade to full version with commercial free.

===========  Vertex Mind eReader Instruction ==========  
• Double click page to toggle the screen size.
• Zoom in/out by two fingers touching oppositely.
• Click page to show/hide navigator.
• Click page thumbnail image to jump to the page.
• Click page number button to jump to a specific page.
• Click 'Contents' items to jump to particular chapter.
• Click <== or ==> button to flip page.
• Press and slide corner to flip page.
• On the page top edge show the reading process
  bar to tell you where did you achieve.
• Please wait for a while for page to focus.

Иконка для Audubon Insects & Spiders 2.5.1

Audubon Insects & Spiders (v. 2.5.1)

NatureShare опубликовал приложение 2012-12-29
(обновлено 2012-12-29)

The indispensable reference for over 500 insects and spiders.

This introduction to 510 of the most common species of insects and spiders found in North America features in-depth information on each species, including habitat, range, size, and more, along with high-quality, professional photographs. Audubon Insects and Spiders is your essential interactive guide to identifying bugs in North America.
*This guide does not include moths and butterflies, which can be found in Audubon Butterflies.


•Every species in Audubon Insects and Spiders is described with rich and detailed information, all accessed by fast and easy navigation. Audubon Butterflies now available as a separate app.

•Hundreds of professional color photographs detailing each species with extraordinary clarity.

•In-depth descriptions of every species, with extensive material about every species and family – including the entire content of the National Audubon Society Field Guides to North American Insects and Spiders brought completely up to date.

•State-of-the-Art search functions:

•Browse by first name, last name, and scientific name of every species, by family, or by species shape/type; or,

•Search by multiple “advanced search” variables including size, shape and color;

•Create your own Life Lists, Sightings, Photo Albums, and record your own Field Experiences. Save a sighting location using the phone’s GPS, take notes, and save to the App for records of your nature adventures.

More Audubon Guide apps available or coming soon to Android including Birds, Wildflowers, Trees, and Mammals, Butterflies, Mushrooms, and more.

For more about our program, please visit our interactive website, audubonguides.com, and join our community of users and share your experiences.

We invite your suggestions, comments, or requests. You may contact us directly by selecting Feedback in the More section of the application and e-mailing your thoughts and comments directly to us.

Иконка для Mortgage Calculator 1.0

Mortgage Calculator (v. 1.0)

Patrick Wong опубликовал приложение 2012-12-29
(обновлено 2012-12-29)

Provide monthly mortgage payment or every 2 weeks mortgage payment calculation function

Иконка для 5 Monkeys Jumping on the Bed 1.22

5 Monkeys Jumping on the Bed (v. 1.22)

Oceanhouse Media, Inc. опубликовал приложение 2012-12-28
(обновлено 2012-12-28)

As soon as they say good night to Mama, the five little monkeys start to jump on their bed. But trouble lies ahead as, one by one, they fall off and hurt themselves.
Their Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" This charming bedtime story is sure to send children giggling off to bed...hopefully without any clever new ideas!

New features in this omBook for your Android device include professional narration, background audio and high resolution artwork for each scene. To promote reading in young children, individual words are highlighted as the story is read and words zoom up when pictures are touched. By combining the original text and artwork with features that entertain and promote reading, this omBook appeals to readers of all ages.

Three ways to read this omBook (Oceanhouse Media digital book):
★ "Read to Me" — listen to the narrated story with words highlighted as they are read
★ "Read it Myself" — read the book in its traditional form
★ "Auto Play" — plays like a movie, automatically reading and turning pages. Great for younger children!

Additional Features:
★ Picture / Word association — words zoom up and are spoken when pictures are touched
★ Professional audio narration
★ Custom background audio for each scene
★ Pages pan & zoom to accentuate the colorful, original artwork

Official Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company licensed app.

Visit us: www.ombook.com
Follow us: twitter.com/oceanhousemedia
Like us: facebook.com/oceanhousemedia

Иконка для ASTRI-Bee 2.51.8970.

ASTRI-Bee (v. 2.51.8970.)

ASTRI опубликовал приложение 2012-12-28
(обновлено 2012-12-28)

ASTRI-Bee eReader(only for display larger than WVGA) is designed by Hong Kong ASTRI Co. Ltd. with the following unique features specially designed for elearning:
1. support multimedia EPub format compliant to EPUB 3 standard(needs adobe flash plugin preinstalled).
2. support advanced annotation functions such as bookmark, comment in text/audio/video format, text highlight, etc (available in ASTRI-Bee Edu version yet to be published.)
3. support TTS function. (needs system to have TTS engine installed)
4. support PDF, TXT, HTML formatted ebooks as well as EPUB.
5. support in chapter content search for EPUB books.
6. support english, traditional chinese and simplified chinese
7. local and web dictionary.
8. various other features yet to be found out by you.

Please follow as at http://weibo.com/astribee
or http://www.facebook.com/pages/ASTRI-Bee-e-Reader/252037888172992 and provide your comments.

Your support is our best award.

Иконка для Fruits and Vital Vegetables Pv 1.0

Fruits and Vital Vegetables Pv (v. 1.0)

Vertex Mind LLC опубликовал приложение 2012-12-27
(обновлено 2012-12-27)

***  Eat Fabulous Fruits & Vital Vegetables For Fun and Vitality!  ***

Dear Reder,

Is there anything more appealing to the taste buds than a bowl full of fresh, crisp salad greens topped with juicy tomatoes, snapping fresh cucumbers, brightly colored radishes and all garnished with your favorite topper?

The only thing that might be just as appealing is a plateful of your favorite fruits coupled with a tasty yogurt dip or tangy cheeses.

We've all had occasion to read books on nutrition, books on health and of course, recipe books.  But, just how easy is it to find a book that covers all three?  Pretty near to impossible!

There are tons of books about nutrition.  There are also hundreds of books on living a healthy lifestyle.  What most of them lack is the correlation between the two.

Sure, we all know how important it is to eat our veggies.  And, there probably isn't a soul among us that doesn't agree that fruits are yummy.  

However, do you have any idea of what fruit to eat if you need to reduce diarrhea, control your blood pressure, encourage good heart function, strengthen your bones or help a cough?  Yeah, that's what we thought.

Or how about this one?  What vegetable can help your body lower cholesterol, help protect you against some effects of diabetes, high blood pressure, strokes and retain your skin’s smoothness?  Unless you are a nutritionist there's a good bet you won't guess that one either.

But don't worry.  You can find the answers to those two questions (and lots more) in "Fabulous Fruits & Vital Vegetables."

What do fruits and vegetables have to do with the rotten economy?

Okay, so what does healthy nutrition and eating fruits and veggies have to do with the recession, depression or whatever in the heck "session" they're calling it?  If you stop for just a minute or two you'll discover that it has EVERYTHING to do with it.

Look, we all need to cut back and spend less right now, right?  Well, what better way than to cut some of those pricey cuts of meat out of our diets. . .especially the stuff that isn't particularly good for us anyway?  What better way than to increase our intake of foods that are good for us and cost less too!  

Also, if the current crunch has you stressing - STOP!  I know, it's easy to tell you to stop stressing over money.  But it certainly isn't going to help your health by a long shot if you continue to stress over what you can't control.  Control what you can.  And, you CAN control your intake of "Fabulous Fruits & Vital Vegetables."

And while you are doing that, you can learn what vegetables and fruits can best keep your body nourished while your brain is going these tumultuous times!  Again, stop focusing on what you CAN'T change and focus on what you CAN change.

Heck, by the time we're through this economic speed bump you'll probably be so happy with the new outlook and body that "Fabulous Fruits & Vital Vegetables" have given you that you'll never go back to the old habits.  And, that's a good thing.

So, do yourself a huge favor.  Stop stressing.  Take control of what you CAN and put less focus on what you CAN'T.  Not only will you enjoy the taste of the new, nutritious lifestyle you'll learn about, you'll know what to eat and when to eat it to control just about any of your physical challenges.

We truly hope you see the potential here, and realize how important this offer is!  
Please enojoy the preview and upgrade to full version with commercial free.

===========  Vertex Mind eReader Instruction ==========  
• Double click page to toggle the screen size.
• Zoom in/out by two fingers touching oppositely.
• Click page to show/hide navigator.
• Click page number button to jump to a specific page.
• Press and slide corner to flip page.
• On the page top edge show the reading process
  bar to tell you where did you achieve.
• Please wait for a while for page to focus.

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