Relay Tracker is your traditional clip board, pencil, and stop watch that you had to lug with you, pass between vans, not to mention adding times with little sleep. But, the Relay Tracker is more. It is also your connection to all your friends back home telling them where your team's progress in the race.
Relay Tracker Ragnar 2011 supports all 2011 Ragnar Races. You will be able to select the race you want to run or run them all!
Here is a quick list of features:
1) Countdown to predicted arrival: By entering your runner’s predicted pace, the Relay Tracker will start counting down to when your runner is expected. This lets you be on-time and ready at the exchange when they come in.
2) Real-Time web-posting of your position: After ever exchange, the Relay Tracker will send a message to this web-site which we will be available for the race director, your fans and even your competition. All participating teams will have a tracker on the map so relative progress can be seen. *This is dependent on having internet connectivity during the race.
3) Ability to share data across multiple devices. You can share between iPhone and Android apps. (Requires internet access)
3) Copy of Final Results: Instead of copying and pasting all your results, the Relay Tracker can send an email to whomever you choose with a full list of results. This will be both in friendly format as well as CSV format for easy copying into a spreadsheet.
4) It replaces your stop watch, your clip board and your pencil! Isn’t that reason enough?