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Популярные казуальные игры в Android Market

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5011-5020 из 9380
Иконка для Book Cricket 0.6

Book Cricket (v. 0.6)

Broov опубликовал приложение 2012-01-31
(обновлено 2012-01-31)

Book Cricket Match is a 2 player game. Play cricket on the go with your friends.
An time pass game and can be addictive. Just tap/flip to turn the pages of book to score and play.
You can set the number of wickets for the match.

Иконка для Spaceship Control 1.1

Spaceship Control (v. 1.1)

PadGames опубликовал приложение 2012-01-30
(обновлено 2012-01-30)

Guide every spaceship to its base. But be careful that they don’t crash!
Get this game with its fancy glow effects for free for your android device! Thanks to Scoreloop you can directly compare with other players.

Иконка для NESDroid 1.12

NESDroid (v. 1.12)

Halsafar опубликовал приложение 2012-01-29
(обновлено 2012-01-29)

Fully functional NES Emulator for all Android 2.X and 3.X devices.  Supports the use of shaders for image enhancing effects (hq2x, 2xSaI, SuperEagle).  Supports state save, fast forward, real time rewinding (think Braid or Prince of Persia), auto save and much more. Supports custom key bindings for use with a keyboard or external game pad.  Supports multi-touch to provide high quality controls that can be used with the same affordances of a NES controller. For example you can easily hold B to run and just roll your thumb to A to jump in a Mario game.  Powered by FCEU.  Please report any issues, bugs and feature requests to me directly.  I am always happy to help.  Check out GambatteDroid for Gameboy, GENPlusDroid and SNESDroid are FREE check them out as well!  See Youtube for videos.

Check us out at:

- Developers cannot respond to comments, so if you need help  please email me.
- If an update breaks NESDroid on you, email me asap!
- Flashing sprites missing, set frameskip to 0!.
- Please report errors to me asap or post to the issue tracker.

- Supports Android 2.0+, 2.3.X and 3.X
- Multi Touch/Keyboard/Gamepad controller supported
- Custom key bindings
- Fast Forward
- Real time Rewind, travel back in time at will.
- Auto Save, phone calls won't ruin your game.
- Move and resize the input controls to your liking!
- Load/Browse compressed archives (*.zip)
- Custom ROM directory, RomFetcher support.
- GameGenie support
- PAL support
- UNF support
- Shaders! (hq2x, super eagle, 2xSaI, etc).  Requires a device with a good GPU.  Download within the application.  Users can add their own too if they want.
- Tablets, many tablets are known to be working perfectly.

- Android 2.3.X works! Any further issues please report to me.
- Xperia Play, Full keyboard and external gamepad support added!

- After installation, start NESDroid, follow welcome screen instructions, they are as follows:
To install ROMS:
- Exit NESDroid
- Connect your device to a PC
- Put your device in "disk mode"
(This step differs for each device)
- Copy ROMS to "/NESDroid/roms/"
(Directory should already be created)
- Take your device out of "disk mode"
- Start NESDroid  

- Needs External storage read/write to load games, save data.
- Needs Internet to download updated shader files

- Two player support broken
- Auto load state can't be selected sometimes
- The resume button in the main menu rarely works
- Please report any issues to me (shinhalsafar@gmail.com) or https://code.google.com/p/fceudroid/issues/list

Works flawless (no frame skip) on:
- HTC Incredible S
- Nexus S
- Samsung Galaxy S
- Motorola Xoom
- Acer Iconia A500
- Sony Xperia Play
- (Notify me if your device should be in this list)

- Compiling instructions coming soon!
- https://code.google.com/p/fceudroid/

- Haptic feedback on touch.
- Custom key macros
- Stereoscopic 3D (only on supported devices)
- Cheat support (*.cht).
- Zapper gun support.
- Lua scripting.
- CPU Filters, shader chains.
- NetPlay.

This product is not affiliated with, nor authorized, endorsed or licensed in any way by Nintendo Corporation, its affiliates or subsidiaries. Nintendo game software sold separately. Nintendo© are trademarks or registered trademarks of Nintendo Corporation. All rights reserved.  Company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.  All brands/names/images/etc are copyrighted by their respective owners. Images are shown for documentation purposes only.  Halsafar/Sandstorm is not affiliated with, nor authorized, endorsed or licensed in any way by software/hardware companies.

Иконка для Hörcsögolimpia 3.0

Hörcsögolimpia (v. 3.0)

Webinform Consulting опубликовал приложение 2012-01-29
(обновлено 2012-01-29)

Nyári hőségfutam

Válaszd ki, hogy Jinnek vagy Jangnak segítesz-e abban, hogy a nyári hőségben beszerezzék az elszórt elemózsiát!

A feladat: a lehető legrövidebb idő alatt elérni a pálya végén lévő répás kosarat úgy, hogy közben minél több finom falat jusson a hörcsögnek. Az összeszedett zöldségekért pontot kapsz: a répáért jár a legtöbb pont, de a többit se vesd meg!

A hörcsögöt a bal alsó sarokban található joystick használatával irányíthatod, miután elszabadult a terráriumból.

Nagyon figyelj, mert az utat akadályok nehezítik:
• ha a dióhoz hozzáér vagy megcsúszik az olvadt jégkrémfolton, pontot veszítesz;
• a klímát óvatosan kell megközelíteni, mert a Jint vagy Jangot érő hideg fuvallat miatt pontlevonás jár;
• amivel a legóvatosabbnak kell lenni, az a tűző napsütés: a hörcsög hőgutát kap tőle, így eggyel kevesebbszer próbálkozhatsz tovább.

Ne feledd: a gyorsaságért plusz pont jár!

Hódító hörcsög

Te mit mondanál Jin vagy Jang helyében a csinos hörcsöglánynak, hogy elnyerd a szívét?

Két válaszlehetőséged van: alapvetően mindkettő helyes, de a lány szeszélyes, így előfordulhat, hogy nem tetszik neki, amit kigondoltál.

Minél jobban örül a válaszodnak, annál több pontot kapsz!

Van három szál rózsád, bármelyik tipp mellé tehetsz egyet vagy többet, szabadon felhasználhatod őket, amivel növelheted – vagy éppen csökkentheted is a pontjaidat, ha a lány elszomorodik a válaszod láttán.

A legutolsó körben pedig ott a jegygyűrű – gondold meg, mit válaszolsz, hiszen duplázhatod – de akár felezheted is a pontjaidat.

Eredményes hódítást kívánunk!

Kerti Rodeó

A Kerti Rodeó egy fontos érzékedet teszteli.

A cél, hogy jókor legyél jó helyen.

Segíts Jinnek és Jangnak, hogy megtalálják a legjobb kapaszkodóhelyeket a tekergõzõ locsolócsövön, így  minél tovább élvezhessék a Kerti Rodeót!

A feladat, hogy megtaláld a locsolócsövön azt a két legtutibb pontot, ahol Jin és Jang meg tud kapaszkodni.

A játék indításával Immanuel macska megnyitja a csapot, és a locsolócsõ elszabadul.

Vajon meddig bírja a két hörcsög a csimpaszkodást  a megvadult slagon? Minél tovább, te annál több pontot kapsz.

Summer Heat Running

Choose either Jin or Jang and help him to gather their scattered food in the summer heat.

The task: to reach the carrot basket at the end of the field in the fastest possible way and meanwhile collecting as many yummy bites for the hamsters as you just can.
You get points for each gathered vegetable, you obviously get the most points for carrots, but do not reject any of the others either!

Once the hamster has fled the terrarium, you can control him with the joystick in the bottom left corner.

Watch out as there are obstacles to hinder your way:
- if he touches the walnut or slips on the melted ice-cream you lose points;
- you must approach the air conditioner with care, because every cold breeze that reaches Jin or Jang costs you points;
- you must be really careful with the strong sunlight, if the hamster gets a heat stroke you lose a life.

The conquering hamster

What would you say to the cute girl to conquer her heart if you were Jin or Jang?

You have two choices: both of the answers are correct, but the girl is moody and maybe she doesn’t like what you say to her.

The more she is satisfied with your answer, the more points you get.

You have three roses too. You can put one or more roses next to your answer, you can use them freely, and increase your score with them, or decrease if the girl becomes disappointed because of your answer.

In the final round, you will have an engagement ring too. Choose wise since you can double your score but you may lose the half of it.

We wish you a successful conquer.

Keywords: hörcsög, olimpia, hörcsögolimpia, game, auchan, jin, jang, horcsog, horcsogolimpia

Иконка для Falcon Snake 1.0

Falcon Snake (v. 1.0)

Captain Yes опубликовал приложение 2012-01-28
(обновлено 2012-01-28)


Remember: There is also an alternative version in the market with an easier control.

Remodeled classic snake game in which we can manage the Bluish Falcon!, an awesome futuristic racing machine.
Your objective is to get more energy and therefore more points in the game!

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Иконка для Route-1 1.1.6

Route-1 (v. 1.1.6)

tek2walker опубликовал приложение 2012-01-27
(обновлено 2012-01-27)

Route-1 is a strategy type board game. Be reach faster than opponent. Create a wall in self favor.

:: Rules::
[Set up the first]
Place the piece and goal.
Put your piece and opponent's goal. Those are same place.

[Move the pieces]
You can move 8 directions.
You can move one field at a time.
You can not pass through walls.
Continue toward my goal.

[Reverse rule]
When you move into the opponent's field, and your piece will swap position of the other piece.
The game ends when there occurs two times in a row.
Winner is determines by the distance to the goal.
Either move to another field, the reverse is canceled to create a wall.

[Final turn rule]
The game is end when reached the final turn before the finish either.
Winner is determines by the distance to the goal.

[Create the wall]
Create the wall vertically or horizontally as a center of field's corner.
The wall's length is doubled size of field.
You can not go through walls.
Consider the relative position and place the pieces together and goal.
Please note that set them on a limited number of stock to the wall.

[Condition of the wall]
All of the following must be met.
1. There is a corner of the field that can be created the wall
2. The wall is not zero stock
3. Do not reached the border of fields
4. Do not overlap
5. Do not intersect
6. Must arrive at the goal of each other from all fields
'Route-1' indicates that there is only one route at least.

:: Victory::
- I reached my goal
- The resign of your opponent
- Closer to the goal than your opponent when the reverse end
- Closer to the goal than your opponent when the final turn end

- Goal same time
- When the reverse end, same distance to the goal
- When the final turn end, same distance to the goal

[Set up the piece and goal]
Touch the field where you like.

[Move the piece]
Move the piece is done with a flick.
I do anywhere on the screen, please flick in 8 directions.
Move the pieces in the same direction when they are recognized.

[Creating the wall]
To create the wall to be touch & flick.
Touch the field near the corner of the marker appears.
And anywhere on the screen, please flick horizontally or vertically.
The wall will be created in the same direction as the center marker when it is recognized.
When I want to erase marker and touch it again.
Please note that the piece moves to flick when marker is not set.

Иконка для Alien Defence 1.6

Alien Defence (v. 1.6)

Android Research опубликовал приложение 2012-01-27
(обновлено 2012-01-27)

A simple but fun game for the casual gamer.  Defend against attacks by aliens from a distant galaxy. Engage them in a space battle. Kill alien spaceships by releasing photon bombs. Stay alive to win the war. Installs on external SD card for Froyo. App2SD support. Tablet ready.

Иконка для Kill the Flies! 0.4

Kill the Flies! (v. 0.4)

thisdeveloper опубликовал приложение 2012-01-26
(обновлено 2012-01-26)

Click on flies to kill them and add more time. Kill enough flies, and you will reach a new level and be able to kill more flies. Kill a butterfly, and you will lose time. Game is currently in development. If you have any suggestions as to how to improve the game, please leave it in a comment or email us.

Иконка для BTQuiz 1.0.0

BTQuiz (v. 1.0.0)

Medialamp Inc. опубликовал приложение 2012-01-26
(обновлено 2012-01-26)






Иконка для Roller Ball 1.1

Roller Ball (v. 1.1)

Cueapps.com опубликовал приложение 2012-01-24
(обновлено 2012-01-24)

Roller ball is a game, in which player has to hit a ball with help of the Roller, which is controlled by the devices' movement sensor. Player has to tilt the phone towards the direction of a ball, if a ball hits the roller player will get 10 points on each hit. There are three life per game,if player misses the ball; life is decremented by one.Game will be over when user do not have any life left. To win the game user has to score 500 points and for multiball 700 points.

Tags:Ball, Jumping Ball, Roller Ball,Bouncing Ball, Squash, Accelerometer Play, Sensor Play, Ball hit, Moving Ball.

Developed by

Nandan Upadhyay.
Mobile Developer

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