We now provide real-time football scores for all major leagues and competitions.
MatchForecast uses complicated statistical analysis combined with our own sporting knowledge and 'rating' to provide the most likely outcome of sporting events. Our unique rating has been calculated over time and perfected in order to provide the most accurate results. This will continue to change over coming seasons and we will continue to review its performance to ensure the best possible outcome all of the time.
In order to highlight the best selections from approximately 300 fixtures manually using the same depth of information as MatchForecast you would have to spend hours collating the information and analysing it. MatchForecast does it all for you and even filters out the games that cant be called as such only presents the best selections for you to chose from!
In this app you will receive one free tip every day and full history of our premium picks so you can track our progress and see for yourself just how well it works!
We provide tips for over 50 global competitions including:
And many more!
Last 30 Day Stats (as at 1 Dec)
Tips: 168
Hit Rate: 73%
Starting Pot: £100
Total Profit (exc SP): £656.00
Go on...Be a Winner!!
Note - This application DOES NOT facilitate gambling, we do not take bets nor link to any bookmaker our service is purely information ONLY.
Livescores provided by Livescore LTD. MatchForecast LTD has no affiliation or partnership with Livescore LTD
For full terms and conditions please refer to www.match-forecast.co.uk
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