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Новые книги и справочники в Android Market

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Иконка для Victorium руководство 0.7.1

Victorium руководство (v. 0.7.1)

Anton Lenev (m0rg0t) опубликовал приложение 2012-11-06
(обновлено 2012-11-06)

Викториум — это российский стимпанк варгейм.

Основные правила, список способностей персонажей, входящих в стартеры в вашем телефоне.


Иконка для 매그레 시리즈 1.1

매그레 시리즈 (v. 1.1)

Art & Technology Holdings опубликовал приложение 2012-11-06
(обновлено 2012-11-06)

★★★ 매그레 시리즈 앱 출시 기념 이벤트 ★★★
열린책들에서는 종이책 받고, 리디북스에서는 전자책 받자!
이벤트 하나! 앱 다운로드 받고 종이책 받아가자!
기간: 2011/8/31 ~ 9/30
1. 매그레 시리즈 앱을 받고 앱 리뷰를 남겨주세요. 그리고 남기신 리뷰 화면을 캡처해서 <리뷰 ID>와 함께 열린책들 트위터(@openbooks21) 혹은 열린책들 네이버 카페(cafe.naver.com/openbooks21)에 올려주세요. 올려주신 분들 중 50명을 추첨하여 매그레 시리즈 9: 타인의 목과 버즈북을 선물합니다.

이벤트 둘! 리디북스와 함께 하는 전자책 증정 이벤트!
기간: 2011/8/31 ~ 9/16
1. 매그레 시리즈 앱을 받고 <스크린샷 이미지>를 <리디북스 ID>와 함께 트위터(@ridibooks)로 보내주시거나, 리디북스 페이스북(facebook.com/ridibooks.page) 담벼락에 글을 남겨주신 분께 <매그레 시리즈 10: 게물랭의 댄서> 전자책을 드립니다.
2. 매그레 시리즈를 SNS 상에 추천해주신 회원 중 3명을 추첨하여 매그레 시리즈 전자책 패키지(1~10권) 증정
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더 자세한 이벤트 내용은 리디북스 홈페이지(www.ridibooks.co.kr)를 참고하세요!

■ 매그레 시리즈 앱 소개
매그레 시리즈 앱은 열린책들의 추리 소설 <매그레 시리즈>에 관한 모든 것을 한눈에 볼 수 있는 통합 매거진 애플리케이션입니다. 매그레 반장과 그의 아버지 조르주 심농의 이야기에 귀 기울여 보세요. 아이폰과 안드로이드폰 모두에서 무료로 매그레 시리즈 앱을 만나보실 수 있으며, 매그레 시리즈 앱에는 매그레 반장과 저자인 조르주 심농에 관한 재미있고도 유익한 정보뿐만 아니라, 열린책들의 다양한 컨텐츠도 앱을 통해 만나실 수 있습니다.

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■ 매그레 시리즈 소개
전 세계 독자를 열광케 한 형사 매그레 반장이 온다!

대문호 헤밍웨이가 조르주 심농에게 보내는 찬사. "만약 아프리카 우림에서 비 때문에 꼼짝 못하게 되었다면, 심농을 읽는 것보다 더 좋은 대처법은 없다. 그와 함께라면 난 비가 얼마나 오래 오든 상관 안 할 것이다." 『이방인』의 알베르 카뮈는 심농의 『쿠데르크 씨의 미망인』이라는 작품에 많은 영향을 받았다고 밝혔다.

트렌치코트를 걸치고 파이프 담배를 문 채 쉼 없이 맥주를 마시는 거구의 사나이, 추리 소설 역사상 가장 사랑받는 주인공 중 하나인 매그레 반장. 매그레는 전 세계 50개 이상의 언어로 번역되어 5억 권 이상의 작품이 팔려 나갔으며 60편 이상의 극장 영화와 3백 편 이상의 텔레비전 영화가 만들어진 벨기에 작가 조르주 심농의 가장 유명한 주인공이다.

눈에 띄는 외양과 달리 그는 비범한 두뇌를 지니고 있지는 않다. 오히려 우리에게 친숙한 탐정들에 비하면 그의 수사는 평범하다고까지 할 수 있다. 그러나 여느 탐정들처럼 천재적 추리력으로 앉은 자리에서 사건을 해결하는 대신, 그는 범행의 현장 속으로, 인물의 심리 속으로 직접 뛰어든다. 서민 출신의 그는 그 누구보다 그들의 삶을 이해하며, 약자의 처지에서 생각하려 한다. 타인의 처지로 들어가 공감하는 특유의 능력이 바로 그가 남다르게 사건을 해결하게 해주는 비결이다.

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keywords : 열린책들, 매그레, 매그레 시리즈, 매그레 반장, 조르주 심농, 심농, 버즈북, openbooks, maigret, maigret series, georges simenon, simenon, buzzbook

Иконка для Good Leadership Quotes 1.0

Good Leadership Quotes (v. 1.0)

iMy Technologies Inc опубликовал приложение 2012-11-06
(обновлено 2012-11-06)

*Compatible with Google+ now ! Post on Google+ Twitter - SMS - Text Message -Email

One of the more fascinating topics of life is the leaders of history and how they shaped the world.

Here are great and insightful thoughts on leadership.

I hope you get something helpful out of them.

The task of leadership is not to put greatness into people, but to elicit it, for the greatness is there already.

Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.
_Steve Jobs

As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.
_Bill Gates

Great Leadership Quotes

Иконка для Метро 2033: Война кротов 1.1

Метро 2033: Война кротов (v. 1.1)

Mobido опубликовал приложение 2012-11-06
(обновлено 2012-11-06)

Александр Шакилов "Метро 2033: Война кротов"

«Метро 2033» Дмитрия Глуховского – культовый фантастический роман, самая обсуждаемая российская книга последних лет. Тираж – полмиллиона, переводы на десятки языков плюс грандиозная компьютерная игра! Эта постапокалиптическая история вдохновила целую плеяду современных писателей, и теперь они вместе создают «Вселенную Метро 2033», серию книг по мотивам знаменитого романа. Герои этих новых историй наконец-то выйдут за пределы Московского метро. Их приключения на поверхности Земли, почти уничтоженной ядерной войной, превосходят все ожидания. Теперь борьба за выживание человечества будет вестись повсюду!

«Война кротов» – первая книга серии не о России. Место действия – постъядерный Киев. Время действия – 2033 год. Герой – человек, которого настоящее приключение вырывает из мирной жизни, а на карте оказывается покой его родной станции, жизнь близких и судьба всего Киевского метро…

Иконка для Мельников. Метро 2033. Муранча 1.1

Мельников. Метро 2033. Муранча (v. 1.1)

Mobido опубликовал приложение 2012-11-06
(обновлено 2012-11-06)

Руслан Мельников "Метро 2033. Муранча"

«Метро 2033» Дмитрия Глуховского — культовый фантастический роман, самая обсуждаемая российская книга последних лет. Тираж — полмиллиона, переводы на десятки языков плюс грандиозная компьютерная игра! Эта постапокалиптическая история вдохновила целую плеяду современных писателей, и теперь они вместе создают «Вселенную Метро 2033», серию книг по мотивам знаменитого романа. Герои этих новых историй наконец-то выйдут за пределы Московского метро. Их приключения на поверхности Земли, почти уничтоженной ядерной войной, превосходят все ожидания. Теперь борьба за выживание человечества будет вестись повсюду!

Карта «Вселенной Метро 2033» неуклонно расширяется, и на ней появляются отметки о все новых выживших. Добро пожаловать в постъядерный Ростов-на-Дону! «Муранча», несмотря на странное свое название, на немного экзотическую локацию — роман сильный и яркий. Однозначно один из лучших в серии. Непохожий на остальные. Увлекательный, но при этом мрачный и лирический.

Иконка для E-Booki T-Mobile 1.2.16

E-Booki T-Mobile (v. 1.2.16)

T-Mobile PL опубликовал приложение 2012-11-06
(обновлено 2014-12-28)

E-Booki T-Mobile - darmowa aplikacja do odczytu i zarządzania e-bookami ze sklepu internetowego T-Mobile oraz własnymi.
Dzięki aplikacji możesz kupić, pobrać i czytać książki zakupione w naszym sklepie.

Aplikacja zapewnia pełną synchronizację pomiędzy księgarnią www.ebooki.t-mobile.pl, a urządzeniem i działa na telefonach i tabletach z systemem Android (od wersji 2.1).

Księgarnia posiada stale wzbogacaną ofertę tytułów polskich i zagranicznych autorów. Możesz tam znaleźć pozycje zarówno płatne jak i darmowe.

Usługa jest dostępna wyłącznie dla Abonentów i Użytkowników sieci T-Mobile PL.

Иконка для Collins English Dictionary (A) 1.1.9

Collins English Dictionary (A) (v. 1.1.9)

DIOTEK Co., Ltd опубликовал приложение 2012-11-06
(обновлено 2012-11-06)

The All New DioDict 3 for Android Phone!
DioDict, the representative brand for dictionary application for smartphones, is reborn with Android Phone. DioDict 3 has a convenient, unique, and user-oriented UI optimized for Android. If you are looking for a dictionary app, DioDict is the one for you!

* The app is best downloaded using a WiFi connection.
*over Android 2.2 platform

* Dictionary Contents
• 41,000 word entries and 105,000 text samples including all frequently used words.
• a long list of phrasal verbs with detailed descriptions of their meaning.
• meanings explained using commonly used words only, so learners can easily understand entries.
• British and American English vocabulary. British/American-only words are specially marked.
• explanations and examples use natural sounding, commonly used grammar and expressions.
• thousands of examples of real English showing learners how a word is normally used.
• audio files with American and British native speakers‘ pronunciation of words and sentences.
• a pronunciation guide (IPA) with word stress shown next to each word entry.
• large amount of grammatical information:
-- parts of speech (noun, verb, adj. etc.) of each word.
-- irregular verb forms and noun plurals.
-- which prepositions are used with which verbs and adjectives.
-- whether a noun is countable or non-countable.
• no internet connection needed to use dictionary

* A reliable app from specialized mobile application developing company
-DioDict has been pre-loaded on mobile phones such as Samsung, LG smartphones for years
-With its dedicated mobile applications development team of over 100, and its Quality Control department's strict product verification processes, DIOTEK differentiates itself from other dictionary application providers.

Special features of DioDict 3
1. A special search feature of DioDict that searches several dictionaries at once
-Word searches are easier with a single run!
Easy to switch to other dictionaries with a comprehensive dictionary feature when purchasing several dictionaries
Search definitions from each dictionary with a single search!

2. Premium search function and Google search
-Voice search: search for a word using Google’s voice recognition technology.
-Hangulro search: speakers of korean can search for a word in other languages by typing the pronunciation of the word in Hangeul.
-sounds like: search for words which sound like the search term entered. (e.g., excellant -> excellent)
-Blank Search & Wild Search: Enter “?”or “*” in place of a letter when you don't know the spelling of the word you want to search for (e.g., Stu??).
-Embedded word look-up: look up unknown words inside any dictionary entry.
-You can search for the meanings of words and the information related to images and news through Google search.
-DioDict provides a Handwriting Search mode (the ‘DioPen’ handwriting engine is installed.).
-Marker: use the marker feature to highlight any words of interest in an entry.
-History: all words previously searched for are listed in the history menu.

3. TTS audio support & Unique and smart user interface
-The TTS audio function supports not only words but also selected sentences.
-A new visually comfortable UI with enhanced readability

4. More fun and powerful flashcard word study function!
‘DioBoy’, which is the DIOTEK’s mascot, will help you learn words in an easier way with a lot more fun.
-Cradle Mode, Study Mode, Dictation,

* DIOTEK guarantees the prompt contents provision of new updates, including new words and technical terms, by the DIOTEK Dictionary Contents Department.

* You may also notice a $1.00 transaction from Google, which is actually a pending authorization request between Google billing system and the bank that issued your credit or debit card, so you won't end up paying the extra $1.00.

*Facebook & Twitter*

Иконка для Уильям Шекспир. Король Лир 1.1

Уильям Шекспир. Король Лир (v. 1.1)

Mobido опубликовал приложение 2012-11-06
(обновлено 2012-11-06)

«Король Лир» — пожалуй, одна из оригинальнейших пьес во всем шекспировском творческом наследии, по крайней мере, одна из его трагедий, до сих нор вызывающих поистине исступленные споры критиков и литературоведов.

Каким образом произведение, написанное много веков назад, может быть столь идеально выстроено по законам современной постмодернистской литературы? Как удалось Шекспиру — впервые в истории человечества — определить основные принципы того, что узко в наше время назвали «потоком сознания»? Вот лишь немногие из загадок, которые по сей день таит в себе великая история безумною короля Лира...

Иконка для Шекспир. Гамлет, принц датский 1.1

Шекспир. Гамлет, принц датский (v. 1.1)

Mobido опубликовал приложение 2012-11-06
(обновлено 2012-11-06)

Самая знаменитая трагедия гения английской литературы Уильяма Шекспира "Гамлет, принц Датский" представлена в переводе Бориса Пастернака.

Иконка для Bhishma Stuti from Bhagavatam 2.0

Bhishma Stuti from Bhagavatam (v. 2.0)

VedanTech LLC опубликовал приложение 2012-11-06
(обновлено 2012-11-06)

This hymn is a lesson on the best death possible for human beings: available only for human beings. This possibility is the reason why human existence is an invaluable one. Almost each shloka of Bhishma stuti is a deep and powerful capsule demonstrating the most important lesson and act of life: how best to die so as to acquire a spiritual body in Vaikunth directly and be liberated from this material world's bondages.

One of the pancha stutis (five hymns) of the Srimad Bhagavatam Maha Puran, Bhishma stuti is similar to Gajendra stuti (also known as Gajendra Moksha), as both are released from the cycle of birth and death.

Bhishma withdraws all his senses into their master, the mind and focusses this mind on the One Lord, just as described by Sri Krishna in Chapters 2 and 6 of the Bhagavad Gita.

Bhishma dwells on the activities of the Lord in order to withdraw his mind from all else, keeps it focused and merges into the Lord. With a few exceptions, Bhishma limits this remembering process to his immediate experiences: the war and the Sri Krishna as 'Vijaya sakhe' (friend of Vijaya (victory), another name of Arjuna). This war takes place within every human being, if that human surrenders to the guidance of the Lord as Arjuna did. Bhishma refers often to the Lord, Arjuna, the chariot and the horses. The Katha Upanishad gives the meaning of this metaphor in unmistakable words. The senses are the horses and the physical body is the chariot.

After withdrawing all his senses, Bhishma meditates on the four-armed form of the Lord and states in his last verse that the same Lord is present in each heart just as the sun perceived differently is but One.

Bhishma's last words are 'vidhutah bheda mohah' (freed from the delusion of duality).

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