《中国金融战略:2020》 (v. 3.3.0003)
3GQA Dev Team опубликовал приложение 2011-11-24
当人们讨论起现实金融问题时,面对的是大量具体的国内、国际问题、各国不同的金融模式,以及争论不休的各派金融理论,往往使决策者举棋难定,影响其判断与定夺。因此,战略制定中的理论澄清、理论导向,尤为重要。而在以“华盛顿共识”为典型特征的西方经济学理论笼罩下,转轨发展中国家崛起的金融战略理论至今仍是一片空白与困惑。美国金融危机的爆发,使主宰世界主流学术的美国学术界也开始呼吁:要反思长期以来占主导地位的宏观经济学理论,重新建立宏观审慎管理框架。值此机会,人们能否思考及如何思考主流金融学在指导实践中存在的缺陷?在已经全球化的金融框架下,一个与成熟、发达经济体不同的转轨经济、非世界储备货币国家的发展中经济,如何理解现实的货币、金融特质?如何把握货币、金融的发展理论? |
京华烟云 (v. 1.43)
hui.seraph опубликовал приложение 2011-11-24
《京华烟云》是著名作家林语堂先生的一本颇有名的书。它描写了清朝灭亡后,民国时期是北平几个典型的大户人家的生活,非常逼真的再现了那个时代的生活画卷。 |
经典推荐《欲火焚神》 (v. 1.1)
kid опубликовал приложение 2011-11-21
阅星河万千璀璨,感天地无极浩瀚 |
楚留香传奇 (v. 1.43)
hui.seraph опубликовал приложение 2011-11-19
《楚留香传奇》又名《铁血传奇》,总共包括《血海飘香》、《大沙漠》、《画眉鸟》、《鬼恋侠情》、《蝙蝠传奇》、《桃花传奇》、《新月传奇》、《午夜兰花》八个系列,是武侠小说家古龙生平最为著名和影响力最大的小说,也是最脍炙人口的武侠小说之一。 |
侯卫东官场笔记 (v. 2.1)
googlover опубликовал приложение 2011-11-18
侯卫东当上副镇长后,立刻陷入了新的困境。 领导要么是出于考验,要么是出于信任,要么是出于刁难,往往把最棘手的工作放到他面前。先是挑战农村千年传统的殡葬改革,接着是整顿牵扯多方利益的基金会,一次比一次艰巨,一次比一次难搞;而侯卫东的官场视野及谋略亦愈发成熟老道,总是在极短的时间内,出色地完成领导交给他的“不可能完成的任务”。 当一个微妙的时机到来,他被县委书记注意到了,由此晋升到官场的另一个更高的阶层,开始了新的工作与生活。那里又是别样一番天地…… |
乾隆皇帝 (v. 2.0)
googlover опубликовал приложение 2011-11-18
(亲爱的读者,谢谢您选择我们的免费图书,请搜索googlover,更多精彩等着您。) |
VEX via (v. 1.0.0)
DWAB Technology опубликовал приложение 2011-11-18
VEX via allows you to follow the progress and results of VEX Robotics Competition events. Team lists, match schedules, match results, rankings, and skills challenge results are easy to access and can be accessed by event or by team. Results updates can be downloaded as the events unfold, and you can also register to receive instant score alerts in the notification bar for your favorite teams (on Android 2.2+ devices). |
College Notes (v. 1.0)
Michael Hart опубликовал приложение 2011-11-16
These are my college notes, the app is rather rough right now, but soon it will have economics, sociology, ethics and values, and whatever other college notes that I find that I want in the app. |
Car Care World Expo 2011 (v. 1.7.8)
Core-apps опубликовал приложение 2011-11-16
The International Carwash Association™ is a nonprofit trade association representing the retail and supply segments of the professional car wash and vehicle care industry in the United States, Canada and around the globe. Membership includes more than 1,600 operator companies representing 7,500 locations and more than 300 manufacturers, distributors and related suppliers. The association produces Car Care World Expo™, the world's largest car wash trade show and convention, and administers WaterSavers™, the industry's leading environmental recognition program. To learn more about the International Carwash Association, membership benefits, Car Care World Expo or WaterSavers, visit www.carwash.org. |
Offshore Technology Conference (v. 1.7.8)
Core-apps опубликовал приложение 2011-11-16
Founded in 1969, the Offshore Technology Conference is the world’s foremost event for the development of offshore resources in the fields of drilling, exploration, production, and environmental protection. OTC is held annually at Reliant Center in Houston. Each year, OTC attracts more than 60,000 attendees and 2,000 exhibiting companies representing more than 110 countries. OTC is sponsored by 12 industry organizations and societies, who work cooperatively to develop the technical program. OTC also has endorsing and supporting organizations. |