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Лучшие по рейтингу бесплатные книги и справочники в Android Market

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2481-2490 из 6382
Иконка для Perfect Scales 1.3a

Perfect Scales (v. 1.3a)

Exaybachay опубликовал приложение 2012-06-06
(обновлено 2012-06-06)

Perfect Scales is an advanced scale reference for professional and amateur musicians. It allows you viewing scales on 5 different instruments:

- Piano
- 6 string guitar
- 7 string guitar
- 4 string bass
- 5 string bass

Each of these instruments can be set up to have its own tuning. You can select any root note for your scale either on instrument or from the chooser window. All scales are played back via MIDI using the chosen instruments sound.

The application is free,but does not include all scales and tunings. You always can purchase the full pack if you need to unleash the full power of the application.

Really simple and intuitive UI.

ATTENTION! I have tested the billing to be working OK. But in case something did go wrong on your device - please try clearing app data "Settngs-Applications-Manage Applications-Perfect Scales-Clear Data" and running the app with active network connection. If it doesn't help - contact me and we will figure it out.

Иконка для HyRead ebook

HyRead ebook (v.

凌網科技股份有限公司 Hyweb Technology Co., Ltd. опубликовал приложение 2012-06-05
(обновлено 2012-06-05)

HyRead ebook for Android是HyRead ebook電子書店(ebook.hyread.com.tw)所提供的Android版電子書閱讀軟體,是全國第一個可免費借閱圖書館電子書的行動閱讀軟體,只要您登入有提供HyRead ebook服務的圖書館,就可以借閱該圖書館所提供的電子書,更方便的是您可以在下載電子書後,不管是連線還是離線,不受網路的限制,只要HyRead ebook for Android在手,隨時享受行動閱讀的樂趣與便利性。

除了圖書館免費的電子書借閱服務,HyRead ebook創新提供從借到買的服務模式,任何您借閱過的電子書,不管是正在借閱期間,或者是歸還後成為歷史借閱紀錄,您都可以隨時進行我要購買的程序,永久珍藏喜愛的電子書讀物。

HyRead ebook提供跨載具的閱讀服務,不管是借閱還是購買的電子書,您可以選擇使用Android平版電腦、PC或iPad進行閱讀,體驗無接縫的雲端閱讀。

HyRead ebook for Android支援多種電子書格式的閱讀,包含多媒體電子書與EPUB等格式,並提供自訂分類、目錄選單、多媒體清單、縮圖預覽、直式單頁/橫式雙頁、高解析度頁面縮放、多媒體互動感應、影音/幻燈片撥放、個人書籤以及閱讀進度等貼心的閱讀功能。

新增圖書館書櫃時, 需輸入一組讀者帳號密碼, 此組帳號密碼與讀者使用該圖書館電子資料庫;或查詢借閱記錄時所需輸入的帳號密碼相同, 帳號通常是借閱證號, 預設密碼則是依照各館規則而定, 如您不知道您的讀者帳號密碼, 請洽詢各圖書館網站或聯繫該圖書館。



1). 你必須親自前往各個學校圖書館(如果你是該校師生或校友), 各公立圖書館或是各文化中心圖書館,書面申請圖書館閱覽證。
2). 依照各圖書館的作業流程取得該圖書館的自動化系統的帳號與密碼(館藏系統之Web access username and password)。
3). 將館藏系統之Web access username and password 填入新增圖書館項目中的帳號/密碼欄位就可以使用。

HyRead 電子書店的帳號申請,請到 http://ebook.hyread.com.tw/store/member_apply.jsp      

HyRead ebook 電子書店
客服專線:02-2395-6966 分機2555  

歡迎向您所屬的圖書館推薦採購HyRead ebook!


 Acer Iconia Tab A500
 Asus Eee Pad Transformer
 BenQ R100
 Viewsonic ViewPad 10/10s

 Samsung Galaxy Tab (GT-P1000)
 HTC Flyer

 HTC DesireHD
 Samsung Galaxy S (i9000)

關鍵字:HyRead ebook, HyReader, ebook, 電子書, library, 圖書館

Иконка для 帝王妃子之争:凤求凰 1.0.0_19

帝王妃子之争:凤求凰 (v. 1.0.0_19)

3GQA Dev Team опубликовал приложение 2012-06-05
(обновлено 2012-06-05)









更多简介... 厚重的宫门在凌雪薇身后重重地关闭……这位宰相之女之所以成为了母仪天下的当朝皇后,却是父亲与皇帝之间暗斗的权宜之计。









Иконка для Memorable Quotes 1.8

Memorable Quotes (v. 1.8)

XStudio Technologies опубликовал приложение 2012-06-04
(обновлено 2012-06-04)

NOTE: In case you face any problems do send us an email with information about your phone model, and the exact problem, and we'll try to fix it immediately.

A collection of inspirational Quotes by Famous People.

This application lets you browse quotes by Categories or Authors, mark them as Favorite, send them through SMS, Email, or publish them on Facebook, Twitter, etc. Also, do try out our new widget !

Some of the categories supported are wisdom, friendship, humor, life....and many more!

Please get back to our developer Email id if you face any issues, or want additional features. Your feedback is always welcome !

-Facebook publishing might not work on a few phones, including Droid, myTouch 3G, and a few versions of Samsung Galaxy.
-Do check out our new widget and tell us what you think of it.

Иконка для HTC Inspire 4G Guide 1.2

HTC Inspire 4G Guide (v. 1.2)

Simply Interactive Inc. опубликовал приложение 2012-06-04
(обновлено 2012-06-04)

HTC Inspire 4G Guide, powered by GadgetApp, offers an interactive step-by-step guide to your Android-powered phone.

Иконка для ChordWheelDavidKBD 1.7.3

ChordWheelDavidKBD (v. 1.7.3)

DavidKBD опубликовал приложение 2012-06-04
(обновлено 2012-06-04)

Chordwheel / circle fifths.
- Transport.
- Visualize chords in guitar and piano/keyboard view.
- Major and minor modes.
- Alternate tunnings for guitar.
- Tunnings for ukelele, violin, viola and banjo.

Иконка для Andersen's Fairy Tales Ebook 1.1.2

Andersen's Fairy Tales Ebook (v. 1.1.2)

gwofoundry опубликовал приложение 2012-06-03
(обновлено 2012-06-03)

Andersen's Fairy Tales Ebook
by Hans Christian Andersen

1. Auto bookmarks the last read position
2. Keeps position in each chapter
3. Full screen mode from MENU

Tap 'Continue Reading' button to read from where you last stopped.

Email your suggestions and comments to gwofoundry@gmail.com

Tags: ebook, classic

Иконка для Fanfiction Reader 1.52

Fanfiction Reader (v. 1.52)

Facing Obstacles опубликовал приложение 2012-06-02
(обновлено 2014-04-23)

Avid reader of fanfiction? Organize your reading material with the Fanfiction Reader.

The application is going through a large amount of change at the moment to better introduce new features and to fix existing bugs. Please be patient while these get ironed out. I'm currently looking for some people who might be willing to beta test the application. Please let me know if you would like to do so.

If you like the app please check out the premium app. It is ad-free and will get new features 2 weeks in advance.

For those of you who enjoy the classic look, please check out Fanfiction Reader Classic.

I appreciate the comments that are left behind, and I take all of them seriously. The biggest problem is that I have no way to communicate back. If you are experiencing any issues, please email me (mail@facingobstacles.com), or leave me a comment on my website (www.facingobstacles.com). I will be more than happy to work with you and resolve the issue. Some of the force closes maybe due to errors and corruptions in the older versions of the app (if you've been using the app for a while), one thing to try is to delete the story and download it again.

Иконка для French - Chinese Dictionary 1.1

French - Chinese Dictionary (v. 1.1)

huangtiancheng опубликовал приложение 2012-06-01
(обновлено 2012-06-01)

French dictionary  for all levels of French learners dictionary. - Chinese dictionary with over 34,000 article entries. - Chinese and French dictionary entries with more than 25,000 articles. - French special characters input can be directly replaced with a letter, the corresponding relationship is as follows à✠- a ç - c éèêë - e îï - io - ô u - ùû do not need to install the French input method. - Support for French and Chinese pronunciation entries, you need to connect to the network support. - Users can save the entry to favorites, to facilitate future study, a long list of items by collection of options can be removed by the Favorites.

Иконка для 지구의 보호자를 찾는 희망의 국토종단 1.0

지구의 보호자를 찾는 희망의 국토종단 (v. 1.0)

Suseonjae Books опубликовал приложение 2012-06-01
(обновлено 2012-06-01)

위기의 지구! 희망 살림 국토종단

국토종단을 결심한 김재훈 박사는 서울대 공학박사로서 국방과학연구소에서 30여년간 신무기 개발의 중심에 있던 유능한 과학자였다.

논리적이고 이성적이며 지극히 현실적이던 김박사는 작년 명상을 통해 자연과 교감하게 되었다.

동식물과의 대화로 알게 된 사실은 지구는 생명체이고 인간의 이기심과 무관심으로 '어머니 지구'라고 불리는 우리의 별이 죽어가고 있다는 것이었다.

생각보다 지구의 상태가 위험하다는 것을 알게 된 김박사는 한명의 나약한 인간이 무엇을 할 수 있을까를 고민하게 되었고 과감히 평생을 바친 직장을 나와 상처받은 지구의 아픔을 함께하고 지구의 위험을 알리기 위해 걷게 되었다.

금번 국토 종단에서는..

- 인간의 무관심과 이기심으로 죽어가는 지구에게 진심으로 사과하고 반성하는 정성스런 마음으로 걷기에 집중하며 현재까지의 삶의 대한 반성과 지구에 대한 용서와 사랑을 전합니다.

- 걸으며 실천하는 나의 작은 실천 4가지를 통해 지구의 보호자가 되어 봅니다.

- 걷기 과정중에 동.식물/자연과 교감하며, 인간은 지구의 보호자임을 알고 사랑의 마음을 불러 일으키어 주변 사람들과 이런 경험을 같이 나누어 봅니다.

2011년 5월 7일 (토) ~ 6월 5일 (일)
총 29박 30일 - 총 590km

고흥(발대식) - 순천 - 하동 - 산청 - 함양 - 무주 - 대전 - 청주 - 천안 - 안성 - 용인 - 분당 - 서울(완주식)

종주자 : 김재훈 박사 외 50명
참여대상 : 지구와 생명체에 대한 관심과 사랑을 가지고 지구를 살리기 위한 사랑 실천에 동참하고 싶으신분
참가비용 : 없음 (단, 식사 및 숙박은 개인 부담)
참여방법 : 네이버 블로그 http://blog.naver.com/sorryearth
문의처 : 1644-1150 (오전 10시~오후6시) (e-mail: sorryearth@naver.com)
후원 : 수선재, 선문화진흥원

위기의 지구, 당신이 희망입니다!

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