Medal Mania 2
"Drop Medal" it is a game.
Slot is rotated and dropped the "SLOTMedal".
"Medal" by the pattern that appears justified.
When you are aligned JackPot the "Medal" of the Jackpot will appear.
("Medal" is accumulated in JackPot fell on the net from the left and right OUT pocket.)
"Medal" even drop leaves the normal prize.
Please check the screen top score prize, a picture slot.
The game is started by pressing the START button.
"Medal" and tap is turned on.
High score ranking:
We press the Menu button and select the "send score".
Determine the nickname with the button, I will send a high score - "+".
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For CandyHouse:
I'm making a game for Android mainly.
Translated using the translation Google.
Apps for Android lists almost made CandyHouse.
★ Cards & Casino
Ace collection of 100 different card games
Play alone (Card Game)
Candy Chuang sparrow CandyHouse
MedalMania medal mania
Daughter Bakuretsu medal Medals game mania ★
Medal Mania 2 MedalMania 2
Monday Mania MedalMania Breed
Medal Bingo Mania
Pinball Mania Medal
Nurse panic NursePanic
JackPot Poker poker jackpot
BIG and SMALL sizes
Airplane Airplane Pachinko Pachinko
Sparrow ball Jan9
Golden GoldenSlot slot
Last one LastOne
Poker Dice Poker Dice ★ ki!
★ sports games
MedalBowl bowling game
Hockey Pool (PoolHockey)
TapTap basketball
★ Arcade & Action
Battle SushiBattle sushi
Monkey banana
Geisha Geisha Game play
Panda ball PandaBall
★ puzzle
Cheese Mania
★ Lifestyle
Golden Tarot Golden Tarot
★ Customizable (Live Wallpaper)
Mr. Golden Golden3
Mr. Goldfish Kingyo3
MedalKingyo goldfish medal
Mower Mower
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