帮你看病(Help you see the doctor) (v. 1.0)
Разработано 刘烨
“帮你看病” 由27部关于疾病、医学的书籍组成,包括耳鼻喉科常见疾病、妇科常见疾病、呼吸内科常见疾病、口腔科常见疾病、内科常见疾病、外科常见疾病、男科常见疾病、皮肤科常见疾病、消化内科常见疾病、眼科常见疾病等。本书包的优势在于:书中内容科学全面,语言通俗易懂,具有很强的指导性、实用性;一册在手,明了相关疾病的前因后果,通晓其预防、治疗、养生之道。("Help you see the doctor" by 27 on the disease, composed of medical books, including the ENT common diseases, common gynecological diseases, common diseases, respiratory medicine, dentistry common diseases, common diseases, internal medicine, surgical common diseases, common diseases of male skin Division of common diseases, common diseases of Gastroenterology, common eye diseases. This book bag has the advantage of: the contents of scientific and comprehensive book, easy to understand language, with strong guidance, and practical; one in hand, to understand the causes and consequences related diseases, knowledge of its prevention, treatment, and good health.)