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Иконка для Japanese Militarization 0.2

Japanese Militarization (v. 0.2)

Publish This, LLC опубликовал приложение 2011-09-26
(обновлено 2011-09-26)

"Notwithstanding the ongoing friction between pacifists and supporters of militarization, Japan has managed to build up its defence capabilities. The process of remilitarization began when Japan was still under the post World War II western occupation. The capabilities were not developed overnight. It was an incremental process. No country can match Japan's achievement of creating a perfect equilibrium between pacifism and (re)militarization. Japan has successfully managed to retain the democratic values and civilian control over its military (self-defence forces). Two diametrically opposite concepts anti-militarism and (re)militarization form the very basis of this book. Japanese pacifism and peace loving image shields the ongoing (re)militarization. Japanese commitment for international peace and security further fortifies it. At the same time, remilitarization efforts act as a fuel for anti-militarism movements. One has to really dig deep to know the nuances of Japanese security paradigm which ranges from reliance on the US to collective security to comprehensive security.

Despite constitutional pacifism and other internal and external criticisms, militarization in Japan has completed a full circle. (Re)militarization in Japan has several implications for rest of the world in general and Asia in particular. Geo-strategically, Japan stands in the middle of one of the most militarized regions. A small incident can trigger a war. Japanese security discourse also entails its foreign and domestic policies. Japan still continues to rely on the US for its security needs. The US-Japan security alliance is the driving force behind Japanese security policy. Japan has preferred to stay out of military alliances like NATO but it has never compromised its preparedness to meet the contingencies. Japan has been expanding its military cooperation with several countries under various frameworks. China and Koreas are most vocal critics of Japanese remilitarization. North Korean threat is real one. Japan has economic clout and stakes across the world. Any significant development in Japan will have spill over effect on entire world.

Under the continues pressure from the international community and conservatives within Japan, Japan has also compromised with its ""non-combat post-conflict reconstruction and rehabilitation policy."" Japanese troops have actually extended rear-echelon support to the US during the time when actual war was on in Afghanistan inviting criticism from neighbours and applause from allies. This book provides in depth analysis of Japanese security policy, remilitarization process and the forces influencing political and military dynamics."

Иконка для The Mumbai Conspiracy 0.2

The Mumbai Conspiracy (v. 0.2)

Publish This, LLC опубликовал приложение 2011-09-26
(обновлено 2011-09-26)

"On November 26, 2008, 10 heavily armed men came via ship and boats from Pakistan and held India hostage in Mumbai for over 60 hours. It was the most audacious terrorist onslaught since the 9/11 attack on the United States of America. Over 180 persons were killed and two nuclear armed nations almost came to war over the attack that shook the world.

Who masterminded such an attack? From the evidence gathered by various intelligence and security agencies, it is quite clear that Lashkar-e-Tayyeba (LeT), an al Qaida-affiliated Lahore-based terrorist group, which trained and dispatched the attackers, do not have the capability to plan and execute such an armed assault across the seas.

In an explosive revelation, the book pieces together every shred of evidence available in public domain to prove that the Mumbai attack was planned and executed by Pakistan Army and its different agencies, including ISI and Special Services Group.

The book reveals, for the first time in public, how Pakistan Army Chief General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani was not only in the know of the attack but had planned every detail of the attack with his close confidants in the Army's top leadership.

Exposing the true face of Pakistan Army, the book shows how the Army leadership, including former General and President Pervez Musharraf, were playing one of the deadliest games in recent history to provoke a disastrous war among two nuclear-armed nations.

Packed with primary documents like the Mumbai chargesheet, confessional statements of the lone surviving attacker, Ajmal Amir Kasab and other details, the book lays bare the true story of the Mumbai attacks and warns of the coming wave of terrorist attacks on India from both the State as well Non State Actors in Pakistan."

Иконка для 百年诺贝尔文学奖[下集] 20110405

百年诺贝尔文学奖[下集] (v. 20110405)

CheckUpAgain опубликовал приложение 2011-09-26
(обновлено 2011-09-26)




Иконка для 百年诺贝尔文学奖[上集] 20110405

百年诺贝尔文学奖[上集] (v. 20110405)

CheckUpAgain опубликовал приложение 2011-09-26
(обновлено 2011-09-26)




Иконка для 琼瑶言情小说[下集] 20110405

琼瑶言情小说[下集] (v. 20110405)

CheckUpAgain опубликовал приложение 2011-09-26
(обновлено 2011-09-26)




Иконка для Disaster Management 0.2

Disaster Management (v. 0.2)

Publish This, LLC опубликовал приложение 2011-09-26
(обновлено 2011-09-26)

"Disaster occur frequently in different parts of the world because of climate change. In fact, no place on this earth is free from disasters. India is highly disaster prone and suffers untold misery, irreparable damage to property and environment. Every year crores of rupees are spent by the government in mitigating the effects of these disasters. There has been some achievement but much more much has to be done. At the present juncture of development-environment conflict, it is necessary to sensitize people to cope with suddenly changing situations. The time has come to incorporate the science of natural disaster management within the framework of development and educational curricula to create a broad awareness level in this crucial field.

Twelve papers on different aspects of disasters are presented and analyzed for sustainable development. The contributors belong to diversified disciplines ranging from geographers and defence experts to social scientists and human rights professionals. It is hoped that the present book will fulfil the long-felt needs of people engaged in the field of disaster management."

Иконка для 琼瑶言情小说[上集] 20110405

琼瑶言情小说[上集] (v. 20110405)

CheckUpAgain опубликовал приложение 2011-09-26
(обновлено 2011-09-26)




Иконка для 红楼梦 20110405

红楼梦 (v. 20110405)

CheckUpAgain опубликовал приложение 2011-09-26
(обновлено 2011-09-26)


Иконка для Can You Stop Gushing Stream? 0.2

Can You Stop Gushing Stream? (v. 0.2)

Publish This, LLC опубликовал приложение 2011-09-26
(обновлено 2011-09-26)

"""Can You Stop The Gushing Stream gives a splendid account of how one should tackle setbacks and failures in life and come out to achieve satisfying success.""
Lt Gen KPD Samanta, AVSM, VSM
Ex DG Rashtriya Rifles and Member of Armed Forces Tribunal

""Undoubtedly every successful person has had his/her share of setbacks in life. The way one handles one's downturns dictates how successful he/she would become in the future. A must read for every man and woman who seeks to tackle career blues successfully.""
Nirup Menon, PhD
Associate Professor, ISOM, School of Management
George Mason University, USA

Every breath is new, every event is new, every seed has life, an opportunity, a potential to create a successful story. You don't have to feel devastated if you fail. He who can convert his failures into everlasting success wins. The mantra for this was which the wise had left for us was lying with us all this while... Unexplored. Lets explore it together....."

Иконка для 水浒传 20110405

水浒传 (v. 20110405)

CheckUpAgain опубликовал приложение 2011-09-26
(обновлено 2011-09-26)


《水浒传》的作者历来有争议,一般认为是施耐庵所著。施耐庵,元末明初小说家,生卒年不详(一说为1296~1371年,名彦端,字子安,号耐庵),籍贯:兴化白驹场人(今属江苏)。祖籍泰州海陵县,住苏州阊门外施家巷,后迁居当时兴化县白驹场(今江苏省大丰市白驹镇)。他根据民间流传的宋江起义故事,写了长篇古典小说《水浒传》(英文译名:《All Men Are Brothers》即《四海之内皆兄弟》)还有外国的版本叫《一百零五个男人和三个女人的故事》、《发生在河边的故事》。

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