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Новые бесплатные книги и справочники в Android Market

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191-200 из 6382
Иконка для 生肖传说(Lunar Legend) 1.0

生肖传说(Lunar Legend) (v. 1.0)

刘烨 опубликовал приложение 2012-12-31
(обновлено 2012-12-31)

"生肖全说"由12部关于生肖的书组成,涵盖了各个生肖的特点和说明。包含各个生肖的概述、神话传说、算法、特征与信仰、故事、属相的分析、属相的建议,生肖与性格、生肖与运势、生肖与情感、生肖与社交、生肖与职业等。本书包的优势是:一册在手,明了各个生肖的别样人生,通晓不同生肖之间的花样年华("Zodiac all that" by the 12 zodiac book on composition, cover and description of the characteristics of each zodiac. Contains an overview of the various zodiac, myths and legends, algorithms, characteristics and beliefs, stories, analysis of sign of the Zodiac, Zodiac's recommendations, and the personality of the Lunar New Year, Lunar New Year and fortune, Zodiac and emotional, and social Zodiac, Zodiac and occupation. The advantage is that the book bag: one in hand, to understand the different kind of life each zodiac, who know the different between the Mood for Love Zodiac)

Иконка для 帮你看病(Help you see the doctor) 1.0

帮你看病(Help you see the doctor) (v. 1.0)

刘烨 опубликовал приложение 2012-12-31
(обновлено 2012-12-31)

“帮你看病” 由27部关于疾病、医学的书籍组成,包括耳鼻喉科常见疾病、妇科常见疾病、呼吸内科常见疾病、口腔科常见疾病、内科常见疾病、外科常见疾病、男科常见疾病、皮肤科常见疾病、消化内科常见疾病、眼科常见疾病等。本书包的优势在于:书中内容科学全面,语言通俗易懂,具有很强的指导性、实用性;一册在手,明了相关疾病的前因后果,通晓其预防、治疗、养生之道。("Help you see the doctor" by 27 on the disease, composed of medical books, including the ENT common diseases, common gynecological diseases, common diseases, respiratory medicine, dentistry common diseases, common diseases, internal medicine, surgical common diseases, common diseases of male skin Division of common diseases, common diseases of Gastroenterology, common eye diseases. This book bag has the advantage of: the contents of scientific and comprehensive book, easy to understand language, with strong guidance, and practical; one in hand, to understand the causes and consequences related diseases, knowledge of its prevention, treatment, and good health.)

Иконка для 上下五千年 2.09

上下五千年 (v. 2.09)

AppBooks опубликовал приложение 2012-12-31
(обновлено 2012-12-31)



注:我们精心制作的合集,只为用户方便收藏而已。如果您只需要云端书库的功能,您可以下载我们同一款软件:“书香云集”,更多精彩等着你体验 。

Иконка для 李敖大学时期最爱书籍 2.09

李敖大学时期最爱书籍 (v. 2.09)

AppBooks опубликовал приложение 2012-12-31
(обновлено 2012-12-31)




李敖在1957年5月27日的日记中写道:“读The Conquest of Happiness(《幸福之路》),极广胸襟,今天得到的另外一个具体的念头是,‘对世界的胸襟开旷的态度’,建设这种态度的方法很多。 ”

在《幸福之路》里,罗素分别分析了人类之所以不幸福的原因和之所以能幸福的原因。罗素反对清教徒式压抑正常需求的做法,认为这就是不幸福的根源之一,在他看来,“幸福的秘诀是:让你的兴趣尽量地扩大,让你对人对物的反应,尽量地倾向于友善。 ”真正的幸福之路,在于自身主动地去追求幸福,而不是被动地屈从于这个世界的节奏。从后来李敖的人生态度分析,这本书对李敖的一生都有重大的影响,即便是经历了坐牢出狱的重大人生波折,李敖仍以笑脸示人,他曾说遭遇再大的打击也不会轻易沮丧。他留给世人的印象永远是一副“快乐战士”的印象。


1958年6月3日,李敖在日记中写道:“卢梭应征作文,灵感如泉,写出时汗流浃背,自言能捉到的灵感不过四分之一耳。……其《民约论》(今译《社会契约论》)乃有感情之书,故能动人。 ”《社会契约论》是卢梭的经典作品,该书的中心思想是论证了一个理想的社会应该是建立在人与人之间的契约之上的这一理论。而从后来李敖的文章来看,他也一直以“笔尖常带感情”著称,虽然写的多是史学著作,但也是个性鲜明,让读者动容,他的崇尚理性而激情澎湃、强烈的诗人气质,似乎都能从卢梭等启蒙思想家那里得到印证。

《冰岛渔夫》 作者:[法]皮埃尔·洛蒂

李敖在1958年8月3日的日记中写道:“始采零读小说惜时法,今日起读《冰岛渔夫》。夜即读完。 ”



《新语林》 作者:陈灨一

在1958年10月3日的日记中,李敖写道:“夜在省立台北图书馆访到《新语林》,甚喜,在馆中小读,颇舒适。 ”《新语林》是民国年间陈灨一仿效《世说新语》写成的小册子,记录了清末民初政、经、文、军各界名流的言行举止。这本书“几无一字无来历”,有很大的史料价值,使其成为了解“民国风骨”的首选之作。秋日凉夜,在图书馆中找到这样一本笔记体的小书,读读有趣的人物小史,肯定是格外愉悦的。当然,想必李敖在书中也颇能找到与自己“臭味相投”的人。后来李敖写史,颇注意人物的奇闻轶事,也很会挖掘史海中的细节,或许也受了这本书的影响。



李敖1959年3月14日的日记中写到:“在中文系访到《宋刑统》。极快乐。 ”这一时期,李敖正在写他的毕业论文,因文中研究宋代“婚姻法”,故能找到《宋刑统》一书,当然很高兴。而《宋刑统》对他的帮助,从他的论文中亦可见一斑,引用处不可胜数。他的论文最后拿到94分的高分。几十年后,他和影星胡因梦离婚,自喜办起手续来干净利落。他在“回忆录”中说:“有人说我是‘离婚大王’,其实我岂止大王,早就是专家呢!我的大学毕业论文写的就是古代的离婚,就被同学戏呼为‘离婚专家’呢! ”


《呻吟语》是明代思想家吕坤对生命、伦理、问学、为人、养生等等各方面的心得总结。1957年6月4日,李敖在日记中摘录《呻吟语》中的写道:“吕坤说:‘胸中只摆脱一恋字,便十分爽净、十分自在。人生最苦处只是此心沾泥带水,明是知得不能割断耳。 ’”写这段话时候的李敖,正处在“为情所困”期。初恋女友罗君若的离去给他的心灵造成了重创,他甚至为此服安眠药自杀,幸得同学相救才捡回一条性命。在他这段时期的日记里,常常能看到罗君若的影子,也能看出李敖对这段恋情的依依不舍。


吕坤是晚明的进步思想家,他继承程朱学派而又有所发展和批判,是不拘泥道学之人。他的《呻吟语》,自刊行以来,一直受人追捧。清代纪晓岚在《四库全书总目提要》中评价此书:“大抵不侈语精微,而笃实以为本,不虚谈高远,而践履以为程。 ”

1959年8月30日,李敖在日记中写道:“一部《猎人日记》对农奴改革有多大影响!岂是政治改革所可及的!此为正路! ”




Иконка для English Dutch Dictionary FREE 2.0.0

English Dutch Dictionary FREE (v. 2.0.0)

movin'App опубликовал приложение 2012-12-31
(обновлено 2012-12-31)

English-Dutch and Dutch-English Dictionary
Engels-Nederlands en Nederlands-Engels Woordenboek

* More than 59.000 words!
* Bookmark your favorite translations for fast reference
* Works offline --> No internet connection needed, perfect for your trips or when no data connection is available
* Listen to the correct pronunciation in British or American English and Dutch (if installed) using Android's built-in Text-to-speech synthesizer.
* Share translations by SMS, email, etc.
* Optimized for Android ICS

This version is supported by ads. If you like the application, please consider upgrading to the ad-free version to support the development. Thanks :)


Q: How can I share a translation?
A: Just press 2-3 seconds over the translation and you will be presented with a menu with all available sharing options based on the apps installed in your device (Email, SMS, Facebook, etc)

Q: How can I change the speed of the voice?
A: The speed of the speech is controlled by the TTS engine installed with Android. It can be set up by going to:
Settings --> Voice input & output settings --> Text to speech settings --> speech rate

Q: I don't like the voice. How can I improve it?
A: The default text-to-speech engine installed with Android is Pico TTS, it’s pretty simple and sometimes may sound a bit electronic. You can always install alternatives like eSpeak, SVox or IVONA from Google Play. Please check our blog post about this subject: http://www.movinapp.com/talking-android

Q: How can I change the speech language?
A: Just go to Menu --> Settings and select the language. Currently, 3 languages are available:
  * English (US)
  * English (GB)
  * Dutch (if installed)

The text-to-speech (TTS) technology may not be available in some devices. To check if your phone is able of speech synthesis: Menu -> Settings -> Voice input & output -> Text-to-speech settings.
If not installed, your device may ask you to install the TTS engine. An internet connection may be required. We recommend installing it before traveling as roaming data tariffs may be very expensive.

Tags: dictionary, Dutch, English, US, UK, GB, speech, offline, travel, search, Nederlands, Engels, woordenboek

Иконка для English Catalan Dict. FREE 2.0.0

English Catalan Dict. FREE (v. 2.0.0)

movin'App опубликовал приложение 2012-12-31
(обновлено 2012-12-31)

English-Catalan and Catalan-English Dictionary
Diccionari Anglès-Català i Català-Anglès

* More than 33.000 words!
* Bookmark your favorite translations for fast reference
* Works offline --> No internet connection needed, perfect for your trips or when no data connection is available
* Listen to the correct pronunciation in British or American English and Catalan (if installed) using Android's built-in Text-to-speech synthesizer.
* Share translations by SMS, email, etc.
* Optimized for Android ICS

This version is supported by ads. If you like the application, please consider upgrading to the ad-free version to support the development. Thanks :)


Q: How can I share a translation?
A: Just press 2-3 seconds over the translation and you will be presented with a menu with all available sharing options based on the apps installed in your device (Email, SMS, Facebook, etc)

Q: How can I change the speed of the voice?
A: The speed of the speech is controlled by the TTS engine installed with Android. It can be set up by going to:
Settings --> Voice input & output settings --> Text to speech settings --> speech rate

Q: I don't like the voice. How can I improve it?
A: The default text-to-speech engine installed with Android is Pico TTS, it’s pretty simple and sometimes may sound a bit electronic. You can always install alternatives like eSpeak, SVox or IVONA from Google Play. Please check our blog post about this subject: http://www.movinapp.com/talking-android

Q: How can I change the speech language?
A: Just go to Menu --> Settings and select the language. Currently, 3 languages are available:
  * English (US)
  * English (GB)
  * Catalan (if installed)

The text-to-speech (TTS) technology may not be available in some devices. To check if your phone is able of speech synthesis: Menu -> Settings -> Voice input & output -> Text-to-speech settings.
If not installed, your device may ask you to install the TTS engine. An internet connection may be required. We recommend installing it before traveling as roaming data tariffs may be very expensive.

Tags: dictionary, Catalan, English, US, UK, GB, speech, offline, travel, search, diccionari, catala, català, anglès

Иконка для 소천성 스마트서점 2.1

소천성 스마트서점 (v. 2.1)

앱스오너 엠아이북 appsowner mibook опубликовал приложение 2012-12-30
(обновлено 2012-12-30)

소천성 스마트서점이 문을 열었습니다.

신규 등록된 전자책은
소설 황당무계 1권~9권입니다.

스마트폰에서 볼 수 있도록 최적화 되어 있습니다.

Иконка для 드림북 스마트서점 2.1

드림북 스마트서점 (v. 2.1)

앱스오너 엠아이북 appsowner mibook опубликовал приложение 2012-12-30
(обновлено 2012-12-30)

내 손 안의 작은 서재 “드림북코리아”

“드림북코리아”는 e-book 전문출판사입니다.
드림은 꿈을 의미하는 dream과 드린다는 뜻의 give가 내포된 중의적인 이름입니다.
스마트폰으로 <드림북코리아 스마트서점> 어플리케이션을 다운 받으시면 인문, 처세, 유머, 여행, 수필, 소설, 교육, 경제경영 아동 등 다양한 장르의 전자책을 만나실 수 있습니다.
종이책 출판사인 “프리윌”의 모든 도서를 e-book화하여 제공하고 있으며, 앞으로 “드림북코리아”만의 특화된 전자책도 생산하여 제공할 계획입니다.

내 손안의 작은 서재 “드림북코리아”에서 다양한 가치를 발견하시기 바랍니다.

Иконка для CRTonline 2.0

CRTonline (v. 2.0)

Bravura Technologies опубликовал приложение 2012-12-30
(обновлено 2012-12-30)

CRTonline focuses on the advances and changes in the field of cardiovascular medicine, and is designed to provide access to the latest research from the world’s leading clinicians in order to improve practice and treatment outcomes for a variety of health care professionals. Featuring:

- Over 5,000 downloadable presentations from around the world
- Latest industry news and marketplace updates
- Weekly interesting case presentations
- Clinical trial updates
- Cardiovascular abstracts
- WebEx presentations
- Weekly polls
... and MORE!

Иконка для Marketing Dictionary 1.1

Marketing Dictionary (v. 1.1)

ProfsOnline.com Text Ltd опубликовал приложение 2012-12-30
(обновлено 2012-12-30)

Edited by Dr. David Boag, Professor of Marketing, University of Victoria, British Columbia, the Essentials of Marketing Reference Dictionary includes 900 of the most frequently used marketing terms, including those relevant to the evolving fields of digital and social media marketing. And we’re always adding new terms to keep you up-to-date with the evolving marketing profession.
Sort terms by the first letter and scroll or search by entering the complete term into the search field. Touch the return button to go back to the previous screen.

The Essentials of Marketing Reference Dictionary is designed to offer you an easy way to stay current with marketing terminology through the convenience of adding it to your phone.

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