Mobile Aircraft Encyclopedia (v. 1.6)
Aledonix опубликовал приложение 2012-10-17
Mobile Aircraft Encyclopedia allows users to view technical data of aicrafts as described in ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) Doc8643. |
Guide to Psychotherapy (v. 1.0)
APPCRAFT опубликовал приложение 2012-10-17
With the increasing stress levels in life due to workplace stress, natural disasters, higher cost of livings, economic downturns and pandemic diseases, people are continuously looking for more forms of peace and comfort through various therapeutic methods. |
College And Me (v. 1.0.2)
Fake Book Library опубликовал приложение 2012-10-17
College and Me, Four years and thousands of dollars later ... a comprehensive outlook of all I learned in college. |
Teen Mind (v. 1.0.2)
Fake Book Library опубликовал приложение 2012-10-17
Inside the Teenage Mind, Years of studies and thousands of reports later, the secrets of the teenage mind revealed. |
The Golden Ass (v. 20110819)
robin kummar опубликовал приложение 2012-10-17
Written towards the end of the second century AD, "The Golden Ass" tells the story of the many adventures of a young man whose fascination with witchcraft leads him to be transformed into a donkey. The bewitched Lucius passes from owner to owner - encountering a desperate gang of robbers and being forced to perform lewd 'human' tricks on stage - until the Goddess Isis finally breaks the spell and Lucius is initiated into her cult. Apuleius' enchanting story has inspired generations of writers such as Boccaccio, Shakespeare, Cervantes and Keats with its dazzling combination of allegory, satire, bawdiness and sheer exuberance, and remains the most continuously and accessibly amusing book to have survived from Classical antiquity. |
《聖經》和合本 (v. 1.5.2)
SoftOfChrist опубликовал приложение 2012-10-17
希望本軟件給愛慕主話語的人帶來幫助 |
Poetry Widget (Стихотворения) (v. 1.22)
lordvolle опубликовал приложение 2012-10-17
Виджет стихотворений на экране |
Motivate Children inClassroom (v. 1.0)
Vertex Mind LLC опубликовал приложение 2012-10-16
— Attention All Parents and Teachers! |
黄易武侠精选1.1 (v. 1.1)
ZHOU YU GANG опубликовал приложение 2012-10-16
著名武侠小说作家黄易,代表作有《大唐双龙传》、《大剑师》、《寻秦记》等 |
步非烟武侠全集1.1 (v. 1.1)
ZHOU YU GANG опубликовал приложение 2012-10-16
步非烟,女,青春文学作家,80后文学代表作家之一,出生于四川成都,中学就读于全国闻名的重点中学成都石室中学,毕业于北京大学中文系,2006年获得北京大学古代文学硕士学位,现于北京大学中文系读博中,师从“北大少帅”之称的钱志熙教授。2004年起,在《今古传奇》、《武侠故事》、《新武侠》、《武侠小说》上发表作品数十篇上百万字。2005年中进入出版市场,现已出版作品10余部。其写作风格以武侠和魔幻色彩交相辉映为长,故事性与文学性兼重的写作特色以及学历背景,拥有以期刊读者为基础,但又广泛于期刊读者,因此在以高中~大学的青少年为主的读者群基础上,更受到大学以上的高学历人群追捧,是近年来最具实力和号召力的新锐青春偶像派实力作家。 2004年获温瑞安神州奇侠奖 ,全国大学生武侠小说征文比赛二等奖 。2005、2006年获黄易武侠文学奖。2005嵩山杯武侠征文一等奖。2004年任北大中文系诗社主编。2005年成为凤凰卫视《戈辉梦工厂》首期专访明星。国内一线网游《剑侠情缘2》新武侠代言人。06年大型武侠网游功夫online文化大使。2008年中央电视台《艺术人生》节目的访谈嘉宾。 2010年1月6日与一起写网签订了战略合作协议,成为一起写网举办的大学生原创故事、剧本大赛的形象代言人。 |