Canoeing Manual (v. 1.0)
Разработано KoolAppz
THREE thousand miles by canoe is not really a remarkable achievement.
My journeys within the last ten years have not made me an expert.
Nevertheless, I wrote this book, so largely based on personal experiences, to guide the beginner in the art of canoeing and to show him what a wonderful sport it is.
Those who already know all about the subject will, I hope, be suitably entertained when reading these pages about their favourite recreation.
They will notice that quite a lot of what I have to say has never appeared before in book form. For example, there is a complete chapter on slalom: the only British book mentioning this branch of canoeing dismisses it in nine lines!
Much as I like quiet backwaters and dreamy canals, my real enthusiasm is for our fast-flowing rivers.
Here, if you seek what I sought, you will find that a white-crested rapid is to the canoeist what the exhilaration of a windy hill-top is to the walker.